Judge Imposes Sanction on Fox for Withholding Evidence in Defamation Case

Apparently the judge appointed an independent lawyer to investigate if Fox hid facts intentionally. I have not heard of that before.

The ex Fox producer that Fox is now suing has already admitted as much.

But the only thing that a conservatives hates more than a liberal....is accountability. So they'll imagine any accountability as a crime against them.
No, they did it for Donald right out of the gate. They hitched their wagon to him at the very beginning of his 2016 campaign.

Christ, they would interrupt their regular programs to air a half hour of his empty lectern!

Only too late did they realize they had chained themselves to a monster.


Trump and Fox are merely a symptom of the illness of the deplorables. They ape what their audiences want to hear. They feed them the conspiracy pablum that the deplorables demand they be fed.
I guess I still don't get what loss some businessman suffered in Venezuela who has a lock on the election machine business with our government because some cable news channel no one watches gave a skewed analysis and reporting of them or their product.

If they are owed 1.6 billion, then isn't Trump owed about 9 trillion by Biden, the MSM and the democrats?
America needs to get away from using machines to determine elections. Too many things have become too reliant on high-tech, when simple low-tech ways were as functional, and less subject to failure.
Trump and Fox are merely a symptom of the illness of the deplorables. They ape what their audiences want to hear. They feed them the conspiracy pablum that the deplorables demand they be fed.
Oh, where did we hear this kind of talk before?
"The deplorables"......what to do with THEM....?
When will the "Deplorables" box-cars be rolled out to gather them?
Is it AGAIN time to turn on the showers and fire the ovens?
Tell us more, sKyLaR.....

Oh, where did we hear this kind of talk before?
"The deplorables"......what to do with THEM....?
When will the "Deplorables" box-cars be rolled out to gather them?
Is it AGAIN time to turn on the showers and fire the ovens?
Tell us more, sKyLaR.....

We've SEEN what "the Deplorables" can do. Jan 6 for instance
You labeled us, what are you going to do with us?
I'm not a victim, I'm a "problem".
What's your final solution?
Actually Clinton correctly called out a sub section of Trump supporters as racist, homophobic, Xenpophobic "deplorables" and we have come to see how correct she was.
Actually Clinton correctly called out a sub section of Trump supporters as racist, homophobic, Xenpophobic "deplorables" and we have come to see how correct she was.
Yes, that's what I've pointed out.
What's your FINAL SOLUTION?????
Yes, that's what I've pointed out.
What's your FINAL SOLUTION?????
Do about it?

Continue to make people aware of what you people are and laugh at your little "I'm a victim" games

Sunshine is a very good disinfectant
Do about it?

Continue to make people aware of what you people are and laugh at your little "I'm a victim" games

Sunshine is a very good disinfectant
We're not victims, we're a PROBLEM as deemed by YOU.
What are you going to do to solve the PROBLEM you cited.
Talk more BULLSHIT?????
That's all you've got, talking points.
We're not victims, we're a PROBLEM as deemed by YOU.
What are you going to do to solve the PROBLEM you cited.
Talk more BULLSHIT?????
That's all you've got, talking points.
Exposing you folks for the despicable creatures that you are is sufficient.

But keep whining. It's SO manly
Exposing you folks for the despicable creatures that you are is sufficient.

But keep whining. It's SO manly
You're not exposing, you are PROJECTING!
All you are doing is talking shit, that's all.
No proof, no evidence, just declarations.
Hints and allegations.
A lot of that kind of talk led to atrocities in the past, do you have the BALLS to back up your accusations with SOLUTIONS????
DO YOU????
You're not exposing, you are PROJECTING!
All you are doing is talking shit, that's all.
No proof, no evidence, just declarations.
Hints and allegations.
A lot of that kind of talk led to atrocities in the past, do you have the BALLS to back up your accusations with SOLUTIONS????
DO YOU????
My solution?

Keep exposing you creeps for what you are and keep letting you damn yourselves with your own hateful rhetoric
"Paying to read the New York Times, is like paying to jump into a mudhole."

Well, I respectfully demur.
I pay ($20 per month with my Veteran's discount...for the 'weekender delivery' of the paper and unlimited online access.) I don't wanna live anyplace where I don't have access to the Times....paper or online. It is a wonderful newspaper. I highly recommend it to all posters here. Even if you need to go to your city library and read it in the 'periodicals' section. You will be better informed for it.

It is America's 'paper-of-record' and should be required reading in several high school classes.
In fact, it would be instructive to have a comparative analysis class where the MAGA/QAnon faves --InfoWars & Gateway Pundit, --- are compared in content and veracity to The New York Times.

That too would be informative.


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