July Jobs Report

Yeah, you did. You said "other than losing their job, what is the real effect of a recession."

And then you ran like a bitch when yiu got called on it.

Now go fuck yourself.


Yes, I asked that question and none of you could answer it. I sked it in several places and never got an answer.

The question was asked because unlike the past 3 recessions (not counting COVID one) we were losing jobs before the recession officially started. We are not seeing that yet, in fact based on this thread we just saw the US add 500,000 plus jobs from June to July.

I was not laughing at a thing, I was asking a legit question that nobody seemed to have an answer for
Actually I hope inflation skyrockets until November. I totally support this new legislation

Wish you people really understood the pain caused by you people. Biden supporters I hope end up on the street. But good people? Tragedy

most of you work a meager and degrading job. You have no idea what reality is
Such is the reprehensible right.
And never have we lost so many jobs in such a short amount of time.

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Does that change the fact between 2017 - 2019 we gained 4,000,000 jobs (which is not remarkable BTW)
And between 2020 and by end of 2022 we have gained NO JOBS.
The unemployment figure is ignoring several million people who are not working, because they haven't worked for one period.
They still exist.
Not to say we are not improving compared to Pandemic levels, obviously we have.
But this inflationary period is still wreaking havoc, and trying to say it isn't just makes a person look stupid.
It is better than being down $500.

Bull fucking shit. That argument was not made after the great recession, that argument was not made after the COVID recession till a Dem got into the White House.

Just admit you are pissed the economy has not totally crashed and move on
OK, since employment levels are apparently back to pre-pandemic levels, let's wait, say a year, and we'll see how much "job growth" Biden's economy produces.
See ya then.
And let me say I want the economy to grow - desperately.
The last fucking thing I want is things to stay they way they are , let alone get worse.
Fuck that.
Our business was on fire before the 2008 collapse.
Between 2009-2012 we closed 3 sales offices. That left only the main office/plant left.
We went from 43 employees to 15.
But by 2017 we were starting to grow again.
We purchased the first piece of equipment in 2018 in 10 years.
And then came Covid. And out went every gain we made and staggering losses.
By April 2020 our revenue fell by 40%, without PPP we would have ceased to exist.
But again, by the end of 2021 we were slowly getting up off the floor and getting back into small growth.
And then came the shortages.
Fuck me. Slammed again.
We are now down to 7 people in a building where there was 43. The raw material shortages is a wrecking ball.
And now inflation. Everyone is cutting order quantities. Cutting out some products altogether.
I don't know if we will survive this.
There is no one who hopes for a recovery more than I do.
But pretending it is all peaches and cream isn't going to help a damn thing.

Edit: In fact myself and the owner are literally right now contemplating closing on Fridays.
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But pretending it is all peaches and cream isn't going to help a damn thing.

Looking at the numbers for a month and going "well, that is good news" is not pretending it is all peaches and cream.

You all claim you do not wish to see bad come to the economy yet you cannot even go "well, that was a good month" because doing so would hurt your political party.
OK, since employment levels are apparently back to pre-pandemic levels, let's wait, say a year, and we'll see how much "job growth" Biden's economy produces.
See ya then.

That is a great idea. then if there is some you will say it is because the GOP took back the House, if there is not you will say it is because of Biden.

Why wait a year, just admit now you will never say a good thing about Biden/Dems no matter what happens.
Looking at the numbers for a month and going "well, that is good news" is not pretending it is all peaches and cream.

You all claim you do not wish to see bad come to the economy yet you cannot even go "well, that was a good month" because doing so would hurt your political party.
I already said what I feel,
Fuck the parties.
I want America to come back!
If the Democrats could somehow make that happen - are you fucking kidding me???
Did you not read my last post?? I would vote for every Democrat I could find!!!!!!
Laying people off sucks, I couldn't give a rats ass who makes it happens... I just want it to happen!!!

The unemployment number is a complete farce.
It is a solid, good number to look at when things are normal.
The pandemic took those numbers and shook them upside down. MILLIONS of people are still unemployed but not counted in that number.
That is why I said the only number that matters is TOTAL number of people employed, and we are only now getting back to what that number was 2 years ago. Every year we usually gain well over 1,000,000 NEW jobs that never existed before.
We are 4,000,000 jobs behind where we would likely have been if the pandemic never happened. WE HAVE A LONG WAY TO GO.
And now we have catastrophic inflation and still shortages and allocation that is crippling so many people.
I am one of them.
I already said what I feel,
Fuck the parties.
I want America to come back!
If the Democrats could somehow make that happen - are you fucking kidding me???
Did you not read my last post?? I would vote for every Democrat I could find!!!!!!
Laying people off sucks, I couldn't give a rats ass who makes it happens... I just want it to happen!!!

