CDZ Jury Duty?

I hope I get called one day. I want to experience it.

Its actually pretty boring. A lot of hanging around in the back ante room waiting on the lawyers.

Henry Fonda and Lee J. Cobb made it seem a lot more interesting than it really is in 12 Angry Men.
If I were arrested , I would rather have my case decided by regular citizens then by those in goverment. Having served on juries I noticed Judges can be" cut and dry" when comes to deciding a case. The jury I was on found the defendent guilty of lesser charges but not of the main charge that would have gotten him 20 years. We could see he wasnt all that smart and was set up by his so called friends. .I trust the common sense of the people over those in authority.

I’m the exact opposite. Having sat on a jury, and watched our legal system, I would prefer a bench trial, if it ever came to thst. I don’t trust the citizens of this country. Definitely not enough to put my life in their hands.
I just got my notice. I get one every year. I show intense bias. The police are never wrong. All plaintiffs are money grubbers looking for a payoff. I can tell if someone is guilty just by looking at them. I gotten out of being on a jury every time. I only have to waste the one day.
You get a notice every year? Wow I've gotten one in 30 years and the case I was called in for was dismissed. I was ready to spend all day and waltzed out in 30 minutes. :04:
I just got my notice. I get one every year. I show intense bias. The police are never wrong. All plaintiffs are money grubbers looking for a payoff. I can tell if someone is guilty just by looking at them. I gotten out of being on a jury every time. I only have to waste the one day.
You get a notice every year? Wow I've gotten one in 30 years and the case I was called in for was dismissed. I was ready to spend all day and waltzed out in 30 minutes. :04:
Every freaking year. I moved from Los Angeles county to Orange County. Still every year. I have always gotten dismissed out
Only been called once and served on one trial only...........Wasn't a big the state required the employer to pay full pay............for the week...........

But now I know others who have had to go and lost pay........for their duty.............

I believe this is a spot that people shouldn't have to lose pay for doing their civic duty..........jury pay is way too low in many cases...................

I worked in Alabama then .........still live in Alabama.........but work in Mississippi.....

It should be full pay across the board.

The government should pay the jurors' full salary plus mileage to/from the court house for jury duty.

I worked in Alabama then .........still live in Alabama.........but work in Mississippi.....

It should be full pay across the board.

The government should pay the jurors' full salary plus mileage to/from the court house for jury duty.

Then they would only pick homeless bums, housewives and retirees for the duty. People without jobs.
Serving on jury duty is something I strongly belive in doing .Most citizens I have met do what ever they can to get out of it.Its how we citizens can have an impact along with. Voting. Do you go on jury duty when summoned? One thing that was dissapointing for me was when entering the jury room its just me and a large room of other white people.

I got called for jury duty on a massive fraud trial with 3 defendants and over 100 charges. The trial was expected to last 6 months. Each charge involved a different combination of defendants.

Fortunately for me, they seated 12 jurors before they got to me. I was so grateful.

I worked in Alabama then .........still live in Alabama.........but work in Mississippi.....

It should be full pay across the board.

The government should pay the jurors' full salary plus mileage to/from the court house for jury duty.

Some employers pay full salary to their employees if they are called. Mine did.

Defendants lawyers are the ones try to seat the unemployed and housewives and challenge anyone who has a degree.
Some employers pay full salary to their employees if they are called. Mine did.

Defendants lawyers are the ones try to seat the unemployed and housewives and challenge anyone who has a degree.

It should not be the employers' responsibility to pay their workers for jury duty.

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