Just a clump of cells

To say the child isn't viable while in the womb is wrong, simply put.

Well, you got that right.

Premature Birth and Viability Survival Statistics

Strictly speaking, most doctors define the age of viability as being about 24 weeks of gestation. In many hospitals, 24 weeks is the cutoff point for when doctors will use intensive medical intervention to attempt to save the life of a baby born prematurely. A baby born at 24 weeks would generally require a lot of intervention, potentially including mechanical ventilation and other invasive treatments followed by a lengthy stay in aneonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

I was born 5 months premature. That's 16 weeks smartass. Was I not viable when I was born? I weighed just under 4 pounds. Was I still a fetus when I had long left the womb?

This is hilarious. My very birth completely contradicts general medicinal and gynecological thinking.

The youngest premature baby to survive that I have found in a quick search was 21 weeks 5 days. That happened in 2011 and tied an earlier record.

Youngest Surviving Premature Baby Leaves Hospital Fox News
World s Smallest and Youngest Preemies

Was your birth some sort of secret? Were you born since 2011 and have matured at a miraculous rate? I think you may be mistaken about the whole born at 16 weeks thing. ;)

I realize you said something along the lines of not all miracle stories getting into the news in a later post, but still, that is a huge difference in age between what you are claiming and the record holder for youngest baby known to have survived.

16 weeks early maybe.
None of these RWnuts who claim abortion is murder want to make it the crime of murder.

You know why?

...because they know that taking that position would simply establish as fact how fucking out on the fringe they are.
Feel free to link to any post where I advocate men having sex with men or men marrying other men. Those things do not bother me in the least, but I've never once advocated them.

Your tolerance is advocacy... .

You can't claim to stand for something with no record of having stood for it... and ya can't claim to stand against something having never stood against it.

But if you need an example of you standing for or otherwise advocating for such, that's not a problem:

Feel free to link to any post where I advocate men having sex with men or men marrying other men. Those things do not bother me in the least...

Feel better?
To say the child isn't viable while in the womb is wrong, simply put.

Well, you got that right.

Premature Birth and Viability Survival Statistics

Strictly speaking, most doctors define the age of viability as being about 24 weeks of gestation. In many hospitals, 24 weeks is the cutoff point for when doctors will use intensive medical intervention to attempt to save the life of a baby born prematurely. A baby born at 24 weeks would generally require a lot of intervention, potentially including mechanical ventilation and other invasive treatments followed by a lengthy stay in aneonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

I was born 5 months premature. That's 16 weeks smartass. Was I not viable when I was born? I weighed just under 4 pounds. Was I still a fetus when I had long left the womb?

This is hilarious. My very birth completely contradicts general medicinal and gynecological thinking.

The youngest premature baby to survive that I have found in a quick search was 21 weeks 5 days. That happened in 2011 and tied an earlier record.

Youngest Surviving Premature Baby Leaves Hospital Fox News
World s Smallest and Youngest Preemies

Was your birth some sort of secret? Were you born since 2011 and have matured at a miraculous rate? I think you may be mistaken about the whole born at 16 weeks thing. ;)

I realize you said something along the lines of not all miracle stories getting into the news in a later post, but still, that is a huge difference in age between what you are claiming and the record holder for youngest baby known to have survived.

Actually, you know what I did? I lied on purpose. It lures the eugenic tendencies of pro-Abortionists like a fish to a worm. But the fact you posted those links directly contradicts Boo's argument about viability. At 21 weeks, by boo's argument, the baby still isn't a viable human being. Surprise!

The truth is I was born 3 months premature and weighed 4 and a half pounds at 25 weeks plus 4 days.

The record you speak of was set in 2006, which tied a record set on May 20, 1987 (my birth year) by a woman in Ottowa, Canada, 21 weeks 5 days.
Last edited:
I disagree.

Full Definition of EUGENICS
: a science that deals with the improvement (as by control of human mating) of hereditary qualities of a race or breed ... .


Humanity hasn't seen a defense of eugenics since dr. joseph mengele of the german medical corp back in the 30s and 40s.

And imagine an irony SO SWEET that the first to do so since Eugenics was THOROUGHLY discredited... is a member of THE obama CULT!

Again, eugenics has nothing to do with stats for premature babies.
None of these RWnuts who claim abortion is murder want to make it the crime of murder.

You know why?

...because they know that taking that position would simply establish as fact how fucking out on the fringe they are.

Make it murder. There ya happy? You keep harping on and on and on and on and on...give it a rest
I disagree.

Full Definition of EUGENICS
: a science that deals with the improvement (as by control of human mating) of hereditary qualities of a race or breed ... .


Humanity hasn't seen a defense of eugenics since dr. joseph mengele of the german medical corp back in the 30s and 40s.

And imagine an irony SO SWEET that the first to do so since Eugenics was THOROUGHLY discredited... is a member of THE obama CULT!

Again, eugenics has nothing to do with stats for premature babies.

No one said otherwise.

Let's review:

Full Definition of EUGENICS
: a science that deals with the improvement (as by control of human mating) of hereditary qualities of a race or breed ... .


Humanity hasn't seen a defense of eugenics since Dr. Joseph Mengele of the german medical corp back in the 30s and 40s.

And imagine an irony SO SWEET that the first to do so since Eugenics was THOROUGHLY discredited... is a member of THE obama CULT!
Boo, this is how you get played. Your argument is that of "if the baby isn't viable enough, it doesn't deserve to live." By that definition, we are talking eugenics.
To say the child isn't viable while in the womb is wrong, simply put.

Well, you got that right.

