Just a tiny rant..

And what does the "party" think comrade??

The usual leftist explanation is that they do not stand a significant chance of dying as a result of terrorism, so the negligible chance that it will happen to them, personally, means it is an unimportant issue.

In most cases, a person is considered a sociopath when they display a consistent pattern of thinking only of themself with absolutely no concern for others.

These illiberal leftists have managed to turn sociopathy into a shared experience.

Might actually be a math deficit then huh? I mean acts of violence tend to be random and unpredicted. While THESE particular acts are anything but random and unpredicted. So it's not the absolute number that matters, but the frequency and the repeated ORIGIN of the violence.

It's like disease prevention. If you understand the vectors and causes of a disease, there's less of an excuse for the consequences. Doesn't have to be the largest killer..

In terms of numbers -- there are about 40 LITIGATED terror cases that were "stopped". Some were clear entrapment, but the majority are acts that COULD HAVE increased the numbers big time. Maybe double? Triple?

And then -- leftists love to quote probabilities of injury and harm for terrorism -- but always exclude the losses of Americans abroad. Which easily DOUBLES that number.
Congratulations to Flacaltenn, the entire transcripts have been released due to his little rant.

Seriously? Reason and light prevail?? I was just winding up... Damn............

Well, seems you need to keep on ranting. I'm hearing that some of the words are being changed. For example, "God" is being used in the transcript in place of "Allah"
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...

Gary Johnson even said he would stop smoking pot if elected.

I'm sure that got a lot of votes right there.

Yes, his mother finally agreed to vote for him!
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...

There is no defense for Lynch. None. Certainly not after this edit job...

I've voted for Gary Johnson before, I'm voting for him again.

Vote Gary! Put a Johnson in the White House!
Congratulations to Flacaltenn, the entire transcripts have been released due to his little rant.

Well JoeMama -- morning well spent. I'd LIKE to think that NSA picked up on 7 threads in USMB politics about this outrage... :biggrin:

But probably Lynch realized the onslaught of litigation that was about to come to DOJ for arbitrarily deciding to edit those statements AFTER the details had been revealed to the public. Judge Napolitano had that part right.

Was gonna tie her up for months justifying that lame act.

Oh well -- never mind. There's always tomorrow...........
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...

There is no defense for Lynch. None. Certainly not after this edit job...

I've voted for Gary Johnson before, I'm voting for him again.

Vote Gary! Put a Johnson in the White House!

We've had a couple Johnsons in the WH before huh???

What's one more?
Congratulations to Flacaltenn, the entire transcripts have been released due to his little rant.

Seriously? Reason and light prevail?? I was just winding up... Damn............

Well, seems you need to keep on ranting. I'm hearing that some of the words are being changed. For example, "God" is being used in the transcript in place of "Allah"

:bang3: I'm ready coach. Just cut me and Put me back in..

This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...

There is no defense for Lynch. None. Certainly not after this edit job...

I've voted for Gary Johnson before, I'm voting for him again.

Vote Gary! Put a Johnson in the White House!

We've had a couple Johnsons in the WH before huh???

What's one more?

I've been following Johnson's career arc since before I left California back in '09 to go to New Mexico. He impressed me then, and more so after I talked to people in New Mexico. They liked him and spoke highly of him (no pun intended). Then I met my current boss. He is a balloon pilot (yes, that's what they call them), he taught Gary Johnson to fly balloons (Albuquerque's home to one of the largest hot air balloon events in the world) and they have remained friends for many years. He speaks very highly of Mr. Johnson.

I vote my conscience every time, that means voting for former Republican Gary Johnson.
Congratulations to Flacaltenn, the entire transcripts have been released due to his little rant.

Seriously? Reason and light prevail?? I was just winding up... Damn............

Well, seems you need to keep on ranting. I'm hearing that some of the words are being changed. For example, "God" is being used in the transcript in place of "Allah"

:bang3: I'm ready coach. Just cut me and Put me back in..

On second thought, you need a rest. Let's just keep that hot round number lady in there for awhile.
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...

I've been speaking to this for a few years on this site. I can't take credit for it, tho'. It was Larry Elder who named it the Axis of Indoctrination...........namely media, academia, and Hollywood. Made sense when he wrote about it 3 years ago, and makes even more sense now.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced references to Islamic terrorism will be removed from transcripts of 911 calls made by the Orlando terrorist prior to the massacre of the Pulse nightclub.

While acknowledging the terrorist made references to Islam, Loretta Lynch said transcripts of the killer's 911 call will omit the "man's pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups" and "propaganda" in attempt to "avoid revictimizing those who went through this horror."

"What we're not going to do is further proclaim this man's pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups, and further his propaganda," Lynch said about the decision to redact.

However, Lynch promised the FBI will release what they believe to be "the substance of his conversations" in an interview on CNN's State of the Union this morning.

DANA BASH, CNN: First, let's start with the news that you're going to deliver tomorrow, these transcripts. Can you give us a teaser of what exactly we're going to learn in these transcripts about the killer?

LORETTA LYNCH, U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL: Well, good morning, Dana, and thank you for having me.

Yes, we are going to be releasing tomorrow more information about this investigation. It's been our goal to get as much information into the public domain as possible, so people can understand, as we do, possibly what motivated this killer, what led him to this place, and also provide us with information.

So, tomorrow, we will be releasing limited transcripts of the calls between the killer and the Orlando P.D. negotiators in the nightclub that night.

BASH: And what will the transcripts tell us?

LYNCH: They will talk about what he told law enforcement on the ground as the events were unfolding.

BASH: And what did he tell them?

LYNCH: You know, as we have said earlier, he talked about his pledges of allegiance to a terrorist group. He talked about his motivations for why he was claiming at that time he was committing this horrific act.

