Just For Fun.Your Questions For Jay Carney,If You Had The Chance To Ask.

Feb 1, 2013

And who wouldn't love to mess with Jay at this stage of the health-care debacle?
So lets have some fun. If you were in the White House Press, and watching Jay Carney in a slow meltdown as he keeps dodging "Simple Questions", what would you throw at him?
Any Kind Of Question.
Yes, Jay, Uhm, I have a question for you. When a really really big fat bear craps in the woods, does it make a sound?

Jay, who is the "Current Vice-President"?
Jay, what are your thoughts regarding the possibility of Senator Ben Gazi challenging Hillary for the 2016 democratic nomination?
What is the name of the presidunces coke dealer and how many deliveries does he make to the white house each week?
How many administrations ago did Corporate fascists overtake the Government?
How come democrats try to play the pragmatic party but never offer real solutions for the perpetual welfare state of the impoverished inner cities across america?
"Is it true they are going to put a picture of Michelle without makeup on the White House Halloween pumpkin this year??"
"Jay, if a train leaves Chicago going 50 miles per hour, how far will they travel before they realize the president is lying about ObamaCare?"

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