Just how bad is Covid 19?

Dr. Deborah Birx, the response coordinator for the White House coronavirus task force, said the federal government is continuing to count the suspected COVID-19 deaths, despite other nations doing the opposite.

"There are other countries that if you had a pre-existing condition, and let's say the virus caused you to go to the ICU [intensive care unit] and then have a heart or kidney problem," she said during a Tuesday news briefing at the White House. "Some countries are recording that as a heart issue or a kidney issue and not a COVID-19 death.

"The intent is ... if someone dies with COVID-19 we are counting that," she added.

Asked whether the numbers could skew data the government is trying to collect, Birx said that would mostly apply more to rural areas where testing isn't being implemented on a wide scale.


It is true, however, that the government will pay more to hospitals for COVID-19 cases in two senses: By paying an additional 20% on top of traditional Medicare rates for COVID-19 patients during the public health emergency, and by reimbursing hospitals for treating the uninsured patients with the disease (at that enhanced Medicare rate).

Both of those provisions stem from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act.

The CARES Act created the 20% add-on to be paid for Medicare patients with COVID-19. The act further created a $100 billion fund that is being used to financially assist hospitals — a “portion” of which will be “used to reimburse healthcare providers, at Medicare rates, for COVID-related treatment of the uninsured,” according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

As the Kaiser analysis noted, though, “it is unclear whether the new fund will be able to cover the costs of the uninsured in addition to other needs, such as the purchase of medical supplies and the construction of temporary facilities.”

Either way, the fact that government programs are paying hospitals for treating patients who have COVID-19 isn’t on its own representative of anything nefarious.

While this fact checker tries to DESPERATELY DISCOUNT Hospitals getting more money for Covid patients...........In the Fact Check it lays out HOW THEY GET MORE MONEY.....Not to mention more money for uninsured patients..............

Now the left like last week will say it isn't so.......doesn't meet the Narrative of FEAR.
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579
The United States didn't enter WW1 until April 1917...
so your pretty chart is incorrect...and over half of those deaths
were not in combat but from the 1918 Spanish Flu

Isn't it odd that for such an infectious virus and deadly disease
circulating unchecked for at least 2 months,
before the US had its first 'confirmed' case near the end of Jan.
and the first death 'attributed' to Covid 19 didn't occur until the end of February

Of course, until California reported at the end of April
that 2 deaths from February 6 & 17 were connected to Covid 19

They didn't start shutting shit down til March and masks started in April

In all actuality this virus has been here since at least December
There can be no ifs, ands or buts about it

When they first started testing people,
they only tested those who traveled to Wuhan and those with symptoms

The antibody tests are not accurate and have been combined with later viral test

Lets look at what defines a Covid 19 death according to WHO

A COVID 19 death is defined for surveillance purposes as a death resulting from


observable and recognizable symptoms rather than theoretical or laboratory studies.


(of one thing) consistent with another.


a disease or period of sickness affecting the body or mind.


likely to be the case or to happen.

So, as of this moment from the numbers I'm looking at....

Coronavirus cases...notice how it is worded Coronavirus cases...NOT CONFIRMED CASES

Closed cases



So, half of the total cases have been closed, had an outcome

From 1,562,451 cases, 135,838 died

For every 135,838 cases
From the pool of 1,562,451 cases that are now closed
11 people died

So, for every 781,225 cases
5 people died

So, for every 390,612 cases
2 people died

And, FOR EVERY 195,306 CASES

Now, when I did the math a few days ago
the cases were lower and 1 in every 146,xxx I believe it was

Worldwide there are 12.5 MILLION CASES

For every 500,000 cases
25 have died

For every 6,250,000 cases
12 people have died

For every 3,125,000 cases
6 people have died

For every 1,562,000 cases
3 people have died


Next time use abortion numbers since it was legalized, eh
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There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579
We already found the culprit to why some have serious issues with this virus (thanks to Israeli research), but just like how they down played and outright fabricated stories about Hydroxychlorochine they (MSM) and others are hiding this info to 1)hog the solution medication
2)let the masses suffer and die for political motives. Yes you have yet to fathom just how evil your propaganda news source is, according to data they doubled the deaths of this covid through miss leading the public on solutions like Hydroxychlorochine and their miss guidance spin tactic on Zinc's affectiveness and usage at early stages.

