Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case

The feds can go after them on CAPTA charges.

Possibly. But truth be told, this shouldn't even NEED to go to a Federal Court.

This "should" be able to be handled by a moral and law abiding local community.
And that's the problem, as liberalism spreads, morality has left our communities so anything goes.

We're being incrementally led away from what's right to all that makes a society wrong.
The feds can go after them on CAPTA charges.

Possibly. But truth be told, this shouldn't even NEED to go to a Federal Court.

This "should" be able to be handled by a moral and law abiding local community.
And that's the problem, as liberalism spreads, morality has left our communities so anything goes.

We're being incrementally led away from what's right to all that makes a society wrong.
The evil brilliance of opening our immigration system to people that live by the dictates of an antithetical
religion that clashes with our society that recognizes no official religion is that they will forever be a wedge
when it comes to issues like female genital mutilation and they will elect politicians that owe allegiance to Islam rather than the nation itself.
Yes I am saying that because it's a known fact, and no I'm not wrong. FGM predates all of our contemporary religions and has no religious function at all even where it has been practiced. Because it's a social custom, not a religious one. It is or has been practiced in some areas, to the exclusion of others. In Mecca for instance it's considered barbaric, as it should be.

What's more this has been pointed out and proven on this board over and over and over and over. Your waddling out here to moan "IS NOT" does not in the least alter literally thousands of years of anthropological evidence.

Social customs have zero to do with religion. For example in our social customs a young girl reaching puberty starts to paint her fingernails red, the color of blood, to show the world that she's menstruating and therefore fertile. That's got nothing to do with religion either.
Islam has nothing to do with religion. It's a weird, vile cult, posing as a religion, and FGM is one of its numerous evils, that comes from Muslims' deranged ideas about women.

Complete bullshit. You've obviously never studied a second of anthropology in your life and prefer in its stead to just make it up out of your own paranoid bullshit.

Once AGAIN --- FGM has no religious function at all. It's a SOCIAL custom, and social customs are far far older than Islam or any other religion. And there's nothing you can do about that.

Now go bury your head back in the same sand you just pulled it out of and pretend you never read this. You know, like you did last time. And the time before that and the time before that. Ignorance is bliss.
We have the chance to protect ALL our citizens from child abuse by getting some legislation passed that bans female genital mutilation.

This district court judge, Bernard Friedman, did indeed make a serious error in ruling the state had a right to protect those there whose religious dictates promotes this heinous form of child abuse. It was a sick mistaken ruling, in my opinion.

The feds can go after them on CAPTA charges.

Possibly. But truth be told, this shouldn't even NEED to go to a Federal Court.

This "should" be able to be handled by a moral and law abiding local community.
And that's the problem, as liberalism spreads, morality has left our communities so anything goes.

We're being incrementally led away from what's right to all that makes a society wrong.
The evil brilliance of opening our immigration system to people that live by the dictates of an antithetical
religion that clashes with our society that recognizes no official religion is that they will forever be a wedge
when it comes to issues like female genital mutilation and they will elect politicians that owe allegiance to Islam rather than the nation itself.

"Islam" is irrelevant here. FGM doesn't come from "Islam". It comes from ancient --- really ancient --- nomadic social traditions. It doesn't even have a religious purpose at all.

It's not a "religious dictate". It's a social custom. Developed way before Islam, way before Christianism, way before Judaism, etc etc.
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Yes I am saying that because it's a known fact, and no I'm not wrong. FGM predates all of our contemporary religions and has no religious function at all even where it has been practiced. Because it's a social custom, not a religious one. It is or has been practiced in some areas, to the exclusion of others. In Mecca for instance it's considered barbaric, as it should be.

What's more this has been pointed out and proven on this board over and over and over and over. Your waddling out here to moan "IS NOT" does not in the least alter literally thousands of years of anthropological evidence.

