Zone1 Juneteenth is Just Another Day to Spread The Hate Towards White People

Jully 4th has been a holiday for decades idiot. And don't run your mouth about a typo. Armenians are white.. There are white Muslims. Stop whining because you ain't seen any black racism here.
July 4th is America's day to celebrate Independence from tyrannical England (a land of white people). Stop crying and get over it.

Slavery is rampant in Asia also. So stop trying to please white racists by pointing out slavery in Africa ...

Do you think slavery is a good thing ANYWHERE? Do you think any decent person is "pleased" by slavery ANYWHERE? It's all ok with YOU as long as it's not in the US? If so you're not a decent person, but you're in luck because we haven't had slavery in the US for a very long time.
We've already established that white racists in particular are a problem for everyone including other whites.

I know of at least 4 people on this website who take pride in being racist jackasses while a handful more can't keep from making racist comments yet will vehemently deny that the comments they make are evidence of the racists views they hold (the words come out of their mouths so unless they're actually ventriloquist dummies why would anyone not believe them to be racists?).

Just because the previous is what you all do doesn't mean I'm the same type of person as any of you, far from it. However if you're as clever as you want people to believe, certainly you can prove what you claim - that there is a racist in my mirror, so do so. Put your money where your mouth is and show the whole board how your brain processes information to arrive at a specific conclusion.

And for the anal retentive amongst us, "the words originate in their brain and comes out on this message board from the tips of their fingers or from their mouths". Better?
No, you and other non-white racists have established that in your own minds.
I don't need to prove YOU, and others like "IM2" are racists as your own words and attitudes do that.
Quite a bit of projection in your post I reply to.
I am not "judging" anything, I am responding to your erroneous and bigoted statements as well as your attempts to change the topic repeatedly.

Whites in the United States have never been subjected to the institution of chattel slavery where they were considered little more than livestock of the owner including being "bred" to increase the owners financial holdings after slaves were no longer allowed to be lawfully brought into the country. Nor have whites in the U.S. ever had legislation passed against them whose sole intent was to ensure that the rights of people of white people superseded all rights of people of African descent.

These are not complex concepts but you do have to study American history, social-economic and political history and policies as well.

This is why when posters here start trying the false comparisons as to "why were the Irish and the Italians and the Asians and the Jewish people all able to advance in society but not the Black people" when it should be obvious to anyone with half a brain, that NONE of those listed groups are people "of African descent." None of them are BLACK!

Juneteenth is about the day the slaves in Texas were FINALLY notified, two and a half years later, that slavery had been abolished and that they were free. Since the holiday commemorates this historical occasion in U.S. history, all of your tangents about Islam, the middle east and brown people over there are irrelevant to the topic at hand.
Most whites living today in the USA don't have origins to events of 160+ years ago which you allude to,they weren't even here or in existence back then. Many current "whites" have ancestors who immigrated to this country to flee oppressions where they were living.
Perhaps you are the one in need of further study of not only USA history, but also of the other parts of the world to get better context and perspective, especially of legacy prior to 1776 and the rugged track post 1865. Quite a few "whites" gave their lives during the War Between the States to end slavery in this nation. Which is why 'tangents about Islam and other parts of the world', past and present are relevant.

BTW, seems you and a few others "of your position" have also gone done the tangent road ...

You might also refresh on the definition of racism, since your focus and statements, especially anti-white ones are that. Lumping all whites into the same basket is just as racist as lumping all blacks into a same basket.
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White racism created the system we live in that codified racism into laws and policy. What you idiots call black racism is the response to a system created by whites that was designed bsasically as a caste system. So when you can find the black American constitution that decided whites were 3/5th's of a human and a long, long list of other laws a policies by blacks purposefully enacted to exclude whites, then we'll talk about black racism.
So not only are you stupid and dumb, you are an idiot.

1) Your own racism manifests in lumping all whites into the same basket/category, such as presenting what were laws and policy of some of the states as being the case in all of the states. Denigrating ALL whites is another manifestation of racism. Lookup the term in your dictionary(s).

2) The 3/5th clause wasn't claiming that slaves, or non-free men, were only "part" human, rather that when counting population in states for purpose of determining number of representatives to Congress, slaves(non-free men) would only count as 3/5ths. Had the slave holding states been able to include the number of slave males in that figure, they would have representation and votes in Congress out of proportion to those of their population who could vote (and be subject to paying taxes). Slaves were not citizens and were not allowed to vote. It was a compromise concession to the "Southern" slave owning states that they got representation based on including a portion of non-voting population.

