Zone1 Juneteenth is Just Another Day to Spread The Hate Towards White People

Approximately 1 million whites were enslaved on the Barbary Coast in total as opposed to the 12 million blacks sent to the Americas. Leopold killed more Africans than that. Your postings are disingenuous and really they are off topic.

So NOW it's about score keeping?
Bullshit. However, we are discussing Jeneteenth. This holiday refers to America. What you are talking about didn't happen in America and most certainly did not last as long. After that slavery ended there were no white codes or other laws passed that denied whites any freedoms or opportunities on the same Barbary Coast. Again, your argument is disingenuous and all you're doing is showing a prime example of white racism as it is done in the 21st Century.
So Islam did not originate in the Middle East........that is populated by dark skinned peoples? I am sure all the {snipped]
Why did you change your statement from "colonized by Islam [Muslims] to "originated in the Middle East"

Swapping the topic doesn't change the invalidity of your original statement.

Fact: You do not even know........MY SKIN COLOR, yet you are judging based upon nothing but an ingrained bigotry of hatred toward the white man. You do realize there have been more WHITES that have been enslaved than any minority. There were MILLIONS of white Christian Europeans enslaved by Muslims...........

I am not "judging" anything, I am responding to your erroneous and bigoted statements as well as your attempts to change the topic repeatedly.

Whites in the United States have never been subjected to the institution of chattel slavery where they were considered little more than livestock of the owner including being "bred" to increase the owners financial holdings after slaves were no longer allowed to be lawfully brought into the country. Nor have whites in the U.S. ever had legislation passed against them whose sole intent was to ensure that the rights of people of white people superseded all rights of people of African descent.

These are not complex concepts but you do have to study American history, social-economic and political history and policies as well.

This is why when posters here start trying the false comparisons as to "why were the Irish and the Italians and the Asians and the Jewish people all able to advance in society but not the Black people" when it should be obvious to anyone with half a brain, that NONE of those listed groups are people "of African descent." None of them are BLACK!

Juneteenth is about the day the slaves in Texas were FINALLY notified, two and a half years later, that slavery had been abolished and that they were free. Since the holiday commemorates this historical occasion in U.S. history, all of your tangents about Islam, the middle east and brown people over there are irrelevant to the topic at hand.
Racists of any color will be a problem for everyone.
Take a look in your mirror, you'll see a problem to many.
We've already established that white racists in particular are a problem for everyone including other whites.

I know of at least 4 people on this website who take pride in being racist jackasses while a handful more can't keep from making racist comments yet will vehemently deny that the comments they make are evidence of the racists views they hold (the words come out of their mouths so unless they're actually ventriloquist dummies why would anyone not believe them to be racists?).

Just because the previous is what you all do doesn't mean I'm the same type of person as any of you, far from it. However if you're as clever as you want people to believe, certainly you can prove what you claim - that there is a racist in my mirror, so do so. Put your money where your mouth is and show the whole board how your brain processes information to arrive at a specific conclusion.

And for the anal retentive amongst us, "the words originate in their brain and comes out on this message board from the tips of their fingers or from their mouths". Better?
Topic is Juneteenth, the commemoration of a historical event in AMERICAN history so you bringing up slavery in other parts of the world is immaterial to the topic under discussion.

And yes the 13th Amendment lawfully ended slavery but provided a BIG loop hole that the white racist, already pissed at loss of their "property" and profits, immediately utilized to create a new form of very under Jim Crow called the convict leasing system.

Under this system, for the first time in American history, the number of Blacks incarcerated exceed those of whites. THIS WAS BY DESIGN
By the way, the white slave owners were paid reparations for the loss of their "property" while the enslaved people who suffered the direct egregious harm were never provided with any assistance.
When Slaveowners Got Reparations
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Lol! What's being assessed is the AMERICAN system of white racial preferences. Not ancient Muslim slavery. Muslims didn't create apartheid in America. The white racist always tries to deflect and blame shift while simultaneously lecturing blacks about personal responsibility.
youre not black.
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

So we have an individual who tried arguing using the 13th Amendment.

To circumvent this amendment whites creat black codes, which included vagrancy laws and required blacks to live under a draconian set of laws whites did not have to live by. If blacks were found in violation of such laws, they would be tried and convicted. Duly convicted. Which meant they could be returned to slavery.

How the Black Codes Limited African American Progress After the Civil War​

The black codes effectively continued enslavement for African Americans by restricting their rights and exploiting their labor.

When slavery ended in the United States, freedom still eluded African Americans who were contending with the repressive set of laws known as the black codes. Widely enacted throughout the South following the Civil War—a period called Reconstruction—these laws both limited the rights of Black people and exploited them as a labor source.

In fact, life after bondage didn’t differ much from life during bondage for the African Americans subjected to the black codes. This was by design, as slavery had been a multi-billion dollar enterprise, and the former Confederate states sought a way to continue this system of subjugation.

