Julian Assange: Time Magazine's Political Prisoner of the Year

Well shit, I am the idiot after all.

My bad.

Thanks for the correction.

Still does not change my view of what he does, but I am man enough to admit when I am wrong
From Wiki

"In 1993, Assange used his computing skills to help the Victoria Police Child Exploitation Unit to prosecute individuals responsible for publishing and distributing child pornography.[50][51]"

He really isn't a BAD chap; misguided at times and even arrogant but bad?? Not that I can tell. I say bring the little twit home; he really did some excellent Journalistic work.

He is a self-serving narcissist that made it all about him. I doubt you can understand this, but it is possible to do the "correct" thing in a very incorrect manner.
You ignorant twat. It's not illegal to be a self-serving narcissist.
The first amendment does not give someone the right to hack into my computer and give that data to someone else.
He was a publisher, not a hacker, buffoon.
It is no different than someone breaking into my house and stealing my TV and giving it to someone to fence for them.
But if someone breaks into your house and finds evidence you are murdering people and gives that evidence to a reporter and the reporter publishes it, the reporter, not you, should go to jail? Stupid motherfucker.
Oh, and he is also not Australian
Again, Stupid motherfucker.
do you deny there is such a thing?
He does. He gets all his information from corporate media sources, who have easily duped him into thinking Deep State and Trumpism are the same thing. Apparently he missed Ike’s warning all the way back in 1960.
He does. He gets all his information from corporate media sources, who have easily duped him into thinking Deep State and Trumpism are the same thing. Apparently he missed Ike’s warning all the way back in 1960.
In 1960, he was nearing retirement and was too occupied with feathering his nest to pay attention to Ike.

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