FWIW, women, free or slave were not allowed to vote, and the males had to be age 21 or over. All three of these factors, 3/5 count towards population, women's voting, and age drop to 18 were corrected by future Amendments.

You might consider re-reading the Constitution and take some reputable courses on the Constitution, such as via Prager U.;)
Prager does not comply with or endorse the racist, fascist, socialist-communist views and ideology you support and present.
You are full of garbage!
Prager is also a Jew, so perhaps that is the source of your objection to him.
Prager IS a racist and his religion means nothing to mee.
So not only are you stupid and dumb, you are an idiot.

1) Your own racism manifests in lumping all whites into the same basket/category, such as presenting what were laws and policy of some of the states as being the case in all of the states. Denigrating ALL whites is another manifestation of racism. Lookup the term in your dictionary(s).

2) The 3/5th clause wasn't claiming that slaves, or non-free men, were only "part" human, rather that when counting population in states for purpose of determining number of representatives to Congress, slaves(non-free men) would only count as 3/5ths. Had the slave holding states been able to include the number of slave males in that figure, they would have representation and votes in Congress out of proportion to those of their population who could vote (and be subject to paying taxes). Slaves were not citizens and were not allowed to vote. It was a compromise concession to the "Southern" slave owning states that they got representation based on including a portion of non-voting population.

FWIW, women, free or slave were not allowed to vote, and the males had to be age 21 or over. All three of these factors, 3/5 count towards population, women's voting, and age drop to 18 were corrected by future Amendments.

You might consider re-reading the Constitution and take some reputable courses on the Constitution, such as via Prager U.;)
Wrong again. I have consistently posted about a specific whiyte subculrure-white right winng extremists or whhiittee rracisssttss. Allll whites doon't fit in tthat basket aand tthhee oonnlly ppeople to stupid to see the delination are the whites who practice racism.

Like you.

Stop making excuses.

I have read the constitution and although thiis country was initially structured on preferences for white men who owned property, the firdt naturalization acts made only whites regardless of wealth or gender eligible for citizenshipp.. Dred Scott v.. Sanford made things even more clear on the status of blacks in America.

After the 13th, 14th & 15th amendments, the civil rights cases in the 1880s established states rights and basically nnullifiedd those amendments. Then in 1897, you has Plessy, which made apartheid the law of the land which basically how the coouuntry operatted until 1964 openly. I can keep going with what has been done. You run you mouth, but you do so iignorantly.

Stop listening to Prager. Then go enroll in history from the perspective of non white people.
White racism created the system we live in that codified racism into laws and policy. What you idiots call black racism is the response to a system created by whites that was designed bsasically as a caste system. So when you can find the black American constitution that decided whites were 3/5th's of a human and a long, long list of other laws a policies by blacks purposefully enacted to exclude whites, then we'll talk about black racism.
Why do you keep using that tired, inaccurate spiel? I don’t know how many times I’ve explained that compromise. I’ll do it again. The slave states wanted their slaves counted the same as a free person FOR THE CENSUS. And only for the census. That would give them more political power to control the federal government. The free states didn’t want slaves counted at all. The compromise allowed the South to used three fifths of its slaves to control the federal government up until the mid eighteen fifties or so when immigration finally allowed the free states to seize control of the government and begin the process of eliminating slavery in the USA. Secession was the direct result of the slave states losing control and seeing the inevitable end of theirs”peculiar institution”.
Historical fact is now fake news.

To racists in denial of true American history.
I'm sure they did about plants and stuff, not about warfare involving firearms like your buddy was claiming.
Well, 'my buddy' was right. Natives taught settlers about warfare. Natives also taught settlers how to survive the brutal cold. The Wampanoag tried to teach farming but the settlers failed. As a result they started the whale killing industry. As a result, cannibalism was a common occurrence. As a matter of fact, due to the fact that the black whalers were not treated like the white whalers as far as diet goes, they ended up dying first. The white whalers ate dead black whalers to survive. Funny how cannibals are usually thought of as being island people. Not true. So yeah, Natives did a lot for the settlers.

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