Just a tiny rant..

I hear so much about a much-imagined malady called "Islamophobia".

What could possibly represent a greater fear of Islam than all these attempts to divorce its influence from the acts of violence committed in its name? Obama refuses to call Islamic terrorism Islamic terrorism. Loretta Lynch brags about censoring information.

This strikes me as a coordinated attempt to create a brand of newspeak where people cannot even describe something for what it is. In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is now a revolutionary act.

It's an act of ARROGANCE -- maybe not fear.. Maybe the chicken shits actually believe they can control the dialogue BY FORCE. But that's just gonna get more people killed. Because it appears weak and vulnerable.
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...
Thank you for telling us where you stand politically. That's refreshing.
I was impressed that DOJ is providing any of that information to the public during an ongoing investigation. You can bet most L.E. wouldn't. I don't remember any information like this being released in past situations. She isn't going to include any info about the victims or broadcast his love for ISIS. That's thanks to the hidden ISIS supporters amongst us, who would use those words as a banner. It isn't to keep deep, dark secrets from you.

You can make up any screwball harebrained rationalizations that want. I particularly like the one about not "encouraging latent terrorists" by releasing a voice recording saying EXACTLY WHAT HAS ALREADY REPORTED IN THE PRESS 1000 TIMES.. That's is the moronic HORSESHIT that my tiny rant is about. What she did was a THROWDOWN. A POWER PLAY.. A statement that THEY (and you know who THEY are) are gonna edit and phrase the dialogue and national debate. It's an OVERSTEP of monumental arrogance.

There was a 4 thread combined into one thread yesterday about this whole thing and the Obama fans were defending this disturbing turn of events, defending what's essentially Treason and violations of Oaths that were sworn to protect against all enemies foreign AND domestic.

From outside America, we think this Orwellian Censorship to protect a Domestic Terrorist pledging his allegiance to ISIS, we think....WTF went THIS wrong in America for America's Government to deliberately not give a crap about protecting the people anymore and still the Obama fans DEFEND this.

Of course the MSM are equally as much Traitors as Obama and Co.
Funny how in the 1980's we Americans feared that we would become like the former USSR and today our government is scrubbing transcripts because according to them they do not want to feed into ISIS propaganda.

Lynch is playing right into the hands of the Terrorist and would be better off just releasing the audio tapes and let the public hear the 911 call, but there might be more on there she doe not want the public to know about.

Oh this is not the first time in our country where the government attempt to control the flow of information and will not be the last time either...

Things will get worse and the Congress will not do anything to Lynch nor are they incline to do their damn job anymore in an election year.

One of the reasons I became a lib member was listening to my Russian immigrant buddies in Silicon Valley describe how they had to read in between the lines of the news. And Re-interpret most every reported event. It scared me because even back in the 90s -- I could see political control of the press becoming an artform..

THIS MORNING -- it exceeded the horror tales of the Soviet Union..
I hear so much about a much-imagined malady called "Islamophobia".

What could possibly represent a greater fear of Islam than all these attempts to divorce its influence from the acts of violence committed in its name? Obama refuses to call Islamic terrorism Islamic terrorism. Loretta Lynch brags about censoring information.

This strikes me as a coordinated attempt to create a brand of newspeak where people cannot even describe something for what it is. In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is now a revolutionary act.

It's an act of ARROGANCE -- maybe not fear.. Maybe the chicken shits actually believe they can control the dialogue BY FORCE. But that's just gonna get more people killed. Because it appears weak and vulnerable.

Well, I wouldn't say that arrogance and fear are necessarily mutually exclusive.

The fear is evident in the promotion of this meme that saying anything bad about Islamists somehow creates more Islamists. The arrogance stems from the sense of safety in numbers that results from all those who accept this meme as unquestioningly as they do.
The fashion in which this release has been handled does cause one to wonder.
I hear so much about a much-imagined malady called "Islamophobia".

What could possibly represent a greater fear of Islam than all these attempts to divorce its influence from the acts of violence committed in its name? Obama refuses to call Islamic terrorism Islamic terrorism. Loretta Lynch brags about censoring information.

This strikes me as a coordinated attempt to create a brand of newspeak where people cannot even describe something for what it is. In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is now a revolutionary act.

It's an act of ARROGANCE -- maybe not fear.. Maybe the chicken shits actually believe they can control the dialogue BY FORCE. But that's just gonna get more people killed. Because it appears weak and vulnerable.

Well, I wouldn't say that arrogance and fear are necessarily mutually exclusive.

