Just a tiny rant..


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...
All I can add is that Loretta would be doing no such thing without direct orders from Obama. She can take Barry with her when she goes.
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...
Thank you for telling us where you stand politically. That's refreshing.
I was impressed that DOJ is providing any of that information to the public during an ongoing investigation. You can bet most L.E. wouldn't. I don't remember any information like this being released in past situations. She isn't going to include any info about the victims or broadcast his love for ISIS. That's thanks to the hidden ISIS supporters amongst us, who would use those words as a banner. It isn't to keep deep, dark secrets from you.
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...

Gary Johnson even said he would stop smoking pot if elected.

I'm sure that got a lot of votes right there.
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...
Thank you for telling us where you stand politically. That's refreshing.
I was impressed that DOJ is providing any of that information to the public during an ongoing investigation. You can bet most L.E. wouldn't. I don't remember any information like this being released in past situations. She isn't going to include any info about the victims or broadcast his love for ISIS. That's thanks to the hidden ISIS supporters amongst us, who would use those words as a banner. It isn't to keep deep, dark secrets from you.

You can make up any screwball harebrained rationalizations that want. I particularly like the one about not "encouraging latent terrorists" by releasing a voice recording saying EXACTLY WHAT HAS ALREADY REPORTED IN THE PRESS 1000 TIMES.. That's is the moronic HORSESHIT that my tiny rant is about. What she did was a THROWDOWN. A POWER PLAY.. A statement that THEY (and you know who THEY are) are gonna edit and phrase the dialogue and national debate. It's an OVERSTEP of monumental arrogance.
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...
Thank you for telling us where you stand politically. That's refreshing.
I was impressed that DOJ is providing any of that information to the public during an ongoing investigation. You can bet most L.E. wouldn't. I don't remember any information like this being released in past situations. She isn't going to include any info about the victims or broadcast his love for ISIS. That's thanks to the hidden ISIS supporters amongst us, who would use those words as a banner. It isn't to keep deep, dark secrets from you.
Thanks to Obama, we have your hidden ISIS supporters among us.

Now let's bring in a few hundred thousand more unvetted Syrians!
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...

Gary Johnson even said he would stop smoking pot if elected.

I'm sure that got a lot of votes right there.

He's a triathlete and mountain climber. They heal pretty rapidly.. And it's sober up time for us all...
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...

Gary Johnson even said he would stop smoking pot if elected.

I'm sure that got a lot of votes right there.

He's a triathlete and mountain climber. They heal pretty rapidly.. And it's sober up time for us all...

And let me guess, he likes to surf.
Funny how in the 1980's we Americans feared that we would become like the former USSR and today our government is scrubbing transcripts because according to them they do not want to feed into ISIS propaganda.

Lynch is playing right into the hands of the Terrorist and would be better off just releasing the audio tapes and let the public hear the 911 call, but there might be more on there she doe not want the public to know about.

Oh this is not the first time in our country where the government attempt to control the flow of information and will not be the last time either...

Things will get worse and the Congress will not do anything to Lynch nor are they incline to do their damn job anymore in an election year.
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...
Thank you for telling us where you stand politically. That's refreshing.
I was impressed that DOJ is providing any of that information to the public during an ongoing investigation. You can bet most L.E. wouldn't. I don't remember any information like this being released in past situations. She isn't going to include any info about the victims or broadcast his love for ISIS. That's thanks to the hidden ISIS supporters amongst us, who would use those words as a banner. It isn't to keep deep, dark secrets from you.

You can make up any screwball harebrained rationalizations that want. I particularly like the one about not "encouraging latent terrorists" by releasing a voice recording saying EXACTLY WHAT HAS ALREADY REPORTED IN THE PRESS 1000 TIMES.. That's is the moronic HORSESHIT that my tiny rant is about. What she did was a THROWDOWN. A POWER PLAY.. A statement that THEY (and you know who THEY are) are gonna edit and phrase the dialogue and national debate. It's an OVERSTEP of monumental arrogance.
I heard you the first time. She has apparently made a mistake trying to provide information to a very interested populace.
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...
First of all, anyone with an ounce of brain matter already knows the obvious corruption in government. Our government is one of the most corrupt in the entire world, if not the most corrupt.
Secondly, our government, "The Washington Brotherhood", is an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself.

