Judge Chutkan has denied Donald Trump's motion to stay her gag order

And the commie Øbama appointed harpy (her family tree is full of communists) denied the ACLU filing amicus curiae against her First Amendment violating order.
And the commie Øbama appointed harpy (her family tree is full of communists) denied the ACLU filing amicus curiae against her First Amendment violating order.

If all you are going to throw slander without proof you are only proving how totally uninformed you are. Prove she or her family were communists.

Just to remind you, Putin is a Communist. He was a LtCol the K.G.B. He is a dedicated communist.
How many dreams have you had over the Trump "gag order"? Geez Looeez get a life.
I'm telling you guys, these Orange Man Bad psychos are going to literally lose their shit when these guaranteed convictions are either overturned on appeal OR fail to stop his run for POTUS. Their media is telling them, "we got him THIS TIME!" LOL I plan to seriously enjoy watching their heads explode along with the wailing and gnashing of teeth. ;)
Of course. Trump is not allowed to defend himself from abuse of power by the deep state. He must be silenced and not allowed to have first amendment rights.

This is a lie.

Trump is at complete liberty to defend himself; he’s not at liberty to threaten and intimidate.

The gag order is perfectly appropriate, warranted, and lawful given Trump’s efforts to intimidate witnesses and encourage harm against prosecutors.

This is a lie.

Trump is at complete liberty to defend himself; he’s not at liberty to threaten and intimidate.

The gag order is perfectly appropriate, warranted, and lawful given Trump’s efforts to intimidate witnesses and encourage harm against prosecutors.
When Trump's sentence comes down he will learn that it is a bad idea to anger a judge.
People do not have the right to run around loose if they are a known danger to society.
I like your comments bu you are wrong on this one the people most dangerous to children are running the streets based on lenient sentences for sex predators! First time sex offenders where children are involved, should be shown the door to what awaits them in the afterlife.

This is a lie.

Trump is at complete liberty to defend himself; he’s not at liberty to threaten and intimidate.

The gag order is perfectly appropriate, warranted, and lawful given Trump’s efforts to intimidate witnesses and encourage harm against prosecutors.
Now If Trump could be protected by the lies and misinformation being spewed against him!
If all you are going to throw slander without proof you are only proving how totally uninformed you are. Prove she or her family were communists.

Just to remind you, Putin is a Communist. He was a LtCol the K.G.B. He is a dedicated communist.
Slander and threats are what the MAGA cult thrive on.

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