Just how bad is Covid 19?

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..

You're comparing a virus to a war?

And how is a raven like a writing desk?

I'm comparing the number of deaths caused by each. I'm sorry if you are too can't understand that, but your stupidity is not my fault.
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579
It's a hoax. Move on, get back to work and stop being a commie bitch.
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579
The numbers are bad, but the Trumpsters want to ignore what's happening with many who survive. Damage to the heart, lungs, kidneys and other other organs. Neurological damage, including to children and young adults. Unfortunately, talk radio purposely avoids that part, so they're probably not aware of it.
What is your solution?

Everyone go bankrupt from staying home?
Stunt our children's mental, social and educational growth by holding them back?

We MUST move forward the best we can while remaining diligent to areas with spikes and protecting the most vulnerable.

We CAN NOT stay locked in our homes.

At the same time, we have to be intelligent and honest about the risks as we manage them, and not allow partisan politics to pollute the conversation. Avoiding important facts like the damage done to the bodies and lives of many survivors is neither intelligent nor honest.
How do you suggest we micro manage all the details we have NO CONTROL OVER?

Keep the at risk protected to the best of our abilities and deal with the fallout as best we can.

Scaring the public daily with stats they have no control over serves no purpose. If you protect the weak you've done all you can.

Keeping us informed serves no purpose? Boy is that such a Trumpian statement.

Why is it that every other country is managing to get COVID under control, but Americans have to just deal with it? We have not "done all we can". Not by a long shot.

What method exactly did those other countries use to get COVID "under control"?
Testing, contact tracing, quarantine, widespread mask use.

What they didn't do was have their nation's leader pretending the virus doesn't exist as the numbers of dead climb higher and higher.

Show me exactly where Trump said the Virus didn't exist.
I didn't say he said it. I said he's behaving as though it doesn't exist. You know what else other countries didn't do while COVID tore through their nations? They didn't hold packed political rallies with no masks or social distancing.

They did hold BLM type protests, and yes some of them were wearing masks, but only when the cameras were on them.
Way to try to change the subject. Were you at the BLM protests? My daughter was and I can assure you, the masks stayed on the entire time...not just when "cameras were on them". But we know that is just you trying to deflect from Trump's stupid, irresponsible magic thinking and behavior when it comes to the worst pandemic to hit the world in decades.
And just spouting raw numbers without actual current context is dishonest as well. The other thing is if COVID is primarily a threat to people already very ill, what percentage of their mortality do we attribute to COVID, and what percentage do we attribute to the underlying condition. A person with terminal emphysema dies 3 months earlier than they would have due to COVID, is that a pure COVID death? A pure Emphysema death, or a combination of the two?

People from a risk group have a higher risk to die - what doesn't mean people, who are not a member of a risk group, do not die on covid-19. Sometimes die also young people, who were always sane in their life. And often people suffer a post-covid-syndrome or much more worse problems after a light or more heavy infection.

But how different is this from any other viral infection, like the flu, that we deal with every year?

The flu is no joke, and some yearly strains have a mortality profile similar to COVID
Just stop already with the COVID/Flu comparisons.

How COVID-19 is different and worse than the flu

why? Because it kills your narrative you dried up old twat?
Testy, testy. Stop with the comparison because it is comparing oranges to poison apples.

As time goes on the comparison becomes more and more valid with regards to mortality rates.

You ignore that because it doesn't suit you politically.

As time goes on, your attempts, like Trump's, to minimize this disease get more ridiculous.

The death rate for COVID is many times that of the flu. Just stop making a fool of yourself.

From October 2019 to April 2020, the CDC estimates that 24-64 thousand people died of the flu. Seven months and, at the most, 64,000 people. How many have died from COVID since March, just five months?
this Chinese virus returns like a cold sore when you think its over. you never know when its gonna pop up. you think you're over it and then it pops up again
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579
And we have an idiot in the WH proving the point.
And just spouting raw numbers without actual current context is dishonest as well. The other thing is if COVID is primarily a threat to people already very ill, what percentage of their mortality do we attribute to COVID, and what percentage do we attribute to the underlying condition. A person with terminal emphysema dies 3 months earlier than they would have due to COVID, is that a pure COVID death? A pure Emphysema death, or a combination of the two?

