Judge Imposes Sanction on Fox for Withholding Evidence in Defamation Case

I hope Dominion doesn't settle. Should they, such an agreement might likely include a gag on the details and America may never learn just how deceptive Fox is. Let them drag it through the court and air ALL of Fox's dirty laundry.
You don’t respond to people’s posts do you. Just like when you asked about the drug epidemic and what we could do about it you didn’t respond once you got a really informative response. Have a nice one buddy I hope you stop lying about other people’s posts like you do with protectionist … How you took a graph of his and then completely changed it to suit your needs. Don’t do that man you’re better than that
When was the NYT surrounded by the Germans?
Have to use the speaker app due to my handicap. The Voice application picked up the wrong lettering apparently. It will happen from time to time. I’ll say it once to you I’ve explained it many times to the Nazis on the far left here but they keep on attacking me for it …obviously you don’t know about it …but I’m telling you now I had to relearn how to walk man. I was involved in a life altering car accident three years ago…. but I prevailed pretty good doctors told me I might not be able to walk again and I’m walking.
Then you shouldn't link to it. The way to beat paywalls is to take the title of the article and do a search and you'll find 25 other people airing the same article without all of the BS.

Whenever I link to anything, I don't use links to anyone who throws up anything other than minor popups.
That is a good point. I just happened to forget that the New York Times had a pay wall.. because apparently I got my one or two free articles per month just a few hours ago.

You’re not missing anything I was just showing what the other side was saying ….it’s a bunch of trash and propaganda anyways.

No harm no foul thank you.
This is nuts and an attack on free speech. CNN promotes anti-American values, they lie all the time they promote sexism and misogyny, they promote Dylan Mulvany a man who talks and acts with terrible stereotypes of women.

These anti Trump , anti fox judges are politically motivated …they will lose in the end.

The New York Times once a Bastogne of journalism is a disgrace
FOX withheld evidence....of Rudy acknowledging he couldn't prove some of assertions and MooCow Bartiromo offering to shill for Sidney Powell.
It just does not pay to be one of Crooked Donald's "best people". Everyone who worked for him was either scandalized, disbarred, or went to prison. And now his propaganda outlet is paying the price for their dishonest and illegal practices.

Defendant Donald not only widened and deepened The Swamp, he dragged the Republican Party into the deepest, muckiest parts.

Every Republican with integrity who stood up to him was mowed down and their character assassinated.

Those left who have the eyes and ears to see what a thoroughly corrupt and dangerous man Trump is are too afraid of his murderous mob to say anything.

Never has their been a bigger collection of submissive cuck lickspittles in American history.
Everything That Trump Touches Dies

Great title for a book
That is a good point. I just happened to forget that the New York Times had a pay wall.. because apparently I got my one or two free articles per month just a few hours ago.

You’re not missing anything I was just showing what the other side was saying ….it’s a bunch of trash and propaganda anyways.

No harm no foul thank you.
Next time pull some pertinent text from the articles.
FOX withheld evidence....of Rudy acknowledging he couldn't prove some of assertions and MooCow Bartiromo offering to shill for Sidney Powell.
I really believe this is just icing on the cake. The Judge has already, in effect, ruled by finding that Dominion had met its burden. Now this?
Fox has very little chance of winning....they better hope for jury nullification, because that's the only way they win here---they need a USMB juror--LOL!
The Judge has already, in effect, ruled by finding that Dominion had met its burden.

I guess I still don't get what loss some businessman suffered in Venezuela who has a lock on the election machine business with our government because some cable news channel no one watches gave a skewed analysis and reporting of them or their product.

If they are owed 1.6 billion, then isn't Trump owed about 9 trillion by Biden, the MSM and the democrats?
I guess I still don't get what loss some businessman suffered in Venezuela who has a lock on the election machine business with our government because some cable news channel no one watches gave a skewed analysis and reporting of them or their product.

If they are owed 1.6 billion, then isn't Trump owed about 9 trillion by Biden, the MSM and the democrats?
You been hangin out with the Krazy Kraken Lady
You been hangin out with the Krazy Kraken Lady

She's a lot better looking and far richer than you. I can only apply the same standard to Trump as you apply to some bum in Venezuela whose product apparently no government has any interest in anyone looking too close at their product who has suffered no loss that I can see.
CNN is currently hovering over the toilet bowl in regards to ratings, having had to fire just about all of their top proven Democrat surrogate disinformation peddlers, perverts, on-air masturbators, and misogynists due to their collapsed credibility.

The NY Times was exposed as having won Pulitzers for intentionally writing fiction and passing it off as news.

CNN, The NY Times, CBS, MSNBC - for a while if they weren't firing employees for journalistic malpractice they were constantly writing corrections to stories.

Nicholas Sandman will never have to work a day in his life (nor probably will his kids and grandkids) after all these fake news MSM were forced to pay ransoms out the ass for the lies, slander, and false reporting they did in him.

Fox News' ratings are far higher than these liberal fake news MSM, and Fix doesn't push liberal / Biden / Democrat disinformation and prpaganda - both are reasons Democrats and liberals have been attempting to destroy them longer than they have been trying to take down Trump.
Nicholas Sandman will never have to work a day in his life (nor probably will his kids and grandkids) after all these fake news MSM were forced to pay ransoms out the ass for the lies, slander, and false reporting they did in him.
Sandman lost his lawsuit, moron.

You don’t respond to people’s posts do you. Just like when you asked about the drug epidemic and what we could do about it you didn’t respond once you got a really informative response. Have a nice one buddy I hope you stop lying about other people’s posts like you do with protectionist … How you took a graph of his and then completely changed it to suit your needs. Don’t do that man you’re better than that

You're lying. I didn't change any of the data in his chart. You really shouldn't lie like that.

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