Judge Sullivan Scrambles For A Lifeline To Bail HIMSELF Out Of Dropped Flynn Case

Proper protocol for "talk to". There is no proper protocol for negotiating with a foreign power, except with the approval of the commander in chief.
Actually there IS proper protocol / guides / rules / laws one must adhere to in initiating and making these communication. They are the same ones snowflakes / Obama's criminals claim Flynn violated.

Obama himself stated that ERVERY new administration going in behind an incumbent attempts to get an early start by initiating communications with foreign reps. He declared his own team did the same exact thing.

Doing so became a 'crime', I guess, after Trump defeated Hillary in 2016.

No one said any communication with foreign leaders is a crime. Negotiating against the interest of the US is, which is what Flynn did.
What was "against the interest of the US"? Be specific.
"D.C. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan issued an order Tuesday indicating that he'll soon accept "amicus curiae," or "friend of the court" submissions, in the case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn -- essentially allowing the court to use an "ask the audience" lifeline in what has already proved to be an unpredictable and chaotic prosecution.

Sullivan's minute order indicated that an upcoming scheduling order would clarify the parameters of who specifically could submit the amicus briefs, which are submissions by non-parties that claim an interest in the case. Sullivan specifically said he anticipates that "individuals and organizations" will file briefs "for the benefit of the court."

The move attracted immediate criticism -- and a planned ethics complaint against Sullivan, who had previously refused to hear amicus briefs in the case. ("Options exist for a private citizen to express his views about matters of public interest, but the Court's docket is not an available option," Sullivan wrote in the past.)

"Judge Sullivan, who denied leave to file amicus briefs when he knew third parties would have spoken favorably of Flynn, now solicits briefs critical of Flynn," independent journalist Michael Cernovich wrote on Twitter. "This is a violation of the judicial oath and applicable ethical rules."

It appears Sullivan, who viciously rebuked Flynn in court based on the lies presented in court now doesn't want to simply drop the case and walk away with egg on his face.

The easiest thing to do to make this all go away quietly would have been to allow the case to be dropped....but it appears Sullivan wants the circus to continue...


Having looked into this, this isn't political

This is just a pissed off judge

He went out of his way to make sure Flynn was actually lying, going above and beyond what he needed to do when he accepted Flynn's plea

Now Flynn wants out and he's pissed.

This is typical judge behavior even if there was no politics involved at all here. Flynn and his lawyers have pissed this judge off
Oh? Did the judge force Flynn to admit guilt?
The FBI did. Please try to keep up.

No one needed more evidence you're deranged.

By Refusing DOJ Decision to Drop Flynn Case Judge Sullivan Ignored UNANIMOUS Supreme Court Decision from LAST WEEK!

The criminal case against General Flynn is over. Judge Sullivan just does not want to admit it.

And Sullivan really looks foolish for his outlandish antics considering the US Supreme Court just one week ago ruled that rogue judges CANNOT do what Judge Sullivan is wanting to do.

The Supreme Court ruled 9-0 to prevent judges like Emmet Sullivan from becoming tyrants on the bench.

U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan disregarded two controlling precedents from higher courts with his decision to appoint John Gleeson as amicus curiae in the U.S. v. Michael Flynn case this week. Judicial conduct similar to J. Sullivan’s in these prior, far less politically charged cases was roundly and unanimously condemned by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, D.C. Circuit Judge Sri Srinivasan, and their colleagues across the ideological spectrum.

One week ago, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a 9-0 decision, authored by Justice Ginsburg, that took judges to task for similar amicus antics. Her opinion for the Court in U.S. v. Sineneng-Smith upbraided the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit for violating a basic aspect of legal proceedings called the “party presentation principle.”

In a nutshell, this concept dictates that judges must decide the case as presented by the parties before them. They are not to go out questing for dragons to slay (or issues to tackle) that the parties have not brought before them. As J. Ginsburg put it: “[C]ourts are essentially passive instruments of government … They ‘do not, or should not, sally forth each day looking for wrongs to right. [They] wait for cases to come to [them], and when [cases arise, courts] normally decide only questions presented by the parties.”

Sullivan should be proverbially, judicially kicked in the nuts for this.....

Proper protocol for "talk to". There is no proper protocol for negotiating with a foreign power, except with the approval of the commander in chief.
Actually there IS proper protocol / guides / rules / laws one must adhere to in initiating and making these communication. They are the same ones snowflakes / Obama's criminals claim Flynn violated.

Obama himself stated that ERVERY new administration going in behind an incumbent attempts to get an early start by initiating communications with foreign reps. He declared his own team did the same exact thing.

Doing so became a 'crime', I guess, after Trump defeated Hillary in 2016.