The fear is evident in the promotion of this meme that saying anything bad about Islamists somehow creates more Islamists. The arrogance stems from the sense of safety in numbers that results from all those who accept this meme as unquestioningly as they do.

As OldLady pointed out -- they don't have a straight excuse. Censorship because it says ANYTHING BAD avoids more terrorism. And now censorship of material that might ENCOURAGE them and bolster their spirits is also required. In essence -- don't say anything. And that's what's the general Obama shaft sucking reaction has been actually. Don't mention Voldemort at all.... It is He who shan't be named..
I hear so much about a much-imagined malady called "Islamophobia".

What could possibly represent a greater fear of Islam than all these attempts to divorce its influence from the acts of violence committed in its name? Obama refuses to call Islamic terrorism Islamic terrorism. Loretta Lynch brags about censoring information.

This strikes me as a coordinated attempt to create a brand of newspeak where people cannot even describe something for what it is. In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is now a revolutionary act.

It's an act of ARROGANCE -- maybe not fear.. Maybe the chicken shits actually believe they can control the dialogue BY FORCE. But that's just gonna get more people killed. Because it appears weak and vulnerable.

"But that's just gonna get more people killed."

They know this of course, but they obviously don't care. What does this say? It says that people have to think the unthinkable.
Funny how in the 1980's we Americans feared that we would become like the former USSR and today our government is scrubbing transcripts because according to them they do not want to feed into ISIS propaganda.

Lynch is playing right into the hands of the Terrorist and would be better off just releasing the audio tapes and let the public hear the 911 call, but there might be more on there she doe not want the public to know about.

Oh this is not the first time in our country where the government attempt to control the flow of information and will not be the last time either...

Things will get worse and the Congress will not do anything to Lynch nor are they incline to do their damn job anymore in an election year.

One of the reasons I became a lib member was listening to my Russian immigrant buddies in Silicon Valley describe how they had to read in between the lines of the news. And Re-interpret most every reported event. It scared me because even back in the 90s -- I could see political control of the press becoming an artform..

THIS MORNING -- it exceeded the horror tales of the Soviet Union..

Scrubbing News Stories has been going on forever and will not stop. I know I am going to catch hell for this but here it goes and that is Benghazi was a failed attempt to scrub a news story about a terrorist attack that happen on September 11th 2012 eleven years after the New York City attacks.

It happen during another political election year and the government had to get in front of this story before it helped Mitt Romney in November, so they attempted to blame the attack on some Video, but the reality was it was another Al Qaeda hit.

So now we're in another political election year and Lynch is now the new Susan Rice, but this time the GOP is not incline to go after her because it would hurt Clinton and help someone like Trump.

One last thing and the Government scrubbing stories is nothing new and has been going on and if you look over old news stories during the time this country was at war you will see the propaganda and scrubbing clearly.

Our government is paid to lie to us so we can feel safe and many prefer the scrubbing than the cold truth and reality of the world we live in...
Basically, we have a president, and a presidentially appointed administration, that's afraid to speak for the American people. Most Americans know what's going on when it comes to terrorists, terrorism, and the obvious threat, not only here, but around the world. Yet, we've had many opportunities to inflict great damage on terrorists and their sources of support, both financially and on their many sympathizers, and have done absolutely nothing. We even protect the opium crops in Afghanistan, which is an important source of income for terrorists.

Is there any doubt about the patriotism of our president and his administration? ......... you betcha there is, a lot.
Sometimes, the lessons of history are remembered; by governments that use them over and over.

The population that pays the bills seems unaware, though not blissful..
I hear so much about a much-imagined malady called "Islamophobia".

What could possibly represent a greater fear of Islam than all these attempts to divorce its influence from the acts of violence committed in its name? Obama refuses to call Islamic terrorism Islamic terrorism. Loretta Lynch brags about censoring information.

This strikes me as a coordinated attempt to create a brand of newspeak where people cannot even describe something for what it is. In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is now a revolutionary act.

It's an act of ARROGANCE -- maybe not fear.. Maybe the chicken shits actually believe they can control the dialogue BY FORCE. But that's just gonna get more people killed. Because it appears weak and vulnerable.

Well, I wouldn't say that arrogance and fear are necessarily mutually exclusive.

The fear is evident in the promotion of this meme that saying anything bad about Islamists somehow creates more Islamists. The arrogance stems from the sense of safety in numbers that results from all those who accept this meme as unquestioningly as they do.

