Just a clump of cells

Aren't you the guy who said that opposition to abortion was not about controlling women's sexuality? And yet here you are trying to control women's sexuality

You said something patently absurd. Abortion is in no way linked to the ability of a woman to have sex. Just where did you get that idea from?

It's a baby. A human being which will require food, shelter, clothing, education, time, attention and love for the next 20 years.

My point entirely. I'm glad you understand this much, at least.

You reveal how little you care about the children when you refer to them as "consequences". Women who have sex should have to bear the consequences.

Actually, you liberals came up with the idea, i.e. actions should have no consequences. Oh, and consequences aren't all negative, there are positive consequences. Please dispense with the negative connotation. Women who have casual sex and wear no condom deserve the consequences of rearing the child. Oh they can have as much sex as they want, but if they are reckless, life is the end result.

That statement (and a few others you've made in this thread) shows that you're just another misogynist creep who wants to punish women who have sex.

And that's where your argument falls apart. I am in no way a "misogynist creep." Abortion is in no way linked to the ability to have sex. Effect before cause, in your case. There are plenty of ways a woman can avoid having a child that does not include abortions or contraception. She can simply demand the male counterpart to wear a condom. She can also choose to remain obstinate until she believes the time is right.

Taking the first step requires a decision, she should make sure she doesn't step in the wrong direction. And please spare me your holier than thou's. You do not speak for the entire female species.

Forcing them to have babies as a form of punishment is a greater punishment on the children who suffer from being unwanted for all of their lives.

Sure, so having a life in the first place is its own reward. I was an unintended pregnancy. Now I am an aspiring artist who plans to do something with it. Forcing a woman to endure the results of her choice is not a punishment. She made her choice, she should be made to live with it.
How many pet owners get abortions for their pregnant animals?

None - it's not worth the expense. The bitches give birth and then they either let them go wild, give them away, or sell them.
You don't give away babies at the store for free, and it takes more than nine weeks to have them.
I'm going to be flatly blunt. The pro-Abortion crowd is dead wrong about human biology. A human is a human inside the womb and out. This video is proof of such. This is the unborn child of a French couple who watch in amazement at the vigorous movement of the baby in the womb. To say the child isn't viable while in the womb is wrong, simply put. To say the child is not a real person until after birth is also wrong, this one seems real enough to me.

Timing is everything in this case. A pan of batter isn't a cake. It needs time and heat. Same with a human.

And that neonate is ready to pop. Find out why I called it that.
Wow, that's one of the more disgusting terms that I've heard from idiots who try to justify the slaughter of infant human beings by verbally dehumanizing them.

A pancake?


What ever happened to "parasite"? So now the living human being isn't even a "parasite", it's just a pancake? You weirdos will go to any leaps of logic to dehumanize humans in your own deluded minds.

I think it's a good bet that the vast majority of abortion advocates have had an abortion and/or pressured a woman to kill their baby. And their guilt causes them major psychological problems.
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If you are fully capable of giving birth with no detriment to your health, with the exception of being raped, the victim of incest, or in dire health, you should be made to have the child. I've held that position for a long time. That woman decided the moment she mounted the horse not to use a condom, so the consequence should be brought to bear.

In what way?
Read dragonladys post. Nothing else needs to be said.

I'm asking you. Don't dodge or evade. You need to have your own opinions, not hide behind someone else's.
Post 240. Read it. I'm not going to repeat it. She nailed it.

Heh. So, I gather that you have no opinion because someone simply reenforced your personal biases on the subject. Cool.
I'm going to be flatly blunt. The pro-Abortion crowd is dead wrong about human biology. A human is a human inside the womb and out. This video is proof of such. This is the unborn child of a French couple who watch in amazement at the vigorous movement of the baby in the womb. To say the child isn't viable while in the womb is wrong, simply put. To say the child is not a real person until after birth is also wrong, this one seems real enough to me.

Timing is everything in this case. A pan of batter isn't a cake. It needs time and heat. Same with a human.

And that neonate is ready to pop. Find out why I called it that.
Wow, that's one of the more disgusting terms that I've heard from idiots who try to justify the slaughter of infant human beings.

A pancake?

No, a pan of batter. In time you get a cake, if you're lucky, the oven works, and the batter is right. Otherwise, no cake for you...
If you are fully capable of giving birth with no detriment to your health, with the exception of being raped, the victim of incest, or in dire health, you should be made to have the child. I've held that position for a long time. That woman decided the moment she mounted the horse not to use a condom, so the consequence should be brought to bear.

Aren't you the guy who said that opposition to abortion was not about controlling women's sexuality? And yet here you are trying to control women's sexuality.

It's a baby. A human being which will require food, shelter, clothing, education, time, attention and love for the next 20 years.

You reveal how little you care about the children when you refer to them as "consequences". Women who have sex should have to bear the consequences.

That statement (and a few others you've made in this thread) shows that you're just another misogynist creep who wants to punish women who have sex.