Premature Birth and Viability Survival Statistics

Strictly speaking, most doctors define the age of viability as being about 24 weeks of gestation. In many hospitals, 24 weeks is the cutoff point for when doctors will use intensive medical intervention to attempt to save the life of a baby born prematurely. A baby born at 24 weeks would generally require a lot of intervention, potentially including mechanical ventilation and other invasive treatments followed by a lengthy stay in aneonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

I was born 5 months premature. That's 16 weeks smartass. Was I not viable when I was born? I weighed just under 4 pounds. Was I still a fetus when I had long left the womb?

This is hilarious. My very birth completely contradicts general medicinal and gynecological thinking.

The youngest premature baby to survive that I have found in a quick search was 21 weeks 5 days. That happened in 2011 and tied an earlier record.

Youngest Surviving Premature Baby Leaves Hospital Fox News
World s Smallest and Youngest Preemies

Was your birth some sort of secret? Were you born since 2011 and have matured at a miraculous rate? I think you may be mistaken about the whole born at 16 weeks thing. ;)

I realize you said something along the lines of not all miracle stories getting into the news in a later post, but still, that is a huge difference in age between what you are claiming and the record holder for youngest baby known to have survived.

Actually, you know what I did? I lied on purpose. It lures the eugenic tendencies of pro-Abortionists like a fish to a worm. But the fact you posted those links directly contradicts Boo's argument about viability. At 21 weeks, by boo's argument, the baby still isn't a viable human being. Surprise!

The truth is I was born 4 months premature and weighed 4 and a half pounds at 22 weeks plus 4 days.

The record you speak of was set in 2006, which tied a record in 1987 by a woman in Ottowa, Canada, 21 weeks 5 days.
The truth is you and most others on the right are ignorant of the law and have contempt for individual liberty.

And no, the 'liberty' of the embryo/fetus is not being 'violated' by abortion, as prior to birth there are no 'rights,' no matter how much conservatives try to propagate that lie.
Well.. I guess that settles it then... The Left is perfectly fine with murdering the defenseless and purely innocent.

And THAT established in the same thread that THE LEFT COMES TO DEFEND EUGENICS!


Ok... for the TRIFECTA! Which of you idiots wants to defend ISIS for the beheading of Jews and Christians?

Given the trend, we can't be but a few minutes from THAT!
You asked me to post links to the studies on abortion. Now you want surveys, which are only people's opinions. Yes, let's ignore facts and figures and go with people's opinions.

Where are my Keys: You continue to post your religious beliefs as facts. You are certainly entitled to your beliefs, but you are not entitled to force other people to live by them. Abortion is not murder.

If God is so opposed to abortion, why did He create miscarriages? Woman have the ability to miscarry. It's there for a reason. Not every fetus is viable. Not every life is meant to be. A fetus is a potential life, but until it is able to survive outside it's mother's womb, it is not a person, nor does it have the rights of a person. The idea that a fetus has more rights than its mother, is false.

The studies show that the more restrictive a country's abortion laws, the higher the rate of abortion. Yet conservatives continue to endorse abortion restrictions.

There is an old joke that says that conservatives care passionately about the unborn and will do anything to protect the life of the unborn. However, once the baby is born, it's on its own. Conservatives will do nothing for the child or its parents. Sadly this is too true.
The truth is you and most others on the right are ignorant of the law and have contempt for individual liberty.

And no, the 'liberty' of the embryo/fetus is not being 'violated' by abortion, as prior to birth there are no 'rights,' no matter how much conservatives try to propagate that lie.



FACT: Human embryos are HUMAN LIFE...

FACT: American principle hold that human life is endowed by our creator with the right to life and to pursue the fulfillment of that life.

FACT: The taking of human life absent a sound moral justification is MURDER.


Roe, strips from American Principle any sense of responsibility, first by claiming that the right to privacy entitles the individual to take the life of another. THERE IS NO MEANS FOR SUCH A RIGHT TO EXIST.


Well.. I guess that settles it then... The Left is perfectly fine with murdering the defenseless and purely innocent.

And THAT established in the same thread that THE LEFT COMES TO DEFEND EUGENICS!


Ok... for the TRIFECTA! Which of you idiots wants to defend ISIS for the beheading of Jews and Christians?

Given the trend, we can't be but a few minutes from THAT!

You really don't know what eugenics is do you?
You asked me to post links to the studies on abortion. Now you want surveys, which are only people's opinions. Yes, let's ignore facts and figures and go with people's opinions.

Isn't that what you just did? The fact is, you can't link conservative policies to the amount of abortion that takes place, or what influence that has over a woman's choice to abort.

Please, take that garbage elsewhere.
Well.. I guess that settles it then... The Left is perfectly fine with murdering the defenseless and purely innocent.

And THAT established in the same thread that THE LEFT COMES TO DEFEND EUGENICS!


Ok... for the TRIFECTA! Which of you idiots wants to defend ISIS for the beheading of Jews and Christians?

Given the trend, we can't be but a few minutes from THAT!

You really don't know what eugenics is do you?

You do know what selective breeding is, don't you? Yours is a form of Negative Eugenics.
Let's see if we can get back to this.

Not a person, not for some time...
That was a disembodied voice inside your head interpreting what I posted. I never made that argument.

You posted the statistics, you argued about the viability of the baby at certain gestational periods, you are arguing for the side of pro-choice are you not?

I was saying that at some point a fetus does become viable. I posted the stats on premature births to back up my position.

You? Well you got busted for lying.
Well.. I guess that settles it then... The Left is perfectly fine with murdering the defenseless and purely innocent.

And THAT established in the same thread that THE LEFT COMES TO DEFEND EUGENICS!


Ok... for the TRIFECTA! Which of you idiots wants to defend ISIS for the beheading of Jews and Christians?

Given the trend, we can't be but a few minutes from THAT!

You really don't know what eugenics is do you?

You do know what selective breeding is, don't you? Yours is a form of Negative Eugenics.

And that has what to do with the viability of premature births?

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