Judge says 10-year-old girl can rejoin softball team in blow to transgender sports ban

“A federal judge has ordered that Indianapolis Public Schools must allow a 10-year-old girl at the heart of a legal challenge against a state ban targeting transgender athletes to rejoin her softball team.”

Very good.
What a surprise, another lefty that supports males in female sports. You people are sick.
That was a tv show. In reality her bones would have been broken.
Not if a girl works hard enough which is the sad thing about it all. They have to kill their own selves just to be considered half as good. I don't know how popular it is, but there is such a thing as female body building and so if that kind of thing is out there, those who take part in it could probably do well in the wrestling field too.

God bless you and them always!!!

Sure it doesn't affect you, so you're all for "transgender rights". What if you had a daughter who was working hard to get a track scholarship and was beaten in the State Finals by a boy who decided he was a girl?
You'll never break on through to the moron, he is one of the primary examples demonstrating how fascist democrats have convinced inner city black communities that infanticide is a right, infanticide is freedom, its absolutely diabolical how well that evil has germinated within that community.

Once you sign on to your own extermination, well why can't an 8-12 year old boy or girl change their gender, once you embrace murdering babies, and make no mistake the op and all fascist democrat street trash have embraced that, then there is absolutely no evil thing beyond such folk, they will embrace any atrocity, commit any atrocity....
Can we make a deal that a four year old who was administered chemical treatments to change his appearance to a girl and identifies as a girl at 10 years old can compete in girls sports but on the other hand a fully grown man who claims to be women should be prevented from competing against women? Can we also agree that the four year old (now ten) is a victim of child abuse?
If you need the courts to decide, it maybe a red flag something is wrong.

Don't understand why parents would want to subject their children to this.......................

Another red flag. This is child abuse, pure and simple.
It ceases to be "Girls" or "Boys" sports when a trans is allowed to pick a gender. If they want co-ed sports, do it. Don't try to justify an underperforming boy suiting up as a girl. It is not fair to the girls.
For now, at least, the hatred and bigotry of the right has been checked by the Constitution.
Did we redefine bigotry to the reluctance of sane Americans to authorize the chemical life changing altering of genetic boys to the appearance of girls?
While i do not agree with you totally I do agree with the sentiment.

How the fuck can a 10 year old be transgender?
This is the loony left. It was Florida where the lefties wanted to teach kindergarteners through third grade about sexual orientation and the like. Many lefty loonies allow and encourage their very young (a lot younger than 10) to identify themselves and guide them along that path, often the path that their parents want to push them down. I remember when I was very young I used to play with girl dolls every now and then because we were poor and didn't have million toys. If this was today and I had a loony left woke parent, they would be encouraging me to be a transgender.
“A federal judge has ordered that Indianapolis Public Schools must allow a 10-year-old girl at the heart of a legal challenge against a state ban targeting transgender athletes to rejoin her softball team.”

Very good.
"The defendant started identifying as a girl before age 4..."
READ: The child's parent encouraged and groomed the boy to act like a girl in order to have a "trans child"
What I have a real problem with is that little league allows girls to play on the boys teams. But unless a boy "pretends" to be a girl, he's not allowed to play softball with the girls. Why is that?
“A federal judge has ordered that Indianapolis Public Schools must allow a 10-year-old girl at the heart of a legal challenge against a state ban targeting transgender athletes to rejoin her softball team.”

Very good.

Fake news
The kids he plays with should ostracize and ridicule him.
While that may be harsh it's what needs to happen.

I call bullshit on any claim that this boy chose of his own accord to “identify” as a “girl”.

This is a clear case of abusive brainwashing and manipulation o the part of this boys' parents.

The boy needs to be taken away from these parents, and put up for adoption into a sane family; and he needs some serious psychological counseling to mitigate the harm that his parents have done to him.

And his parents need to go to prison for a very, very, very long time.

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