***** NOTE: Professional politicians, and those they appoint to serve, are self-serving, egotistical, greedy, self-centered, anti-America, and in many cases, puppets for the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential.
Professional politicians, and those they appoint, are bought like commodities on the Chicago Exchange.
We have a Lobbyists' controlled U.S. Congress, and legislation is bought and sold on the floors of Congress.
Once elected to office, professional politicians exert their will, and not the will of the people.

Any vote for a professional politician is a vote against America, period. Over the past 50 plus years ( post JFK ), we've seen and experienced "The Selling of America" by the very ones that we entrusted with the well-being of this once great nation and her citizens. Little by little, we've given our power to the government, and now they have it all. Our only hope is to unite as one people and as one nation, and take back the power of the people, as intended for us to have per the founding fathers of this once great nation.

A divided citizenry is the best friend of professional politicians ( a corrupt government such as we presently have ), and a united citizenry is their worst enemy. Through division, we've allowed the government complete control and power, and as we've seen and experienced, they've taken full advantage of our gift. There will be no "power of the people" until such time as we come to our collective senses, and unite against the corruption that has taken over this once great nation.

It is my prayer and hope, that the American people will rise, unite, and force "The Power of The People" on the corrupt and anti-America "Brotherhood" that has all but destroyed this once great nation. We're very close to spiraling down to the bottom of the abyss of total ruin and collapse, both socially and economically. We can no longer fight among ourselves, take sides, nor remain divided, else we'll surely realize the collapse of America, as some of us remember her being. It's time for voters to oust the crooks, the rats, and the self-serving egotistical selfish anti-America politicians from Washington. We're responsible for the future of this nation, and we must take that responsibility very seriously this election year.
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...
Thank you for telling us where you stand politically. That's refreshing.
I was impressed that DOJ is providing any of that information to the public during an ongoing investigation. You can bet most L.E. wouldn't. I don't remember any information like this being released in past situations. She isn't going to include any info about the victims or broadcast his love for ISIS. That's thanks to the hidden ISIS supporters amongst us, who would use those words as a banner. It isn't to keep deep, dark secrets from you.

You can make up any screwball harebrained rationalizations that want. I particularly like the one about not "encouraging latent terrorists" by releasing a voice recording saying EXACTLY WHAT HAS ALREADY REPORTED IN THE PRESS 1000 TIMES.. That's is the moronic HORSESHIT that my tiny rant is about. What she did was a THROWDOWN. A POWER PLAY.. A statement that THEY (and you know who THEY are) are gonna edit and phrase the dialogue and national debate. It's an OVERSTEP of monumental arrogance.
I heard you the first time. She has apparently made a mistake trying to provide information to a very interested populace.

The mistake is scrubbing the information and not providing it. You don't scrub information at all unless it is naming sources that could get killed or very secretive information then of course you scrub it and this is not the case.
I hear so much about a much-imagined malady called "Islamophobia".

What could possibly represent a greater fear of Islam than all these attempts to divorce its influence from the acts of violence committed in its name? Obama refuses to call Islamic terrorism Islamic terrorism. Loretta Lynch brags about censoring information.

This strikes me as a coordinated attempt to create a brand of newspeak where people cannot even describe something for what it is. In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is now a revolutionary act.
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...
Thank you for telling us where you stand politically. That's refreshing.
I was impressed that DOJ is providing any of that information to the public during an ongoing investigation. You can bet most L.E. wouldn't. I don't remember any information like this being released in past situations. She isn't going to include any info about the victims or broadcast his love for ISIS. That's thanks to the hidden ISIS supporters amongst us, who would use those words as a banner. It isn't to keep deep, dark secrets from you.
Thanks to Obama, we have your hidden ISIS supporters among us.

Now let's bring in a few hundred thousand more unvetted Syrians!

"Thanks to Obama, we have your hidden ISIS supporters among us."

Number Four.

Ms. Lynch is a traitor, multiple issues, multiple counts, primarily for covering up 911 and Global (non) Warming, but there are more issues too.

