
The Irish Ram

Apr 10, 2011
diagonally parked in a parallel universe
Romans 14:12
So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

2 Corinthians 5:10
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

So, do Christians believe their sins are judged when they go to Heaven?
Romans 14:12
So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

2 Corinthians 5:10
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

So, do Christians believe their sins are judged when they go to Heaven?

I didn't know there was any question but that Christianity teaches that we are to be judged by God in the hereafter.
Romans 14:12
So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

2 Corinthians 5:10
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

So, do Christians believe their sins are judged when they go to Heaven?

.... Christians already have no clue by thinking they are going to heaven in the first place.

God comes from Heaven - mankind might make it back to the Everlasting, for Judgement.

reach the OuterWorld of the Everlasting before you die - avoids a lot of complications.
Why would Jesus tell the woman that was caught in the act of adultery that He wouldn't condemn her for her sin, but He's going to judge us for ours? That doesn't make sense.

How does that work. If you have done more good than bad here, are you graded on a curve? Or does a C or above get to stay, D's and F's go to Hell?
And If our sins are judged when we get there, what in the world was the Son of God doing hanging on a cross?
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There is an Eternal Judgment where we will give an account of our life before God. The scriptures you've quoted along with others make that clear.

Our sins will not be judged. We will be. In fact, if we have used the Atonement and repented of our sins, we will have no sins to judge. Instead, we will be judged by the good things we've done.
Avatar, You are sooooooo right.
There are two future judgments. One for those that have accepted the gift of salvation, the Bema judgement, and then the White Throne judgement after the1,000 year reign of Christ.
It can't be sin that is being judged in 2 Cor.5:10, because there is no good and bad sin. There is sin. And Christ took care of that once a for all. One time. He can't revisit it because it is already nonexistent.
Romans 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Jesus Christ."
And God said over and over that our sins are no more. They don't exist.

Breeze, if A Christian doesn't know where they are going, then they've missed a good bit of the Bible. The Who, What, When, Where And Why part.
We are even told what to expect the second we get there.
We arrive and are ushered to our coronation. As co-heirs with our brother Jesus, we receive our inheritance. Part of our ceremony is the testing of our 'services rendered'. < works for Christ sake. That is the Bema Judgment.

Of the good works we have done on earth, the ones that were done for our own edifying, the 'bad ones' get incinerated, the ones we did for Christ's sake, the ones worthy of God's favor survive, and the rewards we receive, the treasures that we have been storing up up there are portioned out.
It is a good thing. Nothing to be afraid of.
Best party of your life, and accepting your eternal position is as easy as receiving His gift.
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Romans 14:12
So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

2 Corinthians 5:10
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

So, do Christians believe their sins are judged when they go to Heaven?

That would mean that when one dies they either go to heaven or hell and that is judgment. But the "wages of sin is death" so when you die you have paid for your sins? So why a judgment and for what? Eternal death or eternal death? Then there would be no need for a Resurrection?
My beliefs are that only a few goes to heaven and they serves with Jesus for a thousand years and after the thousand years......I don't believe the god I know would burn anyone physically forever. SO hell do not exist. It represent the second death. Everlasting separation form GOD>
Romans 14:12
So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

2 Corinthians 5:10
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

So, do Christians believe their sins are judged when they go to Heaven?

.... Christians already have no clue by thinking they are going to heaven in the first place.

God comes from Heaven - mankind might make it back to the Everlasting, for Judgement.

reach the OuterWorld of the Everlasting before you die - avoids a lot of complications.

Psa 37...The meek shall inherit the earth and live forever on it. Not hell or heaven. John 3:13 During biblical times no one ever dies and went to heaven except Christ who came from heaven. "No man greater than John the Baptist and he did not go to heaven.
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Why would Jesus tell the woman that was caught in the act of adultery that He wouldn't condemn her for her sin, but He's going to judge us for ours? That doesn't make sense.

How does that work. If you have done more good than bad here, are you graded on a curve? Or does a C or above get to stay, D's and F's go to Hell?
And If our sins are judged when we get there, what in the world was the Son of God doing hanging on a cross?

There is only ONE unforgivable sin and that is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. He forgave the man on the stake along beside him for his sins. He promised him paradise on earth and not in heaven. He did not say he would be with him in heaven.
Romans 14:12
So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

2 Corinthians 5:10
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

So, do Christians believe their sins are judged when they go to Heaven?

That would mean that when one dies they either go to heaven or hell and that is judgment. But the "wages of sin is death" so when you die you have paid for your sins? So why a judgment and for what? Eternal death or eternal death? Then there would be no need for a Resurrection?
My beliefs are that only a few goes to heaven and they serves with Jesus for a thousand years and after the thousand years......I don't believe the god I know would burn anyone physically forever. SO hell do not exist. It represent the second death. Everlasting separation form GOD>

Before Christ conquered death, those that believed in the God of Abraham and died, went to a specific place called Abraham's bosom and it was also a paradise. Across a deep chasm was what some call Hell. Both locations are temporary.