Social customs have zero to do with religion. For example in our social customs a young girl reaching puberty starts to paint her fingernails red, the color of blood, to show the world that she's menstruating and therefore fertile. That's got nothing to do with religion either.
Islam has nothing to do with religion. It's a weird, vile cult, posing as a religion, and FGM is one of its numerous evils, that comes from Muslims' deranged ideas about women.

Complete bullshit. You've obviously never studied a second of anthropology in your life and prefer in its stead to just make it up out of your own paranoid bullshit.

Once AGAIN --- FGM has no religious function at all. It's a SOCIAL custom, and social customs are far far older than Islam or any other religion. And there's nothing you can do about that.

Now go bury your head back in the same sand you just pulled it out of and pretend you never read this. You know, like you did last time. And the time before that and the time before that. Ignorance is bliss.
You sound like you've had too much to drink. I just got finished telling you that Islam is not a religion, and I do not accept it as such. So why do you blabber to me about FGM having no religious function ?

Yeah, it's a cultural thing, and in today's world, it is part of the culture of Islam insanity. And it is regarded as obligatory by the Shafi'i version of Sunni Islam.

Roald, Ann-Sofie (2003). Women in Islam: The Western Experience. London: Routledge.

And just like wife-beating, sex discrimination, pedophilia,etc, FGM is yet another Islam insanity, as part of America's rejection of Islam, and acceptance of Trump's Muslim ban.
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Yes I am saying that because it's a known fact, and no I'm not wrong. FGM predates all of our contemporary religions and has no religious function at all even where it has been practiced. Because it's a social custom, not a religious one. It is or has been practiced in some areas, to the exclusion of others. In Mecca for instance it's considered barbaric, as it should be.

What's more this has been pointed out and proven on this board over and over and over and over. Your waddling out here to moan "IS NOT" does not in the least alter literally thousands of years of anthropological evidence.

Social customs have zero to do with religion. For example in our social customs a young girl reaching puberty starts to paint her fingernails red, the color of blood, to show the world that she's menstruating and therefore fertile. That's got nothing to do with religion either.
Islam has nothing to do with religion. It's a weird, vile cult, posing as a religion, and FGM is one of its numerous evils, that comes from Muslims' deranged ideas about women.

Complete bullshit. You've obviously never studied a second of anthropology in your life and prefer in its stead to just make it up out of your own paranoid bullshit.

Once AGAIN --- FGM has no religious function at all. It's a SOCIAL custom, and social customs are far far older than Islam or any other religion. And there's nothing you can do about that.

Now go bury your head back in the same sand you just pulled it out of and pretend you never read this. You know, like you did last time. And the time before that and the time before that. Ignorance is bliss.
You sound like you've had too much to drink. I just got finished telling you that Islam is not a religion, and I do not accept it as such. So why do you blabber to me about FGM having no religious function ?

Yeah, it's a cultural thing, and in today's world, it is part of the culture of Islam insanity. And it is regarded as obligatory by the Shafi'i version of Sunni Islam.

Roald, Ann-Sofie (2003). Women in Islam: The Western Experience. London: Routledge.

And just like wife-beating, sex discrimination, pedophilia,etc, FGM is yet another Islam insanity, as part of America's rejection of Islam, and acceptance of Trump's Muslim ban.

No, it is not. It's an ancient cultural tradition that was here LOOOOONG before Islam, having no connection TO it, whatsoever.

Perhaps you'd like to essplain to the class the inconvenient spread of FGM in places where Islam never penetrated. Perhaps that challenge is utterly beyond your capability.

Don't sit here and continue to post bullshit when you've already been proven bullshitious.
No, it is not. It's an ancient cultural tradition that was here LOOOOONG before Islam, having no connection TO it, whatsoever.

Perhaps you'd like to essplain to the class the inconvenient spread of FGM in places where Islam never penetrated. Perhaps that challenge is utterly beyond your capability.