No one said any communication with foreign leaders is a crime. Negotiating against the interest of the US is, which is what Flynn did.
What did he negotiate? Be specific.
He provided aid and comfort to Russia over sanctions put on them by the US.
Proper protocol for "talk to". There is no proper protocol for negotiating with a foreign power, except with the approval of the commander in chief.
Actually there IS proper protocol / guides / rules / laws one must adhere to in initiating and making these communication. They are the same ones snowflakes / Obama's criminals claim Flynn violated.

Obama himself stated that ERVERY new administration going in behind an incumbent attempts to get an early start by initiating communications with foreign reps. He declared his own team did the same exact thing.

Doing so became a 'crime', I guess, after Trump defeated Hillary in 2016.

No one said any communication with foreign leaders is a crime. Negotiating against the interest of the US is, which is what Flynn did.
What did he negotiate? Be specific.
He provided aid and comfort to Russia over sanctions put on them by the US.

Back up your bullshit, Cupcake.
There is an entire thread on this, one that proves beyond a doubt what Sullivan is doing violates existing law / precedence. set in ether 2016 or 2017. I won't bother to rehash / report - you can read it all there.

Give me the cliff note version of what you claim.
Proper protocol for "talk to". There is no proper protocol for negotiating with a foreign power, except with the approval of the commander in chief.
Actually there IS proper protocol / guides / rules / laws one must adhere to in initiating and making these communication. They are the same ones snowflakes / Obama's criminals claim Flynn violated.

Obama himself stated that ERVERY new administration going in behind an incumbent attempts to get an early start by initiating communications with foreign reps. He declared his own team did the same exact thing.

Doing so became a 'crime', I guess, after Trump defeated Hillary in 2016.

No one said any communication with foreign leaders is a crime. Negotiating against the interest of the US is, which is what Flynn did.
What did he negotiate? Be specific.
He provided aid and comfort to Russia over sanctions put on them by the US.

Back up your bullshit, Cupcake.

Dumbfuck, Flynn's guilt is the proof. :lmao:
Proper protocol for "talk to". There is no proper protocol for negotiating with a foreign power, except with the approval of the commander in chief.
Actually there IS proper protocol / guides / rules / laws one must adhere to in initiating and making these communication. They are the same ones snowflakes / Obama's criminals claim Flynn violated.

Obama himself stated that ERVERY new administration going in behind an incumbent attempts to get an early start by initiating communications with foreign reps. He declared his own team did the same exact thing.

Doing so became a 'crime', I guess, after Trump defeated Hillary in 2016.

No one said any communication with foreign leaders is a crime. Negotiating against the interest of the US is, which is what Flynn did.
What did he negotiate? Be specific.
He provided aid and comfort to Russia over sanctions put on them by the US.

Back up your bullshit, Cupcake.

Dumbfuck, Flynn's guilt is the proof. :lmao:
Nope. Try again.
Give me the cliff note version of what you claim.

Uh, NO. Put forth some effort to educate yourself. if you are too damn lazy to go look at the thread I also just places a 2nd, more critical ruling by the USSC just 1 week ago in which Justice Ginsburg railed against judges doing what Sullivan is doing now.
Proper protocol for "talk to". There is no proper protocol for negotiating with a foreign power, except with the approval of the commander in chief.
Actually there IS proper protocol / guides / rules / laws one must adhere to in initiating and making these communication. They are the same ones snowflakes / Obama's criminals claim Flynn violated.

Obama himself stated that ERVERY new administration going in behind an incumbent attempts to get an early start by initiating communications with foreign reps. He declared his own team did the same exact thing.

Doing so became a 'crime', I guess, after Trump defeated Hillary in 2016.

No one said any communication with foreign leaders is a crime. Negotiating against the interest of the US is, which is what Flynn did.
What did he negotiate? Be specific.
He provided aid and comfort to Russia over sanctions put on them by the US.

Back up your bullshit, Cupcake.

Dumbfuck, Flynn's guilt is the proof. :lmao:
Nope. Try again.

Don't have to just 'cause you're an idiot. I already backed my claim.
Proper protocol for "talk to". There is no proper protocol for negotiating with a foreign power, except with the approval of the commander in chief.
Actually there IS proper protocol / guides / rules / laws one must adhere to in initiating and making these communication. They are the same ones snowflakes / Obama's criminals claim Flynn violated.

Obama himself stated that ERVERY new administration going in behind an incumbent attempts to get an early start by initiating communications with foreign reps. He declared his own team did the same exact thing.

Doing so became a 'crime', I guess, after Trump defeated Hillary in 2016.

