Judicial Watch Obtains Critical Race Teacher Training Guide For Westerly, Rhode Island

Your side has been whining incessantly about "indoctrination" for three decades now. Learning about how history actually unfolded (because history is invariably written by the victors) isn't a threat
to normal, level headed people. But to people who think as you do, it IS a threat..to your structured view of the power and position that the white race should occupy. And any dissent to that narrative
puts people like you on the defensive..and scares you. Knowledge is always a good thing..except when you are the alt-right. :)

The rest of us? A fresh perspective on what really happened..isn't the end of the world for us. Or cause us to believe that our Constitution is about to be scrapped (when the right wing is about to do just that)..but I digest..

Socialism is a disease that kills anything it touches... And you idiots want to keep trying it... No thanks.. I'll go with what made America great in the first place..

Socialism is a disease that kills anything it touches... And you idiots want to keep trying it... No thanks.. I'll go with what made America great in the first place..
Socialism.? So anything that you don't like is socialism? Seriously? What exactly made America great? Slavery? The masacre and removal of Native Americans? The persecution of Aisians? Do tell.
AND its even worse than we thought... These people are pure evil... The whole intent of CRT and the 1619 project is to destroy the US Constitution.. It really is that bad. IT openly subverts our government as illegitimated.

Once our kids are indoctrinated we will collapse because no one will defend our core principles which make us AMERICA.
Can you show an example?
Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, summarized:

Same source as OP.
How about you pick a specific example of how they are trying to destroy the country and we can then dig in. Been a while since I’ve embarrassed you. Let’s do this!!!
How about you pick a specific example of how they are trying to destroy the country and we can then dig in. Been a while since I’ve embarrassed you. Let’s do this!!!
Read the link, you ignorant fuck. You pick one.
How about you pick a specific example of how they are trying to destroy the country and we can then dig in. Been a while since I’ve embarrassed you. Let’s do this!!!
how about you take your head out of your ass, and try to figure it out---oh wait, you lack a functioning brain
how about you show something about what you are defending...i'd hate to embarrass you
Read the link, you ignorant fuck. You pick one.
Oh goodie, I get to choose?! Excellent. Well I’ll just take their very first point of criticism:

The training course claims that there are “unfortunate truths” about the history of Rhode Island

Are you going to claim that statement isn’t accurate?
how about you take your head out of your ass, and try to figure it out---oh wait, you lack a functioning brain
how about you show something about what you are defending...i'd hate to embarrass you
Why would I do that when I can just debate you tards? You scared of a simple debate?! Why are you even here?
Dispute what is said. That source only posted what teachers are being taught. The training guide is a fact.
But the spin on it...that it is racist and divisive is not a fact. Those who oppose an honest teaching of history and the state of race relations today are the people who need to be stopped. YOU need to be stopped! What the fuck are you so afraid of? Never mind. I know.

Socialism is a disease that kills anything it touches... And you idiots want to keep trying it... No thanks.. I'll go with what made America great in the first place..
LOL. Not a fan of history are you? Or even facts, huh? Well, not surprising. Our economic model has been a mix of capitalism and socialism for almost a century now.
And it's served us quite well. But maybe not so much if a strongman ever seized power and catered to a select few classes of people that they deemed worthy...you know, like
Venezuela that you alt-righters are so fond of quoting...or, maybe a fat old fraud right here in our own country who backed into the Presidency by a once in a lifetime confluence
of events.

Admit, it. He made you feel safe. He made you feel like you were in power, in control again. He brought out the very worst in your impulses and your beliefs.
America was made great by liberals and progressives. And yes, the founding fathers were about as liberal and progressive as you can get. That concept of limited
government?..very liberal for the late 1700's. :) Course, times change and what has worked in the past may not work in the future...but again, I digest..:)
LOL. Not a fan of history are you? Or even facts, huh? Well, not surprising. Our economic model has been a mix of capitalism and socialism for almost a century now.
And it's served us quite well. But maybe not so much if a strongman ever seized power and catered to a select few classes of people that they deemed worthy...you know, like
Venezuela that you alt-righters are so fond of quoting...or, maybe a fat old fraud right here in our own country who backed into the Presidency by a once in a lifetime confluence
of events.

Admit, it. He made you feel safe. He made you feel like you were in power, in control again. He brought out the very worst in your impulses and your beliefs.
America was made great by liberals and progressives. And yes, the founding fathers were about as liberal and progressive as you can get. That concept of limited
government?..very liberal for the late 1700's. :) Course, times change and what has worked in the past may not work in the future...but again, I digest..:)
You nailed it again!! There people are idiots
For everyone who says to you that you know nothing about CRT. You do now.
More from your linked source:

Judicial Watch then elaborated on what it found:

The document reveals the following:
  • The training course for teachers, entitled “Culturally Responsive & Sustaining Pedagogy is taught by Vera De Jesus and Michaela Comella, partners at the Highlander Institute, which has an about section on their website that describes itself as:
Highlander Institute partners with communities to imagine and create more equitable, relevant, and effective schools.

Highlander Institute is named after the Highlander Folk School, a social justice leadership training school and cultural center located in New Market, Tennessee known for its role during the Civil Rights Movement.

The document "reveals" ? As thought this was someting to hide.? They are deriding the concept of social justice , equality and the goal effective schools. They are demeaning the Civil Rights movement!! What the fuck is wrong with you people . YOu are revealing yourselves as the rcists that you are and don't even know it!
Why would I do that when I can just debate you tards? You scared of a simple debate?! Why are you even here?
wow, i guess you like your head up your ass....have fun w/that
your debate is only with LYING propaganda...you lose retard
wow, i guess you like your head up your ass....have fun w/that
your debate is only with LYING propaganda...you lose retard
Make an argument. Point to something specific from the article or paper in the OP… neither of which you have read… so here comes the dodge….
But the spin on it...that it is racist and divisive is not a fact. Those who oppose an honest teaching of history and the state of race relations today are the people who need to be stopped. YOU need to be stopped! What the fuck are you so afraid of? Never mind. I know.
It sure as Hell is a fact. What do you call judging people by the color of their skin? CRT does that. You are not informed which is nothing new. Come back when you are.
It sure as Hell is a fact. What do you call judging people by the color of their skin? CRT does that. You are not informed which is nothing new. Come back when you are.
I’m very confident that you have no clue what CRT is

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