Judge in Georgia Dismisses Three Trump Charges

Not looking good for your girl, Fani.

She's in the process of having a 23 page ethics complaint filed before the Georgia Bar, Georgia State assembly has her under investigation, where she may have to testify, Governor Kemp has the power to appoint a new special prosecutor and/or dismiss the case entirely and she's been subpoenaed by Congress.

Plus high level left winger lawyers are pushing her to recuse herself, as she has tainted her case, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

She may never prosecute Trump.

Not trying to get your goat.................🐐🐐🐐🐐
It just shows what the ultimate devolution of witch hunting turns into
Just so in a bums rush to prevent Bad Orange Man from running they are overcome with emotional pique and feel like they can pull any stunt
Stunt pulling getting holes punched in it
It just shows what the ultimate devolution of witch hunting turns into
Just so in a bums rush to prevent Bad Orange Man from running they are overcome with emotional pique and feel like they can pull any stunt
Stunt pulling getting holes punched in it
Only problem for this self fellating crap:

None of the above undermines the evidence.


The only certificates sent to the National Archives and to the President of the Senate only came from State Executive authority and the reason was that there was a current court supervised recount still in play. Once the court ordered the proper certification the Governor sent it to Congress.

Your citations fail to support you arguments in any way. There is nothing that speaks to any kind of "court or executive branch supervision" other than there was a recount in process due to Kennedy's challenge.

The Governor had certified Nixon's slate of electors on November 28, and they cast their votes on Dec 19. Kennedy's electors met immediately after that and cast their votes. Nixon's electoral votes were sent to Congress. The recount completed on Dec 30, and 5 days later a new slate of Kennedy electoral votes was sent to D.C. They arrived on January 6, the day the votes were to be counted.

When Vice President Nixon got to Hawaii's votes, he announced that there were "two slates of electors from Hawaii, one democrat and one republican".

What was done in Georgia is the same thing that was done in Hawaii, those are "contingent electors", votes cast to preserve the electoral votes of the candidate if a challenge in the State is sustained.

All your other mumbo-jumbo is just that. Your assertions in posts 298,293. and 302 that there are no provisions law for "alternate" (I prefer contingent as it's more descriptive) electors is not true. The ECA as I have shown in 2020 absolutely did contemplate the possibility, and there was a long and complicated section on how to resolve those certificates.

That law was amended in 2022, that section was struck, the words "In General" were added to each section, and the role of the President of the Senate was specified to be "ministerial only". The purpose of these changes was to prevent what happened in 2020 from happening again.

You cannot use the 2022 law to argue the 2020 process was improper.

This entire "fake elector" narrative is a bunch of hot air, and as I also showed, the dems were already laying the groundwork the day after the election in 2020 to do something similar in Pennsylvania. Slow the count until the clock ran out, and put up their own slate if Trump was ahead...
Was one of the slates on criminally forged documents and not approved by the State?
There were no "forged" certificates moron. There were two slates of electors, they used the same ballot forms. There were challenges underway, and the votes were cast to preserve the right of the voters in those States to be counted.

So stuff your phony RICO charges, there was no racketeering and there were no forged documents. That is Flatback Fani bullshit.

Now go fuck off, I am not going to explain shit to you.
The ECA as I have shown in 2020 absolutely did contemplate the possibility, and there was a long and complicated section on how to resolve those certificates.

Sorry, you didn't.

There is no provision in the law, then or now, that allow parties to send alternate slates of electors outside the Executive Authority of the Certifying States. EC Votes are performed under authority of the State and the State certifies the results to the Archivist and the President of the Senate.

In none of the States in 2020 did the Executive Authority of the State send the votes of more than one slate of electors to Washington.

And yes, the court was overseeing the recount and eventual certification that went from the Governor to Congress.

You claimed states didn't have that right.

I don't believe they do. However ongoing litigation and recounts in 1960 came down to the wire on the final certification by the Governor.

Doesn't change the fact that in none of the 2020 states did the Executive Authority attempt to certify more than one slate of electors.

I don't believe they do. However ongoing litigation and recounts in 1960 came down to the wire on the final certification by the Governor.

Doesn't change the fact that in none of the 2020 states did the Executive Authority attempt to certify more than one slate of electors.

Cut me a break....
Cut me a break....


#1 The fact is that alternate electors were NOT sent by the States Executive Authority, they were instigated and sent by the Party fraudulently claiming to be the real electors from the State.

#2 Where such things happened the "Alternate Electors" have been charged with crimes in Michigan, Nevada, and Georgia. Some have pled guilty, some have obtained plea deals to reduced charges for cooperation against the organizers, and some are still pending felony criminal cases.

Not looking good for your girl, Fani.

She's in the process of having a 23 page ethics complaint filed before the Georgia Bar, Georgia State assembly has her under investigation, where she may have to testify, Governor Kemp has the power to appoint a new special prosecutor and/or dismiss the case entirely and she's been subpoenaed by Congress.

Plus high level left winger lawyers are pushing her to recuse herself, as she has tainted her case, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

She may never prosecute Trump.

Not trying to get your goat.................🐐🐐🐐🐐
Your impotent fantasies don't move me Dell Boy. Fani is going to look great treating Trump like the fucktard criminal he is during their live trial. We all get to enjoy that together, Cuck. :funnyface:

#1 The fact is that alternate electors were NOT sent by the States Executive Authority, they were instigated and sent by the Party fraudulently claiming to be the real electors from the State.

#2 Where such things happened the "Alternate Electors" have been charged with crimes in Michigan, Nevada, and Georgia. Some have pled guilty, some have obtained plea deals to reduced charges for cooperation against the organizers, and some are still pending felony criminal cases.

The original point was states have the power to choose alternate electors. You claimed they didn't then proved it in one of your posts.
Your impotent fantasies don't move me Dell Boy. Fani is going to look great treating Trump like the fucktard criminal he is during their live trial. We all get to enjoy that together, Cuck. :funnyface:
Looks like your girl is going to have an uphill legal battle at the same time.....LOL On top of that, the presiding judge has an extreme lack of faith in Willis, now. It's funny, the dems are trying to hit Trump from all sides in a concerted effort..............now the tables are turning in the same way against your girl.....that's priceless.

MSNBC legal analyst Andrew Weissmann called on Fani Willis, the Fulton County District Attorney prosecuting the election interference case against former President Trump and his allies, to resign from the case.
the presiding judge has an extreme lack of faith in Willis, now.
But normal adults understand the jury decides, based on evidence. Not based on the squealing and mewling of cultists, and not based on what Willis had for breakfast.

So you sound desperate and dumb.

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