Just How Much Are Trump's Tweets Getting To You?

What do you think of Trump's Tweets?

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So, Mr. NSA agent, could you show us some sort of proof that Putin got Trump to win?

Or are you simply full of shit, jackass.

Suck moonglow's dick.

That's subjective opinion, the objective facts are that Putin personally ordered the russian cyber warriors to attack the american election and to sway the american voter away from clinton and toward trump.

Whether Putins specific actions were successful is subjective.
Why do you lie to yourself like that?
Let's just hope the WH doesn't pry his phone out of those stubby fat fingers.

This jackass has had one press conference. His childish TwitTantrums are all we know about what he's up to. And, screeching at the TV and twitting keeps him busy.

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PPFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTPFFFFFFFFTTTTTT stick it up your ass!!! You piles of shit are getting what you have given everyone else for twenty years and you can't take it Screw you!! It is so damn funny watching you stupid, vile, haters that it has become one of the biggest comedy attractions to ever exist much bigger than the clown cadre of the Ringling Brothers Circus.
I am just wondering when he will be impeached.
Impeached for what, jackass.

It depends on what Trump tells Putin at the G20.

What the hell does that have to do with any thing If he tells putin he can kill every liberal in America ther is not a damn thing you piles of dogshit can do!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA Man how stupid and small mentally can a group of people become in a few months. YOUR shit in wdc ARE NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING to TRUMP. They don't want to be dead the next day.
So, Mr. NSA agent, could you show us some sort of proof that Putin got Trump to win?

Or are you simply full of shit, jackass.

Suck moonglow's dick.

That's subjective opinion, the objective facts are that Putin personally ordered the russian cyber warriors to attack the american election and to sway the american voter away from clinton and toward trump.

Whether Putins specific actions were successful is subjective.
FACTS are NOT "SUBJECTIVE" they simply are and there are NO facts to support your inference. The fact is that news media outlets have hidden behind their little "AN unnamed source told us" for too long and it is time to close their lying mouths for GOOD. They will have to release all sources OR be fined the entire amount of their assets, and have their license revoked for a year for each infraction. CNN, MSNBC,CBS, NYT, and a lot of other outlets will be gone forever day one. THEN we take on the liars in the schools and on the streets. Say what you want but if you do not have the REAL facts, you can be sued for ten times your assets, and ordered to pay or go to jail and pay at a dollar a day for working.
It's interesting that journalists claim Trump's retweet of the CNN logo over Vince McMahon's face in a WWE event with Trump will incite violence against journalists, but they don't extend that exact same logic to Black Lives Matter chanting "What do want? Dead Cops. When do we want them? Now!" And "Pigs in a blanket, fry like bacon."

Or any of the POTUS assassination related speeches and tweets. The very same journalists concerned about the CNN video did not claim that Kathy Griffin or Madonna could incite someone to commit a political assassination.

The double standard is very apparent.
The DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA TRASH MACHINE'S hypocrisy on that is absolutely mind numbing. The good thing about that though is most Americans see it. Americans are getting fed up with democrats. Since president Trump got elected, they're getting a REAL GOOD LOOK at just what kind of ASS HOLE FILTH democrats REALLY are.




The DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA TRASH MACHINE'S hypocrisy on that is absolutely mind numbing.

From some individuals, a remark like that would be meaningful....
I could care less and will never understand the asinine fascination with them.

Trump uses them to great effect - it is all the media talks about. Haters continue to hate him for them and supporters eat it up. The rest of us find them pointless for the most part. I judge a president on what he actually accomplishes and how - not on the medias incessant infatuation with tweets or statements.

Trump has made his tweets "official presidential statements" They're the same as an official white house statement.
And those are just as meaningless as well to be honest. Presidents commonly talk out of their ass while doing the exact opposite of what they say to the masses.

Again, what they actually do is what matters to me. The petulant remarks coming from the WH right now are as irrelevant to me as the well done speeches full of pointless rhetoric of his predecessors.
I am just wondering when he will be impeached.
Impeached for what, jackass.