Don't sit here and continue to post bullshit when you've already been proven bullshitious.
Your posts are hilarious in their absurdity that you don't even see. As the ROCK of WWE fame would say "IT DOESN'T MATTER" where else FGM has been active. None of that means it isn't a part of Muslim culture. it certainly is.

By your logic, the mandolin would not be a part of Bluegrass music, because mandolins were played for hundreds of years before Bluegrass began (in 1945). You'd be wrong. The mandolin is a fundamental part of the Bluegrass band today in 2018, and it even was the instrument played by Bluegrass founder, Bill Monroe.
We have the chance to protect ALL our citizens from child abuse by getting some legislation passed that bans female genital mutilation.

This district court judge, Bernard Friedman, did indeed make a serious error in ruling the state had a right to protect those there whose religious dictates promotes this heinous form of child abuse. It was a sick mistaken ruling, in my opinion.

The feds can go after them on CAPTA charges.

Possibly. But truth be told, this shouldn't even NEED to go to a Federal Court.

This "should" be able to be handled by a moral and law abiding local community.
And that's the problem, as liberalism spreads, morality has left our communities so anything goes.

We're being incrementally led away from what's right to all that makes a society wrong.
The evil brilliance of opening our immigration system to people that live by the dictates of an antithetical
religion that clashes with our society that recognizes no official religion is that they will forever be a wedge
when it comes to issues like female genital mutilation and they will elect politicians that owe allegiance to Islam rather than the nation itself.

"Islam" is irrelevant here. FGM doesn't come from "Islam". It comes from ancient --- really ancient --- nomadic social traditions. It doesn't even have a religious purpose at all.

It's not a "religious dictate". It's a social custom. Developed way before Islam, way before Christianism, way before Judaism, etc etc.
Oh....Interesting historical context.

In any case I don't see Islam ever doing much, if anything, to end the barbaric custom
so in a sense Islam is sponsoring the practice. In a very real sense.
The Imams could issue official condemnations but it doesn't seem to bother them all that much, if at all.
One of the many hells here on earth is to be born a girl into a strict Muslim family.

So it's a piddling meaningless distinction to claim Islam did not start the practice when it does nothing to stop it
among it's many members.
Christianity did not start or invent the concept of slavery but in the early to mid nineteenth century the impetus for ending the cruel institution, in the West anyway (it still flourishes in Sub Saharan Africa and the Middle East) came through churches in England and the US.
That's the difference between a moral and immoral religion. Just like the rape gangs that flourish in the UK, Germany, Sweden, etc. Mohammad's followers feel entitled to rape women who aren't Muslims and their religion with the fifth century mind set continues to plague the earth.
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And I quoted an oncologist who says otherwise
And I am quoting the American Medical Association and their position paper of circumcision:"The only longitudinal study to address the former found a 4% incidence of phimosis in uncircumcised boys.The medical benefits suggested to accrue from circumcision are reduced incidence of urinary tract infection in infant males, decreased incidence of penile cancer in adult males, and possibly decreased susceptibility to certain sexually transmissible diseases, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)."

Don't remove your skin turtleneck if you don't want to . Just don't pretend it's just as healthy as being circumcised.
The vast consensus says it is not. Good luck with your penile cancer.
Tell what are the odds of getting penile cancer and compare that to any other cancer and let me know exactly how big of a risk it is

And this is the American Association of Pediatrics position

Existing scientific evidence demonstrates potential medical benefits of newborn male circumcision; however, these data are not sufficient to recommend routine neonatal circumcision. In circumstances in which there are potential benefits and risks, yet the procedure is not essential to the child’s current well-being, parents should determine what is in the best interest of the child.

Circumcision Policy Statement
So you feel like rolling the dice when it comes to contracting penile cancer all for the sake of a ridiculous annoying and useless flap of penis skin? That says it all,doesn't it.

And if you think your chances of penile cancer are small you can thank all the circumcised people that had the good sense to do the right thing or the luck to have responsible parents.
Those odds of losing your precious penis, foreskin and all, to cancer goes up for the fanatical ridiculous fans of
penis turtlenecks.

