JUST IN: Rand Paul says he "probably will" disclose whistleblower's name

Snowflakes are too stupid to read the Whistle Blower law themselves and realize the only protection real Whistle Blowers are afforded is protection from WORK PLACE RETALIATION, not anonymity!

They just keep repeating the lies criminal, lying Dems like Schiff keep feeding them in their attempt to keep the Deep State CIA agent Spy's real identity from coming out and further exposing their latest coup attempt.
I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?
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The name is already known so this is old news. And really, who cares who he is? I already know without asking that he's a Democrat.
The name is already known so this is old news

Well, then share the name.

A) I was kidding, I just took my news from fakenews fox and rand paul.
B) I'm afraid to expose the name.
C) No One really knows, it is just speculation at this point
D) it's not a person, it is the "Deep State"
This guy will be fine. He will get a one million dollar advance to write a book. They will make him a professor at Harvard. He'll never have to do an honest day's work in his life as the darling of the Democrats.
Oh yeah... let Rand Paul do it. Then watch Rand Paul be sued into oblivion and then, kicked out of the Senate for violations of the whistleblower laws and ethics violations.

Go for it Rand Paul.
I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?
You mean like the guy being murdered after he's exposed as a left wing operative for Schiff? The perfect scenario, huh? 2 birds with one stone. Make him a martyr for the left while covering Schiff's ass at the same time.
Oh yeah... let Rand Paul do it. Then watch Rand Paul be sued into oblivion and then, kicked out of the Senate for violations of the whistleblower laws and ethics violations.

Go for it Rand Paul.
Ha ha, the whistle blower's name is already known, but go ahead and jerk yourself off to that fantasy.
Oh yeah... let Rand Paul do it. Then watch Rand Paul be sued into oblivion and then, kicked out of the Senate for violations of the whistleblower laws and ethics violations.

Go for it Rand Paul.
Ha ha, the whistle blower's name is already known, but go ahead and jerk yourself off to that fantasy.

Damn... you go straight to thinking about me jacking off. I'm not into dudes, and though I feel a bit uncomfortable about a dude fantasizing about me, there's nothing wrong with your lifestyle.

It does not matter if the whistleblowers name is supposedly out there, if Rand Paul says it, he'll be in pretty deep shit.
Snowflakes are too stupid to read the Whistle Blower law themselves and realize the only protection real Whistle Blowers are afforded is protection from WORK PLACE RETALIATION, not anonymity!

They just keep repeating the lies criminal, lying Dems like Schiff keep feeding them in their attempt to keep the Deep State CIA agent Spy's real identity from coming out and further exposing their latest coup attempt.
"...not anonymity!"


Whistleblower Protection | StateOIG.gov

Can I keep my identity confidential?

Yes. Most Inspectors General have hotlines that allow employees to make confidential disclosures. Inspectors General are prohibited from disclosing an employee’s identity unless the IG determines that disclosure is unavoidable or is compelled by a court order. If you file a disclosure with OSC, your identity will not be shared outside of OSC without your consent. However, OSC may disclose your identity only if OSC determines that it is necessary because of an imminent danger to public health or safety or an imminent violation of any criminal law​
Oh yeah... let Rand Paul do it. Then watch Rand Paul be sued into oblivion and then, kicked out of the Senate for violations of the whistleblower laws and ethics violations.

Go for it Rand Paul.
Ha ha, the whistle blower's name is already known, but go ahead and jerk yourself off to that fantasy.

Only to rightards who think they know it.

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