Just Lookin' For A Little Honesty...

Just Lookin' For A Little Honesty...

Here is a useful tip for ya PC...

Stop reading your own posts. That should help.

This was the funnest thread in a week, although admittedly, making a monkey out of PC is not a particularly high degree of difficulty exercise.
What part of that don't you get? The government provided the funding for the first Saturn V mission, which produced tens of thousands if not millions of jobs in the private sector.. Quite simply, the federal government has jump-started many industries in its long history, which ultimately became the driving force for employment in the private sector.

well, I will have to turn that remark back on you MM, and what part of this don't you get;

Now this new product is in the hands of private investors who will take over the manufacture and sale of the prothesis which allows people who have lost that appendage to actually walk like a normal person.

I have said; I agree that the gov. provided seed money for the invention and or development or idea behind of the device.( q who holds the relevant patents btw?)

so, How many people does he employ? how much marketing ( there by creating employment via billings) how many in his supply chain? who employs them, who pays their paychecks, who says how many he employed and at what salarys etc. The gov. has absolutely no power in that area because they don't create the jobs they create a 'thing'.

lets take it in reverse, what if the private market said you know what? no we don't see promise in that? what then? no device.

If his company fails, what does the gov. lose? nothing ..why? because they don't create the co. nor the jobs they have funded a creation a drawing and funded prototypical devices built supplied and delivered by... ....a private co.

Your points are ignorant of the fact that ANY private business takes risks that the product will be sustainable. Hello?

yes that is so, but hardly addresses the issue... you started a separate thread on this right...:eusa_eh:
Oh, so you're claiming he 'sold' it with a 'promise', and that counts? And then you're claiming I was off topic by proving that he didn't need to 'sell' it,

unless you can prove that 2 of the 3 Republicans who voted for it only did so because they were PROMISED 8% unemployment.

WERE THEY? Link please.

the topic is, one admin basically getting comparative, massively unequal media scrutiny for economic malaise and built upon a plan for a bill, whose sppt was carried by a plan he and his staff out forth and forecast as; do A, get B......thats the topic and the basis of my question despite meandering ala who build or invest what which fully admit is not germane btw.

you want to uber parse guarantee project promise to what gain? he bears no more responsibility hence scrutiny than the op spelled out ala another admin.s economic shortcomings (and what were far better conditions, which is beside the point really vis a vis the larger point). ?
No, the topic is complaining that the media did not devote more airtime to lying about what the administration did.

I'll take that as; 'I will continue the smokescreen'..

And to only mention ABC, CBS, and NBC is a common tactic in this ruse, since they are NOT 24 hour news channels they would hardly be devoting dozens and dozens of spots to 1 incident of an inaccurate forecast by an economist.

ah so you agree that there was a imbalance?

Okay so , then, what kind of handicap would be appropriate?
the topic is, one admin basically getting comparative, massively unequal media scrutiny for economic malaise and built upon a plan for a bill, whose sppt was carried by a plan he and his staff out forth and forecast as; do A, get B......thats the topic and the basis of my question despite meandering ala who build or invest what which fully admit is not germane btw.

you want to uber parse guarantee project promise to what gain? he bears no more responsibility hence scrutiny than the op spelled out ala another admin.s economic shortcomings (and what were far better conditions, which is beside the point really vis a vis the larger point). ?

I'll take that as; 'I will continue the smokescreen'..

And to only mention ABC, CBS, and NBC is a common tactic in this ruse, since they are NOT 24 hour news channels they would hardly be devoting dozens and dozens of spots to 1 incident of an inaccurate forecast by an economist.

ah so you agree that there was a imbalance?

Okay so , then, what kind of handicap would be appropriate?

I don't watch network news. I watch cable news and have heard this item mentioned dozens and dozens of times. I have also heard it lied about by the right dozens and dozens of times.
1. "As The New York Times reported on Oct. 22, 2009, "The Obama administration's forecast at the start of the year, which predicted that unemployment would not climb much above 8 percent."

A big promise [/B]to be sure and a claim that proved false as unemployment climbed higher and higher reaching 10.2 percent at its peak. Yet, ABC, CBS, and NBC referenced this promise just nine times in two years in stimulus stories mentioning unemployment.

2. Unemployment still exceeds the Obama-guaranteed 8 percent unemployment rate two years after the bill's passage. In the same time period, network news barely reported that the stimulus failed to halt the sharp rise in unemployment. ABC 'World News,' CBS 'Evening News' and NBC 'Nightly News' all paid plenty of attention to the stimulus and its accomplishments, but more than 98 percent of those evening broadcast stories skipped over the administration's failed prediction.