He talked about American policy in some ways. The reason why we're going to limit these transcripts is to avoid revictimizing those who went through this horror. But it will contain the substance of his conversations. And there were three conversations between this killer and negotiators.

Loretta Lynch: References to Islam From Orlando Terrorist 911 Call Removed "To Avoid Revictimizing"
This morning it became apparent that we have lost the ability to be a representative democracy. Your country has been captured by a cadre of ideological morons who seek to control the very facts and dialogue of the most key events that call for our attention. They are arrogantly self-serving and seek to FORCE you to conform to their warped views of the world.

I have never in my life witnessed a top government official BRAGGING about censoring and redacting pertinent information from evidence in a huge mass killing and telling you she did it "for your good" and the good of the country. While at the SAME TIME -- telling you EXACTLY the material that she removed from the public discussion. So that she can FUCKING BRAG about having the power to do it.. And to get the "credit" for "controlling the dialogue".. Last time I saw dialogue control like this was when Pravda was the only source of news in the Soviet Union..

Loretta Lynch has to go. The sooner the better. She should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY... Congress needs to act. It will serve as a CLEAR indication to our NUTLESS president and all the other wannabee leftist control freaks that the American people WILL NOT tolerate being viewed as children who are not as sophisticated as they are and can not handle the truth.. That plan ultimately leads to a designed dumbing down of the electorate and a loss of our Republic.

She is also the cork in Hilliary's trip down the drain to justice for playing loose and fast with our most delicate intelligence.

I'm declaring war on American politics. We've pandered and settled ourselves into a valueless morass of untalented, uninspiring, and dangerous freaks. It's become a sideshow of bearded women and 2 headed snakes.
So I'm coming out and declaring that I will drop everything I'm doing in Real Life to work for Gary Johnson this cycle. I WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the circus. And I'm gonna assure that people KNOW where the EXIT signs are on this carnival of retards and freaks --- so that they can take their FREE and INFORMED and ADULT controlled country back.

Remember -- this is MY rant. But you're invited to DEFEND Loretta Lynch or DEFEND your country. One or the other... No other topics apply to this thread...
Thank you for telling us where you stand politically. That's refreshing.
I was impressed that DOJ is providing any of that information to the public during an ongoing investigation. You can bet most L.E. wouldn't. I don't remember any information like this being released in past situations. She isn't going to include any info about the victims or broadcast his love for ISIS. That's thanks to the hidden ISIS supporters amongst us, who would use those words as a banner. It isn't to keep deep, dark secrets from you.
Thanks to Obama, we have your hidden ISIS supporters among us.

Now let's bring in a few hundred thousand more unvetted Syrians!
move then all into long beach
Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced references to Islamic terrorism will be removed from transcripts of 911 calls made by the Orlando terrorist prior to the massacre of the Pulse nightclub.

While acknowledging the terrorist made references to Islam, Loretta Lynch said transcripts of the killer's 911 call will omit the "man's pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups" and "propaganda" in attempt to "avoid revictimizing those who went through this horror."

"What we're not going to do is further proclaim this man's pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups, and further his propaganda," Lynch said about the decision to redact.

However, Lynch promised the FBI will release what they believe to be "the substance of his conversations" in an interview on CNN's State of the Union this morning.

DANA BASH, CNN: First, let's start with the news that you're going to deliver tomorrow, these transcripts. Can you give us a teaser of what exactly we're going to learn in these transcripts about the killer?

LORETTA LYNCH, U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL: Well, good morning, Dana, and thank you for having me.

Yes, we are going to be releasing tomorrow more information about this investigation. It's been our goal to get as much information into the public domain as possible, so people can understand, as we do, possibly what motivated this killer, what led him to this place, and also provide us with information.

So, tomorrow, we will be releasing limited transcripts of the calls between the killer and the Orlando P.D. negotiators in the nightclub that night.

BASH: And what will the transcripts tell us?

LYNCH: They will talk about what he told law enforcement on the ground as the events were unfolding.

BASH: And what did he tell them?

LYNCH: You know, as we have said earlier, he talked about his pledges of allegiance to a terrorist group. He talked about his motivations for why he was claiming at that time he was committing this horrific act.

He talked about American policy in some ways. The reason why we're going to limit these transcripts is to avoid revictimizing those who went through this horror. But it will contain the substance of his conversations. And there were three conversations between this killer and negotiators.

Loretta Lynch: References to Islam From Orlando Terrorist 911 Call Removed "To Avoid Revictimizing"

It's over kiddo. Her lame attempt to micromanage the public discussion or those putrid excuses for "not re-victimizing the victims" did not stand. All that material was out in the public domain anyways. As it would have for any other hate inspired group. So now the FULL transcripts are for adults that can come to their conclusions and not have to quote Salon or the NY Times.

She also did not want to fight the myriad of law suits that were sure to occur.
so you plan to share pm transcripts after you ban the next angry fraud sok?

we want to see all the nasty names he called you and all the lies he told, etc

let the people decide... tia
so you plan to share pm transcripts after you ban the next angry fraud sok?

we want to see all the nasty names he called you and all the lies he told, etc

let the people decide... tia

All of that is for my personal entertainment. It's priceless humor to me.. Maybe some day. For a price.

But all THIS is not entertainment. It's citizen education. It's public domain. And NO ONE in position of authority should be scripting the natiional discussions by edict and restraining (OR COACHING) the press. Let the Obaminals make their case on the facts. I'll listen. If it's not as painful as what Lynch tried to do..
what facts? the guy slaughtered people...

why accommodate the public display of delusional messages by a psycho killer?

what FACTS do you imagine the public might be missing here..?

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