Judge in Floyd case opens door for an acquital.

I'm not even seeing how prosecutors even came up with a case. Clearly they are ethically challenged up that way. This should never have even seen a courtroom. Anything but acquittal is a travesty of justice.
Nice one white guy.

Ex-cop and soon to being convict chavin is taking KY Jelly donations....

Chauvin is going to be exonerated.

Although even if he were sent up state, the hacks would make him a trustee because of his life experience in kicking the ass of large nogoodniks like Mr. Floyd. I don't think he'll be much involved in prison homosexuality.

Chauvin SHOULD BE exonerated, at least from the evidence I've seen. But I think we both know this case very likely won't be decided on the facts of the evidence.
Yeah, the defense seems to be ex-cop kneeled on his neck for 9:29 because people were yelling at him.
The thug didn't choke to death or die of strangulation. Not seeing a case here at all. Too bad MN has persecutors instead of ethical prosecutors.
Again, provide something not stupid.
The former president's path was inheritance.

No, it was a lot of hard work. His inheritance was a good start, but turning millions into billions was his own doing.
The former president has never worked hard. His inheritance was $425,000,000 and would be worth 10X what little he has now if he just bought mutual fund in the seventies.
Geebus christ------

Here's a clue for you since you obviously haven't figured it out on your own.

RICH PEOPLE can and often WORK very very hard for money.

To assume that since one is rich that they would behave like you and do nothing---is just wrong on many levels.
I'm not even seeing how prosecutors even came up with a case. Clearly they are ethically challenged up that way. This should never have even seen a courtroom. Anything but acquittal is a travesty of justice.
Nice one white guy.

Ex-cop and soon to being convict chavin is taking KY Jelly donations....

Chauvin is going to be exonerated.

Although even if he were sent up state, the hacks would make him a trustee because of his life experience in kicking the ass of large nogoodniks like Mr. Floyd. I don't think he'll be much involved in prison homosexuality.

Chauvin SHOULD BE exonerated, at least from the evidence I've seen. But I think we both know this case very likely won't be decided on the facts of the evidence.
Yeah, the defense seems to be ex-cop kneeled on his neck for 9:29 because people were yelling at him.
The thug didn't choke to death or die of strangulation. Not seeing a case here at all. Too bad MN has persecutors instead of ethical prosecutors.
Again, provide something not stupid.
The cop has been violated...and the BLM has been based on lies promoting a violent criminal.
Ex-cop chavin better start buying KY Jelly.
You support rape? You are one sick puppy.

The cop didn't kill the criminal..the violent criminal overdosed on drugs and went out like a criminal.

I have noticed that many life long druggies especially males functional or completely disfunctional like floyd don't plan on living to grow old and by the time that reach middle age---their actions are often just suicidal in many ways as they never pictured themselves living as long as they have.
Stupid people like you should be around only stupid people. Hove you or do you live in MS?

Do you feel better now? Calling me Stupid because you can't argue the simple facts of the case---Floyd died of drug over dose not because of a knee.

btw, you probably should note that I am not insecure so when you call me names---it really doesn't intimidate me as you hope. I immediately take it for what it is a moron lashing out hoping no one notices the facts. So typical of children and druggies.
I keep following the trial, and I have read all the posts here.

The kneeling on Floyd's neck did not kill him, but, IMHO, it was a contributing factor.

Floyd had a heart problem with an addiction problem.

He took the drugs in his possession to prevent being busted for them.

He began having medical, physical difficulty
- If the kid filming the whole thing could see Floyd's breathing getting more and more shallow, fewer and fewer breaths the officer with the knee on his neck should definitely have noticed.

The officer swore an oath to 'serve and protect', to 'never use excessive force', to save lives, even those in their custody. Te prosecutors read that oath aloud...then played the video...

Again, the video the prosecutors played in their opening remarks - the entire event, Floyd repeatedly saying he could not breathe, calling out for his mother, declaring he was going to die.....that was POWERFUL. The jurors literally watched Floyd die with the policeman's knee on the back of his neck the whole time as he died....until he died.