The Israeli research found that it's the people who over produce alpha defensin protein which have the severe cases from clotting.
Excess alpha defensin protein in the blood causes the clotting that causes severe issues with the virus so
'Colchicine' (an existing approved drug) is best administered for this, as it inhibits the release of alpha defensin(a peptide protein).
Regular Blood thinners don't work and that's what Hospitals probably used if they even caught the clotting in time.

So it's my opinion that it's best to use an anti viral Chloroquine anti inflamatory like Hydroxychlorochine. Along with zinc (which prohibits replication) and then Colchicine to prevent the more serious and deadly affects of the virus that occurs with the clotting.

A Possible anti biotic not using these peptide proteins that cause clotting:
Brilacidin, (in trials not approved yet) a polymer-based antibiotic, represents a new class of antibiotics called host defense protein mimetics, or HDP-mimetics, which "are non-peptide".

Remember they said the immune system was over producing something that fights viral infections, but was attacking the body, this alpha defensin protein was probably that viral fighter when over produced does the clotting which caused the more serious affects like strokes, aneurysms, heart, and respitory issues.
The fact me, a non Doctor knows this, but my constant visitor to Israel Sister in Law that's a Doctor doesn't know how to treat a Covid19 case is proof the media is trying to kill people and use this virus to keep us bogged down.

Cool story. Conspiracy theory crap, but cool story anyway.
Funny, you never said that about the fake Hydroxychloroqine story, in fact you bought it hook line and sinker, costing about 2x the deaths then should have been from that time on. Now when 1 of your friends or family is hospitalized or dies from the virus, you will be responsible for holding back this info from them, and yet you'll still blame Trump-go figure!
While the fake news media is complicit, the archvillain regarding hydroxychloroquine is former BARDA director Dr. Rick Bright, an Obama administration holdover. He was specifically directed by his supervisor, Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services, Dr. Robert Kadlec, to make hydroxychloroquine more widely available for the treatment of COVID-19 patients via an emergency use authorization.

Instead he did the opposite.

"Specifically, and contrary to misguided directives, I limited the broad use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine," ~ Dr. Rick Bright

Instead of making HCQS more widely available as he was directly ordered to do, in the EUA he authored under the radar, and unbeknownst to his supervisor, Dr. Bright banned doctors from prescribing HCQS for the treatment of COVID-19 outpatients, thus limiting it's use exclusively to hospitalized patients.

This totally upended the best practice of early treatment. The earlier you receive treatment for any disease, the better your prognosis and outcome.

This is why all TDS afflicted government employees need to be purged. TDS transforms formerly intelligent people into irrational idiots.
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Okay you moronic liberal fake news hack...WW2 deaths 60 million. WW1 deaths 40 million. Spanish Flu deaths 20-50 million with 500 million infected. Covid deaths about 1/10th of 1 million. Now STFU.

Must be a little early for you or you're drinking, she is using U.S. figures not worldwide. Now STFU.
Okay you moronic liberal fake news hack...WW2 deaths 60 million. WW1 deaths 40 million. Spanish Flu deaths 20-50 million with 500 million infected. Covid deaths about 1/10th of 1 million. Now STFU.

Must be a little early for you or you're drinking, she is using U.S. figures not worldwide. Now STFU.
omfg.............ANOTHER COVID DEATH..........DAMN
Okay you moronic liberal fake news hack...WW2 deaths 60 million. WW1 deaths 40 million. Spanish Flu deaths 20-50 million with 500 million infected. Covid deaths about 1/10th of 1 million. Now STFU.

Must be a little early for you or you're drinking, she is using U.S. figures not worldwide. Now STFU.
omfg.............ANOTHER COVID DEATH..........DAMN

Could be you next time.

Getting run over by a bus.......steam roller and USC marching band...........don't think so......I don't travel to California..........would have to be an SEC BAND.

