July 4th: Trump hijacking Independence Day

Trumpā€™s idiotic ā€˜paradeā€™ illustrates whatā€™s fundamentally wrong with conservatives, who confuse militarism with patriotism ā€“ one having nothing to do with the other.
Everything's so dramatic with you partisan types, isn't it? Trump has a military parade to celebrate America's independence, won via military campaign, and BAM. That makes him a militarist, despite being more war averse than any other administration in my lifetime.

Trump says mean things to the press, BAM. He's attacking free speech. Hasn't actually made any policy moves in that direction. No matter. He said a thing that I associate with fascism, therefore he's trying to end freedom of the press. Can't help but notice, tho, that when Hillary was campaigning on ending fake news by shutting down Breitbart, you same "anti-fascists" were cheering.

If you haven't figured it out yet, Trump runs off at the mouth a lot. Treating every remark he makes as though it's directly preceding a draconian policy implementation makes me think that you haven't actually registered anything that's happened in the last few years.

Wait a second! Are you trying to say you are finding hyperbole? On a political message board? Say it ain't so!
If it was only here on a political message board I probably wouldn't take exception to it at all. Sadly, we've got well respected "journalists" at high profile organizations pointing out such terrible violence as being flipped off by Trump supporters, or (GASP) having "CNN sucks!" chanted at them by conservatives. . . practically Nazis!

As a former journo, I believe we've reached critical mass in the outrage department. The industry I formerly revered I now detest. As a result of the complete destruction of objectivity in our media, society has killed off politeness for good, I fear.
If Obama had held a military parade on the 4th ... almost everyone would have been shocked because everyone knew Obama hated the military, did everything he could to undermine and weaken it, used it to help terrorists - like Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 1 day - take over their own country and to invade Syria.

If Obama would have held a military parade on the 4th he would have received a scolding phone call from his mentor, racist America-hating 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright.

If Obama would have held a military parade on the 4th domestic terrorist pal Bill Ayers would have informed Barry he was no longer welcome in his home.

If Obama would have held a military parade on the 4th his Leftist Extremist followers would have abandoned him and his own party would have stripped him of his 'Socialist Democrat' / 'Fundamentally Change the US' Membership card.
Yeah...............he's gonna make this all about himself. He's already shown that he doesn't know much about the military hardware we actually do have. For some strange reason he seems to think that Sherman tanks are brand new. Pay attention to the underlined part of the article.

Trump touts ā€˜brand newā€™ World War II-era tank display at Fourth of July celebration

Iā€™m going to be here and Iā€™m going to say a few words and weā€™re going to have planes going overhead ā€• the best fighter jets in the world, and other planes, too,ā€ he told reporters. ā€œAnd weā€™re going to have some tanks stationed outside."

Officials told The Washington Post, according to a story published earlier Monday, that the White House had requested Army vehicles for the celebration but that the service was scrambling to figure out what to send and how to get it to D.C.

ā€œYouā€™ve got to be pretty careful with the tanks, because the roads have a tendency not to like to carry heavy tanks," he said. ā€œSo we have to put them in certain areas, but we have the brand new Sherman tanks and we have the brand new Abram tanks."

The M4 Sherman, best known for its role in World War II, went out of service in 1957. The M1 Abrams came online in 1980.
The tanks President Trump was referring to are being made "brand new" and updated all the time.
You fucking LIB assholes are constantly taking what Trump says out of context for political reasons.

Maybe if the Orange Virus didn't speak like a fucking obtuse mental patient the rest of the world could understand him. This isn't a left/right problem, it's a dumb fuck *pResident problem.
What national speech is Hillary giving on the 4th? Oh thatā€™s right, Americans love a winner and hate losers. Hence no speech for the ā€œfirst woman President of the United States.ā€ :auiqs.jpg:
If Obama had held a military parade on the 4th ... almost everyone would have been shocked because everyone knew Obama hated the military, did everything he could to undermine and weaken it, used it to help terrorists - like Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 1 day - take over their own country and to invade Syria.

If Obama would have held a military parade on the 4th he would have received a scolding phone call from his mentor, racist America-hating 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright.

If Obama would have held a military parade on the 4th domestic terrorist pal Bill Ayers would have informed Barry he was no longer welcome in his home.

