Just In: Trump appointed Federal Judge blocks Biden Admin from releasing illegals without court dates as Title 42 expires

DHS and Immigration should conduct spontaneous raids on companies to verify they are doing , fining them $10k for each violation. The US would quickly recoup a lot of money being lost....of course, a lot of Democrats would lose maids and gardners.

I agree, they should crack down on the employers BIG TIME, to stop the hiring. They can talk about asylum, but I think they are here for the jobs.
Sounds reasonable to requirement to me, to have at least a hearing date set. They should extend title 42 until they have a realistic system to ensure they show up for the hearing date on their asylum request.
We should enact a two year (at least) immigration moratorium. Nobody in for two years or until all current illegals have been accounted for, documented or deported. Then start over again with a regulated policy.
Your idea is pure unadulterated insanity. You support the browning of America. You support the destruction of White European heritage and culture in America in favor of third world scum who refuse to learn our laws, culture, heritage and language.
Dude, nothing says keep out like a FASCAM 50 meter mine field to cross. Or is that too inhumane and not benefitting enough contractors? Nothing goes in as fast either.
I would even post the signs warning to keep out in English only. Dice said it best.
Estimates were 5 billion to build a wall....how many billions was sent to Ukraine?


The estimate was 50 billion. And that doesn’t include the cost of Manning staffing it, or repairing it. The wall was being breached tunnel, thunder, and demolished faster than it was being built

And it stopped no one from getting in.
How many billions to house, feed, clothe, and educate them? Year after year.

How many billions do they contribute to GDP? How many billions do they contribute in taxes paid?

Do you have 11 billion job openings that you cannot fill in the Chamber of Commerce is screaming for you to bring in immigrants to fill these jobs.
The estimate was 50 billion. And that doesn’t include the cost of Manning staffing it, or repairing it. The wall was being breached tunnel, thunder, and demolished faster than it was being built

And it stopped no one from getting in.
That just isn't going to be allowed any longer. The best choice now is to prepare to defend your home and loved ones from the lawlessness and chaos that is coming. Notice the images of most of the crowds who are arriving. Military age males. That's not a random happenstance.

Here's the deal....
The Wife and I lived in a subdivision when we first got married 33 years ago.
When we bought the house it was all young white couples,we paid 74K for that house. We lived there for 13 years.
Then we had the attempted home invasion by a bunch of beaners. By then the neighborhood was going down hill after the white people moved out and put the houses up for rent.
Of course the beaners moved in and had 15 people living in a 3 bedroom house and the beaner music was none stop.
We were smart enough to put the house up for sale and we got 113K for it.
Drove through it the other day just to see what it was like and man am I glad we bailed when we did!!!
We won yard of the month many times back in the day now it looks like a shithole!!!
It really pisses me off when I look back on how hard I worked on that yard!!!

We decided it was best to get out of there and spend the money for a new house in a gated community.
Thank God we did,no more break ins of our vehicle,no more strangers knocking on our door and no more solicitors.
We've been in our new house for 18 years and the crime rate is zero!!!
It really sucks to have to go to these measures to avoid the criminals.
How many billions do they contribute to GDP? How many billions do they contribute in taxes paid?

Do you have 11 billion job openings that you cannot fill in the Chamber of Commerce is screaming for you to bring in immigrants to fill these jobs.

Do you realize mexican remittance payments are only second to PEMEX when it comes to money in mexico?
Were talking billions of dollars that should be spent in the US.
That would break your puny canadian economy.
A judge just signed the order stopping the corrupt Biden usurpation administration in it's tracks from releasing illegals without court dates.

God bless this Trump appointed judge.. It takes a Court Order to force the Biden Team to do what the law requires.

The Biden regime will ignore it.
The estimate was 50 billion. And that doesn’t include the cost of Manning staffing it, or repairing it. The wall was being breached tunnel, thunder, and demolished faster than it was being built

And it stopped no one from getting in.
Top estimated cost I have seen is $12 billion, so link us up to your $50 billion source, liar.
How many billions do they contribute to GDP? How many billions do they contribute in taxes paid?

Do you have 11 billion job openings that you cannot fill in the Chamber of Commerce is screaming for you to bring in immigrants to fill these jobs.
We have 11 billion job openings?

You suck at math.

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