From your own link the issue is settled quite clearly.
"Existing scientific evidence demonstrates potential medical benefits of newborn male circumcision".

Why a supposedly responsible medical association would not recommend a simple medical procedure that's been used for thousands of years and they admit is beneficial is a mystery to me. Pressure from zealous nut jobs, no doubt.

You know what's fatal 100% of the time?


Stop being such a scared little pussy
LOL...Your so called argument for foreskins comes down to this brilliant life plan: Fuck cancer! Light em' up smokey.
Go ahead and smoke like a stove. It shows you are a real man. Heart attacks? Fuck that! Have pizzas and cream puffs every meal and wash it down with Jim Beam. AIDS? Don't be a scared little pussy! Fuck anything that gets near you.

Your advice is hilarious and even funnier when you consider I don't want a skin overcoat for my penis. It's ugly, comical
looking and a bother to deal with. Animals like dogs have their penises covered by skin. I am not a dog.
You are ridiculous and a sensible fear of cancer is only part of the story.

And you're a pathetic sheep

You just want to look like every other guy who was mutilated when they were infants

But if you're really afraid of dying then you must live in terror every day because life is 100% fatal
And I am quoting the American Medical Association and their position paper of circumcision:"The only longitudinal study to address the former found a 4% incidence of phimosis in uncircumcised boys.The medical benefits suggested to accrue from circumcision are reduced incidence of urinary tract infection in infant males, decreased incidence of penile cancer in adult males, and possibly decreased susceptibility to certain sexually transmissible diseases, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)."

Don't remove your skin turtleneck if you don't want to . Just don't pretend it's just as healthy as being circumcised.
The vast consensus says it is not. Good luck with your penile cancer.
Tell what are the odds of getting penile cancer and compare that to any other cancer and let me know exactly how big of a risk it is

And this is the American Association of Pediatrics position

Existing scientific evidence demonstrates potential medical benefits of newborn male circumcision; however, these data are not sufficient to recommend routine neonatal circumcision. In circumstances in which there are potential benefits and risks, yet the procedure is not essential to the child’s current well-being, parents should determine what is in the best interest of the child.

Circumcision Policy Statement
So you feel like rolling the dice when it comes to contracting penile cancer all for the sake of a ridiculous annoying and useless flap of penis skin? That says it all,doesn't it.

And if you think your chances of penile cancer are small you can thank all the circumcised people that had the good sense to do the right thing or the luck to have responsible parents.
Those odds of losing your precious penis, foreskin and all, to cancer goes up for the fanatical ridiculous fans of
penis turtlenecks.

From your own link the issue is settled quite clearly.
"Existing scientific evidence demonstrates potential medical benefits of newborn male circumcision".

Why a supposedly responsible medical association would not recommend a simple medical procedure that's been used for thousands of years and they admit is beneficial is a mystery to me. Pressure from zealous nut jobs, no doubt.

You know what's fatal 100% of the time?


Stop being such a scared little pussy
LOL...Your so called argument for foreskins comes down to this brilliant life plan: Fuck cancer! Light em' up smokey.
Go ahead and smoke like a stove. It shows you are a real man. Heart attacks? Fuck that! Have pizzas and cream puffs every meal and wash it down with Jim Beam. AIDS? Don't be a scared little pussy! Fuck anything that gets near you.

Your advice is hilarious and even funnier when you consider I don't want a skin overcoat for my penis. It's ugly, comical
looking and a bother to deal with. Animals like dogs have their penises covered by skin. I am not a dog.
You are ridiculous and a sensible fear of cancer is only part of the story.

And you're a pathetic sheep

You just want to look like every other guy who was mutilated when they were infants

But if you're really afraid of dying then you must live in terror every day because life is 100% fatal
I suppose by your idiocy that means you want to look like a Doberman Pinscher and it's more like I don't want to
look like some dumb farm animal than wanting to look like other normal sensible males.

