July 4th: Trump hijacking Independence Day

July 4th DC celebration is a tribute to Donald Trump, first, the USA second.
Trump has requested tanks and other military heavy equipment placed by the White House. They have to be trucked in and out because they cannot run on streets.
Trump has requested an exhibition of US air power with a fly over of multiple military planes that includes Air Force one and his Helicopter.
Trump will speak from the Lincoln memorial with special guests including Republican lawmakers and major Republican donors.
Trump has insisted the fireworks display will be the largest ever.

The celebration planned by Trump will cost millions more than any other DC July 4th celebrations

July 4th celebration will focus on Trump more than our country

Good. It's about time we pay tribute to the folks that won our freedom.

Yes, I remember quite well when 'Private Bone Spurz' went into a whorenet's nest of VietCong hookers & saved the entire platoon from venereal disease. That was quite a 'selfless' move for a New Yorker.

We really need to honor that filth.
July 4th DC celebration is a tribute to Donald Trump, first, the USA second.
Trump has requested tanks and other military heavy equipment placed by the White House. They have to be trucked in and out because they cannot run on streets.
Trump has requested an exhibition of US air power with a fly over of multiple military planes that includes Air Force one and his Helicopter.
Trump will speak from the Lincoln memorial with special guests including Republican lawmakers and major Republican donors.
Trump has insisted the fireworks display will be the largest ever.

The celebration planned by Trump will cost millions more than any other DC July 4th celebrations

July 4th celebration will focus on Trump more than our country

Good. It's about time we pay tribute to the folks that won our freedom.

How insulting.

He served in the same unit as did Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
Democrats hate the us military and would never showcase it as something to be proud of.
America .. Love it .. or Leave it

Most Democrats should do the country a favor and just leave..


Republican national pride has been consistent, Gallup finds. The 76 percent of Republicans who expressed extreme pride in the latest survey is 10 points off the high of 86 percent in 2003. “Even when Barack Obama was in office,” Brenan writes, “Republicans’ extreme pride never fell below 68 percent.”

Fewer Democrats than Republicans have said they had pride in America since the poll question was first asked in 2001. Lately, though, Democratic pride has fallen off a cliff. Just 22 percent of Democrats say they feel extreme pride for their country in the latest survey. That’s half the number recorded prior to the 2016 election. Needless to say, the nature and policies of the forty-fifth president have contributed to the Democratic plunge.

Gallup Poll & Democrats' Patriotism -- Democrats Drive U.S. Patriotism Plunge | National Review
July 4th DC celebration is a tribute to Donald Trump, first, the USA second.
Trump has requested tanks and other military heavy equipment placed by the White House. They have to be trucked in and out because they cannot run on streets.
Trump has requested an exhibition of US air power with a fly over of multiple military planes that includes Air Force one and his Helicopter.
Trump will speak from the Lincoln memorial with special guests including Republican lawmakers and major Republican donors.
Trump has insisted the fireworks display will be the largest ever.

The celebration planned by Trump will cost millions more than any other DC July 4th celebrations

July 4th celebration will focus on Trump more than our country

Good. It's about time we pay tribute to the folks that won our freedom.

Yes, I remember quite well when 'Private Bone Spurz' went into a whorenet's nest of VietCong hookers & saved the entire platoon from venereal disease. That was quite a 'selfless' move for a New Yorker.

We really need to honor that filth.
Are you a veteran? Have you done tours of duty in a war zone? Have you been in battle? Have you seen others killed or maimed? If so why do you condemn a person who is building up a supply level of safety for the people in the military? Your buddies cut the defens e budget and even changed the quality of people in it for social justice purposes. Its bad enough now where people being reassigned are asking where they are going or manuvering to go to where competency is great over other areas.
July 4th DC celebration is a tribute to Donald Trump, first, the USA second.
Trump has requested tanks and other military heavy equipment placed by the White House. They have to be trucked in and out because they cannot run on streets.
Trump has requested an exhibition of US air power with a fly over of multiple military planes that includes Air Force one and his Helicopter.
Trump will speak from the Lincoln memorial with special guests including Republican lawmakers and major Republican donors.
Trump has insisted the fireworks display will be the largest ever.

The celebration planned by Trump will cost millions more than any other DC July 4th celebrations

July 4th celebration will focus on Trump more than our country

Good. It's about time we pay tribute to the folks that won our freedom.

I was writing of your remarks of the cost of the tanks that had to be trucked in. The Military flyover. US Airpower. All of it costing us millions.
What should we do with the money? Give it to the fucking homeless in LA? Get toilets for the homeless in Seattle? Hand out more
money to spooks that have never worked a day in their life?

