Judge Sullivan Scrambles For A Lifeline To Bail HIMSELF Out Of Dropped Flynn Case

Since Nostra has made me search through Flynns plea agreement, an interesting section I found (clause 11)

11. Breach of Agreement
Your client understands and agrees that, if after entering this Agreement, your client fails specifically to perform or to fulfill completely each and every one of your client's obligations under this Agreement, or engages in any criminal activity prior to sentencing, your client will have breached this Agreement. In the event of such a breach: (a) the Government will be free from its obligations under this Agreement; (b) your client will not have the right to withdraw the guilty plea; (c) your client will be fully subject to criminal prosecution for any other crimes, including perjury and obstruction of justice;
They were also in the Mueller report. The portion that the DOJ has refused to release.
Oh, so you are claiming to know what is in some more docs that haven't been released. :abgg2q.jpg:
Here is the description from Flynns plea

View attachment 336456
Cool. So Flynn got Russia to NOT retaliate. How is this bad for America?

Glad I goaded you into bringing something that proves he wasn't working against America. :iyfyus.jpg:

Cool. So Flynn got Russia to NOT retaliate. How is this bad for America?

Glad I goaded you into bringing something that proves he wasn't working against America. :iyfyus.jpg:


You left out the part about, admitting you made an ass of yourself asking for the classified transcripts, when I told you the descriptions of what Flynn said were included in Flynns plea deal (posted) and the Mueller report (redacted by DOJ).

I asked you to back up your bullshit. You admitted you couldn't
I just posted them, thereby kicking your stupid ass.

Dismissed !!!!!
Cool. So Flynn got Russia to NOT retaliate. How is this bad for America?

Glad I goaded you into bringing something that proves he wasn't working against America. :iyfyus.jpg:


You left out the part about, admitting you made an ass of yourself asking for the classified transcripts, when I told you the descriptions of what Flynn said were included in Flynns plea deal (posted) and the Mueller report (redacted by DOJ).

I asked you to back up your bullshit. You admitted you couldn't
I just posted them, thereby kicking your stupid ass.

Dismissed !!!!!
Hey Stupid, YOU claimed it was in the transcripts and then had to backtrack when I called your bullshit out.

And you didn't kick anyone's ass but your own. You claimed he was working against the US, when in fact he got Russia to NOT retaliate against the US. Man, you really looks stupid.
You left out the part about, admitting you made an ass of yourself asking for the classified transcripts, when I told you the descriptions of what Flynn said were included in Flynns plea deal (posted) and the Mueller report (redacted by DOJ).
I asked you to back up your bullshit. You admitted you couldn't
I just posted them, thereby kicking your stupid ass.

Dismissed !!!!!
Hey Stupid, YOU claimed it was in the transcripts and then had to backtrack when I called your bullshit out.

They are in the transcripts ass. But since the transcripts are NSA classified, I couldn't post them. But I posted the description of what they said, which backed up exactly what I claimed. I even told you where to find them, and when I posted the Flynn plea deal, all you could do was cry like a little girl.

Dismissed again !!!!!
Proper protocol for "talk to". There is no proper protocol for negotiating with a foreign power, except with the approval of the commander in chief.
Actually there IS proper protocol / guides / rules / laws one must adhere to in initiating and making these communication. They are the same ones snowflakes / Obama's criminals claim Flynn violated.

Obama himself stated that ERVERY new administration going in behind an incumbent attempts to get an early start by initiating communications with foreign reps. He declared his own team did the same exact thing.

Doing so became a 'crime', I guess, after Trump defeated Hillary in 2016.

No one said any communication with foreign leaders is a crime. Negotiating against the interest of the US is, which is what Flynn did.
What did he negotiate? Be specific.
He provided aid and comfort to Russia over sanctions put on them by the US.
What "aid and comfort" was that? Getting Russia to NOT retaliate against the US? :iyfyus.jpg:
You left out the part about, admitting you made an ass of yourself asking for the classified transcripts, when I told you the descriptions of what Flynn said were included in Flynns plea deal (posted) and the Mueller report (redacted by DOJ).
I asked you to back up your bullshit. You admitted you couldn't
I just posted them, thereby kicking your stupid ass.

