Just For Fun.Now That "It's Not The Russians".Who Will Democrats Blame For The Trump Landslide?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:2up: We have been at this game for weeks and weeks now, all the leftist networks still pushing the "Russian Thing", yet have no real evidence to back up their theories. Its really really getting old now!, The FBI/CIA & The Maxine Waters All Star Team have given up !!!. So what will be the next thing on the list? The Chinese? The Japanese?, maybe even "The Canadians"? What about Guam,no one trusts Guam!, What about Germany? Maybe they got their hands on the ballots? It has to be one of the 178 countries !!, cause it sure wasn't Hillary's fault! God, did you all see the size of her massive rally crowds? Damn!!! :eusa_dance:
Stupid Comey has been working on "it" for over 9 months. GOVT work! how long does it take to read a few wire-tapped phone call print-outs? About 15 minutes, maybe. Either there is wrong-doing or not? WTH?

What a joke. What a waste of time. Nothing but an attempt to make it appear something is wrong. Comey is working against Trump.....full-time. Why do they tolerate him?

Comey took forever on the Beast too, then did nothing. Even though she violated the law.
Next they'll say the KKK & Nazi Death Squads took over the U.S. government & then FORCED the states to manipulate the votes to elect Fuhrer Trump! :laugh: :rofl:
:2up: We have been at this game for weeks and weeks now, all the leftist networks still pushing the "Russian Thing", yet have no real evidence to back up their theories. Its really really getting old now!, The FBI/CIA & The Maxine Waters All Star Team have given up !!!. So what will be the next thing on the list? The Chinese? The Japanese?, maybe even "The Canadians"? What about Guam,no one trusts Guam!, What about Germany? Maybe they got their hands on the ballots? It has to be one of the 178 countries !!, cause it sure wasn't Hillary's fault! God, did you all see the size of her massive rally crowds? Damn!!! :eusa_dance:
Trump didn't win by a landslide Trump Landslide? Nope - FactCheck.org
As we noted in this space earlier, while Clinton's overall margin looks large and impressive, it is due to Clinton's huge margin of victory in one state — California — where she got a whopping 4.3 million more votes than Trump.

There were no repulicans on the ballot but Trump. They had ~1million "provisinal" votes (why is that?). 1/3 in jail is illegal. 1/5 in school is illegal. They have parents, do they vote? greater than 60% is absentee vote a bit harder to verify. Who knows. Looks ripe for corruption. As always in that one-party state. I'm sure there is more that I am forgetting. Give it up Leftist puke. Trump kicked her sickly rear end sideways.

No matter now. Trump won enough of the votes that "mattered" across the USA.

It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Number of states won:
Trump: 30
Clinton: 20
Trump: +10

Number of electoral votes won:
Trump: 306
Clinton: 232
Trump: + 68

Ave. margin of victory in winning states:
Trump: 56%
Clinton: 53.5%
Trump: + 2.5 points

Popular vote total:
Trump: 62,958,211
Clinton: 65,818,318
Clinton: + 2.8 million

Popular vote total outside California:
Trump: 58,474,401
Clinton: 57,064,530
Trump: + 1.4 million
eventually the left will conclude that Trumps landslide victory was mostly due to global climate change and cow farts.
:2up: We have been at this game for weeks and weeks now, all the leftist networks still pushing the "Russian Thing", yet have no real evidence to back up their theories. Its really really getting old now!, The FBI/CIA & The Maxine Waters All Star Team have given up !!!. So what will be the next thing on the list? The Chinese? The Japanese?, maybe even "The Canadians"? What about Guam,no one trusts Guam!, What about Germany? Maybe they got their hands on the ballots? It has to be one of the 178 countries !!, cause it sure wasn't Hillary's fault! God, did you all see the size of her massive rally crowds? Damn!!! :eusa_dance:

When did you flip flop?

You were certain that the Russian hacking was hurting Clinton during the campaign.

And you couldn't have been happier.
eventually the left will conclude that Trumps landslide victory was mostly due to global climate change and cow farts.

Landslide victory? When you come in second and somehow win because of an obsolete system left over from the 18th century? lol, that is profoundly retarded.

Here's a question you won't answer (because you're stupid)

If Trump won a landslide, name 3 presidential elections that weren't landslides. And detail the difference.
Note from Stats at Media Matters Internet Outreach. Here are your Progressive thoughts for the day: Russia! Putin!

