CDZ Jury Duty?

If I were arrested , I would rather have my case decided by regular citizens then by those in goverment. Having served on juries I noticed Judges can be" cut and dry" when comes to deciding a case. The jury I was on found the defendent guilty of lesser charges but not of the main charge that would have gotten him 20 years. We could see he wasnt all that smart and was set up by his so called friends. .I trust the common sense of the people over those in authority.
I just got my notice. I get one every year. I show intense bias. The police are never wrong. All plaintiffs are money grubbers looking for a payoff. I can tell if someone is guilty just by looking at them. I gotten out of being on a jury every time. I only have to waste the one day.

you constitutional loving patriotic American you……...
I have read the Constitution from beginning to end several times. I excelled in my Constitutional law class. I have never seen my name anywhere.
Pass out pamphlets from these guys to the jury pool next time around...

I never understood why we need to yank 12 random people out of their lives to serve on a jury anyway.

Why can't a judge decide if the evidence merits a guilty or not guilty verdict ?

Or maybe we should institute a professional juror system.

People with some knowledge of the law, the rights of the accused and the victims and at least some basic understanding of forensic science instead of a bunch of people who don't know anything about those things
Just what we need yet another bunch of professional parasites sucking the taxpayer tit and fucking up every damn thing they touch. I have one thing they don't, common fucking sense.
I just got my notice. I get one every year. I show intense bias. The police are never wrong. All plaintiffs are money grubbers looking for a payoff. I can tell if someone is guilty just by looking at them. I gotten out of being on a jury every time. I only have to waste the one day.

you constitutional loving patriotic American you……...
I have read the Constitution from beginning to end several times. I excelled in my Constitutional law class. I have never seen my name anywhere.
Pass out pamphlets from these guys to the jury pool next time around...

Why. They are always guilty. Most deserve the death penalty.
Instead of forcing people to be jurors especially those that have no desire to be there to begin with. let then call for volunteers, it worked for the Army.
I never understood why we need to yank 12 random people out of their lives to serve on a jury anyway.

Why can't a judge decide if the evidence merits a guilty or not guilty verdict ?

Or maybe we should institute a professional juror system.

People with some knowledge of the law, the rights of the accused and the victims and at least some basic understanding of forensic science instead of a bunch of people who don't know anything about those things

A professional juror system would evolve into political parties. Like, you vote with me on this case and I'll vote with you on another case. Then they would form a union, strike for higher wages and more holidays. Plain, ordinary citizens are the only way to go.
I never understood why we need to yank 12 random people out of their lives to serve on a jury anyway.

Why can't a judge decide if the evidence merits a guilty or not guilty verdict ?

Or maybe we should institute a professional juror system.

People with some knowledge of the law, the rights of the accused and the victims and at least some basic understanding of forensic science instead of a bunch of people who don't know anything about those things

A professional juror system would evolve into political parties. Like, you vote with me on this case and I'll vote with you on another case. Then they would form a union, strike for higher wages and more holidays. Plain, ordinary citizens are the only way to go.
Then the courts should treat the jurors the same way they treat the lawyers and not the way they treat the defendants. Show the juror some respect they are all grown adults
No one who doesn't want to be on a jury should ever be forced to serve as a juror. There should be a registry. Those who object either get out of jury duty or cause trouble if they are chosen.
I never understood why we need to yank 12 random people out of their lives to serve on a jury anyway.

Why can't a judge decide if the evidence merits a guilty or not guilty verdict ?

Or maybe we should institute a professional juror system.

People with some knowledge of the law, the rights of the accused and the victims and at least some basic understanding of forensic science instead of a bunch of people who don't know anything about those things
Just what we need yet another bunch of professional parasites sucking the taxpayer tit and fucking up every damn thing they touch. I have one thing they don't, common fucking sense.

So you want the government to force you to work on a jury for who knows how long for a couple bucks an hour?

The average IQ of the public is 100 I sure as shit don't want these average idiots deciding matters of law
I never understood why we need to yank 12 random people out of their lives to serve on a jury anyway.

Why can't a judge decide if the evidence merits a guilty or not guilty verdict ?

Or maybe we should institute a professional juror system.