As OldLady pointed out -- they don't have a straight excuse. Censorship because it says ANYTHING BAD avoids more terrorism. And now censorship of material that might ENCOURAGE them and bolster their spirits is also required. In essence -- don't say anything. And that's what's the general Obama shaft sucking reaction has been actually. Don't mention Voldemort at all.... It is He who shan't be named..

The Deep State always classifies when it seeks to cover it's tracks. . .

FBI Publishes Report Stating Nobody Died At Sandy Hook
FBI Publishes Report Stating Nobody Died At Sandy Hook - Page 2 of 2 - Truth And Action
Among 16 questions which Halbig says are key to unlocking the Sandy Hook mystery, Halbig asks, “Why and for what reason would the FBI classify the SHES shooting when they did not classify the Columbine shooting which also was an Active Shooter Mass Casualty Incidents (AS/MCI)?”

Table 8 - Connecticut
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...
First of all, anyone with an ounce of brain matter already knows the obvious corruption in government. Our government is one of the most corrupt in the entire world, if not the most corrupt.
Secondly, our government, "The Washington Brotherhood", is an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself.

***** NOTE: Professional politicians, and those they appoint to serve, are self-serving, egotistical, greedy, self-centered, anti-America, and in many cases, puppets for the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential.
Professional politicians, and those they appoint, are bought like commodities on the Chicago Exchange.
We have a Lobbyists' controlled U.S. Congress, and legislation is bought and sold on the floors of Congress.
Once elected to office, professional politicians exert their will, and not the will of the people.

Any vote for a professional politician is a vote against America, period. Over the past 50 plus years ( post JFK ), we've seen and experienced "The Selling of America" by the very ones that we entrusted with the well-being of this once great nation and her citizens. Little by little, we've given our power to the government, and now they have it all. Our only hope is to unite as one people and as one nation, and take back the power of the people, as intended for us to have per the founding fathers of this once great nation.

A divided citizenry is the best friend of professional politicians ( a corrupt government such as we presently have ), and a united citizenry is their worst enemy. Through division, we've allowed the government complete control and power, and as we've seen and experienced, they've taken full advantage of our gift. There will be no "power of the people" until such time as we come to our collective senses, and unite against the corruption that has taken over this once great nation.

It is my prayer and hope, that the American people will rise, unite, and force "The Power of The People" on the corrupt and anti-America "Brotherhood" that has all but destroyed this once great nation. We're very close to spiraling down to the bottom of the abyss of total ruin and collapse, both socially and economically. We can no longer fight among ourselves, take sides, nor remain divided, else we'll surely realize the collapse of America, as some of us remember her being. It's time for voters to oust the crooks, the rats, and the self-serving egotistical selfish anti-America politicians from Washington. We're responsible for the future of this nation, and we must take that responsibility very seriously this election year.
How do we do that if we can't vote?
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...
First of all, anyone with an ounce of brain matter already knows the obvious corruption in government. Our government is one of the most corrupt in the entire world, if not the most corrupt.
Secondly, our government, "The Washington Brotherhood", is an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself.

***** NOTE: Professional politicians, and those they appoint to serve, are self-serving, egotistical, greedy, self-centered, anti-America, and in many cases, puppets for the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential.
Professional politicians, and those they appoint, are bought like commodities on the Chicago Exchange.
We have a Lobbyists' controlled U.S. Congress, and legislation is bought and sold on the floors of Congress.
Once elected to office, professional politicians exert their will, and not the will of the people.

Any vote for a professional politician is a vote against America, period. Over the past 50 plus years ( post JFK ), we've seen and experienced "The Selling of America" by the very ones that we entrusted with the well-being of this once great nation and her citizens. Little by little, we've given our power to the government, and now they have it all. Our only hope is to unite as one people and as one nation, and take back the power of the people, as intended for us to have per the founding fathers of this once great nation.

A divided citizenry is the best friend of professional politicians ( a corrupt government such as we presently have ), and a united citizenry is their worst enemy. Through division, we've allowed the government complete control and power, and as we've seen and experienced, they've taken full advantage of our gift. There will be no "power of the people" until such time as we come to our collective senses, and unite against the corruption that has taken over this once great nation.