Read about the rich man who called out to Abraham for a drop of water. That is where Christ went after He died, ( along with the thief on the cross next to Him), before Christ returned to earth.
He went there to open the gate of death for those in Abraham's bosom. And to proclaim who He was to the group the rich man was in. Jesus brought Abraham's group back to earth for the forty days Jesus stayed here.
Then they all left together to the Father. < Matthew refers to "them" who were taken up with Jesus, to eternal life. They were Jesus' first fruit offering to His Father.
Those on the other side of the chasm are still there, awaiting the White Throne Judgement and will give an account of their sins, and face a second death.

Now that death has been conquered by Christ, those in Christ go straight to Heaven now when they die. The only judgement they receive at that time is for the amount of services rendered for Christ's sake. That's it. Absolutely NO condemnation. No mention of our sins, because Christ disposed of our sins once and for all when He died. He has no intention of addressing them again.
The 1,000 year reign of Christ takes place right here on earth, not from Heaven. And those that died in Christ accompany Him back to earth from Heaven to reign with Him when He ends the Battle of Armageddon, and begins His Kingdom.

Those that choose to die with their sin, (our choice not God's) go straight to the area where that rich man still thirsts and await along with him, the White Throne Judgement.
There will be another battle at the end of Christ's 1,000 year reign and that is when "Hell" is emptied out and the White throne judgement takes place. And then evil is dealt with once and for all, Heaven descends to earth, for eternity and the earth is revamped, again, back to the Garden it was meant to be.

God created the Lake of Fire for Satan and His evil spirits. He gives us every opportunity to avoid that pit but leaves our eternal location strictly to us. We chose our eternity.
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So, do Christians believe their sins are judged when they go to Heaven?

That would mean that when one dies they either go to heaven or hell and that is judgment. But the "wages of sin is death" so when you die you have paid for your sins? So why a judgment and for what? Eternal death or eternal death? Then there would be no need for a Resurrection?
My beliefs are that only a few goes to heaven and they serves with Jesus for a thousand years and after the thousand years......I don't believe the god I know would burn anyone physically forever. SO hell do not exist. It represent the second death. Everlasting separation form GOD>

Before Christ conquered death, those that believed in the God of Abraham and died, went to a specific place called Abraham's bosom and it was also a paradise. Across a deep chasm was what some call Hell. Both locations are temporary.

Read about the rich man who called out to Abraham for a drop of water. That is where Christ went after He died, ( along with the thief on the cross next to Him), before Christ returned to earth.
He went there to open the gate of death for those in Abraham's bosom. And to proclaim who He was to the group the rich man was in. Jesus brought Abraham's group back to earth for the forty days Jesus stayed here.
Then they all left together to the Father. < Matthew refers to "them" who were taken up with Jesus, to eternal life. They were Jesus' first fruit offering to His Father.
Those on the other side of the chasm are still there, awaiting the White Throne Judgement and will give an account of their sins, and face a second death.

Now that death has been conquered by Christ, those in Christ go straight to Heaven now when they die. The only judgement they receive at that time is for the amount of services rendered for Christ's sake. That's it. Absolutely NO condemnation. No mention of our sins, because Christ disposed of our sins once and for all when He died. He has no intention of addressing them again.
The 1,000 year reign of Christ takes place right here on earth, not from Heaven. And those that died in Christ accompany Him back to earth from Heaven to reign with Him when He ends the Battle of Armageddon, and begins His Kingdom.

Those that choose to die with their sin, (our choice not God's) go straight to the area where that rich man still thirsts and await along with him, the White Throne Judgement.
There will be another battle at the end of Christ's 1,000 year reign and that is when "Hell" is emptied out and the White throne judgement takes place. And then evil is dealt with once and for all, Heaven descends to earth, for eternity and the earth is revamped, again, back to the Garden it was meant to be.

God created the Lake of Fire for Satan and His evil spirits. He gives us every opportunity to avoid that pit but leaves our eternal location strictly to us. We chose our eternity.

Im impressed. most fail to recognize that the dead waited in Paradise or prison/hades/hell whatever you want to call it, before the resurrection where they waited the coming of Christ to free them from bondage.

Peter spoke of this when he talked of Christ preaching to the dead who were once disobedient during the time of the the Flood.

He truly did descend below all things to lift us above them.
Breeze, if A Christian doesn't know where they are going, then they've missed a good bit of the Bible. The Who, What, When, Where And Why part.

the Creation by God the Garden is our guide ... not the Bible.

the OuterWorld of the Everlasting is the Furthest the Garden has to offer - did JC say he would judge the Fauna and Flora as well ? - no answer necessary

Judgement is the success of Remission before death as being accomplished - no JC needed.

