Judicial Watch Obtains Critical Race Teacher Training Guide For Westerly, Rhode Island

What do you mean by revisionist history? How does it apply to the claim?


  1. One who favors or supports revision, as in the case of a creed or a statute.
  2. A reviser; specifically, one of the revisers of the English version of the Bible. See revised version of the Bible, under version.
  3. A proponent of revisionism

Let's go with number one. And three.


  1. One who favors or supports revision, as in the case of a creed or a statute.
  2. A reviser; specifically, one of the revisers of the English version of the Bible. See revised version of the Bible, under version.
  3. A proponent of revisionism
I understand what the word means. I’m asking how you think it applies to the statement in question to make it false. Please explain
I understand what the word means. I’m asking how you think it applies to the statement in question to make it false. Please explain
If laws were not passed to remedy these situations it might be of value. This country corrects mistakes. Up until now.
Exactly HOW is it going to destroy the Constitution?
Because it undermines the foundation.. The Judeao Christin base on which it is bedrocked. Once that is diminished the constitution is illegitimate from its inception. Once that is removed no one will protect it. And that is the whole point of CRT and the 1619 project.
It sure as Hell is a fact. What do you call judging people by the color of their skin? CRT does that. You are not informed which is nothing new. Come back when you are.
Oh Jesus fucking Christ . That " judging people by the color of their skin" line is wearing thin. It is not what CRT does. It is about what people did and holding them accountable regardless of race. It is about an accurate and honest accounting of the historical reccord. You people are being defensive and dodging the issue. You are afrain of the truth and afrain to own up to the racism and genocide committed by white people. But those people are not being called out because of whitness. They are being called out because of what they did . I am white but I dio not feel judged by my skin collor because of CRT. However, I do feel challenged to take responsibilty , own up to history, better understand systemic racism that pervades society to this day, and to do more to combat it. You are not informed which is nothing new. Come back when you are.
Because it undermines the foundation.. The Judeao Christin base on which it is bedrocked. Once that is diminished the constitution is illegitimate from its inception. Once that is removed no one will protect it. And that is the whole point of CRT and the 1619 project.
What specific part of tbe Constitution is destroyed? See below.

By the way it is not bedrocked in a Judeo-Christian base, and even if it were how specifically does the concept of CRT destroy it?


The U.S. Constitution is the fundamental framework of America’s system of government.

The Constitution:

  • Creates a government that puts the power in the hands of the people
  • Separates the powers of government into three branches: the legislative branch, which makes the laws; the executive branch, which executes the laws; and the judicial branch, which interprets the laws
  • Sets up a system of checks and balances that ensures no one branch has too much power
  • Divides power between the states and the federal government
  • Describes the purposes and duties of the government
  • Defines the scope and limit of government power
  • Prescribes the system for electing representatives
  • Establishes the process for the document’s ratification and amendment
  • Outlines many rights and freedoms of the people
Oh Jesus fucking Christ . That " judging people by the color of their skin" line is wearing thin. It is not what CRT does. It is about what people did and holding them accountable regardless of race. It is about an accurate and honest accounting of the historical reccord. You people are being defensive and dodging the issue. You are afrain of the truth and afrain to own up to the racism and genocide committed by white people. But those people are not being called out because of whitness. They are being called out because of what they did . I am white but I dio not feel judged by my skin collor because of CRT. However, I do feel challenged to take responsibilty , own up to history, better understand systemic racism that pervades society to this day, and to do more to combat it. You are not informed which is nothing new. Come back when you are.
These idiots don’t have a clue as to what CRT is. Their echo chambers have latched onto it as the latest bogeyman, supplanting Antifa as the monster under the bed. So now they are passing all kinds of crazy laws to prevent people from discussing race in a way that makes them uncomfortable.
Because it undermines the foundation.. The Judeao Christin base on which it is bedrocked. Once that is diminished the constitution is illegitimate from its inception. Once that is removed no one will protect it. And that is the whole point of CRT and the 1619 project.
The foundation of the constitution is secular. It protects every one equally, or at lease should . Are you sayinbg that it is religion that gaurantees rights and equality. It is religion that undermines equality.
These idiots don’t have a clue as to what CRT is. Their echo chambers have latched onto it as the latest bogeyman, supplanting Antifa as the monster under the bed. So now they are passing all kinds of crazy laws to prevent people from discussing race in a way that makes them uncomfortable.
Right on sista! Word up!
I read through the whistle blower document.

Now, I have studied the pedagogy, and have never, myself, been a fan of STATE compulsory education, it has, for over a century failed the minority community.

It isn't so much generational "white privilege," in the aspect of just wealth, but it is also, the culture, in black communities, which hold back some folks. This is why Hispanics do better, and why Asians, do MUCH better.

I remember learning how white families passed down the phonics method of reading, in their homes, to teach reading. . . and minorities never had this tradition. And then, in the 30's and 40's they introduced the "see & say," method of learning to read, and this put minorities even further behind, because other folks had this familial knowledge, where others did not.

The real privledge in America? Are family values, and family knowledge of how to live in this culture. If you ask immigrants from Africa, if they want anything to do with black Americans, most of them will tell you no, because they just don't share the same cultural values. Coming from slaves, black Americans HAD to depend on each other. Most other minorities are like the whites in this nation. . . rugged individualism, and competition is embraced by everyone else.

After reading this document, it seems more an effort to address this problem, than it does to tear down the dominant white culture. This is not the threat to the main, that the OP makes it out to be, but, on OTH, it is an retrenchment of our failed schooling system and more of the same. It will not lead to liberation of the black community, and greater integration and equality of our greatest minority population, to whom this nation owes the greatest debt. It is a grave disservice to them, IMO.

IMO though? I still like the idea of vouchers as a better solution.

The types of pedagogic strategies pushed in this document, are insulting to the minority communities, they patronize them, and it seems like a band-aid to fix socioeconomic inequality. It will only, in the long run, continue the problem, or cause long term friction. It makes it seem like we can never, and will never integrate as complete nation. Maybe this is what the elites want?

As long as the government and corporate elites still push a separate black American sub-culture, and it's values are based on a community identity, and one of victimization by the dominant culture, rather than participation in the greater culture, which every other minority group in America embraces?

This is not a viable solution, it is just a protection racket for the NEA and public school teachers, administrative jobs, and the failing system. It won't, in the end, ever work.
Where is the word equal in the Constitution?
Try reading the 14th Amendment, dumbass!

"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
(BTW.. . Any 53 page document that I can read in ten minutes on my desk top, is probably meant for educators to interact with on their fondle slabs. This causes me great concern about the quality of instructional pedagogy materials and the calibur of folks teaching our youth.)


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