Julian Assange: Time Magazine's Political Prisoner of the Year

Actually he is Austrian, not Australian.

But hey, keep calling me names, it will hide your ignorance.
Assange is a great hero. He exposed illegal acts by government and elites. For this Statists want him executed. Could they be any more UN-AMERICAN?

I guess they don’t like the first amendment and are fine with government committing illegal acts.
Assange is a great hero. He exposed illegal acts by government and elites. For this Statists want him executed. Could they be any more UN-AMERICAN?

I guess they don’t like the first amendment and are fine with government committing illegal acts.

He is a self-serving narcissist that made it all about him. I doubt you can understand this, but it is possible to do the "correct" thing in a very incorrect manner.

The first amendment does not give someone the right to hack into my computer and give that data to someone else.

It is no different than someone breaking into my house and stealing my TV and giving it to someone to fence for them.

Oh, and he is also not Australian
Assange is a great hero. He exposed illegal acts by government and elites. For this Statists want him executed. Could they be any more UN-AMERICAN?

I guess they don’t like the first amendment and are fine with government committing illegal acts.
But it's just peachy that the Dems/Pedophiles murdered Epstein in his jail cell.
Ignore that.

If you wonder why there are so many perverts and Pedophiles at CNN...it's because they are Democrats.
He is a self-serving narcissist that made it all about him. I doubt you can understand this, but it is possible to do the "correct" thing in a very incorrect manner.

The first amendment does not give someone the right to hack into my computer and give that data to someone else.

It is no different than someone breaking into my house and stealing my TV and giving it to someone to fence for them.

Oh, and he is also not Australian
Your emotional, childish, and ignorance is appalling. Who told you he’s a self-serving narcissist and why does that matter to you? Are you a 13 year old girl?

He didn’t hack any computers. You’re accepting government sourced propaganda.

You’re so dumb you think being an Aussie means he shouldn’t receive due process or constitutional protections. That’s dumb.
But it's just peachy that the Dems/Pedophiles murdered Epstein in his jail cell.
Ignore that.

If you wonder why there are so many perverts and Pedophiles at CNN...it's because they are Democrats.
Lol. WTF?
Who told you he’s a self-serving narcissist and why does that matter to you?

He did. It matters because character matter, well to some of us at least.

He didn’t hack any computers. You’re accepting government sourced propaganda.

I did not say he did, learn how to fucking read then come back and have an adult discussion. He is the fence, he is the one dealing with the hacked information. No different than the pawn shop owner selling stolen watches.

You’re so dumb you think being an Aussie means he shouldn’t receive due process or constitutional protections. That’s dumb.

He is not from Australia you stupid piece of fucking dung. He is from Austria, not Australia. Thus he is not a fucking Aussie.

You people rant and fucking rave about other people being stupid and ignorant of the facts and you do not know a fucking thing about your hero.

Go fuck yourself, you are not worth it this morning.
I'm unsure what metric is available Gip, but i do know we all come down a notch when sh*t like this goes down....

The thing is stuff like this has gone on in the past, many times. Wilson’s dictatorial and unconstitutional prosecution of Eugene Debs is the most famous. Lincoln imprisoned and silenced numerous journalists during his reign of terror.

Americans have forgotten what their founders told them.
In war, too, the discretionary power of the executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds are added to those of subduing the force of the people! No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare. -James Madison
He did. It matters because character matter, well to some of us at least.

I did not say he did, learn how to fucking read then come back and have an adult discussion. He is the fence, he is the one dealing with the hacked information. No different than the pawn shop owner selling stolen watches.

He is not from Australia you stupid piece of fucking dung. He is from Austria, not Australia. Thus he is not a fucking Aussie.

You people rant and fucking rave about other people being stupid and ignorant of the facts and you do not know a fucking thing about your hero.

Go fuck yourself, you are not worth it this morning.
Okay you really are a sniveling 13 year old little girl. You’re completely outclassed by me. Go back to putting on makeup.
Okay you really are a sniveling 13 year old little girl. You’re completely outclassed by me. Go back to putting on makeup.