Dismissed !!!!!
Hey Stupid, YOU claimed it was in the transcripts and then had to backtrack when I called your bullshit out.

They are in the transcripts ass. But since the transcripts are NSA classified, I couldn't post them. But I posted the description of what they said, which backed up exactly what I claimed. I even told you where to find them, and when I posted the Flynn plea deal, all you could do was cry like a little girl.

Dismissed again !!!!!

How do you know what is in the CLASSIFIED, UNRELEASED transcripts? You are once again making claims you can't back up.

How many fails are you up to in this thread? I count about a dozen...............so far. :abgg2q.jpg:
How do you know what is in the CLASSIFIED, UNRELEASED transcripts? You are once again making claims you can't back up.

How many fails are you up to in this thread? I count about a dozen...............so far. :abgg2q.jpg:

That's where Mueller said he got them from.
How do you know what is in the CLASSIFIED, UNRELEASED transcripts? You are once again making claims you can't back up.

How many fails are you up to in this thread? I count about a dozen...............so far. :abgg2q.jpg:

That's where Mueller said he got them from.
He did? Where? Post exactly what he said.
You should have watched Mueller when he testified, and read the Mueller report, the Flynn plea agreement, the statement of offenses etc.
That's the origin of everything I said, that you claimed was made up.

I already kicked your ass when you said there were no transcripts of what I claimed. And you're just a waste of time asking for "proof" of what's already been posted to you.
How do you know what is in the CLASSIFIED, UNRELEASED transcripts? You are once again making claims you can't back up.

How many fails are you up to in this thread? I count about a dozen...............so far. :abgg2q.jpg:

That's where Mueller said he got them from.
He did? Where? Post exactly what he said.
You should have watched Mueller when he testified, and read the Mueller report, the Flynn plea agreement, the statement of offenses etc.
That's the origin of everything I said, that you claimed was made up.

I already kicked your ass when you said there were no transcripts of what I claimed. And you're just a waste of time asking for "proof" of what's already been posted to you.
So, once again you can't back up your claims.

You lose, again. :iyfyus.jpg:
So, once again you can't back up your claims.

You lose, again. :iyfyus.jpg:

Everything I said is in here.

Pack a lunch.
Sorry Sport, that's not how it works. Cut and paste the quote. I don't do fishing expeditions for known liars.
This is purely political for the Democrats at this point...and this judge is a Clinton appointee.

This Judge is signaling that he might just sentence Flynn...in spite of the Motion for Dismissal by the prosecutors...and maybe make Trump intervene to stop it with a Pardon...which would give the Liberal Media another reason to pretend their hair is on fire from the usual pretended Trumpian Abomination.

Barr may have to counter to the Judge with more information about how bad Flynn was railroaded...information he would rather save for the prosecution of Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, that psychopath Strzok, and a number of others.

This Judge knows he should have recused himself from the case on account of his serious political bias. Since he insists on playing games, I hope Barr lands on him with the 800-pound gorilla that the truth is. The truth is the judge cannot fail to see how biased he knows he is, and deserves a quick impeachment and a huge fine payable to General Flynn along with a 3-page written apology that shows how sorry he is for miscarrying the justice against a hero anyone else would have given to any American citizen who'd been so targeted and misinformed that he was not under surveillance of anyone in the FBI when he was being totally milked for anything bad under the threat of damaging his son for some error of use they could cook up.
"D.C. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan issued an order Tuesday indicating that he'll soon accept "amicus curiae," or "friend of the court" submissions, in the case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn -- essentially allowing the court to use an "ask the audience" lifeline in what has already proved to be an unpredictable and chaotic prosecution.