So you keep your penis skin turtleneck. I'm sure it suits animals quite well. And continue to smoke it up, drink it all up, shoot and snort it all up, eat it all up, fuck it all up and continue to engage in brainless risky behavior.
Just like an animal completely unaware of the consequences of needless stupidity....all for the love of your own caveman penis.

And only an idiot would think he could shame someone because he won't ignore the
risks of penile cancer. I wouldn't want your karma...or penis.
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Tell what are the odds of getting penile cancer and compare that to any other cancer and let me know exactly how big of a risk it is

And this is the American Association of Pediatrics position

Existing scientific evidence demonstrates potential medical benefits of newborn male circumcision; however, these data are not sufficient to recommend routine neonatal circumcision. In circumstances in which there are potential benefits and risks, yet the procedure is not essential to the child’s current well-being, parents should determine what is in the best interest of the child.

Circumcision Policy Statement
So you feel like rolling the dice when it comes to contracting penile cancer all for the sake of a ridiculous annoying and useless flap of penis skin? That says it all,doesn't it.

And if you think your chances of penile cancer are small you can thank all the circumcised people that had the good sense to do the right thing or the luck to have responsible parents.
Those odds of losing your precious penis, foreskin and all, to cancer goes up for the fanatical ridiculous fans of
penis turtlenecks.

From your own link the issue is settled quite clearly.
"Existing scientific evidence demonstrates potential medical benefits of newborn male circumcision".

Why a supposedly responsible medical association would not recommend a simple medical procedure that's been used for thousands of years and they admit is beneficial is a mystery to me. Pressure from zealous nut jobs, no doubt.

You know what's fatal 100% of the time?


Stop being such a scared little pussy
LOL...Your so called argument for foreskins comes down to this brilliant life plan: Fuck cancer! Light em' up smokey.
Go ahead and smoke like a stove. It shows you are a real man. Heart attacks? Fuck that! Have pizzas and cream puffs every meal and wash it down with Jim Beam. AIDS? Don't be a scared little pussy! Fuck anything that gets near you.

Your advice is hilarious and even funnier when you consider I don't want a skin overcoat for my penis. It's ugly, comical
looking and a bother to deal with. Animals like dogs have their penises covered by skin. I am not a dog.
You are ridiculous and a sensible fear of cancer is only part of the story.

And you're a pathetic sheep

You just want to look like every other guy who was mutilated when they were infants

But if you're really afraid of dying then you must live in terror every day because life is 100% fatal
I suppose by your idiocy that means you want to look like a Doberman Pinscher and it's more like I don't want to
look like some dumb farm animal than wanting to look like other normal sensible males.

You keep your penis skin turtleneck. I'm sure it suits animals quite well. And continue to smoke it up, drink it all up,
eat it all up, fuck it all up and continue to engage in brainless risky behavior. Just like an animal completely unaware of
the consequences of needless stupidity....all for the love of your own caveman penis.

I tell you if stupid were money you would be a fucking billionaire.
So you feel like rolling the dice when it comes to contracting penile cancer all for the sake of a ridiculous annoying and useless flap of penis skin? That says it all,doesn't it.

And if you think your chances of penile cancer are small you can thank all the circumcised people that had the good sense to do the right thing or the luck to have responsible parents.
Those odds of losing your precious penis, foreskin and all, to cancer goes up for the fanatical ridiculous fans of
penis turtlenecks.

From your own link the issue is settled quite clearly.
"Existing scientific evidence demonstrates potential medical benefits of newborn male circumcision".

Why a supposedly responsible medical association would not recommend a simple medical procedure that's been used for thousands of years and they admit is beneficial is a mystery to me. Pressure from zealous nut jobs, no doubt.

You know what's fatal 100% of the time?


Stop being such a scared little pussy
LOL...Your so called argument for foreskins comes down to this brilliant life plan: Fuck cancer! Light em' up smokey.
Go ahead and smoke like a stove. It shows you are a real man. Heart attacks? Fuck that! Have pizzas and cream puffs every meal and wash it down with Jim Beam. AIDS? Don't be a scared little pussy! Fuck anything that gets near you.

