July Jobs Report

Your "facts" are indeed cold. Like a dead fish. There is no job growth. That is a leftwinger propaganda claim.

These are jobs that were taken away by leftist scum politicians through shutting down the ecinomy.

That is a hard fact.

Which you cucks run away from.


You shitstain, it was Trump who recommended they to do so. And it wasn't just the left who did.

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts." ~ Donald Trump, 3.16.2020
The number that matters most, is what is often ignored to rely on a different number that paints an unreliable picture.

The total number of people employed full time is the ONLY number that truly matters.
If a person has been unemployed and no longer looking, they effectively disappear from existence in these figures.

TOTAL number of people employed pre-pandemic was 157.5 million people.
TOTAL number today is still less than that. (Although slowly catching up)

Wrap your brain around that.
Are you able to??
The "expected" number is we will FINALLY reach that number by the end of the year. This is why if you Google this, you will see an asterisk by the number - it is a projection. That can change.

CONSIDERING between 2017 and 2019 the TOTAL number employed grew by 4,000,000.
In the same time period we are still at a small loss.


.... now go ahead and spout off some laughter and deflection.
This is the first 2 year period where the number of employed HAS SHRANK since 2009.

What are you talking about? We currently have 158,290,000 (establishment data) and 152,536,000 (household data)

As far as full time jobs, we're at a record high of 132,577,000

That may suck for you but it's good for the country.
Yet oddly enough after the last rise by the Feds we have this...

A week ago we locked in at 6.125 and today it is being redone at under 5.
I've done gave-up trying to read the banks these days.....They don't seem to have a good grasp on reality. I guess they would rather eat a percent than to lose business.

Yes, I asked that question and none of you could answer it. I sked it in several places and never got an answer.

The question was asked because unlike the past 3 recessions (not counting COVID one) we were losing jobs before the recession officially started. We are not seeing that yet, in fact based on this thread we just saw the US add 500,000 plus jobs from June to July.

I was not laughing at a thing, I was asking a legit question that nobody seemed to have an answer for

We've added 3.3 million jobs this year alone so far. Some recession. :icon_rolleyes:
What are you talking about? We currently have 158,290,000 (establishment data) and 152,536,000 (household data)

As far as full time jobs, we're at a record high of 132,577,000

That may suck for you but it's good for the country.
I don't know what that number includes.... but look at it again.
Jan 2020 before Pandemic 158653
July 2022 - 158290
So still not back to pandemic.
That number probably includes something that the other does not. but nevertheless it is still not back to pre pandemic as of yet.
But close.
And that still doesn't account for the approx. 4,000,000 HIGHER we would likely be if Covid never happend.
You can't pretend that away.
You can thank Ronald Reagan and newt Gingrich for that.

And you can add George bush and Donald Trump too.

How’s that trickle down economy working out for you?
Agreed, but you forgot a couple guys. Bubba and Ears did their part too.


We've brought back 3.3 million jobs that were lost due to Covid shut downs this year alone.......
Fixed it for you.
Your welcome.
If Covid shutdowns didn't occur we should be around 162.5 now.
We are 4,000,000 behind, historical averages and the trajectory we were headed, than where we would be.
There is no celebration in that.
It is still bad.
We are barely keeping up with trajectory.
It is EXACTLY like I said - millions of jobs were lost and may never come back. That is catastrophic.
And no one is asking why. My previous post(s) above this spells out why.
I've done gave-up trying to read the banks these days.....They don't seem to have a good grasp on reality. I guess they would rather eat a percent than to lose business.


I am just happy they did so.
And that still doesn't account for the approx. 4,000,000 HIGHER we would likely be if Covid never happend.
You can't pretend that away.

But it did happen and now we are moving past it finally. for most that is good news. But some people will always see the dark cloud, it is just their nature
I don't know what that number includes.... but look at it again.
Jan 2020 before Pandemic 158653
July 2022 - 158290
So still not back to pandemic.
That number probably includes something that the other does not. but nevertheless it is still not back to pre pandemic as of yet.
But close.
And that still doesn't account for the approx. 4,000,000 HIGHER we would likely be if Covid never happend.
You can't pretend that away.


I like how you make up numbers (4m) and then say you can't pretend that made up number doesn't exist.

Regardless, employed establishment data (which is where July's +528K figure is from) is at an all time high. Household data is just 5½K short of the all time high.

And don't forget, you also said...

The total number of people employed full time is the ONLY number that truly matters.

And we are 1.7 million jobs above pre-pandemic levels in that department. Up 7½ million full time jobs under Biden.
But it did happen and now we are moving past it finally. for most that is good news. But some people will always see the dark cloud, it is just their nature
You seem reasonably intelligent, you are just closing your mind to it.
I spelled my situation out well. You chose to ignore that and call it a "rant". Which is flippant to say the least.
I said 100,000s of small businesses closed forever - you obviously don't care?
I said the super wealthy did fantastic during Covid. By design. You let that slip right by.
I told you how large corporations raked in money like a fucking bandit while millions suffered... you apparently wish to look the other way.
I told you how large corporations are squeezing the market by hording scarce materials, illegal since 1951, and no one is doing anything about it. The government knows they are doing it. Obviously. They don't care. They want small businesses to fail also.
Small businesses are in a freefall. By design. The wealthy want that to happen. And they always get their way.

I like how you make up numbers (4m) and then say you can't pretend that made up number doesn't exist.

Regardless, employed establishment data (which is where July's +528K figure is from) is at an all time high. Household data is just 5½K short of the all time high.

And don't forget, you also said...

The total number of people employed full time is the ONLY number that truly matters.

And we are 1.7 million jobs above pre-pandemic levels in that department. Up 7½ million full time jobs under Biden.

Look at this guy!!
That’s because he stupidly listened to your God and Savior, Dr Fauci.

Trump was president. If he fucked up listening to Fauci, that's still on him. The buck stops at the president's desk. Not at his advisors' desks.

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