Just a question to atheists and darwinist?

i studied in university, and I know that darwinism is just hoax hypothesis

those poor evolutionnists are unable to find any transitional missing link

The problem is that the species to species transitional forms in the fossil record aren’t “few,” “hit or miss,” or “very spotty.” They don’t exist. There aren’t any, except in the imaginations of those who represent this pseudoscience called “Evolution.” Here is another sincere believer providing me with “evidence”: “The fact remains that at least evolution HAS physical evidence (and reams of it) to debate over . . . Whether you’re willing to accept the evidence we’re able to produce in copious amounts is irrelevant in light of the fact that it does exists here and now and we can all see and argue over it. And there’s not just one piece of evidence… there’s millions of years worth buried under our feet. ‘Cambrian Explosion’ period in prehistory that was found in British Columbia in the early 1900’s has surely got to be enough to convince anyone (Google it if you’re curious). Read that book Wonderful Life by Stephen Jay Gould that I mentioned in another post for all the evidence you could ever want . . . then you can visit any number of natural history museums to see it with your own eyes. What religious apologist could ever offer that kind of varied and immediate evidence? Happy hunting!”

Why do 99% of all colleges and universities worldwide teach evolution as fact?
Some kind of atheist Darwanism consipracy?
Or could it be that it is proven fact?
Have you been to the Creation museum in Ky?
Do you believe man walked with dinosaurs 6000 years ago?
That is what your team says is fact friend.
you dude
do you know how many professors were evicted from their chairs because they are sceptics and rejected darwinism ? :cuckoo:

darwinism and creationism are two metaphysical ideologies that aim to indoctrinate students and children...they should not be allowed.

the reality of fossile records refute completely evolution. none was able to find a missing link, it's a dead end.

None can prove that a "chance" or a "suprem force" that guide biologic process !
I have always believed that atheism and darwinism are just another doctrines or religions ...no more.

atheism/darwinism are based upon matrerialism...but their arguments and swear at theists is laughable.

hence I want to ask what is the proof of atheists of their doctrine (God non-existence)?
z'atheists should show a materialist proof of their doctrine since it's always their path of reasoning.

good luck

You can believe what you want.

On proving a nothing, I suppose it can be done but it's going to be a tortuous process to do so.

What you call “Darwinism” exists only in the minds of those with a fundamentalist view of religion. Others call it “evolutionary theory” and it's widely studied.

It's the same old story, I can't prove a negative. But, you are not being asked to prove a negative really. You're being asked to prove your theory on the beginning of the solar system, the planet, and life itself. There is evidence ALL around you, so explain the evidence, where has life come from? Darwinism or 'evolutionary theory' does not explain how life began, it does not even really explain evolution, nor prove it. Yet that is what you hang your hat on? Every thing you look at through scientific means shows order and design, right down to DNA. Where did that order and design come from?
I have always believed that atheism and darwinism are just another doctrines or religions ...no more.

atheism/darwinism are based upon matrerialism...but their arguments and swear at theists is laughable.

hence I want to ask what is the proof of atheists of their doctrine (God non-existence)?
z'atheists should show a materialist proof of their doctrine since it's always their path of reasoning.

good luck

You can believe what you want.

On proving a nothing, I suppose it can be done but it's going to be a tortuous process to do so.

What you call “Darwinism” exists only in the minds of those with a fundamentalist view of religion. Others call it “evolutionary theory” and it's widely studied.

It's the same old story, I can't prove a negative. But, you are not being asked to prove a negative really. You're being asked to prove your theory on the beginning of the solar system, the planet, and life itself. There is evidence ALL around you, so explain the evidence, where has life come from? Darwinism or 'evolutionary theory' does not explain how life began, it does not even really explain evolution, nor prove it. Yet that is what you hang your hat on? Every thing you look at through scientific means shows order and design, right down to DNA. Where did that order and design come from?
What universe do you live in?
Everything we see out in the cosmos seems to be colliding with something else eventually. That hardly seems "orderly."
The universe is more like a perpetual COMMOTION machine than some well-oiled orderly system!!!
You are not very observant, but seem to see only what you want to see.
i studied in university, and I know that darwinism is just hoax hypothesis

those poor evolutionnists are unable to find any transitional missing link

Why do 99% of all colleges and universities worldwide teach evolution as fact?
Some kind of atheist Darwanism consipracy?
Or could it be that it is proven fact?
Have you been to the Creation museum in Ky?
Do you believe man walked with dinosaurs 6000 years ago?
That is what your team says is fact friend.
you dude
do you know how many professors were evicted from their chairs because they are sceptics and rejected darwinism ? :cuckoo: (NONE?)

darwinism and creationism are two metaphysical ideologies that aim to indoctrinate students and children...they should not be allowed. (The foundation science for biology, botany and physiology? Not allowed? Hey, what's a "vacine?)

the reality of fossile records refute completely evolution. none was able to find a missing link, it's a dead end. (exactly the opposite - do you REALLY believe that? Seriously?)

None can prove that a "chance" or a "suprem force" that guide biologic process ! (of course not, the environment guided the biologic process)

I find it hard to believe that you guys, in this day and age, expecially with the Internet, still believe such nonsense.
You can believe what you want.

On proving a nothing, I suppose it can be done but it's going to be a tortuous process to do so.

What you call “Darwinism” exists only in the minds of those with a fundamentalist view of religion. Others call it “evolutionary theory” and it's widely studied.

