Just a clump of cells

That was a disembodied voice inside your head interpreting what I posted. I never made that argument.

You posted the statistics, you argued about the viability of the baby at certain gestational periods, you are arguing for the side of pro-choice are you not?

I was saying that at some point a fetus does become viable. I posted the stats on premature births to back up my position.

You? Well you got busted for lying.

No, you were lured. I have done it to a lot of gullible liberals like you. I know all about the human gestational period. I knew for a fact 16 weeks would have smashed that record set about 4 and a half moths earlier in 1987, and would be very impossible for the same thing to happen twice in one year. Even at 25 weeks, I would have had had less than a 45 percent chance of survival. I have my birth certificate right here before me.

You? You use viability as a way to justify the right of a woman to kill her unborn child.
Last edited:
Well.. I guess that settles it then... The Left is perfectly fine with murdering the defenseless and purely innocent.

And THAT established in the same thread that THE LEFT COMES TO DEFEND EUGENICS!


Ok... for the TRIFECTA! Which of you idiots wants to defend ISIS for the beheading of Jews and Christians?

Given the trend, we can't be but a few minutes from THAT!

You really don't know what eugenics is do you?

You do know what selective breeding is, don't you? Yours is a form of Negative Eugenics.

And that has what to do with the viability of premature births?

You use viability to determine the fate of the child. Eugenics.
Well.. I guess that settles it then... The Left is perfectly fine with murdering the defenseless and purely innocent.

And THAT established in the same thread that THE LEFT COMES TO DEFEND EUGENICS!


Ok... for the TRIFECTA! Which of you idiots wants to defend ISIS for the beheading of Jews and Christians?

Given the trend, we can't be but a few minutes from THAT!

You really don't know what eugenics is do you?

Hey... you're the one who defined it... Remember?

I disagree.

Full Definition of EUGENICS
: a science that deals with the improvement (as by control of human mating) of hereditary qualities of a race or breed ... .


Humanity hasn't seen a defense of eugenics since Dr. Joseph Mengele, of the german medical corp back in the 30s and 40s, demonstrated the downside to allowing the unprincipled to dabble in "SCIENCE!".

And imagine an irony SO SWEET that the first to do so since Eugenics was THOROUGHLY discredited... is a member of THE obama CULT!
It doesn't matter if one considers a fetus a clump of cells or a viable human infant as of yet to be birthed.

How do you rationally or ethically enforce laws the subjugate a woman's right to control her body?

Well, it's not difficult really.

You stop telling girls that they're going to have sex, and giving them birth control because it's axiomatically 'going to happen'... you teach them that their bodies are designed by nature to conceive and that part and parcel of that process are a host of hormones which drive her instinctively toward having sex and that the consequences of such are life altering.

You teach her that she is responsible for her choices and she is rightfully entitled to choose WHEN, where and with whom she has sex... and that the instant that she 'chooses', or... MAKES THE CHOICE to allow a man to enter her body, most of her future choices are made THROUGH THAT DECISION!

And as a result, HER RESPONSIBILITIES FAR OUTWEIGH HER RIGHTS.... because, no matter how many desperate idiots she talks to, who tell her that abortion is her right, THERE IS NO POTENTIAL FOR A RIGHT TO TAKE THE LIFE OF AN INNOCENT HUMAN BEING... PERIOD! That doing so is MURDER.

And that as a result of that irrefutable fact, abortion is murder. And all of the feckless attempts to sell Roe as Law is nonsense, as Roe is little more than Pop-Culture Idiocy spun as a SCOTUS Decision.

Then... change the law to adopt the appropriate criminal sanctions for pre-meditated murder of a child, for those who 'CHOOSE' TO TAKE THE HUMAN LIFE THEY CONCEIVED AS A DIRECT RESULT OF THEIR OWN WILLFUL BEHAVIOR.

First few doctors that go to prison and who are executed for murdering a pre-born baby... will dry up the medical aspect... and while it will not STOP all abortions, it will sure as hell provide justice for the babies that were murdered. And that's really all we can do as a society.


Again.. the answer is: "Justice is served.".
Threatening to kill me is quite the deflection from the fact that you're retarded enough to think abortion is murder but you won't apply the penalty for murder to abortion.

You pro-lifers are ALL phonies.


