Zone1 Juneteenth is Just Another Day to Spread The Hate Towards White People

No, your tribe, whichever it was, occupied a very small part of that land, likely for a very short period. Indian tribes were constantly at war with each other, forcing other tribes off their lands and often exterminating them. Don't try to feed me your bullshit, my great-grandmother was a full-blooded Comanche and I got the straight info from her about how it was.
Wanna know something? You have never been right about anything you have posted to me. Not once. This post is a great example. You know exactly what my tribe did, yet you have no clue what tribe. Your post wreaks of bullshit. FYI my tribe has been here from the beginning and we are still here.
It was a day of this country’s freedom from British rule. You aren’t forced to celebrate it but a lot of black people do.
True. I keep hearing the hostile racist leftists say that July 4th is no celebration for them, but watch the National July 4th, and half the performers (or even more) will be black.
True. I keep hearing the hostile racist leftists say that July 4th is no celebration for them, but watch the National July 4th, and half the performers (or even more) will be black.
So all 'hostile racist leftists' are black?
Shame on me? For holding myself in high regard? I have news for you. The days of me walking around slouched with my head down riddled with shame ended when I got out of the white catholic school I attended as a teenager. Ever since that time I have fought against people just like you trying to tell me what I should think about myself. I will continue to fight against people like you with a spring in my step and my head held high. I prove my worth every single day. To be honest, I really don't care that I'm better than you. What I care about is being better than I was yesterday. That is improvement. This is the attitude that winners have. Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant had the same attitude. I will never feel shame because of what you or anyone else says.
Shame on you for thinking you are better than me.fight against people like me? People who believe in equality? We were all born here, we can’t change that. Why do you think I am less worthy than you? I never told you what you should think about yourself, except you are NOT better than me.
Shame on me? For holding myself in high regard? I have news for you. The days of me walking around slouched with my head down riddled with shame ended when I got out of the white catholic school I attended as a teenager. Ever since that time I have fought against people just like you trying to tell me what I should think about myself. I will continue to fight against people like you with a spring in my step and my head held high. I prove my worth every single day. To be honest, I really don't care that I'm better than you. What I care about is being better than I was yesterday. That is improvement. This is the attitude that winners have. Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant had the same attitude. I will never feel shame because of what you or anyone else says.
Wanna know something? You have never been right about anything you have posted to me. Not once. This post is a great example. You know exactly what my tribe did, yet you have no clue what tribe. Your post wreaks of bullshit. FYI my tribe has been here from the beginning and we are still here.
So what is this fantastic, long lived, tribe you belong to? I told you what tribe my great grandmother belonged to.
I don't think I'm better. I know it.

I've seen zero evidence to support that.

You told me what to think. What makes you think you're better than me? What obstacles have you had to overcome?
I never said I was better than you. I have overcome a lot of obstacles, which are zero your business. I don’t owe you evidence that support equality, although I have stated it many times on these threads. And no, you do NOT know that you are better than me, the proof is in your responses.
So what is this fantastic, long lived, tribe you belong to? I told you what tribe my great grandmother belonged to.
All in good time. You need to tell me how you know so much about my tribe. What exactly did Great Grandmother tell you about us?
All in good time. You need to tell me how you know so much about my tribe. What exactly did Great Grandmother tell you about us?
She told me of how life was lived among the Comanche. It was nothing like the fantasy you project. Since you refuse to tell us what tribe you belong to, none of can verify anything you say. That's probably the point of your behavior.
She told me of how life was lived among the Comanche. It was nothing like the fantasy you project. Since you refuse to tell us what tribe you belong to, none of can verify anything you say. That's probably the point of your behavior.
And now I'm supposed to say, oh no, you got me all wrong! My tribe is (insert tribe name here) Dude. You are so predictable. I have stated what my tribe is more times than I can count. With the slightest bit of effort you could have found out. Instead you chose to say things you couldn't possibly know. I'll bet I can predict what you'll say next.
My original point still rings true. Each and every time you have responded to anything I have said you have been 100% wrong.
And now I'm supposed to say, oh no, you got me all wrong! My tribe is (insert tribe name here) Dude. You are so predictable. I have stated what my tribe is more times than I can count. With the slightest bit of effort you could have found out. Instead you chose to say things you couldn't possibly know. I'll bet I can predict what you'll say next.
My original point still rings true. Each and every time you have responded to anything I have said you have been 100% wrong.
I can't recall you even listing your tribe. HEY EVERYONE, can anyone tell me what he has said on the subject?

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