3. The Media Research Center's Business & Media Institute (BMI) analyzed network evening news reports that mentioned "stimulus" and "unemployment" from Obama's inauguration on Jan. 20, 2009, to Dec. 21, 2010. BMI found that the networks almost completely ignored Obama's 8 percent unemployment promise and the failure of the stimulus to prevent rising unemployment.

4. Where Were Stories about the 8 Percent Promise? Just nine stories out of 589 (less than 2 percent) referred to the unemployment prediction in two years of network news coverage.

5. Networks Instead Promoted More Stimulus: When the effects of the stimulus plan were discussed, network news shows promoted even more stimulus. ABC's Bianna Golodryga asked Warren Buffet if he thought unemployment would hit 11 percent to which he said yes. Then, instead of noting that the stimulus failed, she asked if a second stimulus was needed. To this Buffet replied it may be necessary because the first bill "was sort of like taking half a tablet of Viagra."

a. ABC "World News" only mentioned the 8 percent prediction one time in nearly two years of coverage, making it the worst of the three networks. Instead ABC credited the stimulus with lower unemployment as reporter Betsy Stark claimed Dec. 4, 2009, when unemployment dropped to 10 percent: "Economists credit the government's massive stimulus spending with getting the job market to this point." 6. Bush Forced to Defend 5 Percent Unemployment: Under the administration of President George W. Bush, negative economic stories were pushed when unemployment was below 5 percent - less than half the number reached after the stimulus passed. CBS' Dan Rather on Oct. 8, 2004, asked "Tonight, where are the jobs?" yet few stimulus stories have even mentioned Obama's unemployment prediction."
Stimulus Two Years Later, Networks Ignore Obama's Failed Job Promise

Highlighting the outright lies in the OP...
I'll take that as; 'I will continue the smokescreen'..

ah so you agree that there was a imbalance?

Okay so , then, what kind of handicap would be appropriate?

I don't watch network news. I watch cable news and have heard this item mentioned dozens and dozens of times. I have also heard it lied about by the right dozens and dozens of times.

then you are free as I asked MM to disprove their numbers, I provided a few links, it is what it is, if they are not being truthful then it will out, *shrugs*
1. "As The New York Times reported on Oct. 22, 2009, "The Obama administration's forecast at the start of the year, which predicted that unemployment would not climb much above 8 percent."

A big promise [/B]to be sure and a claim that proved false as unemployment climbed higher and higher reaching 10.2 percent at its peak. Yet, ABC, CBS, and NBC referenced this promise just nine times in two years in stimulus stories mentioning unemployment.

2. Unemployment still exceeds the Obama-guaranteed 8 percent unemployment rate two years after the bill's passage. In the same time period, network news barely reported that the stimulus failed to halt the sharp rise in unemployment. ABC 'World News,' CBS 'Evening News' and NBC 'Nightly News' all paid plenty of attention to the stimulus and its accomplishments, but more than 98 percent of those evening broadcast stories skipped over the administration's failed prediction.

3. The Media Research Center's Business & Media Institute (BMI) analyzed network evening news reports that mentioned "stimulus" and "unemployment" from Obama's inauguration on Jan. 20, 2009, to Dec. 21, 2010. BMI found that the networks almost completely ignored Obama's 8 percent unemployment promise and the failure of the stimulus to prevent rising unemployment.

4. Where Were Stories about the 8 Percent Promise? Just nine stories out of 589 (less than 2 percent) referred to the unemployment prediction in two years of network news coverage.

5. Networks Instead Promoted More Stimulus: When the effects of the stimulus plan were discussed, network news shows promoted even more stimulus. ABC's Bianna Golodryga asked Warren Buffet if he thought unemployment would hit 11 percent to which he said yes. Then, instead of noting that the stimulus failed, she asked if a second stimulus was needed. To this Buffet replied it may be necessary because the first bill "was sort of like taking half a tablet of Viagra."