It is my prayer and hope, that the American people will rise, unite, and force "The Power of The People" on the corrupt and anti-America "Brotherhood" that has all but destroyed this once great nation. We're very close to spiraling down to the bottom of the abyss of total ruin and collapse, both socially and economically. We can no longer fight among ourselves, take sides, nor remain divided, else we'll surely realize the collapse of America, as some of us remember her being. It's time for voters to oust the crooks, the rats, and the self-serving egotistical selfish anti-America politicians from Washington. We're responsible for the future of this nation, and we must take that responsibility very seriously this election year.
How do we do that if we can't vote?
Please explain.
Exactly what do mean by , "can't vote"? Every U.S. citizen can vote if they are of age, registered, and go to the polls on election day. Am I wrong?
Even those serving in foreign countries can vote.
I don't understand what you mean.
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...
Thank you for telling us where you stand politically. That's refreshing.
I was impressed that DOJ is providing any of that information to the public during an ongoing investigation. You can bet most L.E. wouldn't. I don't remember any information like this being released in past situations. She isn't going to include any info about the victims or broadcast his love for ISIS. That's thanks to the hidden ISIS supporters amongst us, who would use those words as a banner. It isn't to keep deep, dark secrets from you.

You can make up any screwball harebrained rationalizations that want. I particularly like the one about not "encouraging latent terrorists" by releasing a voice recording saying EXACTLY WHAT HAS ALREADY REPORTED IN THE PRESS 1000 TIMES.. That's is the moronic HORSESHIT that my tiny rant is about. What she did was a THROWDOWN. A POWER PLAY.. A statement that THEY (and you know who THEY are) are gonna edit and phrase the dialogue and national debate. It's an OVERSTEP of monumental arrogance.
I heard you the first time. She has apparently made a mistake trying to provide information to a very interested populace.

Don't think you did o'Lady.. Because you're rationalizing this fearing about the message that might be sent to wannabe terrorists. Well while I am FUMING MAD, they are laughing their m-f asses off. Because the message is --- Ameica's leadership is the chicken-shit droppings at the bottom of the cages these leftists seek to keep us in. They keep the chickens there because it's easier to collect the eggs and sell the excess droppings. And they THINK the chickens love it because their lives are so controlled and RISK FREE that they drop more votes and manure.

Well the chickens are going FREE range. And the roosters are back in the yard. And the only things left in those cages are gonna be the politicians and their mounds of crap like the Leftist who LOVE them some powerful authority figures
You think it's being scrubbed because the administration doesn't want to blame ISIS? Is that what you're saying?
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...
First of all, anyone with an ounce of brain matter already knows the obvious corruption in government. Our government is one of the most corrupt in the entire world, if not the most corrupt.
Secondly, our government, "The Washington Brotherhood", is an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself.

***** NOTE: Professional politicians, and those they appoint to serve, are self-serving, egotistical, greedy, self-centered, anti-America, and in many cases, puppets for the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential.
Professional politicians, and those they appoint, are bought like commodities on the Chicago Exchange.
We have a Lobbyists' controlled U.S. Congress, and legislation is bought and sold on the floors of Congress.
Once elected to office, professional politicians exert their will, and not the will of the people.

Any vote for a professional politician is a vote against America, period. Over the past 50 plus years ( post JFK ), we've seen and experienced "The Selling of America" by the very ones that we entrusted with the well-being of this once great nation and her citizens. Little by little, we've given our power to the government, and now they have it all. Our only hope is to unite as one people and as one nation, and take back the power of the people, as intended for us to have per the founding fathers of this once great nation.

A divided citizenry is the best friend of professional politicians ( a corrupt government such as we presently have ), and a united citizenry is their worst enemy. Through division, we've allowed the government complete control and power, and as we've seen and experienced, they've taken full advantage of our gift. There will be no "power of the people" until such time as we come to our collective senses, and unite against the corruption that has taken over this once great nation.

It is my prayer and hope, that the American people will rise, unite, and force "The Power of The People" on the corrupt and anti-America "Brotherhood" that has all but destroyed this once great nation. We're very close to spiraling down to the bottom of the abyss of total ruin and collapse, both socially and economically. We can no longer fight among ourselves, take sides, nor remain divided, else we'll surely realize the collapse of America, as some of us remember her being. It's time for voters to oust the crooks, the rats, and the self-serving egotistical selfish anti-America politicians from Washington. We're responsible for the future of this nation, and we must take that responsibility very seriously this election year.
How do we do that if we can't vote?
Please explain.
Exactly what do mean by , "can't vote"? Every U.S. citizen can vote if they are of age, registered, and go to the polls on election day. Am I wrong?
Even those serving in foreign countries can vote.
I don't understand what you mean.
Any vote for a professional politician is a vote against America, period.
I know who the OP will vote for. Who do you suggest we vote for in order to oust these people?
I wouldn't air the asshole killer's homage to ISIS either. I wouldn't even say his name, or broadcast his selfies.

Fuck him.

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