Isn't there something in "The Who, What, When, Where And Why part of the Bible" that needs addressing as to why there is Judea as well as Christianity ... as well Islam from the same writings ?
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The Bible is the instruction book we have been given by God for understanding, and truth.
No where in the Bible does it say that a garden was any sort of a guide of us. It was a location on earth that God created for Adam.

The outer world of the everlasting is a dangerous place. Spirits never die. 1/3 of the everlasting are treacherous, dangerous demons, capable of destroying earth and us along with it. Without discernment you can't tell the difference until it is to late.

Judgement by whom? Tell me what happens after a successful "remission" before death. Then what? What happens if it is unsuccessful?
JC makes judgement of us unnecessary, because He loved enough to assume the judgement for us.
Does the Garden God offer you the same propitiation, or does he leave you to your fate with the "everlasting" evil in the outerworld?

The Bible does address Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, past, present and future. It tells us who is responsible, what happened to bring the three religions about, when they began, where they took place, and why they occurred.
It goes on to reveal the up coming events in detail so that we would recognize the future interactions of the religions you mentioned. And protects us against the evil in the outerworld, instead of leaving us unarmed.
Does the Garden God give you accurate predictions of what you can expect here on the "innerworld?"
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The Bible is the instruction book we have been given by God for understanding, and truth.
No where in the Bible does it say that a garden was any sort of a guide of us. It was a location on earth that God created for Adam.

- can you possibly believe the Garden is not the work of God ?

The outer world of the everlasting is a dangerous place. Spirits never die. 1/3 of the everlasting are treacherous, dangerous demons, capable of destroying earth and us along with it. Without discernment you can't tell the difference until it is to late.

- the work of God, the Garden is a dangerous place ... the OuterWorld of the Everlasting is where Mankind was expelled from ... it is where one will return if they accomplish the Commandment of Remittance .... there is no evil is the criteria to be accomplished.

Judgement by whom? Tell me what happens after a successful "remission" before death. Then what? What happens if it is unsuccessful?
JC makes judgement of us unnecessary, because He loved enough to assume the judgement for us.
Does the Garden God offer you the same propitiation, or does he leave you to your fate with the "everlasting" evil in the outerworld?

- Judgement by God, nothing to do with JC - being successful is simply returning to the Garden of Eden ... unsuccessful is to perish.

- your fate is your own to establish - the OuterWorld of the Everlasting for as long as one can endure - there is no evil in the Garden of Eden.

The Bible does address Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, past, present and future. It tells us who is responsible, what happened to bring the three religions about, when they began, where they took place, and why they occurred.
It goes on to reveal the up coming events in detail so that we would recognize the future interactions of the religions you mentioned. And protects us against the evil in the outerworld, instead of leaving us unarmed.
Does the Garden God give you accurate predictions of what you can expect here on the "innerworld?"

... the Bible is the Textural Form of the Tree of Forbidden Fruits - it has within it messages given by God but at the expense of choosing the forbidden fruits that will lead a person to perish as a mortal - by following God, his work the Garden we avoid the Forbidden Fruits you seemingly have chosen in the above.

the Garden is the Physical Presence and Proof of God's Existence and Meaning.
I was dabbling a bit in Islam last night....funny how similar it is to the bible but with just different prophets folks choose to follow. For christians..it is Jesus. For muslims...it is Muhammad. Both books acknowledge noah, abraham, jesus and someone else but I forget now.

I was a bit amazed at the beliefs of muslims...because of that similarity. However, quite a few don't seem to be practicing what Muhammad said. Like, you get to paradise and God via good deeds, kindness, love, gentleness with animals, etc etc etc. Sound familiar?
So...speaking for myself...I think both religions have some probs with translations and perceivement over all these many years since their existence...and those who act AGAINST those teachings instead of following them.

(I decided to maybe finish with Genesis but the more I got into it it, the more I scratched my head. Much didn't make sense to me and made me question. And I damn sure do not want to question God. He is God.
Can I visit this Garden and see it's physicalness for myself?
Can you give me any proof of what you say? Anything to support your outerworld everlasting theory?

The God of the the Bible started predicting events that will occur on earth from page one in the Bible to the end of the Bible. In fact, I can watch the news and open my Bible and read what I just heard on the news. He's that accurate. What has your God shared with you along the way to the outerworld?

My God gives us a choice, builds up treasures for us, builds us mansions, and bathes us in light, and makes us co-heirs of the universe.

The Bible says we are immortal right now, that we continue for eternity. We are mass-less beings wrapped in clay. And we never perish.