a. ABC "World News" only mentioned the 8 percent prediction one time in nearly two years of coverage, making it the worst of the three networks. Instead ABC credited the stimulus with lower unemployment as reporter Betsy Stark claimed Dec. 4, 2009, when unemployment dropped to 10 percent: "Economists credit the government's massive stimulus spending with getting the job market to this point." 6. Bush Forced to Defend 5 Percent Unemployment: Under the administration of President George W. Bush, negative economic stories were pushed when unemployment was below 5 percent - less than half the number reached after the stimulus passed. CBS' Dan Rather on Oct. 8, 2004, asked "Tonight, where are the jobs?" yet few stimulus stories have even mentioned Obama's unemployment prediction."
Stimulus Two Years Later, Networks Ignore Obama's Failed Job Promise

Highlighting the outright lies in the OP...

ok, so we will substitute, uhm forecast or prediction, which is basically the same , for promise, as for guarantee? I agree that has a meaning wholly from prediction, they should not have used that word, I concur.
1. "As The New York Times reported on Oct. 22, 2009, "The Obama administration's forecast at the start of the year, which predicted that unemployment would not climb much above 8 percent."

A big promise [/B]to be sure and a claim that proved false as unemployment climbed higher and higher reaching 10.2 percent at its peak. Yet, ABC, CBS, and NBC referenced this promise just nine times in two years in stimulus stories mentioning unemployment.

2. Unemployment still exceeds the Obama-guaranteed 8 percent unemployment rate two years after the bill's passage. In the same time period, network news barely reported that the stimulus failed to halt the sharp rise in unemployment. ABC 'World News,' CBS 'Evening News' and NBC 'Nightly News' all paid plenty of attention to the stimulus and its accomplishments, but more than 98 percent of those evening broadcast stories skipped over the administration's failed prediction.

3. The Media Research Center's Business & Media Institute (BMI) analyzed network evening news reports that mentioned "stimulus" and "unemployment" from Obama's inauguration on Jan. 20, 2009, to Dec. 21, 2010. BMI found that the networks almost completely ignored Obama's 8 percent unemployment promise and the failure of the stimulus to prevent rising unemployment.

4. Where Were Stories about the 8 Percent Promise? Just nine stories out of 589 (less than 2 percent) referred to the unemployment prediction in two years of network news coverage.

5. Networks Instead Promoted More Stimulus: When the effects of the stimulus plan were discussed, network news shows promoted even more stimulus. ABC's Bianna Golodryga asked Warren Buffet if he thought unemployment would hit 11 percent to which he said yes. Then, instead of noting that the stimulus failed, she asked if a second stimulus was needed. To this Buffet replied it may be necessary because the first bill "was sort of like taking half a tablet of Viagra."

a. ABC "World News" only mentioned the 8 percent prediction one time in nearly two years of coverage, making it the worst of the three networks. Instead ABC credited the stimulus with lower unemployment as reporter Betsy Stark claimed Dec. 4, 2009, when unemployment dropped to 10 percent: "Economists credit the government's massive stimulus spending with getting the job market to this point." 6. Bush Forced to Defend 5 Percent Unemployment: Under the administration of President George W. Bush, negative economic stories were pushed when unemployment was below 5 percent - less than half the number reached after the stimulus passed. CBS' Dan Rather on Oct. 8, 2004, asked "Tonight, where are the jobs?" yet few stimulus stories have even mentioned Obama's unemployment prediction."
Stimulus Two Years Later, Networks Ignore Obama's Failed Job Promise

Highlighting the outright lies in the OP...

I don't get your objection this one;

ABC credited the stimulus with lower unemployment as reporter Betsy Stark claimed Dec. 4, 2009, when unemployment dropped to 10 percent: "Economists credit the government's massive stimulus spending with getting the job market to this point....

I don't watch network news. I watch cable news and have heard this item mentioned dozens and dozens of times. I have also heard it lied about by the right dozens and dozens of times.

then you are free as I asked MM to disprove their numbers, I provided a few links, it is what it is, if they are not being truthful then it will out, *shrugs*

Edward Lazear, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, predicted, "The stimulus will have the effect of increasing jobs by about half a million above the number that would have been the case in the absence of that."

How many times did the networks report that prediction?
1. "As The New York Times reported on Oct. 22, 2009, "The Obama administration's forecast at the start of the year, which predicted that unemployment would not climb much above 8 percent."

A big promise [/B]to be sure and a claim that proved false as unemployment climbed higher and higher reaching 10.2 percent at its peak. Yet, ABC, CBS, and NBC referenced this promise just nine times in two years in stimulus stories mentioning unemployment.