Sullivan's minute order indicated that an upcoming scheduling order would clarify the parameters of who specifically could submit the amicus briefs, which are submissions by non-parties that claim an interest in the case. Sullivan specifically said he anticipates that "individuals and organizations" will file briefs "for the benefit of the court."

The move attracted immediate criticism -- and a planned ethics complaint against Sullivan, who had previously refused to hear amicus briefs in the case. ("Options exist for a private citizen to express his views about matters of public interest, but the Court's docket is not an available option," Sullivan wrote in the past.)

"Judge Sullivan, who denied leave to file amicus briefs when he knew third parties would have spoken favorably of Flynn, now solicits briefs critical of Flynn," independent journalist Michael Cernovich wrote on Twitter. "This is a violation of the judicial oath and applicable ethical rules."

It appears Sullivan, who viciously rebuked Flynn in court based on the lies presented in court now doesn't want to simply drop the case and walk away with egg on his face.

The easiest thing to do to make this all go away quietly would have been to allow the case to be dropped....but it appears Sullivan wants the circus to continue...

Someone's pulling his strings. A judge, especially at this level, wouldn't risk the kind of scrutiny he's in for without very good reasons.
The animus Sullivan smeared General Flynn with was way over the top. Sullivan thinks he can protect Barack Obama from all the shenannigans that Obama and Hillary jointly foisted against the American taxpayer by destroying Flynn.
So, once again you can't back up your claims.

You lose, again. :iyfyus.jpg:

Everything I said is in here.

Pack a lunch.
Sorry Sport, that's not how it works. Cut and paste the quote. I don't do fishing expeditions for known liars.

Go to page 258 You can't cut and past from that kind of indirect PDF.

As I said, it's on page 258 of 448
So, once again you can't back up your claims.

You lose, again. :iyfyus.jpg:

Everything I said is in here.

Pack a lunch.
Sorry Sport, that's not how it works. Cut and paste the quote. I don't do fishing expeditions for known liars.

Go to page 258 You can't cut and past from that kind of indirect PDF.

As I said, it's on page 258 of 448
I accept your concession. Run along, kid.
So, once again you can't back up your claims.

You lose, again. :iyfyus.jpg:

Sorry Sport, that's not how it works. Cut and paste the quote. I don't do fishing expeditions for known liars.

Go to page 258

As I said, it's on page 258 of 448

DOJ officials had informed McGahn , who informed the President, that Flynn ' s statements
to senior White House officials about his contacts with Kislyak were not true and that Flynn had
told the same version of events to the FBI. McGahn also informed the President that Flynn ' s
conduct could violate 18 U.S .C. § l 001. After the Vice President and senior White House officials
reviewed the underlying information about Flynn's calls on February 10, 2017
, they believed that
Flynn could not have forgotten his conversations with Kislyak and concluded that he had been

On December 29, 2016, then-President Obama imposed sanctions on Russia for having
interfered in the election. Incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn called Russian
Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and asked Russia not to escalate the situation in response to the
sanctions. The following day, Putin announced that Russia would not take retaliatory measures in
response to the sanctions at that time. Hours later , President-Elect Trump tweeted, "Great move
on delay (by V. Putin)." The next day, on December 31, 2016, Kislyak called Flynn and told him
the request had been receiv ed at the highest levels and Russia had chosen not to retaliate as a result
of Flynn's request.

Mueller report
On December 29, 2016, then-President Obama imposed sanctions on Russia for having
interfered in the election. Incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn called Russian
Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and asked Russia not to escalate the situation in response to the
sanctions. The following day, Putin announced that Russia would not take retaliatory measures in
response to the sanctions at that time. Hours later , President-Elect Trump tweeted, "Great move
on delay (by V. Putin)." The next day, on December 31, 2016, Kislyak called Flynn and told him
the request had been receiv ed at the highest levels and Russia had chosen not to retaliate as a result
of Flynn's request.

Mueller report
Flynn prevents WWIII, and you think this is working against America?

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