Even if it is proven that knee on the back of his neck did not kill Floyd, the jurors will remember watching Floyd die with the officer's knee on the back of his neck...until Floyd died.

There is no way in HELL the jury is just going to allow the officer to walk with no punishment after that....IMHO.

IMO the officer did not mean / PLAN for Floyd to die, and IMO the jury will be divided on this but come to the conclusion he is not guilty of 'MURDER'.

Again, IMO, the officer will be convicted of 'Manslaughter' - "the crime of killing a human being without malice aforethought, or otherwise in circumstances not amounting to murder"
Think the criminal dying certainly saved other lives....

sometimes the best thing that can happen to violent criminals is that they die before doing more damage.
Sure, let me come over to your house and kneel on your neck (grind it in too) for 9:29 minutes.
chavin is a murderer.

So far the defense has done a decent job / the prosecution has not undeniably proven that kneeling on his neck is what100% killed him. I agree with you - I believe he is a murderer as well. I just believe if the defense can create even a slight question of whether the knee on his neck killed him or not he will be prosecuted for Manslaughter. THAT is open and shut.
The Fed is pumping trillions. I can not just stop that. I vote against it but I am only one vote.

People don't get wealthy because of the feds, they get wealthy by providing a product or service everybody wants.
The term for that is "wealth production" (not to be confused with just obtaining money). Efforts given to what produces this meaning of wealth can almost always be considered investment. Everyone benefits.
Police funding would not seem to have much to do with it. Start-up funding might.
"Making their lives better" is an interesting way to put what many people feel is needed. The failure to see what is implicit in those words is what leads self-proclaimed liberals to regretful efforts and conclusions. Most communities that have balanced social conditions did not have that made for them; they did it over time and with a lot of effort. Probably, the most we can do is encourage and 'plant seeds'. Social programming has a very, very dubious history.
Sad and hilarious at the same time. The demofks have had blacks under their thumb giving them excuses for their bad social skills. One has to respect others to gain respect. Demofks don't care about respect. without respect no business will ever set foot in a gang infested neighborhood. And, demofks don't care, their slaves remain theirs. kkkers all of them.
What public do you attract with the verbiage you employ? (asking for a friend)
The Fed is pumping trillions. I can not just stop that. I vote against it but I am only one vote.

People don't get wealthy because of the feds, they get wealthy by providing a product or service everybody wants.
The term for that is "wealth production" (not to be confused with just obtaining money). Efforts given to what produces this meaning of wealth can almost always be considered investment. Everyone benefits.

Some far, far, far more than others.
The term for that is "wealth production" (not to be confused with just obtaining money). Efforts given to what produces this meaning of wealth can almost always be considered investment. Everyone benefits.

It's how most people produce wealth. I think people on the left watch too many movies on TV and think they are reality.
I'm sure those looking for excuses for their racism instead of realizing that racism is a problem believe that.

Please. If this victim was white you never would have heard of the story. How can the Democrats maintain power unless they keep the country divided?
Sounds like you are all in on whitie rightie victimhood.
Sorry you do not like facts.

Worth noting that Timpa did not resist arrest. The cops in this case also thought it was rather funny what they were doing as they joked constantly while they killed Timpa.

And these cops went back to work afterward. After a grand jury indicted them but the DA decided not to bother. Further, Floyd's death has been labeled as a race issue but there is nothing whatsoever to point to Floyd's death as being related to race at all. Nothing whatsoever.

But that does not stop the race whores from getting out there, decaling that this is only occurring to blacks, false, and that Floyd was only killed because he was black, also false.

Absolutely NO ONE is arguing it only happens to blacks. BLM showed up to the protest for Justine Damond.

'Never been about race': black activists on how Minneapolis reacted to Damond shooting

People like yourself only use that argument to dismiss the protests. The argument is that the black population has been targeted far more than others but it has NEVER been an argument that it only happens to blacks.