Your advice is hilarious and even funnier when you consider I don't want a skin overcoat for my penis. It's ugly, comical
looking and a bother to deal with. Animals like dogs have their penises covered by skin. I am not a dog.
You are ridiculous and a sensible fear of cancer is only part of the story.

And you're a pathetic sheep

You just want to look like every other guy who was mutilated when they were infants

But if you're really afraid of dying then you must live in terror every day because life is 100% fatal
I suppose by your idiocy that means you want to look like a Doberman Pinscher and it's more like I don't want to
look like some dumb farm animal than wanting to look like other normal sensible males.

You keep your penis skin turtleneck. I'm sure it suits animals quite well. And continue to smoke it up, drink it all up,
eat it all up, fuck it all up and continue to engage in brainless risky behavior. Just like an animal completely unaware of
the consequences of needless stupidity....all for the love of your own caveman penis.

I tell you if stupid were money you would be a fucking billionaire.
That means so much coming from you.
"Islam" is irrelevant here. FGM doesn't come from "Islam". It comes from ancient --- really ancient --- nomadic social traditions. It doesn't even have a religious purpose at all.

It's not a "religious dictate". It's a social custom. Developed way before Islam, way before Christianism, way before Judaism, etc etc.

I think what you’re leading up to is a showdown between the 1st Amendment & child abuse laws. A religion can’t require a child to endure permanent mutilation of sexual organs. Nor can a religion be dominant on murdering members or non-members for non-compliance.

As I said, federal CAPTA laws give the fed the authority to shut down this sexual mutilation of children. The clitoris isn’t a skin covering. It’s the female equivalent of the male entire sexual organ- the penis. It is one and the same as this dumbfuck judge upholding that parents can have their son’s penis amputated.

Even if Islam was relevant, it wouldn’t matter because religions can’t commit felonies & get a pass. Amputating a little girl’s clitoris or a little boy’s penis is assaualt with grave bodily injury.
By your logic, the mandolin would not be a part of Bluegrass music, because mandolins were played for hundreds of years before Bluegrass began (in 1945). You'd be wrong. The mandolin is a fundamental part of the Bluegrass band today in 2018, and it even was the instrument played by Bluegrass founder, Bill Monroe
What's sad is he really thinks he's winning this. Not surprised tards defend the abuse and torture of young girls.
By your logic, the mandolin would not be a part of Bluegrass music, because mandolins were played for hundreds of years before Bluegrass began (in 1945). You'd be wrong. The mandolin is a fundamental part of the Bluegrass band today in 2018, and it even was the instrument played by Bluegrass founder, Bill Monroe
What's sad is he really thinks he's winning this. Not surprised tards defend the abuse and torture of young girls.
It’s felony assault with grave bodily injury & child sexual abuse: the second being a federal crime.
We have the chance to protect ALL our citizens from child abuse by getting some legislation passed that bans female genital mutilation.

This district court judge, Bernard Friedman, did indeed make a serious error in ruling the state had a right to protect those there whose religious dictates promotes this heinous form of child abuse. It was a sick mistaken ruling, in my opinion.

The feds can go after them on CAPTA charges.

Possibly. But truth be told, this shouldn't even NEED to go to a Federal Court.

This "should" be able to be handled by a moral and law abiding local community.
And that's the problem, as liberalism spreads, morality has left our communities so anything goes.

We're being incrementally led away from what's right to all that makes a society wrong.
The evil brilliance of opening our immigration system to people that live by the dictates of an antithetical
religion that clashes with our society that recognizes no official religion is that they will forever be a wedge
when it comes to issues like female genital mutilation and they will elect politicians that owe allegiance to Islam rather than the nation itself.