If Obama would have held a military parade on the 4th his Leftist Extremist followers would have abandoned him and his own party would have stripped him of his 'Socialist Democrat' / 'Fundamentally Change the US' Membership card.
Obama would have invited Bill and Hillary to stand with him on stage next to the Puerto Rican terrorists he (Clinton) pardoned.
Trumpā€™s idiotic ā€˜paradeā€™ illustrates whatā€™s fundamentally wrong with conservatives, who confuse militarism with patriotism ā€“ one having nothing to do with the other.
Everything's so dramatic with you partisan types, isn't it? Trump has a military parade to celebrate America's independence, won via military campaign, and BAM. That makes him a militarist, despite being more war averse than any other administration in my lifetime.

Trump says mean things to the press, BAM. He's attacking free speech. Hasn't actually made any policy moves in that direction. No matter. He said a thing that I associate with fascism, therefore he's trying to end freedom of the press. Can't help but notice, tho, that when Hillary was campaigning on ending fake news by shutting down Breitbart, you same "anti-fascists" were cheering.

If you haven't figured it out yet, Trump runs off at the mouth a lot. Treating every remark he makes as though it's directly preceding a draconian policy implementation makes me think that you haven't actually registered anything that's happened in the last few years.

Wait a second! Are you trying to say you are finding hyperbole? On a political message board? Say it ain't so!
If it was only here on a political message board I probably wouldn't take exception to it at all. Sadly, we've got well respected "journalists" at high profile organizations pointing out such terrible violence as being flipped off by Trump supporters, or (GASP) having "CNN sucks!" chanted at them by conservatives. . . practically Nazis!

As a former journo, I believe we've reached critical mass in the outrage department. The industry I formerly revered I now detest. As a result of the complete destruction of objectivity in our media, society has killed off politeness for good, I fear.
It has been FAR FAR FAR worse in the past.
the republicans would of blew their testis and the females would of squirted milk from their breasts, that is how explosive they would of been.

They would of never got over it, they probably would of put on their whites, and strung Obama up after they tarred and feathered him.

Yet they applaud tramp. Wonders never cease.
And you would be drooling with glee over Obama having a military parade, penny.
Trumpā€™s idiotic ā€˜paradeā€™ illustrates whatā€™s fundamentally wrong with conservatives, who confuse militarism with patriotism ā€“ one having nothing to do with the other.
Everything's so dramatic with you partisan types, isn't it? Trump has a military parade to celebrate America's independence, won via military campaign, and BAM. That makes him a militarist, despite being more war averse than any other administration in my lifetime.

Trump says mean things to the press, BAM. He's attacking free speech. Hasn't actually made any policy moves in that direction. No matter. He said a thing that I associate with fascism, therefore he's trying to end freedom of the press. Can't help but notice, tho, that when Hillary was campaigning on ending fake news by shutting down Breitbart, you same "anti-fascists" were cheering.

If you haven't figured it out yet, Trump runs off at the mouth a lot. Treating every remark he makes as though it's directly preceding a draconian policy implementation makes me think that you haven't actually registered anything that's happened in the last few years.

Wait a second! Are you trying to say you are finding hyperbole? On a political message board? Say it ain't so!
If it was only here on a political message board I probably wouldn't take exception to it at all. Sadly, we've got well respected "journalists" at high profile organizations pointing out such terrible violence as being flipped off by Trump supporters, or (GASP) having "CNN sucks!" chanted at them by conservatives. . . practically Nazis!

As a former journo, I believe we've reached critical mass in the outrage department. The industry I formerly revered I now detest. As a result of the complete destruction of objectivity in our media, society has killed off politeness for good, I fear.
Liberals started their shit during Vietnam War. Walter Cronkite backstabbed the U.S. Military.
If you go, wear the colors.
Yeah...............he's gonna make this all about himself. He's already shown that he doesn't know much about the military hardware we actually do have. For some strange reason he seems to think that Sherman tanks are brand new. Pay attention to the underlined part of the article.

Trump touts ā€˜brand newā€™ World War II-era tank display at Fourth of July celebration

Iā€™m going to be here and Iā€™m going to say a few words and weā€™re going to have planes going overhead ā€• the best fighter jets in the world, and other planes, too,ā€ he told reporters. ā€œAnd weā€™re going to have some tanks stationed outside."

Officials told The Washington Post, according to a story published earlier Monday, that the White House had requested Army vehicles for the celebration but that the service was scrambling to figure out what to send and how to get it to D.C.