People from a risk group have a higher risk to die - what doesn't mean people, who are not a member of a risk group, do not die on covid-19. Sometimes die also young people, who were always sane in their life. And often people suffer a post-covid-syndrome or much more worse problems after a light or more heavy infection.

But how different is this from any other viral infection, like the flu, that we deal with every year?

The flu is no joke, and some yearly strains have a mortality profile similar to COVID
Just stop already with the COVID/Flu comparisons.

How COVID-19 is different and worse than the flu

why? Because it kills your narrative you dried up old twat?
Testy, testy. Stop with the comparison because it is comparing oranges to poison apples.

As time goes on the comparison becomes more and more valid with regards to mortality rates.

You ignore that because it doesn't suit you politically.

As time goes on, your attempts, like Trump's, to minimize this disease get more ridiculous.

The death rate for COVID is many times that of the flu. Just stop making a fool of yourself.

From October 2019 to April 2020, the CDC estimates that 24-64 thousand people died of the flu. Seven months and, at the most, 64,000 people. How many have died from COVID since March, just five months?

A more reasonable number is probably 50-100 million in the US infected but no symptoms or sickness which brings that death rate to about .002.
i'm in this zen place now where i'm focused on watching soccer and listening to metalcore and following downballot elections and telling myself this corona thing is all background noise
A little perspective.
U.S Covid cases 3,219,955
U.S. Covid deaths 135,808
U.S. recovered from Covid 1,426,428
U.S. estimated population 331,002, 651.

So you're saying our lives lost in WW1, WW2, and the civil war were not enough to worry about? Covid has killed more over the same length time period than all three of them.
Are you gainfully employed?
Many people aren't.
I am but my wife lost her job.
Businesses and people need to pay bills.
And just spouting raw numbers without actual current context is dishonest as well. The other thing is if COVID is primarily a threat to people already very ill, what percentage of their mortality do we attribute to COVID, and what percentage do we attribute to the underlying condition. A person with terminal emphysema dies 3 months earlier than they would have due to COVID, is that a pure COVID death? A pure Emphysema death, or a combination of the two?

People from a risk group have a higher risk to die - what doesn't mean people, who are not a member of a risk group, do not die on covid-19. Sometimes die also young people, who were always sane in their life. And often people suffer a post-covid-syndrome or much more worse problems after a light or more heavy infection.

But how different is this from any other viral infection, like the flu, that we deal with every year?

The flu is no joke, and some yearly strains have a mortality profile similar to COVID
Just stop already with the COVID/Flu comparisons.

How COVID-19 is different and worse than the flu

why? Because it kills your narrative you dried up old twat?
Testy, testy. Stop with the comparison because it is comparing oranges to poison apples.

As time goes on the comparison becomes more and more valid with regards to mortality rates.

You ignore that because it doesn't suit you politically.

As time goes on, your attempts, like Trump's, to minimize this disease get more ridiculous.

The death rate for COVID is many times that of the flu. Just stop making a fool of yourself.

From October 2019 to April 2020, the CDC estimates that 24-64 thousand people died of the flu. Seven months and, at the most, 64,000 people. How many have died from COVID since March, just five months?

A more reasonable number is probably 50-100 million in the US infected but no symptoms or sickness which brings that death rate to about .002.

And still the United States has 130,000+ dead Americans. Yeah, I know, as a Trumpster that doesn't mean diddly to you. Death only matters if it comes at the hands of Islamic terrorists.

Right now, the disease you deem no worse than the common flu is overwhelming hospitals and killing more health care workers than AIDS ever did...but I still remember how you mother fuckers freaked out about AIDS.

And those infected but asymptomatic people are the reason that masks are so important. Unless you are being tested every day, you don't know who you are walking around killing. Oops, forgot again that Trumpsters don't care about that. My bad...
And just spouting raw numbers without actual current context is dishonest as well. The other thing is if COVID is primarily a threat to people already very ill, what percentage of their mortality do we attribute to COVID, and what percentage do we attribute to the underlying condition. A person with terminal emphysema dies 3 months earlier than they would have due to COVID, is that a pure COVID death? A pure Emphysema death, or a combination of the two?