“They may have lost the war, but they’re not going to lose power civically and socially,” says M. Keith Claybrook Jr., an assistant professor in the Department of Africana Studies at California State University, Long Beach. “So, the black codes were an attempt to restrict and limit freedom.”

A Loophole in the 13th Amendment​

White planters in these states denied Black people the chance to rent or buy land and paid them a pittance. The 1865 ratification of the 13th Amendment prohibited slavery and servitude in all circumstances “except as a punishment for crime.” This loophole resulted in Southern states passing the black codes to criminalize activities that would make it easy to imprison African Americans, and effectively force them into servitude once more.

This is a prime example of how white racists would adapt racism in order to maintain white advantage regardless of laws that were passed. It still happens now.

Which is why none of the racists here want to discuss what happened after slavery and we see dumb postings about white slaves on the Barbary Coast.

Unless you'll agree that the response to black racism (or yellow, red, orange, purple, green, etc.) is "nott" racism.
White racism created the system we live in that codified racism into laws and policy. What you idiots call black racism is the response to a system created by whites that was designed bsasically as a caste system. So when you can find the black American constitution that decided whites were 3/5th's of a human and a long, long list of other laws a policies by blacks purposefully enacted to exclude whites, then we'll talk about black racism.
Somebody had to say it. I'm sorry that a black person was white washed, but other than that, the participants in this rodeo are extremely racist.

Yeah. I thought black privilege already afforded blacks a “Black History Month.” Isn't “Juneteenth” part of “Black History?” Take it and cram it into their History Month and be done with it. I helped make it even more black by marking it off of my calendar with a black marker.
The American system of WHITE RACISM? You mean the history of the democrat party in its attempt to silence all human rights for Minorities and WOMEN? That racist history? This is a simple question..........present "ONE" example of a Republican of history owning another human being.

FYI: This RACIST NATION that you are speaking of.......the Republic of the United States of America is responsible for legislating all the laws pertaining to minority and female civil rights. There is not ONE act of legislation that did not come from the representative majority. All the rights possessed by minorities and women are due to the Republic of the United States' legislating Laws.

Does this MAJORITY action look like RACISM to you?

Stop acting like someone owes anyone because of the color of their skin.........Civil rights have been in existence for well over half century. Stop crying for MORE SOUP PLEASE through the act of RACE BAITING, it does nothing but cause DIVISION. And its the same party that endorsed slavery and attempted to stop women from having equal rights that is promoting this division..........THE DEMOCRAT PARTY

Never mind that White America........elected a Black president, because of the color of his skink. It must have been from SHAME because his term in the white demonstrated that he was a dumb as rock and was nothing but a puppet on a string reading from a Teleprompter.....a person that never held any job in the private sector that grew up sucking on the Government tit.......taking advantage of the majority acts of legislation that granted favor to skin color.
No, I mean the American system of white racism. In both election of Obama nearly 60 percent of the white voters voting for thewhite opponent. Obama was not elected for the color of his skin. And if you didn't notice, Obama took us out of a near depression and set a record for job growth that lasted a decade.So whateverc Obama you saw wasn't the real one. Meannwhileyou did elect a duncecap for president because of his color in 2016.

Both political parties arre complicit in racism here, but todays republican party is nothing more tthan the American White Nationalist Front Party.
Yeah. I thought black privilege already afforded blacks a “Black History Month.” Isn't “Juneteenth” part of “Black History?” Take it and cram it into their History Month and be done with it. I helped make it even more black by marking it off of my calendar with a black marker.
There is no black privilege. Almost every month is white history month. Next week you will be celebrating White Man's Freedom Day, better known as July the Fourth.

Slavery is rampant in Asia also. So stop trying to please white racists by pointing out slavery in Africa when we're talking aboout America. Stop pulling the rickshaw son.
There is no black privilege. Almost every month is white history month. Next week you will be celebrating White Man's Freedom Day, better known as July the Fourth.
Nevertheless, Juneteenth fits nicely in Black History Month.
And you are also being disingenuous and showing a prime example of black racism as done in the USA in the 21st century.
BTW, learn to spell. It's "Juneteenth" not "Jeneteenth".

FYI, on my mother's side we are Armenian. Your Muslim friends engaged in genocide on my people last century. We don't get a Federal Holiday off from work.
You can stuff your hubris and racism where the Sun don't shine!
Jully 4th has been a holiday for decades idiot. And don't run your mouth about a typo. Armenians are white.. There are white Muslims. Stop whining because you ain't seen any black racism here.
Nevertheless, Juneteenth fits nicely in Black History Month.
Stop crying. Juneteenth is an American holiday. It is one of the most consequential days in this nations history. But white racists think only whites should be celebrated.
Stop crying. Juneteenth is an American holiday. It is one of the most consequential days in this nations history. But white racists think only whites should be celebrated.
Juneteenth is a black "whimper" day. Include it with their history month (the shortest month of the year) and leave the rest of us alone.

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