ā€œYouā€™ve got to be pretty careful with the tanks, because the roads have a tendency not to like to carry heavy tanks," he said. ā€œSo we have to put them in certain areas, but we have the brand new Sherman tanks and we have the brand new Abram tanks."

The M4 Sherman, best known for its role in World War II, went out of service in 1957. The M1 Abrams came online in 1980.
The tanks President Trump was referring to are being made "brand new" and updated all the time.
You fucking LIB assholes are constantly taking what Trump says out of context for political reasons.

Maybe if the Orange Virus didn't speak like a fucking obtuse mental patient the rest of the world could understand him. This isn't a left/right problem, it's a dumb fuck *pResident problem.
What national speech is Hillary giving on the 4th? Oh thatā€™s right, Americans love a winner and hate losers. Hence no speech for the ā€œfirst woman President of the United States.ā€ :auiqs.jpg:

Even funnier that you're so deplorable, you think bashing Hillary Clinton offends me in any way. You, like Clinton, are the loser here.
The whole world is going to think Trump is a pussy because he doesn't have huge rocket launchers like the Russians, Chinese and North Koreans.
Trumpā€™s idiotic ā€˜paradeā€™ illustrates whatā€™s fundamentally wrong with conservatives, who confuse militarism with patriotism ā€“ one having nothing to do with the other.
Everything's so dramatic with you partisan types, isn't it? Trump has a military parade to celebrate America's independence, won via military campaign, and BAM. That makes him a militarist, despite being more war averse than any other administration in my lifetime.

Trump says mean things to the press, BAM. He's attacking free speech. Hasn't actually made any policy moves in that direction. No matter. He said a thing that I associate with fascism, therefore he's trying to end freedom of the press. Can't help but notice, tho, that when Hillary was campaigning on ending fake news by shutting down Breitbart, you same "anti-fascists" were cheering.

If you haven't figured it out yet, Trump runs off at the mouth a lot. Treating every remark he makes as though it's directly preceding a draconian policy implementation makes me think that you haven't actually registered anything that's happened in the last few years.

Wait a second! Are you trying to say you are finding hyperbole? On a political message board? Say it ain't so!
If it was only here on a political message board I probably wouldn't take exception to it at all. Sadly, we've got well respected "journalists" at high profile organizations pointing out such terrible violence as being flipped off by Trump supporters, or (GASP) having "CNN sucks!" chanted at them by conservatives. . . practically Nazis!

As a former journo, I believe we've reached critical mass in the outrage department. The industry I formerly revered I now detest. As a result of the complete destruction of objectivity in our media, society has killed off politeness for good, I fear.
Liberals started their shit during Vietnam War. Walter Cronkite backstabbed the U.S. Military.

I wasn't even born yet old man. Tell it to the nursing home.
Trumpā€™s idiotic ā€˜paradeā€™ illustrates whatā€™s fundamentally wrong with conservatives, who confuse militarism with patriotism ā€“ one having nothing to do with the other.
Everything's so dramatic with you partisan types, isn't it? Trump has a military parade to celebrate America's independence, won via military campaign, and BAM. That makes him a militarist, despite being more war averse than any other administration in my lifetime.

Trump says mean things to the press, BAM. He's attacking free speech. Hasn't actually made any policy moves in that direction. No matter. He said a thing that I associate with fascism, therefore he's trying to end freedom of the press. Can't help but notice, tho, that when Hillary was campaigning on ending fake news by shutting down Breitbart, you same "anti-fascists" were cheering.

If you haven't figured it out yet, Trump runs off at the mouth a lot. Treating every remark he makes as though it's directly preceding a draconian policy implementation makes me think that you haven't actually registered anything that's happened in the last few years.

Wait a second! Are you trying to say you are finding hyperbole? On a political message board? Say it ain't so!
If it was only here on a political message board I probably wouldn't take exception to it at all. Sadly, we've got well respected "journalists" at high profile organizations pointing out such terrible violence as being flipped off by Trump supporters, or (GASP) having "CNN sucks!" chanted at them by conservatives. . . practically Nazis!

As a former journo, I believe we've reached critical mass in the outrage department. The industry I formerly revered I now detest. As a result of the complete destruction of objectivity in our media, society has killed off politeness for good, I fear.
It has been FAR FAR FAR worse in the past.
Fair enough, but. . .