Money is being well spent.
What had been a nonpolitical, nonpartisan celebration on the National Mall will now likely be a multimillion-dollar, taxpayer-financed political rally, critics worry.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump has hijacked what for decades had been a nonpolitical Independence Day celebration on the National Mall, packing his ticketed-event speech with political appointees and Republican donors.

The Republican National Committee has been offering major donors tickets to Trump’s speech, as have political appointees at the White House and executive branch agencies.

“He’s going to have tanks out there. It’s going to be cool,” joked one RNC fundraiser on condition of anonymity. He said he received an offer for the free tickets on Friday but did not request any. “He wants to have a parade like they have in Moscow or China or North Korea.”

Trump has been enamored of public displays of military might since he attended the Bastille Day festivities in Paris in 2017. His plan for a massive military parade last year was canceled after a Defense Department estimate became public showing that it would cost $92 million and damage the city’s roads because of the weight of tanks and other equipment.

The current plans for Thursday do not include a parade, but Trump is still pushing for tanks or other military vehicles to be displayed on the National Mall, The Washington Post reported, even though their weight is liable to damage the grass and roads. Flyovers by military planes ― including Air Force One and the Navy’s Blue Angels squadron ― are also planned.

More: RNC Giving Out Tickets To Trump’s Hijacked Fourth Of July Celebration

The Independence Day celebration has traditionally been a nonpartisan holiday. Now Trump is trying to turn it into a partisan political rally. I think that is ignorant. What do you think?

Oh yeah? Who are these "critics" who are so worried? According to the article they are...

<<<Ruth Ben-Ghiat>>>
<<<Robert Weissman>>>
<<<Jordan Libowitz>>>

And, just to make it look not so obvious, add "One senior White House official, speaking on condition of anonymity" and then "Another White House aide, also speaking on condition of anonymity"

What a stellar list of representative American "critics".

LOL. Keep trying.
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the republicans would of blew their testis and the females would of squirted milk from their breasts, that is how explosive they would of been.

They would of never got over it, they probably would of put on their whites, and strung Obama up after they tarred and feathered him.

Yet they applaud tramp. Wonders never cease.
President Obama blew the chance to be one of the greatest ever. He becvame what many politicians are/is. He was totally partisan and the most extremist in our history. Our ride into the abyss has continued because we lose sanity a llittle bit at a time. Obama legalized gay marriages, men wearing dresses in little girls public bathrooms and schools and public places, transgender operations including children, social justice run amok and destructive to many institutions and more. This is not typed out of hate. A young heterosexual male who even considers to get married is a fool. A white one is suicidal. For you are the slaves.
July 4th DC celebration is a tribute to Donald Trump, first, the USA second.
Trump has requested tanks and other military heavy equipment placed by the White House. They have to be trucked in and out because they cannot run on streets.
Trump has requested an exhibition of US air power with a fly over of multiple military planes that includes Air Force one and his Helicopter.
Trump will speak from the Lincoln memorial with special guests including Republican lawmakers and major Republican donors.
Trump has insisted the fireworks display will be the largest ever.

The celebration planned by Trump will cost millions more than any other DC July 4th celebrations

July 4th celebration will focus on Trump more than our country

why trump won.jpg ... and why your TDS has swallowed your soul.... :lol:
DOTR said:
add "One senior White House official, speaking on condition of anonymity" and then
"Another White House aide, also speaking on condition of anonymity"
Always Originating The The Editorial Room....
They Keep A Reminder Posted On The Wall

Constant Flood
Of Un-Substantiated MSM Faux Gnus Opinion
They Want Their Masses Informed
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I Think It's A Ploy
To Get People To Tune Out
And Look The Other Way

They Insinuated The Same Thing About D-Day
Only To Have Even Jim Acosta Say
Trump's Speech Was Firing On All Cylinders

I Think They Are Projecting Onto President Trump
President Me, Me, I, I, Me, Me, Me's Track Record
Of The Previous Administration
No answer to my question? Funny. Thanks for playing...

There are things for which Trump is deserving of criticism, but this isn't one of them.

What's wrong with celebrating the 4th of July? What's wrong with putting some tanks and other military hardware on display for the public? It's not something the public typically gets to see and it's probably a good recruiting tool to encourage young people to consider serving in the military.

For radical extremists like you, every Trump statement or action is an outrage and your outrage only flows in one direction.
What's wrong is turning it into his personal political rally.
What had been a nonpolitical, nonpartisan celebration on the National Mall will now likely be a multimillion-dollar, taxpayer-financed political rally, critics worry.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump has hijacked what for decades had been a nonpolitical Independence Day celebration on the National Mall, packing his ticketed-event speech with political appointees and Republican donors.

