Judge Napolitano on ‘Fast and Furious’ Documents: Executive Privilege Only Applies If

Far right extremism lunacy is on the rise here. :lol:

BHO can withhold documents under EP. Holder is subject only to his boss, not Congress. If SCOTUS gets involved, then BHO can be forced to order Holder to submit to Congress's direction.

But until then, Congress can piss into the hat.
I wrote in another thread and I'll state it here?

IF this started under Bush? Then RELEASE the Documents. What are they hiding? Isn't Bush being blamed?

By the way? Just heard that Holder just retracted his statement blaming Bushs' AG for this.

What a hole Obama and Holder are digging.

This is monumental.

The left had better check thier blame game and wake up.
Far right extremism lunacy is on the rise here. :lol:

BHO can withhold documents under EP. Holder is subject only to his boss, not Congress. If SCOTUS gets involved, then BHO can be forced to order Holder to submit to Congress's direction.

But until then, Congress can piss into the hat.

Even though your wrong, why hide anything?
Check SCOTUS and Watergate and stopped being ignorant, Avorysuds.

All Congress can do is subpoena, and Obama can ignore it, and order Holder to ignore it.
Far right extremism lunacy is on the rise here. :lol:

BHO can withhold documents under EP. Holder is subject only to his boss, not Congress. If SCOTUS gets involved, then BHO can be forced to order Holder to submit to Congress's direction.

But until then, Congress can piss into the hat.

Even though your wrong, why hide anything?

My sentiments as well.

If Barry and Holder are on the up and up then whats with this EP all of a sudden. EP isn't invoked just for the hell of it.

Methinks there is skulduggery afoot.
I'm trying to understand why Obama is suddenly sticking his neck out to protect Holder after all these years of tossing people under the bus.

He's not trying to protect Holder, it's his sorry ass he's trying to protect.
Doesn't matter what you think or wonder, Claudette.

Congress can subpoena and Obama can ignore. Only SCOTUS can force Obama to have Holder answer the subpoena.
Under Bush the program was Wide Receiver.
Done with the Mexican government and the guns were being tracked.
Under Obama the program was changed and became Fast and Furious. They did not work with the Mexican government. they bought guns from legal gun shops and then they did not track the guns.
Thanks to this very stupid policy that was changed by this administration, we now have a border agent who is dead.
Well Jake what you say may be true but it sure doesn't make Barry or his admin look all that great.

Nope. Espcially when you've got a dead Border Patrol Agent and Holders baby FF is responsible.
Bush team started it and he stopped it.

this shit stain is going to match your other big collection nicely

So, if it ALLL BOOOSH fault then why not release the documents. This would BE GOLD for Obama and you left wing LOONS .. :cuckoo:
Dear idiot, the docs they are demanding would be illegal to release.

your party is going to REALLY regret this partisan witch hunt in the end.

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