Judge in Georgia Dismisses Three Trump Charges

She's still humiliated, tainted goods.......... :auiqs.jpg:
No one gives a shit how you MAGAts feel about her, but we are all excited to watch your MAGAt tears flow when she's prosecuting Trump on live t.v.. That long arm of the Law doesn't care about your feelings, its going to make inmate Trump bend over and cough anyway. :itsok: :funnyface:
States right...

States don't have rights. (As me to clarify.)

In addition the counting of EC votes is defined in the Constitution and in Federal Law (18USC15).

Since the counting of EC votes is in the Constitution and a function of Congress, the Supremacy Clause (US Constitution Article V) applies.


Well, I will give you that is a little suspect. But Gore did accept the final results, Trump has not. Also, Gore did not try introduce "fake electors" in certain swing states, like Trump has.

The bottom line is, this case is moving forward, with Fanis!
Hillary has not. When will she be prosecuted??
Why weren't alternate electors on the books in those states?

Will have to be hashed out in court.

ATLANTA -- Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signed a law Wednesday that lets a state commission begin operating with powers to discipline and remove prosecutors, potentially disrupting Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ prosecution of former President Donald Trump.

So now you want to make the law political? I knew you mother-fuckers wanted to turn this country into Russia-west! Fuck you! I mean that. Fuck everyone of you mother-fucking Republicans! You're a bunch of AINO's! Americans in Name Only!
Flip flopping now? We were discussing His perfect phone call.

Byron York:

In any event, the comforting certainty that at least one Trump trial would start soon has suddenly disappeared. Meanwhile, there are new worries about the Georgia case. Yes, the judge on Friday allowed Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to stay on the case, provided she gets rid of her ex-boyfriend Nathan Wade as the chief prosecutor. But some of the same voices expressing anger about the Manhattan case appear to be losing confidence in Willis.

“For the good of the case, given that ethics issues now abound as to Willis, she should voluntarily recuse herself from the case and allow another prosecutor to oversee the Georgia Trump case,” posted Weissmann. Another anti-Trump legal voice, Joyce Vance from MSNBC, agreed. “The better path forward would be to let another prosecutor in that office take over,” she posted.
What is the flip, mother fucker? His call was a crime. Period. Go fuck yourself!
So now you want to make the law political? I knew you mother-fuckers wanted to turn this country into Russia-west! Fuck you! I mean that. Fuck everyone of you mother-fucking Republicans! You're a bunch of AINO's! Americans in Name Only!
Dude..................it's obvious you have succumbed to Trump Derangement Syndrome....you've bounced around all over the place from my factual counter posts to you assertions.....:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:
What is the flip, mother fucker? His call was a crime. Period. Go fuck yourself!
Would help your cause if you could prove it beyond a reasonable shadow of a doubt.

But you can't do that due to you are full of shit.
Back in 1960 there were two slates of electors that were selected because it was Hawaii's first voting year as a State and it was done under court supervision while the court finalized supervising the recount. But that situation was resolved BEFORE Congress met to count the votes so there was only a SINGLE slate of electors from Hawaii.
The votes for Nixon had already been certified, but Kennedy had filed a challenge. That challenge was still pending on the day the electors had to meet to cast their votes (Dec 19). Two sets of electors cast votes, and after the recount was completed (Dec 28) Kennedy was declared the winner and the Governor re-certified the electoral votes with Kennedy's electors.

In Georgia, virtually the same thing happened. Trump had a pending challenge which the court said on Dec 9 it would consider "in the normal course". Kemp had said on Dec 7 that Trump's challenge was still viable. Trump filed a petition with the Georgia Supreme Court on Dec 11 seeking timely relief, and was denied.

They had to meet and cast votes by Dec. 14 which is the deadline in the ECA (3 USC 7), or Trump's electors would not be counted if he ultimately prevailed. So they did what Hawaii did in 1960.