People from a risk group have a higher risk to die - what doesn't mean people, who are not a member of a risk group, do not die on covid-19. Sometimes die also young people, who were always sane in their life. And often people suffer a post-covid-syndrome or much more worse problems after a light or more heavy infection.

But how different is this from any other viral infection, like the flu, that we deal with every year?

The flu is no joke, and some yearly strains have a mortality profile similar to COVID
Just stop already with the COVID/Flu comparisons.

How COVID-19 is different and worse than the flu

why? Because it kills your narrative you dried up old twat?
Testy, testy. Stop with the comparison because it is comparing oranges to poison apples.

As time goes on the comparison becomes more and more valid with regards to mortality rates.

You ignore that because it doesn't suit you politically.

As time goes on, your attempts, like Trump's, to minimize this disease get more ridiculous.

The death rate for COVID is many times that of the flu. Just stop making a fool of yourself.

From October 2019 to April 2020, the CDC estimates that 24-64 thousand people died of the flu. Seven months and, at the most, 64,000 people. How many have died from COVID since March, just five months?

A more reasonable number is probably 50-100 million in the US infected but no symptoms or sickness which brings that death rate to about .002.

And still the United States has 130,000+ dead Americans. Yeah, I know, as a Trumpster that doesn't mean diddly to you. Death only matters if it comes at the hands of Islamic terrorists.

Right now, the disease you deem no worse than the common flu is overwhelming hospitals and killing more health care workers than AIDS ever did...but I still remember how you mother fuckers freaked out about AIDS.

And those infected but asymptomatic people are the reason that masks are so important. Unless you are being tested every day, you don't know who you are walking around killing. Oops, forgot again that Trumpsters don't care about that. My bad...

Asymptomatic spread is extremely rare. Sadly, many people just believe what they're told. Well, 130,000, huh. That ain't nothing compared to the 860,000 abortions a year. Nothing compared to the spanish flu.
A little perspective.
U.S Covid cases 3,219,955
U.S. Covid deaths 135,808
U.S. recovered from Covid 1,426,428
U.S. estimated population 331,002, 651.

So you're saying our lives lost in WW1, WW2, and the civil war were not enough to worry about? Covid has killed more over the same length time period than all three of them.

If you want to keep it in perspective. What was the death total for the Spanish Flu? How many people were there in the United States during the Civil War, WWI and WWII? How many die every year of TB? How many die in auto accidents? How many are aborted every year?
And just spouting raw numbers without actual current context is dishonest as well. The other thing is if COVID is primarily a threat to people already very ill, what percentage of their mortality do we attribute to COVID, and what percentage do we attribute to the underlying condition. A person with terminal emphysema dies 3 months earlier than they would have due to COVID, is that a pure COVID death? A pure Emphysema death, or a combination of the two?

People from a risk group have a higher risk to die - what doesn't mean people, who are not a member of a risk group, do not die on covid-19. Sometimes die also young people, who were always sane in their life. And often people suffer a post-covid-syndrome or much more worse problems after a light or more heavy infection.

But how different is this from any other viral infection, like the flu, that we deal with every year?

The flu is no joke, and some yearly strains have a mortality profile similar to COVID
Just stop already with the COVID/Flu comparisons.

How COVID-19 is different and worse than the flu

why? Because it kills your narrative you dried up old twat?
Testy, testy. Stop with the comparison because it is comparing oranges to poison apples.

As time goes on the comparison becomes more and more valid with regards to mortality rates.

You ignore that because it doesn't suit you politically.

As time goes on, your attempts, like Trump's, to minimize this disease get more ridiculous.

The death rate for COVID is many times that of the flu. Just stop making a fool of yourself.

From October 2019 to April 2020, the CDC estimates that 24-64 thousand people died of the flu. Seven months and, at the most, 64,000 people. How many have died from COVID since March, just five months?

A more reasonable number is probably 50-100 million in the US infected but no symptoms or sickness which brings that death rate to about .002.

