Judges spar with Democrats, DOJ in impeachment doubleheader


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Judges spar with Democrats, DOJ in impeachment doubleheader
The overlapping cases pit presidential power against Capitol Hill oversight.

Judges spar with Democrats, DOJ in impeachment doubleheader - POLITICO
Federal appeals court judges aggressively grilled lawyers for the Justice Department and the House of Representatives Friday in a pair of intertwined cases that could have major implications for Donald Trump’s presidency and the Democrats’ ongoing efforts to remove him from office. During back-to-back hearings spanning about three hours, the judges drilled in on the House Judiciary Committee’s dual quests to learn special counsel Robert Mueller’s grand jury secrets and to secure testimony from Don McGahn, Trump’s former top White House lawyer. The two hearings were overseen by two partially overlapping, three-judge panels.
That prompted Letter, the House counsel, to repeatedly raise the specter of Congress returning to use of force to enforce its subpoenas — a practice not attempted for nearly a century. But as the House lawyer spoke of the potential for such confrontations leading to violence, it appeared he was highlighting the dangers of such an approach rather than seriously suggesting returning to the coercive methods employed until the 1930s. “I guess what we would do is use the main remedy the House has had from the beginning, we’ll send the sergeant-at-arms over to the Justice Department. I cannot imagine anyone is going to interfere with him doing his duty as an officer of the House,” Letter said.

Wait, what? Have the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists failed so miserably in their Coup and Impeachment efforts that they are resorting to armed conflict? My money is on the DoJ. I’m pretty sure they have more gunslingers than the House. The House is overweight with bull crappers. Oh, maybe they'll get #Antifa to storm the DoJ. Could you picture people like people like Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff or the dainty Eric Swalwell with M4's storming the RFK building?
Well, you have to admit, PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists are rather partial to a “night of the long knives” operation if that’s what it takes. Except in this case they already have the grand jury testimony in hand, they just want these judges to rubber stamp the admissible legality of using it.
Pelosi really has to go. She’s too unbalanced to hold the position of Speaker. Put another Dem that’s more stable in her office. But it will take me a while to actually come up with a replacement since they all score high on the psychopathy spectrum. Oh I know what they need is the junior Congresswoman from New York Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
A lot of the democratic funding Pelosi's so proud of procuring is through monkeyshines like the Ukraine and also through doing the socialist bidding of Soros. Therefore she stands to lose 3 ways: 1) Paul Jr., ends up in the joint with a cell mate named Bubba because he was facilitating Mama’s money laundering, 2) Georgie S cuts her off and chooses to finance AOC instead, and 3) she loses other illegal democrat funding channels as well as her angle for insider trading. Oh, she’s desperate, alright!!
If Mr. Irving went into the DOJ to "arrest" anyone, the Secret Service would send him back to the House with his gun and handcuffs shoved up his arse.

Sergeant at Arms | House.gov
As the House of Representatives has no authority to arrest anyone and all police powers are refereed to the DOJ, this will end badly. The DOJ is where they must go to have someone arrested and detained. This would end very badly for Pelosi and Nadler, who would most assuredly be arrested for unlawful arrest and the Sgt at Arms would have serious legal problems if he complied with their instructions.

The simple threat of armed conflict from the democrats could be interpreted as Rebellion and Insurrection. Both crimes punishable by hanging..

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