Geologists say that a mega tsunami once hit the island of Santiago, off the coast of West Africa, after the flank of an entire volcano fell into the sea. At an estimated 560 feet in height and moving at approximately the speed of a commercial airliner, this tsunami dwarfed the 2011 Japan tsunami many, many times over in both power and size.

But that significantly less impressive tsunami still managed to take out 25000 people.

Less than the worst can still be pretty severe, and we've certainly moved into absolute WTF territory, even if we haven't forayed as far into it as the most unfortunate of our predecessors.
the republicans would of blew their testis and the females would of squirted milk from their breasts, that is how explosive they would of been.

They would of never got over it, they probably would of put on their whites, and strung Obama up after they tarred and feathered him.

Yet they applaud tramp. Wonders never cease.
But President Obama didn't, that's the point.

ā€œThe parading of military has long been the stuff of dictators and authoritarian regimes -- from Iran to North Korea to Russia. The leaders -- military and civilian -- in the United States have avoided that sort of thing because, well, the strongest guy in the gym doesn't need to go around telling everyone how strong he is. It's understood. Yes, we have massive military might. But we also believe in diplomacy, avoiding military conflicts at all costs and using force as only a last resort.

Trump doesn't seem to grasp that nuance. Or he grasps it and either doesn't care or doesn't agree.

Either way, the images coming out of Washington, DC, on Thursday night will send a very different message to the country and the world than ever before on July 4. Trump knows that -- and is thrilled about it. I'm not so sure the rest of us should be.ā€

Donald Trump's July 4 spectacle just keeps getting more and more absurd - CNNPolitics

What a load or horse shit.

Americans love to see what our military has to fight with. That includes tanks, Guardians, MRAP's and anything else the military uses.

No one thinks about militarism except lefty loons like you. Oh and CNN?? That left leaning rag?? Nuff said.

Enjoy the 4th of July parade. I will as will millions of other Americans. Take your left leaning idiocy and shove it up your stupid ass.

I am sure the military men have nothing to do on their 4th of July, like being with their families. Its their holiday as well. Instead they are called to duty, and that is what it is, they are being forced to say and do whatever the tramps wants them to.

I wonder what this needless display of Tramp's pageantry is going to cost the tax payers, why are you not bitching about that??
Hey, aren't they the "conservatives?" SOS
Bush92 said:
Walter Cronkite backstabbed the U.S. Military.
Indeed He Did
And I Watched Him On National Television When He Did It
Never Admitted He Was Wrong
Or Apologized For What He Did
Even After The North Vietnamese Commanders Of Tet
Openly Admit They Were Spent, And Were Throwing In The Towel

Progs Never Apologize For The Disasters They Create
But They Are The Loudest At Demanding Apologies Over Nothing

And I'm Still Waiting For A List Of What's Wrong
About The American Military Being On Hand For Tomorrow's Celebration
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I won't be going near the July 4th NaziCon political jamboree on the National Mall. It's a national disgrace to weaponize Independence Day for political purposes.


Exactly we sure as hell know you won't be thanking them for posting your nonsense day after day on here.

View attachment 267276
WTF does the military have at all to do with celebrating American independence in 1776?

the republicans would of blew their testis and the females would of squirted milk from their breasts, that is how explosive they would of been.

They would of never got over it, they probably would of put on their whites, and strung Obama up after they tarred and feathered him.

Yet they applaud tramp. Wonders never cease.

Rush is playing clips of the various military displays at the capitol.......during inaugurations....the marched a P.T. Boat, like the one Kennedy drove into the Japanese ship, they marched the cadets from the military academies, they marched a patriot missile down the lane after the gulf war......

Trump Derangement Syndrome....is there a cure?

I know there isn't a cure for Rush or the TDS which you trampers have. Its a cult.
People are saying this will be the opening song with live action entertainers. It will be an incredible show!

Trump is packing his ticketed-event speech with political appointees and Republican donors. Did he invite Demos ????

So what. Obama regularly hosted White House parties that were wall-to-wall with liberal celebrities, liberal media figures, political donors, etc. all at the expense of the taxpayer. Did you complain?

Look, politicians are going to politic, that's what they do.

Did you complain when Obama politicized the IRS by using them to prevent conservative groups from participating in the 2012 election?

That never happened, but oh Facebook and google are preventing conservation groups now aren't them, BS it never happened and is not happening now. You guys are up to your old dirty tricks.

What did happen is Russia interfered in the 2016 election and tramp gave putin permission to do it again.
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