The suits to end Stop and Frisk is another example. It was NEVER argued that it was only blacks that were unconstitutionally searched but rather that it was blacks that were far more unconstitutionally searched.
It has been a central argument that this is a problem because of racist cop targeting the black community. That is largely a lie.
If Mr. Floyd was a known violent nogoodnik, why shouldn't this information be heard by the 12 angry men assembled? Mr. Chauven in on trial for his life, is it more important to convict him guilty or not, or to get it right?

Well, the question of whether or not Chauvin is responsible for Floyd's death is not impacted at all by past criminal activity on the part of Floyd.

His past can certainly be used to show a pattern and that his arrest was likely justified, but that's all it can do. Furthermore, if the cop was unaware of that criminal past, he cannot say it impacted his actions.

Floyd would be dead whether or not he had a criminal past...

Not true. If Floyd didnt have a criminal past he would not be spending counterfeit money and he would not have had the police called on him. The incident would have never happened.

If the cop had numerous incidents of abusing suspects in custody, should that be considered? Why? It has no bearing on this incident.
I'm sure those looking for excuses for their racism instead of realizing that racism is a problem believe that.

Please. If this victim was white you never would have heard of the story. How can the Democrats maintain power unless they keep the country divided?
Sounds like you are all in on whitie rightie victimhood.
Sorry you do not like facts.

Worth noting that Timpa did not resist arrest. The cops in this case also thought it was rather funny what they were doing as they joked constantly while they killed Timpa.

And these cops went back to work afterward. After a grand jury indicted them but the DA decided not to bother. Further, Floyd's death has been labeled as a race issue but there is nothing whatsoever to point to Floyd's death as being related to race at all. Nothing whatsoever.

But that does not stop the race whores from getting out there, decaling that this is only occurring to blacks, false, and that Floyd was only killed because he was black, also false.

Absolutely NO ONE is arguing it only happens to blacks. BLM showed up to the protest for Justine Damond.

'Never been about race': black activists on how Minneapolis reacted to Damond shooting

People like yourself only use that argument to dismiss the protests. The argument is that the black population has been targeted far more than others but it has NEVER been an argument that it only happens to blacks.

The suits to end Stop and Frisk is another example. It was NEVER argued that it was only blacks that were unconstitutionally searched but rather that it was blacks that were far more unconstitutionally searched.
It has been a central argument that this is a problem because of racist cop targeting the black community. That is largely a lie.

That in many cases is true but not what I addressed.
I'm sure those looking for excuses for their racism instead of realizing that racism is a problem believe that.

Please. If this victim was white you never would have heard of the story. How can the Democrats maintain power unless they keep the country divided?
Sounds like you are all in on whitie rightie victimhood.
Sorry you do not like facts.

Worth noting that Timpa did not resist arrest. The cops in this case also thought it was rather funny what they were doing as they joked constantly while they killed Timpa.

And these cops went back to work afterward. After a grand jury indicted them but the DA decided not to bother. Further, Floyd's death has been labeled as a race issue but there is nothing whatsoever to point to Floyd's death as being related to race at all. Nothing whatsoever.

But that does not stop the race whores from getting out there, decaling that this is only occurring to blacks, false, and that Floyd was only killed because he was black, also false.

Absolutely NO ONE is arguing it only happens to blacks. BLM showed up to the protest for Justine Damond.

'Never been about race': black activists on how Minneapolis reacted to Damond shooting

People like yourself only use that argument to dismiss the protests. The argument is that the black population has been targeted far more than others but it has NEVER been an argument that it only happens to blacks.

The suits to end Stop and Frisk is another example. It was NEVER argued that it was only blacks that were unconstitutionally searched but rather that it was blacks that were far more unconstitutionally searched.
It has been a central argument that this is a problem because of racist cop targeting the black community. That is largely a lie.

That in many cases is true but not what I addressed.
Then I do not understand your point.