Be like Jake whose been at his desk since November 8 running 13 separate sock account without a wink of sleep!
:2up: We have been at this game for weeks and weeks now, all the leftist networks still pushing the "Russian Thing", yet have no real evidence to back up their theories. Its really really getting old now!, The FBI/CIA & The Maxine Waters All Star Team have given up !!!. So what will be the next thing on the list? The Chinese? The Japanese?, maybe even "The Canadians"? What about Guam,no one trusts Guam!, What about Germany? Maybe they got their hands on the ballots? It has to be one of the 178 countries !!, cause it sure wasn't Hillary's fault! God, did you all see the size of her massive rally crowds? Damn!!! :eusa_dance:
Still waiting for an explanation of the vote totals in your sig.

Not holding my breath.
Still waiting for an explanation of the vote totals in your sig. Not holding my breath..
And while I'm on it, there's another righty in another thread claiming that healthcare would be 80% cheaper if it were free market, and that the Chinese can now buy five times as much stuff for the same money since the country introduced more capitalism.

He won't back up those figures either.

I'm sensing a trend.
Trump supporters are butthurt snowflakes over everyone in the world not believing trump lies like the landslide victory nonsense. The cult are the only ones who still echo that silliness.
They killed the 'Big Recount' campaign when she lost, because it was becoming obvious 'Hillary Won Da Popular Vote' was a load of garbage and a real recount would find what most already knew, that Trump won big and she lost even with all the illegal aliens and unqualified voters and dead people votes counted in Democratic strongholds. The Detroit hilarity stopped it all dead; they had more voters than people registered. lol at 130% turnouts ...
does Jill Stein still believe that about 200,000 Russians voted illegally in the rust belt?
does Jill Stein still believe that about 200,000 Russians voted illegally in the rust belt?

Probably very likely, but we know Putin would have much preferred Hillary over Trump; she takes to bribery like ducks take to water, doesn't give a crap how many Americans die from her 'policies', she has 'public' ones and 'private ones' for her cronies and customers by her own admissions, like the vast majority of Democrats, and their last bribe got them 20% of U.S. uranium production they can sell to Iran, and like Obama wouldn't lift a finger against his imperialism, unless it was just to leave a shit pile behind her out of spite.
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:2up: We have been at this game for weeks and weeks now, all the leftist networks still pushing the "Russian Thing", yet have no real evidence to back up their theories. Its really really getting old now!, The FBI/CIA & The Maxine Waters All Star Team have given up !!!. So what will be the next thing on the list? The Chinese? The Japanese?, maybe even "The Canadians"? What about Guam,no one trusts Guam!, What about Germany? Maybe they got their hands on the ballots? It has to be one of the 178 countries !!, cause it sure wasn't Hillary's fault! God, did you all see the size of her massive rally crowds? Damn!!! :eusa_dance:
Still waiting for an explanation of the vote totals in your sig.

Not holding my breath.

Dementia is the explanation. Case closed.
eventually the left will conclude that Trumps landslide victory was mostly due to global climate change and cow farts.

Landslide victory? When you come in second and somehow win because of an obsolete system left over from the 18th century? lol, that is profoundly retarded.

Here's a question you won't answer (because you're stupid)

If Trump won a landslide, name 3 presidential elections that weren't landslides. And detail the difference.

Oh my. Once again I have inspired stunned silence in an otherwise big mouthed blabber monkey.
:2up: We have been at this game for weeks and weeks now, all the leftist networks still pushing the "Russian Thing", yet have no real evidence to back up their theories. Its really really getting old now!, The FBI/CIA & The Maxine Waters All Star Team have given up !!!. So what will be the next thing on the list? The Chinese? The Japanese?, maybe even "The Canadians"? What about Guam,no one trusts Guam!, What about Germany? Maybe they got their hands on the ballots? It has to be one of the 178 countries !!, cause it sure wasn't Hillary's fault! God, did you all see the size of her massive rally crowds? Damn!!! :eusa_dance:

When did you flip flop?

You were certain that the Russian hacking was hurting Clinton during the campaign.

And you couldn't have been happier.

More stunned silence? Trump got your tongue?

funny-alien-quote-4-picture-quote-1.jpg Pretty sure it was offworld interference.

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