When you figure out what country he is from, come back and talk.

The ignorance is just astounding.

But they say that ignorance is bliss so you have to be one happy fucker.
Lol. WTF?
Yep.....that figures.
Mofos like you could care less that someone like Epstein gets murdered in his jail cell.
Welcome to the police state motherfucker.
You voted for it.
Anyone who reveals these Deep State asshole's secrets will get the same treatment....including Assange.
It has nothing to do with loving the state, it has to do with this guy dealing in stolen merchandise and hoarding most of it and dolling it out over time to keep himself in the spot light.
Hi Golfy,

I think you are wrong. This might help.


Statement of the Walkley Foundation Board​

16 April 2019, Sydney​

In 2011, Wikileaks, with Julian Assange as its editor, received a Walkley Award in Australia for its outstanding contribution to journalism. Walkley judges said Wikileaks applied new technology to “penetrate the inner workings of government to reveal an avalanche of inconvenient truths in a global publishing coup”. One of those many inconvenient truths was the exposure by video of US helicopter attacks in Baghdad that killed 11 civilians including two Reuters journalists.
Many mainstream journalists worked with Assange’s material to publish their own reports including media outlets such as the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age in Australia, The Guardian in the United Kingdom, The New York Times in the US, El Pais in Spain, Le Monde in France and Der Spiegel in Germany. There has been no attempt by the US Government to prosecute any of those journalists involved.
The Government is relying on one allegation against Assange—that he helped Chelsea Manning crack a password to access a US government computer—to seek his extradition from Britain to America where, if successful, he seems likely to face other, more serious charges that would constitute a direct assault on fundamental press freedoms.
Julian Assange’s personality and his more recent actions do not weaken the principle driving the Walkley Foundation’s concerns in this matter: that when he released the original Wikileaks material in 2010 Assange was assisting a whistleblower to reveal information in the public interest.
Given the potential adverse impact of this extradition attempt on a free, healthily functioning media, the Walkley Foundation Board urges the British and Australian governments to oppose Julian Assange’s extradition to the United States.


All he is is a Journo who outed some yanks going into shady acts of war. BTW; The Walkley Awards is an Oz thing for outstanding Journalism. Assange is a Journalist.

He is a self-serving narcissist that made it all about him. I doubt you can understand this, but it is possible to do the "correct" thing in a very incorrect manner.

The first amendment does not give someone the right to hack into my computer and give that data to someone else.

It is no different than someone breaking into my house and stealing my TV and giving it to someone to fence for them.

Oh, and he is also not Australian
"Oh, and he is also not Australian"

Point of Information: he is from Townsville in Queensland, about 900 miles North of where I live. It is in Australia.

He did. It matters because character matter, well to some of us at least.

I did not say he did, learn how to fucking read then come back and have an adult discussion. He is the fence, he is the one dealing with the hacked information. No different than the pawn shop owner selling stolen watches.

He is not from Australia you stupid piece of fucking dung. He is from Austria, not Australia. Thus he is not a fucking Aussie.

You people rant and fucking rave about other people being stupid and ignorant of the facts and you do not know a fucking thing about your hero.

Go fuck yourself, you are not worth it this morning.
Yes he IS a "Fucking Aussie". You are wrong.

"Oh, and he is also not Australian"

Point of Information: he is from Townsville in Queensland, about 900 miles North of where I live. It is in Australia.


Well shit, I am the idiot after all.

My bad.

Thanks for the correction.

Still does not change my view of what he does, but I am man enough to admit when I am wrong
Yep.....that figures.
Mofos like you could care less that someone like Epstein gets murdered in his jail cell.
Welcome to the police state motherfucker.
You voted for it.
Anyone who reveals these Deep State asshole's secrets will get the same treatment....including Assange.
Dumb ass. No one on this forum has posted more about prosecuting Epstein’s elite pedos, than me.

Stick to the topic at hand dipshit.

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