So, you can't answer the question?

Let's try again... and understand I am only restating the argument because it proves the idiocy of ROE and your would-be point subsequent to such; which is to say for the pure sadistic entertainment of watching you squirm.

YOU said:
Should abortion be a capital crime? You're the guy who said that Nature, or God, defined what murder is.

Is abortion murder? Should our laws reflect that?

To which I responded through the following query:

my following query said:
If I deem you an inconvenience and as a result, using my sufficient power over you, send a 120 grain projectile into your brain... at 900fps, tearing away most of your brain and skull... instantly rendering your body into lifelessness. ...

Should THAT be considered a capital crime?

Answering only yes or no,

should abortion be made the crime of murder?

Threatening to kill me is quite the deflection from the fact that you're retarded enough to think abortion is murder but you won't apply the penalty for murder to abortion.

You pro-lifers are ALL phonies.


So, you can't answer the question?

Let's try again... and understand I am only restating the argument because it proves the idiocy of ROE and your would-be point subsequent to such; which is to say for the pure sadistic entertainment of watching you squirm.

YOU said:
Should abortion be a capital crime? You're the guy who said that Nature, or God, defined what murder is.

Is abortion murder? Should our laws reflect that?

To which I responded through the following query:

my following query said:
If I deem you an inconvenience and as a result, using my sufficient power over you, send a 120 grain projectile into your brain... at 900fps, tearing away most of your brain and skull... instantly rendering your body into lifelessness. ...

Should THAT be considered a capital crime?

Well.. I guess that settles it then... The Left is perfectly fine with murdering the defenseless and purely innocent.

And THAT established in the same thread that THE LEFT COMES TO DEFEND EUGENICS!


Ok... for the TRIFECTA! Which of you idiots wants to defend ISIS for the beheading of Jews and Christians?

Given the trend, we can't be but a few minutes from THAT!

You really don't know what eugenics is do you?

You do know what selective breeding is, don't you? Yours is a form of Negative Eugenics.

Eugenics is when you criminalize Incest on the grounds that the offspring of incest MIGHT be genetically defective.
That was a disembodied voice inside your head interpreting what I posted. I never made that argument.

You posted the statistics, you argued about the viability of the baby at certain gestational periods, you are arguing for the side of pro-choice are you not?

I was saying that at some point a fetus does become viable. I posted the stats on premature births to back up my position.

You? Well you got busted for lying.

No, you were lured. I have done it to a lot of gullible liberals like you. I know all about the human gestational period. I knew for a fact 16 weeks would have smashed that record set about 4 and a half moths earlier in 1987, and would be very impossible for the same thing to happen twice in one year. Even at 22 weeks, I would have had had less than a 15 percent chance of survival. I have my birth certificate right here before me.

You? You use viability as a way to justify the right of a woman to kill her unborn child.
You're the unbaked cake, and it shows. Frankly, from a biological standpoint, you weren't supposed to be here, and you;re going to have many health issues and an early death because of that, based on the numbers.
It doesn't matter if one considers a fetus a clump of cells or a viable human infant as of yet to be birthed.

How do you rationally or ethically enforce laws the subjugate a woman's right to control her body?

Well, it's not difficult really.

You stop telling girls that they're going to have sex, and giving them birth control because it's axiomatically 'going to happen'... you teach them that their bodies are designed by nature to conceive and that part and parcel of that process are a host of hormones which drive her instinctively toward having sex and that the consequences of such are life altering.

You teach her that she is responsible for her choices and she is rightfully entitled to choose WHEN, where and with whom she has sex... and that the instant that she 'chooses', or... MAKES THE CHOICE to allow a man to enter her body, most of her future choices are made THROUGH THAT DECISION!

And as a result, HER RESPONSIBILITIES FAR OUTWEIGH HER RIGHTS.... because, no matter how many desperate idiots she talks to, who tell her that abortion is her right, THERE IS NO POTENTIAL FOR A RIGHT TO TAKE THE LIFE OF AN INNOCENT HUMAN BEING... PERIOD! That doing so is MURDER.

And that as a result of that irrefutable fact, abortion is murder. And all of the feckless attempts to sell Roe as Law is nonsense, as Roe is little more than Pop-Culture Idiocy spun as a SCOTUS Decision.

