CDZ Jury Duty?

I never understood why we need to yank 12 random people out of their lives to serve on a jury anyway.

Why can't a judge decide if the evidence merits a guilty or not guilty verdict ?

Or maybe we should institute a professional juror system.

People with some knowledge of the law, the rights of the accused and the victims and at least some basic understanding of forensic science instead of a bunch of people who don't know anything about those things
Just what we need yet another bunch of professional parasites sucking the taxpayer tit and fucking up every damn thing they touch. I have one thing they don't, common fucking sense.

So you want the government to force you to work on a jury for who knows how long for a couple bucks an hour?

The average IQ of the public is 100 I sure as shit don't want these average idiots deciding matters of law
Fuck matters of the law, what really matters is what is right, what is wrong and what makes sense and that's exactly why juries make the most sense to me.

right and wrong don't mean anything in court.
And that is a problem. Maybe you should spend some time trying to fathom why we have laws in the first place, dummy.

HAving stupid people on a jury is the problem
The intelligent people get out of it.
Not always. Some may even want to do it.
Are you suggesting that a person of reasonable intelligence wants to be on a jury?
Well my IQ is above average by a bit and I don't mind. In fact the last time I sat on a jury, a double murder which it wasn't, it was a good damn thing for the defendant that I was there. I was the only one that saved his ass and forced a conviction for what was real.
Serving on jury duty is something I strongly belive in doing .Most citizens I have met do what ever they can to get out of it.Its how we citizens can have an impact along with. Voting. Do you go on jury duty when summoned? One thing that was dissapointing for me was when entering the jury room its just me and a large room of other white people.

What, you don't like white people?

But, no, the way I always got out of jury duty was to just walk into the clerk's office and I always made sure I had my DoD or Pentagon badge in view and I would just say something casual, like hey, I can't do this, and they would just be okay with it. I never even had to start explaining why I didn't wanna do it.

Think it was only twice, though.
I never understood why we need to yank 12 random people out of their lives to serve on a jury anyway.

Why can't a judge decide if the evidence merits a guilty or not guilty verdict ?

Or maybe we should institute a professional juror system.

People with some knowledge of the law, the rights of the accused and the victims and at least some basic understanding of forensic science instead of a bunch of people who don't know anything about those things
Just what we need yet another bunch of professional parasites sucking the taxpayer tit and fucking up every damn thing they touch. I have one thing they don't, common fucking sense.

So you want the government to force you to work on a jury for who knows how long for a couple bucks an hour?

The average IQ of the public is 100 I sure as shit don't want these average idiots deciding matters of law
Fuck matters of the law, what really matters is what is right, what is wrong and what makes sense and that's exactly why juries make the most sense to me.

right and wrong don't mean anything in court.
And that is a problem. Maybe you should spend some time trying to fathom why we have laws in the first place, dummy.

HAving stupid people on a jury is the problem
The intelligent people get out of it.
Not always. Some may even want to do it.
Are you suggesting that a person of reasonable intelligence wants to be on a jury?
Well my IQ is above average by a bit and I don't mind. In fact the last time I sat on a jury, a double murder which it wasn't, it was a good damn thing for the defendant that I was there. I was the only one that saved his ass and forced a conviction for what was real.
Above average IQ and still not smart enough to wiggle out????
The last time I was up for voidere the defense and the prosecution both couldn't wait to get me gone. When I saw an opportunity to make a crack about lawyers in general that cracked the judge up, I was outta there. The judge was openly laughing his ass off at the lawyers on both sides. I think the judge wanted me around but the lawyers sure as hell didn't want me within ten miles of that court room.
I think we can all agree that jury duty can be a burden on self-employed folks or those who will lose pay they badly need. Most counties provide ways to get out of jury duty. Of course it is usually relatively easy to find creative ways out of jury duty when necessary (or if you are just a jerk).

Many jurors tend to be mature retired people. Or else they are government workers who usually (in NYC) get full or almost full pay while on duty. In my experience such people make decent jurors. In NYC at least (where I lived for many years) there was always a good mix of races and people from different backgrounds. Usually one or two young people also found their way onto the jury.
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I would like to be on a jury involved in an IRS/taxpayer case, though. You'd have to play dumb and snooker your way into it, though, going back to Dick's thought there, because they will weed you out, they don't want an informed jury. Huh uh.
The last time I was up for voir dire I told the judge that the entire courthouse was corrupt including him. I did not have to wait for an attorney to dismiss me for cause.
I would like to be on a jury involved in an IRS/taxpayer case, though. You'd have to play dumb and snooker your way into it, though, going back to Dick's thought there, because they will weed you out, they don't want an informed jury. Huh uh.
WHO doesn’t want an informed jury involved? Remember, BOTH sides usually get challenges during voir dire.
WHO doesn’t want an informed jury involved? Remember, BOTH sides usually get challenges during voir dire.