It depends on what Trump tells Putin at the G20.

What the hell does that have to do with any thing If he tells putin he can kill every liberal in America ther is not a damn thing you piles of dogshit can do!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA Man how stupid and small mentally can a group of people become in a few months. YOUR shit in wdc ARE NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING to TRUMP. They don't want to be dead the next day.
Wow you are seriously delusional
So, Mr. NSA agent, could you show us some sort of proof that Putin got Trump to win?

Or are you simply full of shit, jackass.

Suck moonglow's dick.

That's subjective opinion, the objective facts are that Putin personally ordered the russian cyber warriors to attack the american election and to sway the american voter away from clinton and toward trump.

Whether Putins specific actions were successful is subjective.
FACTS are NOT "SUBJECTIVE" they simply are and there are NO facts to support your inference. The fact is that news media outlets have hidden behind their little "AN unnamed source told us" for too long and it is time to close their lying mouths for GOOD. They will have to release all sources OR be fined the entire amount of their assets, and have their license revoked for a year for each infraction. CNN, MSNBC,CBS, NYT, and a lot of other outlets will be gone forever day one. THEN we take on the liars in the schools and on the streets. Say what you want but if you do not have the REAL facts, you can be sued for ten times your assets, and ordered to pay or go to jail and pay at a dollar a day for working.
This is America. Your fantasies of living under a dictator won't come true here. I'm sure Russia or North Korea would welcome a groveling little piss ant like you
Trumps tweets show that he is exactly the type of President we thought he would be

I agree, but by the same token, the mainstream media's lack of objectivity in regards to Trump shows that it is exactly the type of media he complains about.

The media's witch hunt of the man almost makes the tweets necessary.
Trumps tweets show that he is exactly the type of President we thought he would be

I agree, but by the same token, the mainstream media's lack of objectivity in regards to Trump shows that it is exactly the type of media he complains about.

The media's witch hunt of the man almost makes the tweets necessary.
If anything, the media has been too soft on Trump
No other politician in history has gotten away with what Trump has

How many other politicians could have survived..

Saying POWs are not heroes
Calling women pigs, ugly, stupid and bragging about grabbing their pussied
Subscribing to conspiracy theories like birtherism, Ted Cruz's father killing JFK, Hillary killing Vince Foster
Mocking a handicapped person
If you criticize Trump for Tweeting you needsomething more in your life fill the void of all your free time...

I find it funny so many people are freaking out over it.

The irony is hilarious - We went from extreme to extreme - from a guy who promised to be the most Transparent Evuh and instead was the most criminally NON-Transparent Evuh ... to a guy who can't keep his mouth shut 24/7.
I am just wondering when he will be impeached.
Impeached for what, jackass.
He'll not be impeached...the #RussianW is too enamored with the Race to the Bottom.


Have lost 1,000+ elections

Have lost 5 Special Elections

Have lost 2 historic elections

Had the worst, most criminal ex-President

Rigged their Primaries

Engaged in election fraud in their Primaries

Cheated in debates

Did all this to give the worst candidate in US History their nomination

Protected their candidate from indictment

Kept this criminal in the race

Committed acts of terrorism during the campaign - blew up a GOP HQ, threatened the lives of Electoral College voters in an attempt to alter the election outcome

Hillary's campaign hired violent thugs to attack opposition supporters

Rioted, looted, arson, destruction of property, silencing free speech...

Subversion, sedition, treason - calling for military coups, Baseless Impeachment, assassination, false accusations,

Committed crimes in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected President: illegally sharing classified, illegal leaks, illegal unmasking, Felony Espionage...

OPENLY declared they are 100% committed to derailing the government of the United States through obstruction for the sole benefit of the Democratic Party over the good of the nation.

Have no message, nothing to offer except for HATE.

The Democrats ARE the bottom...
They don't get to me because I don't sit on my ass in front of a TV all day hyperventilating over the "news". Which is what they want. Find a life and go live it instead.

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