The unemployment number is a complete farce.
It is a solid, good number to look at when things are normal.
The pandemic took those numbers and shook them upside down. MILLIONS of people are still unemployed but not counted in that number.
That is why I said the only number that matters is TOTAL number of people employed, and we are only now getting back to what that number was 2 years ago. Every year we usually gain well over 1,000,000 NEW jobs that never existed before.
We are 4,000,000 jobs behind where we would likely have been if the pandemic never happened. WE HAVE A LONG WAY TO GO.
And now we have catastrophic inflation and still shortages and allocation that is crippling so many people.
I am one of them.

and with all of this ranting and raving you still cannot bring yourself to say it is better to have more jobs this month than last month.

It is doubtful the LFPR will ever be back to pre-pandemic rates. Retirement rates are up and more parents are staying home with their children due to higher child care cost.
Ahhhhh, look at the little statist cuck puffing on his masters pee pee.

No jobs created, just jobs recivered from arbitrary shutdowns, and now with the inflation EVERYTHING is starting to slow down.

Already the corporations are pulling back, and manufacturing is slowing.


We have a record number of people employed. Lowest unemployment rate in 53 years. All time record low black unemployment rate. If only you loved America, you would be happy with today's job numbers.
That is a great idea. then if there is some you will say it is because the GOP took back the House, if there is not you will say it is because of Biden.

Why wait a year, just admit now you will never say a good thing about Biden/Dems no matter what happens.
And you will never say a good thing about any admin. because you love playing both sides against each other.
And for the record: I just commended Pelosi for going to Taiwan and, in doing so, saying "Fuck You" to China so you really have no idea what I will or will not say in the future.
And you will never say a good thing about any admin. because you love playing both sides against each other.
And for the record: I just commended Pelosi for going to Taiwan and, in doing so, saying "Fuck You" to China so you really have no idea what I will or will not say in the future.

And I said the same thing about Pelosi...thus you have idea what I will or will not say in the future.

That was fun.

So, simple yes or not question. Is it good that we have 500,000 more jobs in July than in June?
You can thank Ronald Reagan and newt Gingrich for that.

And you can add George bush and Donald Trump too.

How’s that trickle down economy working out for you?
Hahaha.... you mentioned trickle down economics but didn't include Obama???
Wow... Imean... just wow.
The sheer level of cluelessness is mind blowing
and with all of this ranting and raving you still cannot bring yourself to say it is better to have more jobs this month than last month.

It is doubtful the LFPR will ever be back to pre-pandemic rates. Retirement rates are up and more parents are staying home with their children due to higher child care cost.
No I can't.
And I will tell you why.
The super rich made bank like mad during the Pandemic. Biggly.
That is a problem. A bigger problem than what a somewhat legitimate...but really not... number is one month to another.
This pandemic. Too many good things happened for the elites. Too good.
Think about this for a moment... small businesses.
Every dollar that is exchanged/earned and spent by a small business is can't be invested in... they can't get their little hands on any of it. They can't sit back and look at their investments and rub their hands together. They can't touch it. It is privately owned.
During the pandemic 100,000s of small businesses went under to never return again. At the same time the government handed out, no strings attached, over a $trillion. People went nuts. They started buying everything. But small businesses were closed... so they went to Walmart, Target and Amazon. And the super wealthy were very happy about that. They got to skim some change from all that fucking money.
They want more of that.
And mark my words Golfing... they will get it.
Right now in warehouses all over America there are raw materials piling up. The same damn materials the nation is short on!!!
I cannot find certain materials, I can't buy it! But large corporations in my industry is hording it. Cause they can!! And no one is doing anything about it. Why?? Because this is wreaking havoc on small businesses that don't have the allocation to buy ahead.
we are getting squeezed. And it is on purpose. To shut us down. So they have all the market to themselves.
It is happening everywhere and not one Goddamn politicians is going to do a damn thing to stop it. Not one.
That matters more than the monthly unemployment number Gator.
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