It's the same old story, I can't prove a negative. But, you are not being asked to prove a negative really. You're being asked to prove your theory on the beginning of the solar system, the planet, and life itself. There is evidence ALL around you, so explain the evidence, where has life come from? Darwinism or 'evolutionary theory' does not explain how life began, it does not even really explain evolution, nor prove it. Yet that is what you hang your hat on? Every thing you look at through scientific means shows order and design, right down to DNA. Where did that order and design come from?
What universe do you live in?
Everything we see out in the cosmos seems to be colliding with something else eventually. That hardly seems "orderly."
The universe is more like a perpetual COMMOTION machine than some well-oiled orderly system!!!
You are not very observant, but seem to see only what you want to see.

I live in a universe where there is obviously enough 'order' to do scientific research and come to solid conclusions as to how something functions on a normal level as to be able to predict outcomes or as to how something is designed in order to predict outcomes. If there were not order, there would be no such thing as science.
It's the same old story, I can't prove a negative. But, you are not being asked to prove a negative really. You're being asked to prove your theory on the beginning of the solar system, the planet, and life itself. There is evidence ALL around you, so explain the evidence, where has life come from? Darwinism or 'evolutionary theory' does not explain how life began, it does not even really explain evolution, nor prove it. Yet that is what you hang your hat on? Every thing you look at through scientific means shows order and design, right down to DNA. Where did that order and design come from?
What universe do you live in?
Everything we see out in the cosmos seems to be colliding with something else eventually. That hardly seems "orderly."
The universe is more like a perpetual COMMOTION machine than some well-oiled orderly system!!!
You are not very observant, but seem to see only what you want to see.

I live in a universe where there is obviously enough 'order' to do scientific research and come to solid conclusions as to how something functions on a normal level as to be able to predict outcomes or as to how something is designed in order to predict outcomes. If there were not order, there would be no such thing as science.
Science is orderly, but man-made science is not typical of the universe.
What universe do you live in?
Everything we see out in the cosmos seems to be colliding with something else eventually. That hardly seems "orderly."
The universe is more like a perpetual COMMOTION machine than some well-oiled orderly system!!!
You are not very observant, but seem to see only what you want to see.

I live in a universe where there is obviously enough 'order' to do scientific research and come to solid conclusions as to how something functions on a normal level as to be able to predict outcomes or as to how something is designed in order to predict outcomes. If there were not order, there would be no such thing as science.
Science is orderly, but man-made science is not typical of the universe.

Science couldn't be orderly unless there was an orderly component to what you were studying. To deny there is order or design in nature is to deny reality, science has proven that order and design exists.
So, you don't have any?
So, you are THAT stupid. :rofl:

So, you're that full of bullshit? Tell me what tax deduction I qualify for that you do not based on religion?
Still playing dumb!
If Atheism were a religion, I could do like Pat Robertson did and start a ministry that I head. I could then donate my house to my ministry and specify that the head of the ministry, ME, lives in the house giving me a tax deduction for the value of the house that I STILL live in.

Now when I have to pay my electric bill or heating bill, I donate the money to myself as head of the ministry and get a tax deduction for it. When I die, my son or daughter becomes head of my ministry and inherits living in the house free of any taxes.

If you remember, when Pat Robertson ran for president, he resigned from the CBN ministry and had to move out of his ministry/family mansion. His son Tim took his place and moved in as the new head of CBN.

Are those tax privileges special enough for you?
I live in a universe where there is obviously enough 'order' to do scientific research and come to solid conclusions as to how something functions on a normal level as to be able to predict outcomes or as to how something is designed in order to predict outcomes. If there were not order, there would be no such thing as science.
Science is orderly, but man-made science is not typical of the universe.

Science couldn't be orderly unless there was an orderly component to what you were studying. To deny there is order or design in nature is to deny reality, science has proven that order and design exists.
BALONEY! The "orderly" component in science is MAN, not nature or God!!!
So, you are THAT stupid. :rofl:

So, you're that full of bullshit? Tell me what tax deduction I qualify for that you do not based on religion?
Still playing dumb!
If Atheism were a religion, I could do like Pat Robertson did and start a ministry that I head. I could then donate my house to my ministry and specify that the head of the ministry, ME, lives in the house giving me a tax deduction for the value of the house that I STILL live in.

Now when I have to pay my electric bill or heating bill, I donate the money to myself as head of the ministry and get a tax deduction for it. When I die, my son or daughter becomes head of my ministry and inherits living in the house free of any taxes.

If you remember, when Pat Robertson ran for president, he resigned from the CBN ministry and had to move out of his ministry/family mansion. His son Tim took his place and moved in as the new head of CBN.

Are those tax privileges special enough for you?

Bullshit. I'm a religious person, I have no individual tax credits available to me that aren't available to you because of my religious affiliation. Your comment was bogus. You are free to start any charitable organization that has no religious affiliation and do the exact same thing. But, we all know that's not what you were alluding too in your comments in any case. Now who's playing stupid?
Science is orderly, but man-made science is not typical of the universe.

Science couldn't be orderly unless there was an orderly component to what you were studying. To deny there is order or design in nature is to deny reality, science has proven that order and design exists.
BALONEY! The "orderly" component in science is MAN, not nature or God!!!

Your comment is ridiculous. So man created DNA only to turn around and 'discover' it? Man created cells only to turn around and 'discover' their own creation? You make no sense, and you apparently do not understand my comments.

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