Judge: Hobby Lobby won't have to pay fines


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Hobby Lobby and a sister company will not be subject to $1.3 million in daily fines beginning Monday for failing to provide access to certain forms of birth control through its employees' health care plans, a judge ruled Friday.

U.S. District Judge Joe Heaton set a hearing for July 19 to address claims by the owners of Hobby Lobby and the Mardel Christian bookstore chains that their religious beliefs are so deeply rooted that having to provide every form of birth control would violate their conscience.

The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals had said Thursday the companies were likely to prevail, comparing the companies to a kosher butcher unwilling to adopt non-kosher practices as part of a government order.

Until the hearing, the government cannot impose fines against Hobby Lobby or Mardel for failing to comply with all of the Affordable Care Act. The companies' owners oppose birth control methods that can prevent implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus, such as an intrauterine device or the morning-after pill, but are willing to offer the 16 other forms of birth control mentioned in the federal health care law.

Judge: Hobby Lobby won't have to pay fines

Hobby Lobby is under scrutiny after refusing to provide certain types of birth control to it's employees. Where's Wild Wendy when you need her? :lol:
"The companies' owners oppose birth control methods that can prevent implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus, such as an intrauterine device or the morning-after pill,

but are willing to offer the 16 other forms of birth control mentioned in the federal health care law."

SO, it's OK to offer SOME forms of birth control?
but NOT others.

anyone else see the hypocrisy here?

The RIGHT are such morons.
"The companies' owners oppose birth control methods that can prevent implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus, such as an intrauterine device or the morning-after pill,

but are willing to offer the 16 other forms of birth control mentioned in the federal health care law."

SO, it's OK to offer SOME forms of birth control?
but NOT others.

anyone else see the hypocrisy here?

The RIGHT are such morons.

Don't worry about that...They're standing on their opposition to birth control principles...:doubt:...very wobbly
"The companies' owners oppose birth control methods that can prevent implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus, such as an intrauterine device or the morning-after pill,

but are willing to offer the 16 other forms of birth control mentioned in the federal health care law."

SO, it's OK to offer SOME forms of birth control?
but NOT others.

anyone else see the hypocrisy here?

The RIGHT are such morons.

You do know, don't you, that different birth control methods work in different ways and at different times before/during/after fertilization?

No. Doesn't look like you do.
"The companies' owners oppose birth control methods that can prevent implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus, such as an intrauterine device or the morning-after pill,

but are willing to offer the 16 other forms of birth control mentioned in the federal health care law."

SO, it's OK to offer SOME forms of birth control?
but NOT others.

anyone else see the hypocrisy here?

The RIGHT are such morons.

It is you, who is a moron. People do not want to pay for abortifacients.
I mean, [MENTION=44236]AnCapAtheist[/MENTION]:

You were just in another thread bashing Christians for being oppressive. Now you're here in this thread unwittingly rooting for them. Can you explain that to us?
I mean, [MENTION=44236]AnCapAtheist[/MENTION]:

You were just in another thread bashing Christians for being oppressive. Now you're here in this thread unwittingly rooting for them. Can you explain that to us?

Because a business should not have to do anything it doesn't want to especially coming from a dictator run government like the obama regime...I am all for private business rights. xtian religion is oppressive this is merely a store and yes I know its run by xtians but I enjoy hobby lobby.
"The companies' owners oppose birth control methods that can prevent implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus, such as an intrauterine device or the morning-after pill,

but are willing to offer the 16 other forms of birth control mentioned in the federal health care law."

SO, it's OK to offer SOME forms of birth control?
but NOT others.

anyone else see the hypocrisy here?

The RIGHT are such morons.

Are you truly so ignorant of the facts that you actually posted this and meant it?

Please tell us all that you are not truly ignorant and that you were only trolling..
Awesome! Good ruling.

Indeed. Now will you say the same thing when I posit that they are a Christian based company? They made it clear that their policies are rooted in Christianity.

Yes I would. I know they are a xtian company as is Chic Fil A. I ate there to show support for their comments last year...I support businesses in any way against government interference and interference from people trying to shut them down for something someone said.
I mean, [MENTION=44236]AnCapAtheist[/MENTION]:

You were just in another thread bashing Christians for being oppressive. Now you're here in this thread unwittingly rooting for them. Can you explain that to us?

Because a business should not have to do anything it doesn't want to especially coming from a dictator run government like the obama regime...I am all for private business rights. xtian religion is oppressive this is merely a store and yes I know its run by xtians but I enjoy hobby lobby.

I see. Noted.
Awesome! Good ruling.

Indeed. Now will you say the same thing when I posit that they are a Christian based company? They made it clear that their policies are rooted in Christianity.

Yes I would. I know they are a xtian company as is Chic Fil A. I ate there to show support for their comments last year...I support businesses in any way against government interference and interference from people trying to shut them down for something someone said.


I guess I can accept that. But then again, these are two Christian companies, run by Christians whom you claim are bigoted, racist and invasive people. Wouldn't any support by you, for them, make you a hypocrite?

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No.I don't support christian symbols/mentions of god/jesus etc forced on to the public...this is a company people can CHOOSE to go there or not...no one makes them but walking down a street you can't help but see god mentioned on your money or your kids saying the pledge of allegiance in school etc..
No.I don't support christian symbols/mentions of god/jesus etc forced on to the public...this is a company people can CHOOSE to go there or not...no one makes them but walking down a street you can't help but see god mentioned on your money or your kids saying the pledge of allegiance in school etc..

So that justifies the double standard?

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