Forcing them to have babies as a form of punishment is a greater punishment on the children who suffer from being unwanted for all of their lives.
You are the one that seems to understand a baby as a punishment. it is a consequence and that is neither positive or negative in and of itself. Money is a consequence of having a job. Promotion is a consequence of working hard. A baby is a consequence of sex. Weather or not a woman has an abortion does not change that fact.

The idea that aborting is 'taking responsibility' is also an asinine concept to the extreme. It is avoiding it.

Thank you.
Read dragonladys post. Nothing else needs to be said.

I'm asking you. Don't dodge or evade. You need to have your own opinions, not hide behind someone else's.
Post 240. Read it. I'm not going to repeat it. She nailed it.

Heh. So, I gather that you have no opinion because someone simply reenforced your personal biases on the subject. Cool.
I was just going to tell that other poster to not waste their time because she said all that needs to be said from our side and you clearly have decided and I love it that you're being so honest. I think all young women should fully understand what situations they could find themselves in where you would like to take their right to choose away.

I think if they knew how you felt they show up to vote to make sure you dont get your way.
I think all young women should fully understand what situations they could find themselves in where you would like to take their right to choose away.

The thing is, I haven't. She has the choice to ride the horse or not. She has the choice to take preventive measures that don't involve paying all her money on contraception or abortive procedures. We call it self restraint. One choice ensures the timing will be just right, the other ensures pain and financial hardship. It isn't hard to see where one path or the other follows. One simple decision ensures simplicity, the other a harsh reality.

I think if they knew how you felt they show up to vote to make sure you dont get your way.

More power to them. But then again, I'm not the one trying to take her mind hostage and convince her she has two choices from one option.
I know many women who have had abortions. They were not sluts. They didn't get pregnant as a result of casual sex. Most were married at the time they had the abortion.

One was married to a man who abused her. She had two babies in two years. He was drinking a lot and became abusive when he drank. He had punched her in the stomach late in her second pregnancy. She made a plan to take her daughters and leave him but that was when she discovered she was pregnant again. There were no easy options for her but for her safety and that of her daughters, she chose to have an abortion and carry out her plan.

Women don't casually discard their pregnancies. Most agonize over the decision. Only one woman I know has had more than one abortion. All have regrets but believe they did the right thing.

Having a child is a lifetime commitment. You will always be your child's mother. Men walk away from their children all of the time. The marriage ends, they remarry and make a new family, with no consideration for the children from their prior relationships. The instances of women acting similarly are much fewer and usually drugs or other addictions are involved.

Yet the right wingers in this thread have the arrogance to suggest that they know what is best for these women even though they don't have to live with the consequences of forcing the women to bear these children.

No one had the right to tell a woman she must have s child. No one. This decision is hers and hers alone. You aren't qualified to preach your beliefs to her.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. That's my belief and one I have lived by. My body, my choice. When I had an unplanned pregnancy, as my first marriage was crumbling, I chose to have my baby and I've never regretted my choice. But I've never had a pregnancy where there were genetic problems or my health was endangered. Or when I couldn't afford to raise the child, so in that sense I haven't had to make a difficult choice.

But I don't condemn those who made a different decision. I've gone with friends to the hospital and supported their choice to end their pregnancies and I've respected their decisions knowing how carefully they considered it.

The conservatives here talk like it's no big deal to have a baby. It's a huge deal and people should not make the decision lightly. Having a baby changes your life forever. In every way. It requires commitment and if you're not fully committed to this baby, you shouldn't have it.
If I were you I wouldnt waste my time if they still argue after this post then they don't care thrmey think if you have an untimely pregnancy then you are stuck with it unless your life is at risk.
I'm going to be flatly blunt. The pro-Abortion crowd is dead wrong about human biology. A human is a human inside the womb and out. This video is proof of such. This is the unborn child of a French couple who watch in amazement at the vigorous movement of the baby in the womb. To say the child isn't viable while in the womb is wrong, simply put. To say the child is not a real person until after birth is also wrong, this one seems real enough to me.

Timing is everything in this case. A pan of batter isn't a cake. It needs time and heat. Same with a human.

And that neonate is ready to pop. Find out why I called it that.
Wow, that's one of the more disgusting terms that I've heard from idiots who try to justify the slaughter of infant human beings.

A pancake?

No, a pan of batter. In time you get a cake, if you're lucky, the oven works, and the batter is right. Otherwise, no cake for you...
That kind of dehumanization excuse for murder is an indication of psychosis.
I know many women who have had abortions. They were not sluts. They didn't get pregnant as a result of casual sex. Most were married at the time they had the abortion.

One was married to a man who abused her. She had two babies in two years. He was drinking a lot and became abusive when he drank. He had punched her in the stomach late in her second pregnancy. She made a plan to take her daughters and leave him but that was when she discovered she was pregnant again. There were no easy options for her but for her safety and that of her daughters, she chose to have an abortion and carry out her plan.

Women don't casually discard their pregnancies. Most agonize over the decision. Only one woman I know has had more than one abortion. All have regrets but believe they did the right thing.