People with some knowledge of the law, the rights of the accused and the victims and at least some basic understanding of forensic science instead of a bunch of people who don't know anything about those things

A professional juror system would evolve into political parties. Like, you vote with me on this case and I'll vote with you on another case. Then they would form a union, strike for higher wages and more holidays. Plain, ordinary citizens are the only way to go.
All you have to do is randomize the people you seat on a jury.

There is no benefit to colluding on cases especially if people don't know who will be seated on the next jury.
I never understood why we need to yank 12 random people out of their lives to serve on a jury anyway.

Why can't a judge decide if the evidence merits a guilty or not guilty verdict ?

Or maybe we should institute a professional juror system.

People with some knowledge of the law, the rights of the accused and the victims and at least some basic understanding of forensic science instead of a bunch of people who don't know anything about those things
Just what we need yet another bunch of professional parasites sucking the taxpayer tit and fucking up every damn thing they touch. I have one thing they don't, common fucking sense.

So you want the government to force you to work on a jury for who knows how long for a couple bucks an hour?

The average IQ of the public is 100 I sure as shit don't want these average idiots deciding matters of law
Fuck matters of the law, what really matters is what is right, what is wrong and what makes sense and that's exactly why juries make the most sense to me.
I’ve served on four jury’s and a criminal grand jury. To me it’s a citizen’s duty to serve. My only complaint is having to spend a entire day sitting around the Jury room. In this day and age I would think jurors could be assigned a arrival time and routed directly to jury selection. After all, the system knows how many trials are going to take place on any given day.
I never understood why we need to yank 12 random people out of their lives to serve on a jury anyway.

Why can't a judge decide if the evidence merits a guilty or not guilty verdict ?

Or maybe we should institute a professional juror system.

People with some knowledge of the law, the rights of the accused and the victims and at least some basic understanding of forensic science instead of a bunch of people who don't know anything about those things
Just what we need yet another bunch of professional parasites sucking the taxpayer tit and fucking up every damn thing they touch. I have one thing they don't, common fucking sense.

So you want the government to force you to work on a jury for who knows how long for a couple bucks an hour?

The average IQ of the public is 100 I sure as shit don't want these average idiots deciding matters of law
Fuck matters of the law, what really matters is what is right, what is wrong and what makes sense and that's exactly why juries make the most sense to me.

right and wrong don't mean anything in court.
It's a civic duty.

So is sorting your recyclables ...

I never understood why we need to yank 12 random people out of their lives to serve on a jury anyway.

Why can't a judge decide if the evidence merits a guilty or not guilty verdict ?

Or maybe we should institute a professional juror system.

People with some knowledge of the law, the rights of the accused and the victims and at least some basic understanding of forensic science instead of a bunch of people who don't know anything about those things


jury of one's peers
In all criminal cases – not necessarily all civil cases – the defendant has the constitutional right to have a juryof their peers at trial (note that “peers” often means citizens, See Citizen; also note that a blue ribbon jurywould violate this right). This right can be found in the Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution where it states, “the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury.” See Impartial Jury. The purpose of this provision is to ensure that a jury’s verdict is not tainted by biases that jurors may harbor before being presented with the evidence of the particular case. Readily recognized biases include gender, race, sexual orientation, nationality, etc. To exclude potentially biased jurors, either party to the suit may use a peremptory challenge during the jury selection process.
Jury of one’s peers is somewhat similar to the expression “judgement of his peers” which simply means a jury trial and comes from the Magna Carta.
[Last updated in July of 2020 by the Wex Definitions Team]

jury of one's peers

^^^ THAT ^^^
Serving on jury duty is something I strongly belive in doing .Most citizens I have met do what ever they can to get out of it.Its how we citizens can have an impact along with. Voting. Do you go on jury duty when summoned? One thing that was dissapointing for me was when entering the jury room its just me and a large room of other white people.
So you make a post about responsibility but you're really making it about race. goodbye.
Serving on jury duty is something I strongly belive in doing .Most citizens I have met do what ever they can to get out of it.Its how we citizens can have an impact along with. Voting. Do you go on jury duty when summoned? One thing that was dissapointing for me was when entering the jury room its just me and a large room of other white people.
Why would you be "disappointed" with being in a room with other white people? I have no problem with whites, I have a lot of white friends.

Whites , BTW, are the backbone of the jury system. The film 12 Angry Men had a jury of 12 whites in the county of New York which has a large minority population.

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