Are you suggesting that there is another God who landscaped another Garden of Eden?
Because My God created one too, but He never left His children to fend for themselves, and has a son named Jesus.
Obviously they are not the same God. Yours expects accomplishments and if you accomplish, your reward is to be expelled and returned to the same spot you were expelled from.
Are you sure your God isn't the Holy One of NASCAR? I mean Start, make a left, make a left, make a left, make a left, and you finish back where you started!!
Mine makes us Kings and Queens on earth forever, with our brother and savior Jesus Christ.

My God said, "Don't struggle with powers you can't even see. Here is a gift, because I love you with a love you don't even have words to describe, I'll defeat your enemies for you and make them your foot stool."

Did you usurp the God that created the Garden of Eden for Adam, and take away and add to the rest of what He said and did? Did you replace Him with your own rendition of His works?

If "Garden" is the PHYSICAL PROOF of God, then show me His PHYSICAL GARDEN, because if you can't, then you can't prove His existence..........
My God moved from the garden He created, to be with His children.
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Gracie, question God. He is the one with the answers. He is not offended any more than your earthly father would be if you asked him to explain something. God gave us a whole book of answers to our questions in case you ask generically, and are deceived by a spirit other than your Father in Heaven. I guarantee that if you gain even a basic knowledge of the Bible you'll realize who is responsible for it's content.

If you see "similarities" between Islam and Christianity, then you are in jeopardy. Do you understand where the similarities originate? Do you understand where they lead?

Islam wants you to believe that God and Allah are the same because Islam removes the most important part of the promise that Abraham's God gave us through Abraham and Sarah.
If the God of Abraham is the same as the God of Allah, then the prophets of one of those Gods and their prophecy concerning Israel are liars, and lies.
One wants Israel and God's chosen people obliterated, to prove that the God of Abraham is a fake.
The God of Abraham wants Israel to be a Nation for eternity, and for Abraham's two boys to love one another, which will in turn, will prove He is the ONE TRUE GOD, and that Allah doesn't exist.
The two God's are not compatible.

I can't emphasize this enough:
It really isn't about what God suits our sensibilities the best. It is about sin and how to avoid dying in it. One God offers and provides a solution. The other offers this:
Gen 16:11-12
"Behold, [Hagar] you are with child, and you shall bear a son. You shall call his name Ishmael, because the Lord has heard your affliction. "He shall be a wild man; his hand shall be against every man, and every man's hand against him. And he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren."
Watch tonight's news, for confirmation of the fulfillment of this 6,000 year old prophesy.

In Genesis, Hagar was speaking to the God of Abraham. What He said about her son was not a command, but a prediction.
Being pissed at Abraham's God for choosing Isaac instead of Ismael for God's covenant with Abraham, they made up a new God, and used some of the attributes of Abraham's God, to create their own religion.
Jesus Christ, God's Son, is the Abrahamic covenant we were grafted into, and were salvaged from Satan's accusation's of our souls. Ishmael's Jesus has no power other than prophesy. Prophets are merely humans reiterating what God tells them to say. God's Son made you whiter than white, no blemish found.

Satan wants you to believe that God has no Son, so you'll over look the most important gift God has to give. A SON THAT TOOK AWAY THE SINS OF THE WORLD. Satan wants you to dabble in anything that keeps you away from that blessing. Allah has no son. Ishmael and sons' agenda is to kill Isaac's children and take Isaac's promise for their own. Don't look for similarities. Look at the contradictions.
Set the Old Testament aside for a time, and study the gospels. That is the way to bring understanding of the Old Testament into the New T.
And the second you read something you don't understand, ask questions.
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That was literally the stupidest way of trying to prove that Allah and God are not the same God.
PS I love you Gracie girl and have watched you search for the truth for a long time.
Ask questions. Read about Jesus in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Read the events surrounding His death. Then go to the Old Testament and read what David prophesied in Psalms about the event.

Then ask yourself, how did David, as human and short sighted as you and I, know that our Savior would be hung on a tree. The Romans wouldn't use crucifixion as a form of punishment for 500 years into the future. Who's God revealed that to David?

Ask yourself how different men in different times and locations and eras could write different books of history, current events, and predictions, and still remain co-herent to each other's work and content.
It would be the same as you and I, each producing 1/2 of a mystery novel, without conferring or even knowing each other's plot. Then taking the 2 books, mixing up the chapters together, and producing an understandable novel with the same plot and outcome.

If you are concerned about changes to the Bible through the ages, by man, ask yourself if the Dead Sea Scrolls match the manuscripts in your hand. Because one set has been buried until the 20th century!
Time Line of Early Christianity--The Lost Gospel of Judas--National Geographic

^(The copper one has a very significant content relevant to this age right now, and was done in copper to insure it's survival. And as usual, will be used to fulfill a specific prophesy).
It all fits together like hand and glove. Mere man doesn't possess the capability.......
Love ya.

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