Judges plan to outlaw climate change 'denial’

Judges plan to outlaw climate change 'denial'

This proves that the "cliimate change" people are insane.
No, it proves that you and most others on the right are ridiculous liars.

The 'judges' were participating in a conference, not 'convening' a 'court of law.'

Consequently no one 'plans' to 'outlaw' anything.

You and others on the right remain at liberty to exhibit your ignorance, stupidity, and propensity to lie.
It's not like they just all happened to be at a football game.
As for ignorance, stupidity and lying, speak for yourself and your cult.
Judges plan to outlaw climate change 'denial'

This proves that the "cliimate change" people are insane.
No, it proves that you and most others on the right are ridiculous liars.

The 'judges' were participating in a conference, not 'convening' a 'court of law.'

Consequently no one 'plans' to 'outlaw' anything.

You and others on the right remain at liberty to exhibit your ignorance, stupidity, and propensity to lie.
It's not like they just all happened to be at a football game.
As for ignorance, stupidity and lying, speak for yourself and your cult.
No, dumb fuck, they were at a conference to discuss legal issues related to the environment and one lawyer suggested that a determination by a court after considering all of the evidence, that global warming was real would advance the cause of stopping it. There was no suggestion whatsoever to make denying that global warming was real "illegal".
Read the article, stupid!

“The most important thing the courts could do,” he said, was to hold a top-level “finding of fact”, to settle these “scientific disputes” once and for all: so that it could then be made illegal for any government, corporation (or presumably individual scientist) ever to question the agreed “science” again.
Notice how these worthless lying scum fabricate a fake "quote." All of the words not bolded in the fake quote were fabricated by the deceitful author.
Judges plan to outlaw climate change 'denial'

This proves that the "cliimate change" people are insane.
No, it proves that you and most others on the right are ridiculous liars.

The 'judges' were participating in a conference, not 'convening' a 'court of law.'

Consequently no one 'plans' to 'outlaw' anything.

You and others on the right remain at liberty to exhibit your ignorance, stupidity, and propensity to lie.
It's not like they just all happened to be at a football game.
As for ignorance, stupidity and lying, speak for yourself and your cult.
No, dumb fuck, they were at a conference to discuss legal issues related to the environment and one lawyer suggested that a determination by a court after considering all of the evidence, that global warming was real would advance the cause of stopping it. There was no suggestion whatsoever to make denying that global warming was real "illegal".
What 'evidence', moron? The 'evidence' provided by IPCC propagandists?
Judges plan to outlaw climate change 'denial'

This proves that the "cliimate change" people are insane.
No, it proves that you and most others on the right are ridiculous liars.

The 'judges' were participating in a conference, not 'convening' a 'court of law.'

Consequently no one 'plans' to 'outlaw' anything.

You and others on the right remain at liberty to exhibit your ignorance, stupidity, and propensity to lie.
It's not like they just all happened to be at a football game.
As for ignorance, stupidity and lying, speak for yourself and your cult.
No, dumb fuck, they were at a conference to discuss legal issues related to the environment and one lawyer suggested that a determination by a court after considering all of the evidence, that global warming was real would advance the cause of stopping it. There was no suggestion whatsoever to make denying that global warming was real "illegal".
What 'evidence', moron? The 'evidence' provided by IPCC propagandists?
Whatever evidence they decide to present. Of course you pussies would be afraid to actually have a trial where the matter would be decided based on facts and evidence.
Judges plan to outlaw climate change 'denial'

This proves that the "cliimate change" people are insane.
No, it proves that you and most others on the right are ridiculous liars.

The 'judges' were participating in a conference, not 'convening' a 'court of law.'

Consequently no one 'plans' to 'outlaw' anything.

You and others on the right remain at liberty to exhibit your ignorance, stupidity, and propensity to lie.
It's not like they just all happened to be at a football game.
As for ignorance, stupidity and lying, speak for yourself and your cult.
No, dumb fuck, they were at a conference to discuss legal issues related to the environment and one lawyer suggested that a determination by a court after considering all of the evidence, that global warming was real would advance the cause of stopping it. There was no suggestion whatsoever to make denying that global warming was real "illegal".
What 'evidence', moron? The 'evidence' provided by IPCC propagandists?
Whatever evidence they decide to present. Of course you pussies would be afraid to actually have a trial where the matter would be decided based on facts and evidence.
Are you shitting me? None of the alarmist extremists (except Bill Nye) are willing to discuss the issue publicly with those objective scientists who disagree with the comprehensiveness of the AGW agenda. None.
The alarmist extremists only disparage dissent. They don't want to upset their gravy train. And it's pretty conspicuous that politically partisan people holler the loudest and are the most close minded about AGW.
I believe that the "Climate Change" has corrupted a whole generation of climate scientists. The threats made against honest scientists prove that they are getting more and more desperate.
Liberals like to recall the days when the Catholic Church punished dissenting scientists who believed that the Earth went around the Sun.

Galileo Galilei - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But now they want to return to those days and punish scientists who have not bought into "climate change."

It's disgusting and it makes me want to vomit.

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