2. Unemployment still exceeds the Obama-guaranteed 8 percent unemployment rate two years after the bill's passage. In the same time period, network news barely reported that the stimulus failed to halt the sharp rise in unemployment. ABC 'World News,' CBS 'Evening News' and NBC 'Nightly News' all paid plenty of attention to the stimulus and its accomplishments, but more than 98 percent of those evening broadcast stories skipped over the administration's failed prediction.

3. The Media Research Center's Business & Media Institute (BMI) analyzed network evening news reports that mentioned "stimulus" and "unemployment" from Obama's inauguration on Jan. 20, 2009, to Dec. 21, 2010. BMI found that the networks almost completely ignored Obama's 8 percent unemployment promise and the failure of the stimulus to prevent rising unemployment.

4. Where Were Stories about the 8 Percent Promise? Just nine stories out of 589 (less than 2 percent) referred to the unemployment prediction in two years of network news coverage.

5. Networks Instead Promoted More Stimulus: When the effects of the stimulus plan were discussed, network news shows promoted even more stimulus. ABC's Bianna Golodryga asked Warren Buffet if he thought unemployment would hit 11 percent to which he said yes. Then, instead of noting that the stimulus failed, she asked if a second stimulus was needed. To this Buffet replied it may be necessary because the first bill "was sort of like taking half a tablet of Viagra."

a. ABC "World News" only mentioned the 8 percent prediction one time in nearly two years of coverage, making it the worst of the three networks. Instead ABC credited the stimulus with lower unemployment as reporter Betsy Stark claimed Dec. 4, 2009, when unemployment dropped to 10 percent: "Economists credit the government's massive stimulus spending with getting the job market to this point." 6. Bush Forced to Defend 5 Percent Unemployment: Under the administration of President George W. Bush, negative economic stories were pushed when unemployment was below 5 percent - less than half the number reached after the stimulus passed. CBS' Dan Rather on Oct. 8, 2004, asked "Tonight, where are the jobs?" yet few stimulus stories have even mentioned Obama's unemployment prediction."
Stimulus Two Years Later, Networks Ignore Obama's Failed Job Promise

Highlighting the outright lies in the OP...

I don't get your objection this one;

ABC credited the stimulus with lower unemployment as reporter Betsy Stark claimed Dec. 4, 2009, when unemployment dropped to 10 percent: "Economists credit the government's massive stimulus spending with getting the job market to this point....


It says ABC credited the stimulus. It did not. ABC simply reported that 'economists' did.
Highlighting the outright lies in the OP...

I don't get your objection this one;

ABC credited the stimulus with lower unemployment as reporter Betsy Stark claimed Dec. 4, 2009, when unemployment dropped to 10 percent: "Economists credit the government's massive stimulus spending with getting the job market to this point....


It says ABC credited the stimulus. It did not. ABC simply reported that 'economists' did.

uh yes, I know its right there in their statement.....""Economists credit the government's massive stimulus spending with getting the job market to this point...."
then you are free as I asked MM to disprove their numbers, I provided a few links, it is what it is, if they are not being truthful then it will out, *shrugs*

Edward Lazear, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, predicted, "The stimulus will have the effect of increasing jobs by about half a million above the number that would have been the case in the absence of that."

How many times did the networks report that prediction?

I don't know, and this means what exactly?
I don't get your objection this one;

ABC credited the stimulus with lower unemployment as reporter Betsy Stark claimed Dec. 4, 2009, when unemployment dropped to 10 percent: "Economists credit the government's massive stimulus spending with getting the job market to this point....


It says ABC credited the stimulus. It did not. ABC simply reported that 'economists' did.

uh yes, I know its right there in their statement.....""Economists credit the government's massive stimulus spending with getting the job market to this point...."

So it's a lie to say that ABC did any crediting.
uh yes, I know its right there in their statement.....""Economists credit the government's massive stimulus spending with getting the job market to this point...."

So it's a lie to say that ABC did any crediting.

Its a figure of speech dude.......jesus Christ.

No, if you go back and actually read it in context you will see that it was an accusation. It was part of the argument that ABC was biased.
I'll take that as; 'I will continue the smokescreen'..

ah so you agree that there was a imbalance?

Okay so , then, what kind of handicap would be appropriate?

I don't watch network news. I watch cable news and have heard this item mentioned dozens and dozens of times. I have also heard it lied about by the right dozens and dozens of times.
Ah yes... MSLSD pushing the regime's party line like good little disinformation officers. I had not realized that propaganda has been elevated to the status of "news" for you.
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