Just Like I Thought, Republicans Are Shooting Themselves In The Foot Over Obama


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
They keep on with this nonsensical meme that anybody can beat Obama. They're acting as if they have everything locked up in a bag. They do not.

The latest CNN/ORC poll's results:

President Obama vs. The GOP Field

52% Obama - 45% Romney
52% Obama - 45% Paul
56% Obama - 40% Gingrich
57% Obama - 39% Perry

CNN Poll: Obama gains strength in 2012 matchups – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

The fact of the matter is, not just anybody can beat Obama. Although things will be tough for him, he's still very much liked and can still win. In fact, many believe that he will win, and largely due to Republicans shooting themselves in the foot with their nonsense, overreaching and hubris.

Republicans really crack me up. LoL! :lol:
It is fully expected that lib polls would have obama ahead. They have him marginally ahead which may mean they are too embarassed to post the real figures.
Just wait till they find out that Obama wasn't born in the USA. :lol:

(See? I'm spreading the word!!)
It is fully expected that lib polls would have obama ahead. They have him marginally ahead which may mean they are too embarassed to post the real figures.

My friend, have been listening to serious Republican and RW pundits lately? They've been saying the same thing. They're practically begging the Republicans to come to their senses.

I'm talking about guys like Krauthhammer, Brit Hume and George Will.

Snap out of it!

why has every candidate been swept off the table after a couple of weeks good vetting?
Ah hell, I think the whole of the GOP should run on Teabagger platforms. They make such good sense, and impress the rest of the American Citizens so mightely.
They hate the president a lot more than they love their country. And, they love their owners, the 1%, a hell of a lot more than they will ever love the USA.

pubs/bags - they all promised jobs in return for votes and yet, not one jobs bill has been introduced by a Republican. Instead, they filibuster every single bill that could help the US dig out from the Bush debacle.

They sign an anti-American pledge to never raise taxes but then work to raise payroll taxes on the 99%. They say they won't pass a bill unless its paid for but who is paying for the tax cut for the 1%? The working class.

pubs/bags - they lie easier than they tell the truth and every single thing they do costs the working class.

The most amazing part of this is that some voters who are hurt by the GObP continue to support them. Either that, or there are a whole lot of millionaires who go to work every day OR look for a job. And, there are obviously a whole bunch of millionaires who post here in favor of the GObP.
It is fully expected that lib polls would have obama ahead. They have him marginally ahead which may mean they are too embarassed to post the real figures.

Polls such as these are all part of the liberal media disinformation campaign designed to dispirit Republicans. Don't believe any of it. Reagan was behind in the polls all the way up to election day, and then he beat Carter in a landslide.
LOL, a CNN poll. The commie news network..

my gawd the left is grasping onto anything..
The latest CNN/ORC poll's results:

President Obama vs. The GOP Field

52% Obama - 45% Romney
52% Obama - 45% Paul
56% Obama - 40% Gingrich
57% Obama - 39% Perry

This is the consequence of attacking Obama personally – teleprompters, birth certificates, illegal uncles, and the like - as opposed to addressing the issues. Ridiculous, nonsensical, non-issues that don’t address the Nation’s problems and only make the republicans look petty, partisan, and foolish.

The GOP has only itself to blame.
This is why Republicans are working the voter suppression thing. If they had good policies, they wouldn't need to subvert the election process. Even they know that.

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