Then... change the law to adopt the appropriate criminal sanctions for pre-meditated murder of a child, for those who 'CHOOSE' TO TAKE THE HUMAN LIFE THEY CONCEIVED AS A DIRECT RESULT OF THEIR OWN WILLFUL BEHAVIOR.

First few doctors that go to prison and who are executed for murdering a pre-born baby... will dry up the medical aspect... and while it will not STOP all abortions, it will sure as hell provide justice for the babies that were murdered. And that's really all we can do as a society.


Again.. the answer is: "Justice is served.".
Threatening to kill me is quite the deflection from the fact that you're retarded enough to think abortion is murder but you won't apply the penalty for murder to abortion.

You pro-lifers are ALL phonies.


So, you can't answer the question?

Let's try again... and understand I am only restating the argument because it proves the idiocy of ROE and your would-be point subsequent to such; which is to say for the pure sadistic entertainment of watching you squirm.

YOU said:
Should abortion be a capital crime? You're the guy who said that Nature, or God, defined what murder is.

Is abortion murder? Should our laws reflect that?

To which I responded through the following query:

my following query said:
If I deem you an inconvenience and as a result, using my sufficient power over you, send a 120 grain projectile into your brain... at 900fps, tearing away most of your brain and skull... instantly rendering your body into lifelessness. ...

Should THAT be considered a capital crime?

Answering only yes or no,

should abortion be made the crime of murder?

Threatening to kill me is quite the deflection from the fact that you're retarded enough to think abortion is murder but you won't apply the penalty for murder to abortion.

You pro-lifers are ALL phonies.


So, you can't answer the question?

Let's try again... and understand I am only restating the argument because it proves the idiocy of ROE and your would-be point subsequent to such; which is to say for the pure sadistic entertainment of watching you squirm.

YOU said:
Should abortion be a capital crime? You're the guy who said that Nature, or God, defined what murder is.

Is abortion murder? Should our laws reflect that?

To which I responded through the following query:

my following query said:
If I deem you an inconvenience and as a result, using my sufficient power over you, send a 120 grain projectile into your brain... at 900fps, tearing away most of your brain and skull... instantly rendering your body into lifelessness. ...

Should THAT be considered a capital crime?


You're gutless.

Again, answering only yes or no,

should abortion be made the crime of murder?
Well.. I guess that settles it then... The Left is perfectly fine with murdering the defenseless and purely innocent.

And THAT established in the same thread that THE LEFT COMES TO DEFEND EUGENICS!


Ok... for the TRIFECTA! Which of you idiots wants to defend ISIS for the beheading of Jews and Christians?

Given the trend, we can't be but a few minutes from THAT!

You really don't know what eugenics is do you?

Hey... you're the one who defined it... Remember?

I disagree.

Full Definition of EUGENICS
: a science that deals with the improvement (as by control of human mating) of hereditary qualities of a race or breed ... .


Humanity hasn't seen a defense of eugenics since Dr. Joseph Mengele, of the german medical corp back in the 30s and 40s, demonstrated the downside to allowing the unprincipled to dabble in "SCIENCE!".

And imagine an irony SO SWEET that the first to do so since Eugenics was THOROUGHLY discredited... is a member of THE obama CULT!

Criminalizing incest is a direct defense of Eugenics.
Well.. I guess that settles it then... The Left is perfectly fine with murdering the defenseless and purely innocent.

And THAT established in the same thread that THE LEFT COMES TO DEFEND EUGENICS!


Ok... for the TRIFECTA! Which of you idiots wants to defend ISIS for the beheading of Jews and Christians?

Given the trend, we can't be but a few minutes from THAT!

You really don't know what eugenics is do you?

You do know what selective breeding is, don't you? Yours is a form of Negative Eugenics.

Eugenics is when you criminalize Incest on the grounds that the offspring of incest MIGHT be genetically defective.

HEY! ANOTHER ADVOCATE FOR INCEST! (It is truly getting very easy to spot the Muslims on these boards.)

And GO FIGURE! It's an member of the obama CULT!
You're gutless.

Again, answering only yes or no,

should abortion be made the crime of murder?


So, you can't answer the question?

Let's try again... and understand I am only restating the argument because it proves the idiocy of ROE and your would-be point, subsequent to such; which is to say for the pure sadistic entertainment of watching you squirm.