And still the United States has 130,000+ dead Americans. Yeah, I know, as a Trumpster that doesn't mean diddly to you. Death only matters if it comes at the hands of Islamic terrorists.

Right now, the disease you deem no worse than the common flu is overwhelming hospitals and killing more health care workers than AIDS ever did...but I still remember how you mother fuckers freaked out about AIDS.

And those infected but asymptomatic people are the reason that masks are so important. Unless you are being tested every day, you don't know who you are walking around killing. Oops, forgot again that Trumpsters don't care about that. My bad...

Asymptomatic spread is extremely rare. Sadly, many people just believe what they're told. Well, 130,000, huh. That ain't nothing compared to the 860,000 abortions a year. Nothing compared to the spanish flu.

Abortion is a legal procedure in the United States and is not a transmittable disease. Your lame attempts to change the subject are silly.

And we simply don't know enough to make definitive statements about asymptomatic transmission.

And just spouting raw numbers without actual current context is dishonest as well. The other thing is if COVID is primarily a threat to people already very ill, what percentage of their mortality do we attribute to COVID, and what percentage do we attribute to the underlying condition. A person with terminal emphysema dies 3 months earlier than they would have due to COVID, is that a pure COVID death? A pure Emphysema death, or a combination of the two?

People from a risk group have a higher risk to die - what doesn't mean people, who are not a member of a risk group, do not die on covid-19. Sometimes die also young people, who were always sane in their life. And often people suffer a post-covid-syndrome or much more worse problems after a light or more heavy infection.

But how different is this from any other viral infection, like the flu, that we deal with every year?

The flu is no joke, and some yearly strains have a mortality profile similar to COVID
Just stop already with the COVID/Flu comparisons.

How COVID-19 is different and worse than the flu

why? Because it kills your narrative you dried up old twat?
Testy, testy. Stop with the comparison because it is comparing oranges to poison apples.

As time goes on the comparison becomes more and more valid with regards to mortality rates.

You ignore that because it doesn't suit you politically.

As time goes on, your attempts, like Trump's, to minimize this disease get more ridiculous.

The death rate for COVID is many times that of the flu. Just stop making a fool of yourself.

From October 2019 to April 2020, the CDC estimates that 24-64 thousand people died of the flu. Seven months and, at the most, 64,000 people. How many have died from COVID since March, just five months?

A more reasonable number is probably 50-100 million in the US infected but no symptoms or sickness which brings that death rate to about .002.

And still the United States has 130,000+ dead Americans. Yeah, I know, as a Trumpster that doesn't mean diddly to you. Death only matters if it comes at the hands of Islamic terrorists.

Right now, the disease you deem no worse than the common flu is overwhelming hospitals and killing more health care workers than AIDS ever did...but I still remember how you mother fuckers freaked out about AIDS.

And those infected but asymptomatic people are the reason that masks are so important. Unless you are being tested every day, you don't know who you are walking around killing. Oops, forgot again that Trumpsters don't care about that. My bad...

Asymptomatic spread is extremely rare. Sadly, many people just believe what they're told. Well, 130,000, huh. That ain't nothing compared to the 860,000 abortions a year. Nothing compared to the spanish flu.

Abortion is a legal procedure in the United States and is not a transmittable disease. Your lame attempts to change the subject are silly.

And we simply don't know enough to make definitive statements about asymptomatic transmission.

Of course its not transmittable. Its just killing, thats all. Of course we do. Asymptomatic means that the virus hasn't replicated in huge numbers and transmission is very unlikely. This is not difficult.
A little perspective.
U.S Covid cases 3,219,955
U.S. Covid deaths 135,808
U.S. recovered from Covid 1,426,428
U.S. estimated population 331,002, 651.

So you're saying our lives lost in WW1, WW2, and the civil war were not enough to worry about? Covid has killed more over the same length time period than all three of them.
No I am putting things in persepective which is something few if any do on this subject. Comparing deaths in wars to deaths from a virus is beyond silly it's an apples and oranges comparsion. We have apopulation of 331,002, 651 of the 3,219,955 covid cases 1,426,428 have recovered which leaves 1,793,527 who have not and we have had 135,808 deaths and while cases are going up the death rate is not. These numbers are not minor but they are also not a disaster of bibical proportions either. To hear media types and politicans tell it we are going through the black death again where an estimated 25 million to 200 million died. I'm tying to look at this in a fair even handed rational manner if some can't handle that it's their problem not mine.

