Just how bad is Covid 19?

There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
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How many of the 135k deaths are directly a result of COVID-19 vs. those that are classified as COVID-19? I think it is real and must be dealt with but I also believe it has been politicized which makes the deaths that much more tragic.
The hospitals get extra bucks for calling it covid........even though they try to deny it........Even the fact check article trying to minimize it.......ADMITTED IT...........In New York look at the ages of the main deaths............

I’d like to know the real numbers. Wouldn’t everyone? If there is an arbitrary or artificial force at play at the price of the economy and livelihoods, you can’t fault people for wanting to open things up. Further, COVID-19 took a back seat to all of the protests and riots to the point that the media is telling us that the protestors id not contribute to COVID -19 cases but beach goers did ???
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579

How many of the 135k deaths are directly a result of COVID-19 vs. those that are classified as COVID-19? I think it is real and must be dealt with but I also believe it has been politicized which makes the deaths that much more tragic.
The hospitals get extra bucks for calling it covid........even though they try to deny it........Even the fact check article trying to minimize it.......ADMITTED IT...........In New York look at the ages of the main deaths............

I’d like to know the real numbers. Wouldn’t everyone? If there is an arbitrary or artificial force at play at the price of the economy and livelihoods, you can’t fault people for wanting to open things up. Further, COVID-19 took a back seat to all of the protests and riots to the point that the media is telling us that the protestors id not contribute to COVID -19 cases but beach goers did ???
It has to feed the Narrative they are pushing............It sure looks like they are HYPING the death numbers by the very definition of certification of deaths.............Globalists are on the march in my opinion..............Small businesses just got crushed........States who were fiscally sound are getting trashed as well with lose of revenues..............

Global Reset coming............maybe.
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579

No doubt if we had todays MSM reporting during the Civil War the count would be in the millions.
Do you have any evidence anyone is lying to you about the deaths of your fellow Americans at the hands of this disease?

Any crap from gateway pundit is not evidence.

The CDC Confesses to Lying About COVID-19 Death Numbers

Come on kid, YouTube and Canada free press?

Garbage for the easily manipulated.

Get something real.

Yep, the Canadian Free Press and YouTube orchestrated Dr. Bukacek's presentation...dumbass.

Dr who?

Not to worry, it would have been one hell of a stretch to have expected anything more from you.
The only Dr. By that name I can find is in Montana and is also an antivaxxer.

So I say again, Dr who?
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579

No doubt if we had todays MSM reporting during the Civil War the count would be in the millions.
Do you have any evidence anyone is lying to you about the deaths of your fellow Americans at the hands of this disease?

Any crap from gateway pundit is not evidence.

The CDC Confesses to Lying About COVID-19 Death Numbers

Come on kid, YouTube and Canada free press?

Garbage for the easily manipulated.

Get something real.

Yep, the Canadian Free Press and YouTube orchestrated Dr. Bukacek's presentation...dumbass.

Dr who?

Not to worry, it would have been one hell of a stretch to have expected anything more from you.
A little perspective.
U.S Covid cases 3,219,955
U.S. Covid deaths 135,808
U.S. recovered from Covid 1,426,428
U.S. estimated population 331,002, 651.
Another view...long term organ damage from Covid.
Okay you moronic liberal fake news hack...WW2 deaths 60 million. WW1 deaths 40 million. Spanish Flu deaths 20-50 million with 500 million infected. Covid deaths about 1/10th of 1 million. Now STFU.
In 6 months?
Okay you moronic liberal fake news hack...WW2 deaths 60 million. WW1 deaths 40 million. Spanish Flu deaths 20-50 million with 500 million infected. Covid deaths about 1/10th of 1 million. Now STFU.

Must be a little early for you or you're drinking, she is using U.S. figures not worldwide. Now STFU.
omfg.............ANOTHER COVID DEATH..........DAMN

Could be you next time.