Having a child is a lifetime commitment. You will always be your child's mother. Men walk away from their children all of the time. The marriage ends, they remarry and make a new family, with no consideration for the children from their prior relationships. The instances of women acting similarly are much fewer and usually drugs or other addictions are involved.

Yet the right wingers in this thread have the arrogance to suggest that they know what is best for these women even though they don't have to live with the consequences of forcing the women to bear these children.

No one had the right to tell a woman she must have s child. No one. This decision is hers and hers alone. You aren't qualified to preach your beliefs to her.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. That's my belief and one I have lived by. My body, my choice. When I had an unplanned pregnancy, as my first marriage was crumbling, I chose to have my baby and I've never regretted my choice. But I've never had a pregnancy where there were genetic problems or my health was endangered. Or when I couldn't afford to raise the child, so in that sense I haven't had to make a difficult choice.

But I don't condemn those who made a different decision. I've gone with friends to the hospital and supported their choice to end their pregnancies and I've respected their decisions knowing how carefully they considered it.

The conservatives here talk like it's no big deal to have a baby. It's a huge deal and people should not make the decision lightly. Having a baby changes your life forever. In every way. It requires commitment and if you're not fully committed to this baby, you shouldn't have it.
If I were you I wouldnt waste my time if they still argue after this post then they don't care thrmey think if you have an untimely pregnancy then you are stuck with it unless your life is at risk.

Hey, now you're telling her what to do! So, what happened to letting the woman choose?

And that, sir is how you make toast out of your own arguments. Later.
I think all young women should fully understand what situations they could find themselves in where you would like to take their right to choose away.

The thing is, I haven't. She has the choice to ride the horse or not. She has the choice to take preventive measures that don't involve paying all her money on contraception or abortive procedures. We call it self restraint. One choice ensures the timing will be just right, the other ensures pain and financial hardship. It isn't hard to see where one path or the other follows. One simple decision ensures simplicity, the other a harsh reality.

I think if they knew how you felt they show up to vote to make sure you dont get your way.

More power to them. But then again, I'm not the one trying to take her mind hostage and convince her she has two choices from one option.
Ever read "the only moral abortion is my abortion"?
I think all young women should fully understand what situations they could find themselves in where you would like to take their right to choose away.

The thing is, I haven't. She has the choice to ride the horse or not. She has the choice to take preventive measures that don't involve paying all her money on contraception or abortive procedures. We call it self restraint. One choice ensures the timing will be just right, the other ensures pain and financial hardship. It isn't hard to see where one path or the other follows. One simple decision ensures simplicity, the other a harsh reality.

I think if they knew how you felt they show up to vote to make sure you dont get your way.

More power to them. But then again, I'm not the one trying to take her mind hostage and convince her she has two choices from one option.

Ever read "the only moral abortion is my abortion"?

No, and I probably know why, for one, I was 12 years old when the story was authored, and the other simply because that notion is preposterous. How can murder be deemed an act of morality? Women can shout "I'm pro life!" until they themselves are put in that position. But then the opposite is true. A pro choice woman can shout "keep abortion legal!" until she is at the abortion clinic waiting to have the unborn child in her womb broken into pieces and vacuumed away as some type of garbage.

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I'm going to be flatly blunt. The pro-Abortion crowd is dead wrong about human biology. A human is a human inside the womb and out. This video is proof of such. This is the unborn child of a French couple who watch in amazement at the vigorous movement of the baby in the womb. To say the child isn't viable while in the womb is wrong, simply put. To say the child is not a real person until after birth is also wrong, this one seems real enough to me.

Timing is everything in this case. A pan of batter isn't a cake. It needs time and heat. Same with a human.

And that neonate is ready to pop. Find out why I called it that.
Wow, that's one of the more disgusting terms that I've heard from idiots who try to justify the slaughter of infant human beings.

A pancake?

No, a pan of batter. In time you get a cake, if you're lucky, the oven works, and the batter is right. Otherwise, no cake for you...
That kind of dehumanization excuse for murder is an indication of psychosis.

That is biological reality. The rest is dogmatic ideology. I deal in the real world.
I think all young women should fully understand what situations they could find themselves in where you would like to take their right to choose away.

The thing is, I haven't. She has the choice to ride the horse or not. She has the choice to take preventive measures that don't involve paying all her money on contraception or abortive procedures. We call it self restraint. One choice ensures the timing will be just right, the other ensures pain and financial hardship. It isn't hard to see where one path or the other follows. One simple decision ensures simplicity, the other a harsh reality.

I think if they knew how you felt they show up to vote to make sure you dont get your way.

More power to them. But then again, I'm not the one trying to take her mind hostage and convince her she has two choices from one option.

Ever read "the only moral abortion is my abortion"?

No, and I probably know why, simply because that notion is preposterous. How can murder be deemed an act of morality?

Easy, kill Hitler, even as a newborn. Would have saved tens of millions of lives. Perfectly justifiable, even moral.

The Murder of innocent Japanese citizens using atomic weapons was justified the very same way, by the lives saved not taken.

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