This bitch is as big a bigot as Holder too...
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...
Thank you for telling us where you stand politically. That's refreshing.
I was impressed that DOJ is providing any of that information to the public during an ongoing investigation. You can bet most L.E. wouldn't. I don't remember any information like this being released in past situations. She isn't going to include any info about the victims or broadcast his love for ISIS. That's thanks to the hidden ISIS supporters amongst us, who would use those words as a banner. It isn't to keep deep, dark secrets from you.

Some believe it is all misdirection to control how voters of all stripes view their reality.

Eyewitness account from within Pulse nightclub
Orlando shooting: Eyewitness account from within nightclub

“He kept on shooting and shooting and shooting, rapid fire,’’ Gonzalez said, “and he’d change (clips), put in more ammunition — bud-dudda. I could smell the ammo in the air.’’

He said he heard another gun from a different direction, so he wonders if there were two gunmen.

“Everybody dropped to the floor. We were trying to look for an exit. But the main exit was right next to the entrance where the shooter was shooting,’’ he said.

“In a moment of desperation we were all crawling on the floor trying to find a place to exit. I looked to my right and I could see people going through some curtains. We were digging through the curtains and found a door.’’

But he said the door was blocked by a man. He wasn’t sure if it was a club security person or an accomplice to the gunmen.

“Fifty people were trying to jump over each other trying to exit the place. There was a guy holding the door and not letting us exit. He’s like ‘Stay inside, stay inside.’ As he is saying that, the shooter keeps getting closer and closer and the sound of the bullets is getting closer. Everyone starts to panic. People are getting trampled. Let us out, let us out!’’’

Gonzalez’ first thought was that it was a hate crime. “This guy is trying to prevent us from leaving. Maybe they’re working together,’’ he said.

Gonzalez said he feel lucky because he hung out on the left side of the club, while the gunman concentrated fire on the right side.

“When you enter the club, there’s a right wing and a left wing. The shooter entered and went straight to the right. He never came to the left (side), which is the hiphop room where the majority of my friends were. Everybody in the right (wing) room got injured.’’

“I’m pretty sure it was more than one person. I heard two guns going at the same time. It was very, very crazy.’’

Gonzalez and a friend finally knocked over a fence to escape. On his way outside, he said he lost a shoe and stepped on a nail and cut his foot.

“It was complete utter choas’’ as patrons finally got outside the club, running for cover in nearby stores and restaurants.

“People were running to hide in the Wendy’s. People running to hide in the Subway. I was hiding in the refrigerator of a Seven-11. The Seven-11 manager was like. “Get in the back.’’

Orlando nightclub shooting: Yet another false flag?

It sure walks, talks and quacks like one…
Omar Mateen: Patsy or MK-Ultra Mind-Control Slave? » The Event Chronicle

We were told, almost immediately after the Orlando shooting, that “the shooter had pledged allegiance to ISIS.” Robert David Steele remarks: “The tape pledging allegiance to ISIS is patsy perfect.” And since ISIS is a Western public relations operation, a 4th generation warfare psy-op, the ISIS pledge in itself pretty much proves that the shooting was an inside job. (For details, see the section “Who is ISIS” in Another French False Flag.)

Mateen’s parents were born in Afghanistan, and he was ‘on the radar’ of U.S. officials for some time, but was not the target of a specific investigation, law enforcement officials told ABC News.”

If the deep state had been running him, setting him up for an event like Orlando, he would indeed have been “on the radar” – but his handlers would have made sure he wasn’t targeted by any specific investigation. This is what happened prior to 9/11 when Lt. Col. Anthony Schaeffer of Able Danger was ordered by his superiors to put yellow sticky pads over the faces of Mohammed Atta and other future “9/11 hijackers” and forget he had ever heard of them.

So if the carnage in Orlando is real (and I haven’t yet seen any indications that it isn’t) how might it have been produced? The two obvious possibilities include:

(1) Professional killers i.e. multiple shooters may have done the damage and/or assisted the patsy, as appears to have been the case in many other false flags including the Fort Hood shooting, the Batman theater shooting, the Sikh Temple shooting, and the more recent Paris and San Bernardino shootings. Robert David Steele remarks: “Multiple shooters are detected by proper forensics on all bullet paths and all spent rounds. I doubt responsible forensics will be done (if 50 real bodies) am pretty sure that if it were, it would identify multiple weapons not found on the scene from the spent round signatures. This is all way too pat.”