The section of code you linked for 3 USC 15 was amended in 2022. The ECA in 2020 clearly envisioned the situation of multiple slates of electors. (apologize for the text, it's "as printed", and I still cut it off. link after)

"If more than one return or paper purporting to be a return from a State shall have been received by the President of the Senate, those votes, and those only, shall be counted which shall have been regularly given by the electors who are shown by the determination mentioned in section 5 of this title to have been appointed, if the determination in said section provided for shall have been made, or by such successors or substitutes, in case of a vacancy in the board of electors so ascertained, as have been appointed to fill such vacancy in the mode provided by the laws of the State; but in case there shall arise the question which of two or more of such State authorities determining what electors have been appointed, as mentioned in section 5 of this title, is the lawful tribunal of such State, the votes regularly given of those electors, and those only, of such State shall be counted whose title as electors the two Houses, acting separately, shall concurrently decide is supported by the decision of such State so authorized by its law; and in such case of more than one return or paper purporting to be a return from a State, if there shall have been no such determination of the question in the State aforesaid, then those votes, and those only, shall be counted which the two Houses shall concurrently decide were cast by lawful electors appointed in accordance with the laws of the State"

I will also direct you to this CNN piece from 2020, in which Larry Lessig recommended that the Biden campaign do the very same thing in Pennsylvania.

The votes for Nixon had already been certified, but Kennedy had filed a challenge. That challenge was still pending on the day the electors had to meet to cast their votes (Dec 19). Two sets of electors cast votes, and after the recount was completed (Dec 28) Kennedy was declared the winner and the Governor re-certified the electoral votes with Kennedy's electors.

The difference between 1960 and 2020 is that in 1960 BOTH slates of electors were established by the Executive authority of the State under Court supervision and at the direction of the court while the final recount was being conducted and again it was the Executive Authority that re-certified which of the two slates of electors the Congress should count.

To contrast with 2020, the law (cited above) clearly shows that when read in context that Congress is to count electors officially submitted be the State. In 2020 none of the "alternate electors" were submitted under state authority, the "votes" were taken by the party organization and fraudulently sent to the National Archivist and the President of the Senate purporting to be the official results - when in fact they were not. Hence why people in those states are being charge with felony election interference (specific terminology varying from state to state).


The difference between 1960 and 2020 is that in 1960 BOTH slates of electors were established by the Executive authority of the State under Court supervision and at the direction of the court while the final recount was being conducted and again it was the Executive Authority that re-certified which of the two slates of electors the Congress should count.
Citation please.
Citation please.

The only certificates sent to the National Archives and to the President of the Senate only came from State Executive authority and the reason was that there was a current court supervised recount still in play. Once the court ordered the proper certification the Governor sent it to Congress.

Anyone hear about the 23 page grievance filed against FaniWillis with the State Bar of Georgia?
No one gives a shit how you MAGAts feel about her, but we are all excited to watch your MAGAt tears flow when she's prosecuting Trump on live t.v..
Not looking good for your girl, Fani.

She's in the process of having a 23 page ethics complaint filed before the Georgia Bar, Georgia State assembly has her under investigation, where she may have to testify, Governor Kemp has the power to appoint a new special prosecutor and/or dismiss the case entirely and she's been subpoenaed by Congress.

Plus high level left winger lawyers are pushing her to recuse herself, as she has tainted her case, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

She may never prosecute Trump.

Not trying to get your goat.................🐐🐐🐐🐐
Not looking good for your girl, Fani.

She's in the process of having a 23 page ethics complaint filed before the Georgia Bar, Georgia State assembly has her under investigation, where she may have to testify, Governor Kemp has the power to appoint a new special prosecutor and/or dismiss the case entirely and she's been subpoenaed by Congress.

Plus high level left winger lawyers are pushing her to recuse herself, as she has tainted her case, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

She may never prosecute Trump.

Not trying to get your goat.................🐐🐐🐐🐐
So by your math, it's looking even worse for Trump.

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