"Islam" is irrelevant here. FGM doesn't come from "Islam". It comes from ancient --- really ancient --- nomadic social traditions. It doesn't even have a religious purpose at all.

It's not a "religious dictate". It's a social custom. Developed way before Islam, way before Christianism, way before Judaism, etc etc.
Oh....Interesting historical context.

In any case I don't see Islam ever doing much, if anything, to end the barbaric custom
so in a sense Islam is sponsoring the practice. In a very real sense.
The Imams could issue official condemnations but it doesn't seem to bother them all that much, if at all.
One of the many hells here on earth is to be born a girl into a strict Muslim family.

So it's a piddling meaningless distinction to claim Islam did not start the practice when it does nothing to stop it
among it's many members.
Christianity did not start or invent the concept of slavery but in the early to mid nineteenth century the impetus for ending the cruel institution, in the West anyway (it still flourishes in Sub Saharan Africa and the Middle East) came through churches in England and the US.
That's the difference between a moral and immoral religion. Just like the rape gangs that flourish in the UK, Germany, Sweden, etc. Mohammad's followers feel entitled to rape women who aren't Muslims and their religion with the fifth century mind set continues to plague the earth.

Yes and I believe imams and other religious leaders already are working against the practice. As I said in Mecca it's considered barbaric. That's because the geographic areas where it developed did not involve Mecca or that area. You'll find areas were FGM persists have geography in common, not religion (e.g. Uganda, 85% Christian). So no, Islam doesn't "sponsor" it. Imbibers in FGM are Muslims, Christians, animists and people with no religion at all because it has no religious function.

And no, Islam doesn't condone rape either. That again is a social construct. It has way more to do with war than with any religion.
We have the chance to protect ALL our citizens from child abuse by getting some legislation passed that bans female genital mutilation.

This district court judge, Bernard Friedman, did indeed make a serious error in ruling the state had a right to protect those there whose religious dictates promotes this heinous form of child abuse. It was a sick mistaken ruling, in my opinion.

The feds can go after them on CAPTA charges.

Possibly. But truth be told, this shouldn't even NEED to go to a Federal Court.

This "should" be able to be handled by a moral and law abiding local community.
And that's the problem, as liberalism spreads, morality has left our communities so anything goes.

We're being incrementally led away from what's right to all that makes a society wrong.
The evil brilliance of opening our immigration system to people that live by the dictates of an antithetical
religion that clashes with our society that recognizes no official religion is that they will forever be a wedge
when it comes to issues like female genital mutilation and they will elect politicians that owe allegiance to Islam rather than the nation itself.

"Islam" is irrelevant here. FGM doesn't come from "Islam". It comes from ancient --- really ancient --- nomadic social traditions. It doesn't even have a religious purpose at all.

It's not a "religious dictate". It's a social custom. Developed way before Islam, way before Christianism, way before Judaism, etc etc.
Oh....Interesting historical context.

In any case I don't see Islam ever doing much, if anything, to end the barbaric custom
so in a sense Islam is sponsoring the practice. In a very real sense.
The Imams could issue official condemnations but it doesn't seem to bother them all that much, if at all.
One of the many hells here on earth is to be born a girl into a strict Muslim family.

So it's a piddling meaningless distinction to claim Islam did not start the practice when it does nothing to stop it
among it's many members.
Christianity did not start or invent the concept of slavery but in the early to mid nineteenth century the impetus for ending the cruel institution, in the West anyway (it still flourishes in Sub Saharan Africa and the Middle East) came through churches in England and the US.
That's the difference between a moral and immoral religion. Just like the rape gangs that flourish in the UK, Germany, Sweden, etc. Mohammad's followers feel entitled to rape women who aren't Muslims and their religion with the fifth century mind set continues to plague the earth.

Yes and I believe imams and other religious leaders already are working against the practice. As I said in Mecca it's considered barbaric. That's because the geographic areas where it developed did not involve Mecca or that area. You'll find areas were FGM persists have geography in common, not religion (e.g. Uganda, 85% Christian). So no, Islam doesn't "sponsor" it. Imbibers in FGM are Muslims, Christians, animists and people with no religion at all because it has no religious function.