ROLL TIDE..........even as Pecker woods try to kill football.
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579

How many of the 135k deaths are directly a result of COVID-19 vs. those that are classified as COVID-19? I think it is real and must be dealt with but I also believe it has been politicized which makes the deaths that much more tragic.
A little perspective.
U.S Covid cases 3,219,955
U.S. Covid deaths 135,808
U.S. recovered from Covid 1,426,428
U.S. estimated population 331,002, 651.

So you're saying our lives lost in WW1, WW2, and the civil war were not enough to worry about? Covid has killed more over the same length time period than all three of them.

Then protect the ones who need protecting. My 40 year old daughter has it now, she got it from her daughter, and nothing more than loss of taste, loss of smell, and achiness. I find it astonshing how you people cower in fear at this stuff. My wife and I were exposed by both of them. No masks and we didn't get it. Put your big girl pants on and grow up.
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579
In any of those conflicts there was never 10 million US soldiers fighting in them. The CDC has stated that the number of cases is likely 10 times more than reported. Which makes the death rate around 0.006%.
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579

How many of the 135k deaths are directly a result of COVID-19 vs. those that are classified as COVID-19? I think it is real and must be dealt with but I also believe it has been politicized which makes the deaths that much more tragic.
The hospitals get extra bucks for calling it covid........even though they try to deny it........Even the fact check article trying to minimize it.......ADMITTED IT...........In New York look at the ages of the main deaths............

There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579

No doubt if we had todays MSM reporting during the Civil War the count would be in the millions.
Do you have any evidence anyone is lying to you about the deaths of your fellow Americans at the hands of this disease?

Any crap from gateway pundit is not evidence.
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579
In any of those conflicts there was never 10 million US soldiers fighting in them. The CDC has stated that the number of cases is likely 10 times more than reported. Which makes the death rate around 0.006%.
If that is true than everyone has had it and it's over.

Why are cases still.going up?
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579
In any of those conflicts there was never 10 million US soldiers fighting in them. The CDC has stated that the number of cases is likely 10 times more than reported. Which makes the death rate around 0.006%.
If that is true than everyone has had it and it's over.

Why are cases still.going up?
And yet the death rate doesn't.
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579

No doubt if we had todays MSM reporting during the Civil War the count would be in the millions.
Do you have any evidence anyone is lying to you about the deaths of your fellow Americans at the hands of this disease?

Any crap from gateway pundit is not evidence.

The CDC Confesses to Lying About COVID-19 Death Numbers
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579
In any of those conflicts there was never 10 million US soldiers fighting in them. The CDC has stated that the number of cases is likely 10 times more than reported. Which makes the death rate around 0.006%.
If that is true than everyone has had it and it's over.

Why are cases still.going up?
And yet the death rate doesn't.
Sadly the rate will go up when the hospitals are over full.
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579

No doubt if we had todays MSM reporting during the Civil War the count would be in the millions.
Do you have any evidence anyone is lying to you about the deaths of your fellow Americans at the hands of this disease?

Any crap from gateway pundit is not evidence.

The CDC Confesses to Lying About COVID-19 Death Numbers

Come on kid, YouTube and Canada free press?

Garbage for the easily manipulated.

Get something real.
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579

No doubt if we had todays MSM reporting during the Civil War the count would be in the millions.
Do you have any evidence anyone is lying to you about the deaths of your fellow Americans at the hands of this disease?

Any crap from gateway pundit is not evidence.

The CDC Confesses to Lying About COVID-19 Death Numbers

Come on kid, YouTube and Canada free press?

Garbage for the easily manipulated.

Get something real.

Yep, the Canadian Free Press and YouTube orchestrated Dr. Bukacek's presentation...dumbass.
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579

No doubt if we had todays MSM reporting during the Civil War the count would be in the millions.
Do you have any evidence anyone is lying to you about the deaths of your fellow Americans at the hands of this disease?

Any crap from gateway pundit is not evidence.

The CDC Confesses to Lying About COVID-19 Death Numbers

Come on kid, YouTube and Canada free press?

Garbage for the easily manipulated.

Get something real.

Yep, the Canadian Free Press and YouTube orchestrated Dr. Bukacek's presentation...dumbass.

Dr who?

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