No one said any communication with foreign leaders is a crime. Negotiating against the interest of the US is, which is what Flynn did.
What did he negotiate? Be specific.
He provided aid and comfort to Russia over sanctions put on them by the US.

Back up your bullshit, Cupcake.

Dumbfuck, Flynn's guilt is the proof. :lmao:
Nope. Try again.

Don't have to just 'cause you're an idiot. I already backed my claim.
No, you didn't. You have failed miserably.

Please try again.
What did he "negotiate"? Be specific.
He negotiated Russian modifying their response to the Obama sanctions, in return for a promise Trump would reverse the Obama sanctions.
He did? What was their response going to be, and how did they change it? Link us up to him promising to reverse the Obama sanctions.
Read the NSA transcripts of Flynns three conversations with Kislyak.

And the meta-data showing Flynn talked to the transition team at Mar-a-lago before or after each call.
What did he "negotiate"? Be specific.
He negotiated Russian modifying their response to the Obama sanctions, in return for a promise Trump would reverse the Obama sanctions.
He did? What was their response going to be, and how did they change it? Link us up to him promising to reverse the Obama sanctions.
Read the NSA transcripts of Flynns three conversations with Kislyak.

And the meta-data showing Flynn talked to the transition team at Mar-a-lago before or after each call.
Sorry, the claim was made and you need to back it up.

Quote the transcripts. I don't do homework for congenital liars like you.
One week ago, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a 9-0 decision, authored by Justice Ginsburg, that took judges to task for similar amicus antics. Her opinion for the Court in U.S. v. Sineneng-Smith upbraided the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit for violating a basic aspect of legal proceedings called the “party presentation principle.”

In a nutshell, this concept dictates that judges must decide the case as presented by the parties before them. They are not to go out questing for dragons to slay (or issues to tackle) that the parties have not brought before them. As J. Ginsburg put it: “[C]ourts are essentially passive instruments of government … They ‘do not, or should not, sally forth each day looking for wrongs to right. [They] wait for cases to come to [them], and when [cases arise, courts] normally decide only questions presented by the parties.”

Nice, try, but that case isn't germane to the Sullivan case.

If you read from the entire decision, and not just one dowdified portion.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit panel’s drastic departure from the principle of party presentation constituted an abuse of discretion when the court reached out to decide a question never raised by the respondent, namely, whether 8 U. S. C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv) is unconstitutionally overbroad.

Nothing Sullivan is asking as an amicus hasn't been raised by the DOJ prior to wanting to drop the case.
You left out that the Obama appointees did that communication THROUGH to existing agencies, ex Department of State, Department of Defense etc.
No, not all of them did. Nice try, though.

To quote your compatriot.

Back up your bullshit, Cupcake.
I have numerous times. You admitted you were too lazy already once before to lookup what has been provided . Let me guess, this is the 2nd time.... :p
.... 2nd, more critical ruling by the USSC just 1 week ago in which Justice Ginsburg railed against judges doing what Sullivan is doing now.

I just called bullshit on that too. The USSC ruling was because they got amicus briefs on issues not presented by the parties before them. They addressed a wider question of namely, whether 8 U. S. C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv) is unconstitutionally overbroad.
Proper protocol for "talk to". There is no proper protocol for negotiating with a foreign power, except with the approval of the commander in chief.
Actually there IS proper protocol / guides / rules / laws one must adhere to in initiating and making these communication. They are the same ones snowflakes / Obama's criminals claim Flynn violated.

Obama himself stated that ERVERY new administration going in behind an incumbent attempts to get an early start by initiating communications with foreign reps. He declared his own team did the same exact thing.

Doing so became a 'crime', I guess, after Trump defeated Hillary in 2016.

No one said any communication with foreign leaders is a crime. Negotiating against the interest of the US is, which is what Flynn did.
What did he negotiate? Be specific.
He provided aid and comfort to Russia over sanctions put on them by the US.

Back up your bullshit, Cupcake.

Dumbfuck, Flynn's guilt is the proof. :lmao:
Nope. Try again.

Don't have to just 'cause you're an idiot. I already backed my claim.
No, you didn't. You have failed miserably.

Please try again.

Why are you sooo intent on parading your ignorance? OK, I'll try and dumb it down to your pre-K level; hopefully then you'll understand...

Obama, president at the time and duly authorized to do so, imposed sanctions on Russia.The FBI had recordings of Flynn discussing the sanctions with a Russian ambassador. Under questioning, Flynn denied discussing the sanctions with that Russian ambassador.

Are ya still following along??

Flynn then confessed that was a lie, meaning he did talk about the sanctions with Russia. And unlike Obama, Flynn was not duly authorized to discuss the sanctions with Russia.


Flynn's guilt is the proof.

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