And no, Islam doesn't condone rape either. That again is a social construct. It has way more to do with war than with any religion.
Rape of non Muslim women is considered permissible and it happens plenty in the UK and Europe.
So you are just plainly wrong. And opposition in Minnesota and Michigan to anti FGM legislation has come from, surprise,
Islamic factions.
You "believe" that Muslims are working on their FGM problem and yet it goes on.

Ilhan Omar has "solved" things by voting for a ban on FGM but saying the law's penalties should not apply to the families of Muslim girls who are scarred for life by the barbaric procedure. However it's already against the law so the judge who upheld the right of Michigan doctors to perform this gruesome surgery should be over ruled and censored for his
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No, it is not. It's an ancient cultural tradition that was here LOOOOONG before Islam, having no connection TO it, whatsoever.

Perhaps you'd like to essplain to the class the inconvenient spread of FGM in places where Islam never penetrated. Perhaps that challenge is utterly beyond your capability.

Don't sit here and continue to post bullshit when you've already been proven bullshitious.
Your posts are hilarious in their absurdity that you don't even see. As the ROCK of WWE fame would say "IT DOESN'T MATTER" where else FGM has been active. None of that means it isn't a part of Muslim culture. it certainly is.

By your logic, the mandolin would not be a part of Bluegrass music, because mandolins were played for hundreds of years before Bluegrass began (in 1945). You'd be wrong. The mandolin is a fundamental part of the Bluegrass band today in 2018, and it even was the instrument played by Bluegrass founder, Bill Monroe.

Nope, that does not follow. Adolphe Sax didn't invent the saxophone so that John Coltrane could play jazz. Jazz didn't even exist yet. A mandolin is a bluegrass instrument when it's used for bluegrass, it will be a classical instrument where it's used for "classical" etc. In a more appropriate analogy, the fact that Adolphe Sax may have been a Catholic doesn't make the saxophone a "Catholic" instrument, since it has nothing to do with religion. Hell, you could play Klezmer music on it if you want to.

The fact is ---------- AGAIN ----------- there is no religious function in a cutting of a sex organ, male or female. It PREDATES all the religions we have including Islam, including Christianism, including Judaism, including Buddhism, whatever you like. In other words when Jesus or Mohammed or Buddha or Moses were doing their thing it was already there. Thus, simple linear time renders your cause-and-effect theories inoperative.

Just as there is no religious function in playing a saxophone. Just as playing a santour or an oud is not a "Muslim" thing.

This ain't rocket surgery here son. It's simple placing things in temporal order. When we call our biggest river the Mississippi we do so because Native Americans who were already here before us, called it that. We didn't just invent a name and then attribute it to them retroactively. You can't even do that.

Oh and "culture" is not "religion". There is no "Muslim culture" any more than there's a "Catholic culture" or a "Buddhist culture". Culture is a set of social constructs indigenous to that particular ethnic group and geography. Language. Dress. Cuisine. Social mores and expectations. Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, whatever, can be any of an entire litany of diverse cultures. Sometimes multiple ones in the same person. That's plainly obvious too. You can be Muslim and speak Arabic; you can be Muslim and speak no Arabic at all. Or, you can speak Arabic as your native language and have no involvement whatsoever with Islam. Same with a Christian, a Buddhist, anything you want. The English you and I speak is the same whether the person we speak to is a Christian, a Jew, an aheist, etc etc. They're independent of each other.

I'm not at all sure what the allusion to fake wrestling is in your post for. Apparently you're trying to tell us that you can post whatever ass-sertions you want and "IT DOESN'T MATTER" that they're easily disproven made-up crapola because as Asimov put it, " my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge". Well ------------ no. It ain't. This is not the world of fake wrestling. If you think that's where we are, it goes a long way to essplaining the inane drivel you post.
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