YOU said:
Should abortion be a capital crime? You're the guy who said that Nature, or God, defined what murder is.

Is abortion murder? Should our laws reflect that?

To which I responded through the following query:

my following query said:
If I deem you an inconvenience and as a result, using my sufficient power over you, send a 120 grain projectile into your brain... at 900fps, tearing away most of your brain and skull... instantly rendering your body into lifelessness. ...

Should THAT be considered a capital crime?

Well.. I guess that settles it then... The Left is perfectly fine with murdering the defenseless and purely innocent.

And THAT established in the same thread that THE LEFT COMES TO DEFEND EUGENICS!


Ok... for the TRIFECTA! Which of you idiots wants to defend ISIS for the beheading of Jews and Christians?

Given the trend, we can't be but a few minutes from THAT!

You really don't know what eugenics is do you?

Hey... you're the one who defined it... Remember?

I disagree.

Full Definition of EUGENICS
: a science that deals with the improvement (as by control of human mating) of hereditary qualities of a race or breed ... .


Humanity hasn't seen a defense of eugenics since Dr. Joseph Mengele, of the german medical corp back in the 30s and 40s, demonstrated the downside to allowing the unprincipled to dabble in "SCIENCE!".

And imagine an irony SO SWEET that the first to do so since Eugenics was THOROUGHLY discredited... is a member of THE obama CULT!

Criminalizing incest is a direct defense of Eugenics.
Indeed. That makes for funny dogs and funny people, and I don't mean ha ha.
Well.. I guess that settles it then... The Left is perfectly fine with murdering the defenseless and purely innocent.

And THAT established in the same thread that THE LEFT COMES TO DEFEND EUGENICS!


Ok... for the TRIFECTA! Which of you idiots wants to defend ISIS for the beheading of Jews and Christians?

Given the trend, we can't be but a few minutes from THAT!

You really don't know what eugenics is do you?

Hey... you're the one who defined it... Remember?

I disagree.

Full Definition of EUGENICS
: a science that deals with the improvement (as by control of human mating) of hereditary qualities of a race or breed ... .


Humanity hasn't seen a defense of eugenics since Dr. Joseph Mengele, of the german medical corp back in the 30s and 40s, demonstrated the downside to allowing the unprincipled to dabble in "SCIENCE!".

And imagine an irony SO SWEET that the first to do so since Eugenics was THOROUGHLY discredited... is a member of THE obama CULT!

Criminalizing incest is a direct defense of Eugenics.
Indeed. That makes for funny dogs and funny people, and I don't mean ha ha.

One of my old jokes,

if your coonhounds have a better pedigree than your kids do...

..,you might be a redneck.
The purpose of banning abortion isn't to save the lives of the unborn, but to discourage women from having sex.

Trust me, you are the only one interested in your vagina and what it's doing. Please don't ascribe your obsession and delusions of grandeur to the rest of us.
The fact of the matter was that I was born at 24 weeks. According to Boo's survivability statistics gave me around a 40% chance of survival.

How does it feel to reduce the life of an unborn child to a number?
Criminalizing incest is a direct defense of Eugenics.

Osama himself could NOT have said it better! No one defends incest like the Muslim. And just because they're running around murdering people by the gross for the most pitiful of stated basis... THAT is NO REASON to be hard on the addled means of the product of incest.

They're just as stupid as anyone else on the Left, whose parents may or may not have been siblings.
You're gutless.

Again, answering only yes or no,

should abortion be made the crime of murder?


So, you can't answer the question?

Let's try again... and understand I am only restating the argument because it proves the idiocy of ROE and your would-be point, subsequent to such; which is to say for the pure sadistic entertainment of watching you squirm.

YOU said:
Should abortion be a capital crime? You're the guy who said that Nature, or God, defined what murder is.

Is abortion murder? Should our laws reflect that?

To which I responded through the following query:

my following query said:
If I deem you an inconvenience and as a result, using my sufficient power over you, send a 120 grain projectile into your brain... at 900fps, tearing away most of your brain and skull... instantly rendering your body into lifelessness. ...

Should THAT be considered a capital crime?


Apparently you're the only poster on this forum who thinks women should get the death penalty for using the morning after pill.

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