While spouting percentages might be technically accurate, it is one of the oldest numbers tricks in the world. It adds a layer of unrelatable abstraction over the facts making their impact sound smaller than it is. Comparing lives lost over time with events that people are familiar with provides a clearer understanding of what the facts really are. I can see why you don't want that to happen. Again, you might be technially accurate, but you are intellectually dishonest.

That number doesn't seem small to those of us who have lost people to this virus.

My aunt died of the virus in April. She was my favorite aunt. She didn't deserve to die that way. Nor did any of us not deserve not being able to have a memorial for her. It was planned for next month but because the virus is still raging out of control, that has been put on hold.

It's not a small number.

None of this should have happened. We shouldn't have had to be confined to our homes, people shouldn't have lost their jobs, their businesses and way of life. Lives shouldn't have been lost.

It should have been handled the way SARS, MERZ and EBOLA were handled. In the nations they originated and kept from coming here or the rest of the world.

Too bad trump closed and fired the organization that was set up to do exactly what they did with SARS, MERZ and EBOLA. Too bad trump decimated the American CDC in China and the rest of the world. Too bad trump tore apart the very system that was set up to protect us from this exact thing happening.

As a person who lost a loved one to this virus I will not forget. Nor will the countless others who lost someone they loved to this virus.

We are disgusted that people make the deaths so trivial and meaningless.

It's easy for them to do that, they don't seem to have a soul.
A little perspective.
U.S Covid cases 3,219,955
U.S. Covid deaths 135,808
U.S. recovered from Covid 1,426,428
U.S. estimated population 331,002, 651.

So you're saying our lives lost in WW1, WW2, and the civil war were not enough to worry about? Covid has killed more over the same length time period than all three of them.
No I am putting things in persepective which is something few if any do on this subject. Comparing deaths in wars to deaths from a virus is beyond silly it's an apples and oranges comparsion. We have apopulation of 331,002, 651 of the 3,219,955 covid cases 1,426,428 have recovered which leaves 1,793,527 who have not and we have had 135,808 deaths and while cases are going up the death rate is not. These numbers are not minor but they are also not a disaster of bibical proportions either. To hear media types and politicans tell it we are going through the black death again where an estimated 25 million to 200 million died. I'm tying to look at this in a fair even handed rational manner if some can't handle that it's their problem not mine.

While spouting percentages might be technically accurate, it is one of the oldest numbers tricks in the world. It adds a layer of unrelatable abstraction over the facts making their impact sound smaller than it is. Comparing lives lost over time with events that people are familiar with provides a clearer understanding of what the facts really are. I can see why you don't want that to happen. Again, you might be technially accurate, but you are intellectually dishonest.

That number doesn't seem small to those of us who have lost people to this virus.

My aunt died of the virus in April. She was my favorite aunt. She didn't deserve to die that way. Nor did any of us not deserve not being able to have a memorial for her. It was planned for next month but because the virus is still raging out of control, that has been put on hold.

It's not a small number.

None of this should have happened. We shouldn't have had to be confined to our homes, people shouldn't have lost their jobs, their businesses and way of life. Lives shouldn't have been lost.

It should have been handled the way SARS, MERZ and EBOLA were handled. In the nations they originated and kept from coming here or the rest of the world.

Too bad trump closed and fired the organization that was set up to do exactly what they did with SARS, MERZ and EBOLA. Too bad trump decimated the American CDC in China and the rest of the world. Too bad trump tore apart the very system that was set up to protect us from this exact thing happening.

As a person who lost a loved one to this virus I will not forget. Nor will the countless others who lost someone they loved to this virus.

We are disgusted that people make the deaths so trivial and meaningless.

It's easy for them to do that, they don't seem to have a soul.

Babies in the womb don't deserve to die either. Yes, its very sad for people to die of viruses, murder of the unborn, etc.

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