Or you.
Okay you moronic liberal fake news hack...WW2 deaths 60 million. WW1 deaths 40 million. Spanish Flu deaths 20-50 million with 500 million infected. Covid deaths about 1/10th of 1 million. Now STFU.

Must be a little early for you or you're drinking, she is using U.S. figures not worldwide. Now STFU.
omfg.............ANOTHER COVID DEATH..........DAMN

Could be you next time.

Okay you moronic liberal fake news hack...WW2 deaths 60 million. WW1 deaths 40 million. Spanish Flu deaths 20-50 million with 500 million infected. Covid deaths about 1/10th of 1 million. Now STFU.
In 6 months?

Its sad how little you know about WWI and WWII. Cherry picking 6 months out of those wars is, well really stupid.
So is comparing death rates of an entire multi year war with a few months of a pandemic that isnt close to being over.
Okay you moronic liberal fake news hack...WW2 deaths 60 million. WW1 deaths 40 million. Spanish Flu deaths 20-50 million with 500 million infected. Covid deaths about 1/10th of 1 million. Now STFU.
In 6 months?

Its sad how little you know about WWI and WWII. Cherry picking 6 months out of those wars is, well really stupid.
So is comparing death rates of an entire multi year war with a few months of a pandemic that isnt close to being over.

You people on the left are once again trying to spin and fabricate to fit your anti Trump narrative, fact. First you fabricate the narrative, then you fabricate spin and dishonest half truths to support the narrative we get it.
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579

It's on track to kill more people this year than Air Pollution does any given year. So, yeah, a staggering number.

And that comparison is likely why the fossil fuel Party doesn't want to set a precident of allowing a massive loss of life resulting from social actions to correlate with increased responsibilities on companies and individuals. It's all about the greed
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579
In any of those conflicts there was never 10 million US soldiers fighting in them. The CDC has stated that the number of cases is likely 10 times more than reported. Which makes the death rate around 0.006%.
If that is true than everyone has had it and it's over.

Why are cases still.going up?
And yet the death rate doesn't.
Sadly the rate will go up when the hospitals are over full.
It hasn't yet and if the CDC is correct the death rate will continue to go down
Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..

You're comparing a virus to a war?

And how is a raven like a writing desk?
A little perspective.
U.S Covid cases 3,219,955
U.S. Covid deaths 135,808
U.S. recovered from Covid 1,426,428
U.S. estimated population 331,002, 651.

A little more perspective:
Cases: 820,014
Deaths: 22,135
Population: 1,380,307,868 (not a typo)

Trump's policies are literally killing us.

It's all about ushering in authoritarian globalist agendas. They openly admit that we are about to experience what they call "The Great Reset", and they openly admit that COVID-19 is the perfect opportunity (pretext) for that.

Conspiracy theory nuts always see some nefarious plan to take over the world. You're pretty goofy that way.

That's an intellectually lazy thing to say. Anything that you don't want to even remotely consider, just dismiss as a "conspiracy theory."

Watch the second video, as I said, they openly admit that we are going through what they call "The Great Reset." New global systems: financial, political, cultural, etc. I don't want to be mean, but at this point there's no excuse to not be aware of the agendas that are in the works, not only is the information out there, but they openly admit it! So to dismiss it all at this point is either ignorant or dishonest.

Forgive me. I'll run get a tinfoil hat, and then reread your post. If you are right, there could be a chip in my brain keeping me from understanding it all as well as you do. I doubt it, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time.

Thank you for proving my point. I actually gave you the benefit of the doubt, but you proved what I suspected to be true.
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579

ILMAO. Now do it for:
Car accidents
This guy sums it up

So much truth and common sense, which evidently is very uncommon! I can see that his talk is going viral, but I heard it's being removed from Facebook, YouTube, etc. Hopefully people will keep mirroring it so the normies will see it.

I don't know how long this one will stay up, but I'll share it since most people probably won't click on your link.

(hopefully the naysayers will have a bigger attention span than a gnat, and actually watch the whole thing.)


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