June is “Pride” month

That’s actually your biggest problem
Oh no. A fruitcake is getting sassy. I’m feeling very unsafe right now. Ze/Zir might be one of those puppy-play perverts or maybe another psycho tranny school shooter….. Sorry ma’am, I didn’t mean to offend.

Oh no. A fruitcake is getting sassy. I’m feeling very unsafe right now. Ze/Zir might be one of those puppy-play perverts or maybe another psycho tranny school shooter….. Sorry ma’am, I didn’t mean to offend.

Are you going to be a whiny twat all month
Ok we should all celebrate you being a whiny twat all month.
Yeah sure sounds good bro! But please just gay-it-up ok? I want my “whiny twat celebration” to be over the top flamboyant. So step it up Honey! Thanks in advance.

Me thinks your name calling falls limp in comparison to your acceptance of child sexual mutilation. But that’s just me.

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