The Republican National Committee has been offering major donors tickets to Trump’s speech, as have political appointees at the White House and executive branch agencies.

“He’s going to have tanks out there. It’s going to be cool,” joked one RNC fundraiser on condition of anonymity. He said he received an offer for the free tickets on Friday but did not request any. “He wants to have a parade like they have in Moscow or China or North Korea.”

Trump has been enamored of public displays of military might since he attended the Bastille Day festivities in Paris in 2017. His plan for a massive military parade last year was canceled after a Defense Department estimate became public showing that it would cost $92 million and damage the city’s roads because of the weight of tanks and other equipment.

The current plans for Thursday do not include a parade, but Trump is still pushing for tanks or other military vehicles to be displayed on the National Mall, The Washington Post reported, even though their weight is liable to damage the grass and roads. Flyovers by military planes ― including Air Force One and the Navy’s Blue Angels squadron ― are also planned.

More: RNC Giving Out Tickets To Trump’s Hijacked Fourth Of July Celebration

The Independence Day celebration has traditionally been a nonpartisan holiday. Now Trump is trying to turn it into a partisan political rally. I think that is ignorant. What do you think?

You un-Americans kneel during the national anthem, ich used to always be “non-partisan”. Now, thanks to the regressive left, everything is partisan.

What is wrong with having a few military vehicles on display anyway? How is that “partisan”, unless you are saying the left is anti-military?
Far more than a few military vehicles on display. Having been to many July 4th celebrations in DC, I know how huge the attendance is, DC gets packed as people find space for their picnics and later viewing the always magnificent fireworks display. The crowd is larger than any protest or rally. Trump is using this already huge event for promoting himself on taxpayer funds. It's insulting for him to suggest we need help or input for celebrating July 4th.

I heard this nonsense on the fake news networks, here you are parroting it. In what way is putting military vehicles on display become “about Trump”?
DJT for Life said:
I was writing of your remarks of the cost of the tanks that had to be trucked in. The Military flyover. US Airpower. All of it costing us millions.
What should we do with the money? Give it to the fucking homeless in LA? Get toilets for the homeless in Seattle? Hand out more
money to spooks that have never worked a day in their life?

Money is being well spent.
Considering It's A NATIONAL Celebration
From The CAPITAL Of Our Nation
And Is For All Those You Mentioned Too
July 4th DC celebration is a tribute to Donald Trump, first, the USA second.
Trump has requested tanks and other military heavy equipment placed by the White House. They have to be trucked in and out because they cannot run on streets.
Trump has requested an exhibition of US air power with a fly over of multiple military planes that includes Air Force one and his Helicopter.
Trump will speak from the Lincoln memorial with special guests including Republican lawmakers and major Republican donors.
Trump has insisted the fireworks display will be the largest ever.

The celebration planned by Trump will cost millions more than any other DC July 4th celebrations

July 4th celebration will focus on Trump more than our country

Good. It's about time we pay tribute to the folks that won our freedom.

How insulting.

He served in the same unit as did Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
That is correct but Clinton or Obama did not ask for a huge military display for their 4th of July celebration.

Nor did they criticize American servicemen for being captured.
Trump has no fear. do no harm, but take no shit!
Trump has no morals, no US President has done more harm to the respect of the US throughout the world and Trump is an extremely large piece of shit
as much as there is bedlam and confusion in the Trump administration, the same could be said about democrats running for president, not to mention the previous (Obama) administration
July 4th DC celebration is a tribute to Donald Trump, first, the USA second.
Trump has requested tanks and other military heavy equipment placed by the White House. They have to be trucked in and out because they cannot run on streets.
Trump has requested an exhibition of US air power with a fly over of multiple military planes that includes Air Force one and his Helicopter.
Trump will speak from the Lincoln memorial with special guests including Republican lawmakers and major Republican donors.
Trump has insisted the fireworks display will be the largest ever.

The celebration planned by Trump will cost millions more than any other DC July 4th celebrations

July 4th celebration will focus on Trump more than our country

Good. It's about time we pay tribute to the folks that won our freedom.

I was writing of your remarks of the cost of the tanks that had to be trucked in. The Military flyover. US Airpower. All of it costing us millions.
What should we do with the money? Give it to the fucking homeless in LA? Get toilets for the homeless in Seattle? Hand out more
money to spooks that have never worked a day in their life?

Money is being well spent.
"What should we do with the money?"

How about a pay raise and better housing. Recruiting and retention. But WTF do you know?

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