(2) The patsy may have been given the equivalent of special forces training, perhaps with the aid of MK-Ultra style hypnotherapy, obviating the need for professional assistance.

Of course, it’s always possible that yet another Muslim-named super-terrorist just appeared out of nowhere and decided, for unfathomable reasons, to stage a murderous PR stunt that would erase “Muhammad Ali Week” from the public mind and help Netanyahu resist the international push to force Israel to withdraw from the Occupied Territories.

https://www.amazon.com/ANOTHER-French-False-Flag-Bernardino/dp/0996143017?ie=UTF8&keywords=another french false flag&qid=1452561843&redirect=true&ref_=sr_1_1&s=books&sr=1-1

Robert Steele: Was Paris 11/13 a False Flag Event? A Matrix for Evaluating Possibilities

Israel-Palestinian peace initiatives are suddenly popping up everywhere
Israel-Palestinian peace initiatives are suddenly popping up everywhere
Kerry has not said much about the French effort, but the fact that he is attending the Friday meeting — the French rescheduled it to fit his schedule — worries the Israelis.

Netanyahu is concerned that there is a “diplomatic hurricane” coming this year.

“The path to peace is not via international conferences that attempt to force a settlement, that make the Palestinian demands more extreme and in the process distance peace,” he said.

Netanyahu said if Paris really wants to advance peace, the French should encourage Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to negotiate directly with the Israelis.

Palestinian peace negotiators such as Saeb Ereket say that Netanyahu is just stalling for time, that he is not a serious partner, and that he revealed himself last year on the eve of his historic election to a fourth term as prime minister when he vowed there would never be a Palestinian state on his watch.

Mostly absent in recent weeks have been the Americans.
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...
Thank you for telling us where you stand politically. That's refreshing.
I was impressed that DOJ is providing any of that information to the public during an ongoing investigation. You can bet most L.E. wouldn't. I don't remember any information like this being released in past situations. She isn't going to include any info about the victims or broadcast his love for ISIS. That's thanks to the hidden ISIS supporters amongst us, who would use those words as a banner. It isn't to keep deep, dark secrets from you.

You can make up any screwball harebrained rationalizations that want. I particularly like the one about not "encouraging latent terrorists" by releasing a voice recording saying EXACTLY WHAT HAS ALREADY REPORTED IN THE PRESS 1000 TIMES.. That's is the moronic HORSESHIT that my tiny rant is about. What she did was a THROWDOWN. A POWER PLAY.. A statement that THEY (and you know who THEY are) are gonna edit and phrase the dialogue and national debate. It's an OVERSTEP of monumental arrogance.
I heard you the first time. She has apparently made a mistake trying to provide information to a very interested populace.

Don't think you did o'Lady.. Because you're rationalizing this fearing about the message that might be sent to wannabe terrorists. Well while I am FUMING MAD, they are laughing their m-f asses off. Because the message is --- Ameica's leadership is the chicken-shit droppings at the bottom of the cages these leftists seek to keep us in. They keep the chickens there because it's easier to collect the eggs and sell the excess droppings. And they THINK the chickens love it because their lives are so controlled and RISK FREE that they drop more votes and manure.

Well the chickens are going FREE range. And the roosters are back in the yard. And the only things left in those cages are gonna be the politicians and their mounds of crap like the Leftist who LOVE them some powerful authority figures
I hear so much about a much-imagined malady called "Islamophobia".

What could possibly represent a greater fear of Islam than all these attempts to divorce its influence in motivating acts of violence? Obama refuses to call Islamic terrorism Islamic terrorism. Loretta Lynch brags about censoring information.

This strikes me as a coordinated attempt to create a brand of newspeak where people cannot even describe something for what it is. In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is now a revolutionary act.


When the Religion of Peace's stated aim is to murder as many Western Infidels as possible, is it any wonder?

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is now a revolutionary act."

Yes it is.


This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...

Gary Johnson even said he would stop smoking pot if elected.

I'm sure that got a lot of votes right there.

He's a triathlete and mountain climber. They heal pretty rapidly.. And it's sober up time for us all...

And let me guess, he likes to surf.

We're not talking about Kim Jung Un here. There's a limit to how many sports you can credibly do well..

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