I will give you that 'no one' is an overly hyperbolic statement but the essence of it is true. The complaint is that blacks face major outsized risk from the cops and that incidents like Floyd are the norm for blacks where incidents like that are extremely rare for whites. That is not the case.

The point is that what happened to Floyd seems to have nothing to do with the fact he was black as nothing whatsoever has been brought out that would support the conclusion that it was racial unless there is information that I do not know about. Perhaps you have read something that shows Chauvin was racist or specifically targeted blacks with rough treatment.

I can say with certainty though that for BLM and the backers of BLM is IS about race and it is virtually only about race. That is why they specifically put BLACK lives matters in their slogan and why those supporters of black lives matters flip out if anyone tries to remove race as the central issue.

The reality here is that the problem is NOT a racial one but one of police brutality and a police force that does a piss poor job of policing itself. As long as we are focused on racial outcomes and woke 'racial justice,' which is actually antithetical to justice, we are not going to see real progress on those problems.
I'm sure those looking for excuses for their racism instead of realizing that racism is a problem believe that.

Please. If this victim was white you never would have heard of the story. How can the Democrats maintain power unless they keep the country divided?
Sounds like you are all in on whitie rightie victimhood.
Sorry you do not like facts.

Worth noting that Timpa did not resist arrest. The cops in this case also thought it was rather funny what they were doing as they joked constantly while they killed Timpa.

And these cops went back to work afterward. After a grand jury indicted them but the DA decided not to bother. Further, Floyd's death has been labeled as a race issue but there is nothing whatsoever to point to Floyd's death as being related to race at all. Nothing whatsoever.

But that does not stop the race whores from getting out there, decaling that this is only occurring to blacks, false, and that Floyd was only killed because he was black, also false.

Absolutely NO ONE is arguing it only happens to blacks. BLM showed up to the protest for Justine Damond.

'Never been about race': black activists on how Minneapolis reacted to Damond shooting

People like yourself only use that argument to dismiss the protests. The argument is that the black population has been targeted far more than others but it has NEVER been an argument that it only happens to blacks.

The suits to end Stop and Frisk is another example. It was NEVER argued that it was only blacks that were unconstitutionally searched but rather that it was blacks that were far more unconstitutionally searched.
It has been a central argument that this is a problem because of racist cop targeting the black community. That is largely a lie.

That in many cases is true but not what I addressed.
Then I do not understand your point.

I will give you that 'no one' is an overly hyperbolic statement but the essence of it is true. The complaint is that blacks face major outsized risk from the cops and that incidents like Floyd are the norm for blacks where incidents like that are extremely rare for whites. That is not the case.

Look at the Stop and Frisk numbers.

DC Police search and frisk black people 6 times more often during stops, data shows

The point is that what happened to Floyd seems to have nothing to do with the fact he was black as nothing whatsoever has been brought out that would support the conclusion that it was racial unless there is information that I do not know about. Perhaps you have read something that shows Chauvin was racist or specifically targeted blacks with rough treatment.

I can say with certainty though that for BLM and the backers of BLM is IS about race and it is virtually only about race. That is why they specifically put BLACK lives matters in their slogan and why those supporters of black lives matters flip out if anyone tries to remove race as the central issue.

The reality here is that the problem is NOT a racial one but one of police brutality and a police force that does a piss poor job of policing itself. As long as we are focused on racial outcomes and woke 'racial justice,' which is actually antithetical to justice, we are not going to see real progress on those problems.

You can argue there is no racial aspect and I will continue to disagree but I agree that it needs stop whenever it happens.
From the currently running court video (police body cam) , at least 3 things are evident:

Floyd was yelling "I can't breath" repeatedly BEFORE HE WAS PUT IN THE CAR.

He was yelling "I can't breathe" as he was exiting the other side of the car BEFORE HE LAID ON THE GROUND.

The "urine" identified by the know-it-all, off-duty firefighter bimbo was condensate water dripping out of the police car exhaust.
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