The IRS, that's who. lol. If people ever found out that they don't technically have to pay income taxes, the Feds would lose their marbles. lol. History itself is a great reminder of just how mad they get about the case being made.
Serving on jury duty is something I strongly belive in doing .Most citizens I have met do what ever they can to get out of it.Its how we citizens can have an impact along with. Voting. Do you go on jury duty when summoned? One thing that was dissapointing for me was when entering the jury room its just me and a large room of other white people.

What, you don't like white people?

But, no, the way I always got out of jury duty was to just walk into the clerk's office and I always made sure I had my DoD or Pentagon badge in view and I would just say something casual, like hey, I can't do this, and they would just be okay with it. I never even had to start explaining why I didn't wanna do it.

Think it was only twice, though.
Hello NC . I am a white person ,but grew up in the rural south in the 60s and 70s. Alot of people fought and some lost there lives so people of color would be able to vote an be on juries without having there lives in danger. So it bothers me to see people of color not participating.
WHO doesn’t want an informed jury involved? Remember, BOTH sides usually get challenges during voir dire.

The IRS, that's who. lol. If people ever found out that they don't technically have to pay income taxes, the Feds would lose their marbles. lol. History itself is a great reminder of just how mad they get about the case being made.
I see your point now. But the law — at least as explained by judges to juries — is not based on outlying theory but on precedents and statute law, as established and ratified. Corporations do not even exist in our Constitution, yet they were and are involved in many truly trend-setting lawsuits. Personally, I don’t accept objections to the “legality” of income taxes anymore than a judge will.

But somebody earlier mentioned “jury nullification” — another thing judges don’t acknowledge as a legal right when “instructing” their juries. In my opinion, jury “nullification” of demonstrably unfair or repugnant law is an often unmentioned reality of our jury system, has played an important part in our national history, and still at least occasionally occurs when juries “rebel.”

Indeed, even judges are permitted some leeway to disregard technical law requirements in exceptional cases ... “in the greater interest of justice.”

But death and taxes? No escape from those unless you are an immortal ... or a real estate mogul like Trump!
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Jury nullification can be used to find a repugnant defendant guilty too.

I am supposed to call in this afternoon to see if I am to appear Monday to serve. I am still evaluating my performance.
Serving on jury duty is something I strongly belive in doing .Most citizens I have met do what ever they can to get out of it.Its how we citizens can have an impact along with. Voting. Do you go on jury duty when summoned? One thing that was dissapointing for me was when entering the jury room its just me and a large room of other white people.

What, you don't like white people?

But, no, the way I always got out of jury duty was to just walk into the clerk's office and I always made sure I had my DoD or Pentagon badge in view and I would just say something casual, like hey, I can't do this, and they would just be okay with it. I never even had to start explaining why I didn't wanna do it.

Think it was only twice, though.
Hello NC . I am a white person ,but grew up in the rural south in the 60s and 70s. Alot of people fought and some lost there lives so people of color would be able to vote an be on juries without having there lives in danger. So it bothers me to see people of color not participating.
So did I and things are much different now. At least in the South they are. Maybe not so much in places like NY and Chicago.
I just got my notice. I get one every year. I show intense bias. The police are never wrong. All plaintiffs are money grubbers looking for a payoff. I can tell if someone is guilty just by looking at them. I gotten out of being on a jury every time. I only have to waste the one day.
Couldn't agree more, I take a page out of the democrat play book, Chapter VI, 'Guilty Until Proven Innocent'.
My jury duty did not get beyond the opening remarks by the judge. She thanked us for our participation. I spoke up and loudly said my participation was compelled don't thank me. I explained that I was there through force of law and no other reason. I was out in 20 minutes.
Serving on jury duty is something I strongly belive in doing .Most citizens I have met do what ever they can to get out of it.Its how we citizens can have an impact along with. Voting. Do you go on jury duty when summoned? One thing that was dissapointing for me was when entering the jury room its just me and a large room of other white people.

When was the last time you had to go? Racial discrimination in jury selection has been illegal for a long time or at least since the 1980s.
Serving on jury duty is something I strongly belive in doing .Most citizens I have met do what ever they can to get out of it.Its how we citizens can have an impact along with. Voting. Do you go on jury duty when summoned? One thing that was dissapointing for me was when entering the jury room its just me and a large room of other white people.

When was the last time you had to go? Racial discrimination in jury selection has been illegal for a long time or at least since the 1980s.
Its not discrimination its just that no one shows up except white people.

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