Just released "The Fall Of Minneapolis" documents all the hidden evidence associated with George Floyd.

It was shocking how much of the case was ignored by the media. This was a public trial of vengeance. Jurors knew not to oppose the mob
What can America do when jurors can no longer be trusted?

Has America's entire justice system now become totally dependent on the opinions of the media?
Can the situation be saved?

Is it really down to a point where justice is dependent on who has the biggest guns and who can kill most efficiently?

You've certainly disqualified the existing system of trial by jury!
Well it certainly appears that everybody is in favour of police executing black men!

The only difference with me is that I wanted to talk about it and expand on the idea. While Americans want it to happen but would prefer to not have to talk about it in public.
You are delusional.
Well you said it’s “clear” there was intent. You’ve provided nothing to support that.
If there's no need for street executions of blacks and vigilante justice, then don't try to fix a justice system that doesn't need fixing!
What can America do when jurors can no longer be trusted?

Has America's entire justice system now become totally dependent on the opinions of the media?
Can the situation be saved?

Is it really down to a point where justice is dependent on who has the biggest guns and who can kill most efficiently?

You've certainly disqualified the existing system of trial by jury!
I’m referring to what jurors reported, and norms of holding trials away from firestorms due to these conflicts of interest.

But wow, look at the insane way you took this
Everybody will have their own exceptions and excuses for some cop that made an attempt to legitimize murder on the streets.

Chauvin's method on camera is going to be a hard one for you to legitiize.

But the objective is not to excuse it but to accept it for what it obviously was, and then make it part of normal in America.

As a Canadian I have no say but I can support Chauvin's actions at least in principle for America only.

Something obviously must be done that will give police officers a needed leg up.

We should be able to agree on that at least.
I watch tons of police videos. Lots of cops put their knee on a perp's neck with nobody dying as a result. You're just going to have to face the fact that that career criminal, Floyd, was high on drugs which didn't react well to the stress he experienced as a result of committing yet another crime. I'm going to guess that he would likely be alive today had he been at a real job doing something more productive. The bottom line, though, is that we're all better off with one fewer George Floyd type in the world. If Chauvin actually did kill that dangerous criminal, we're all better off for it.
I watch tons of police videos. Lots of cops put their knee on a perp's neck with nobody dying as a result. You're just going to have to face the fact that that career criminal, Floyd, was high on drugs which didn't react well to the stress he experienced as a result of committing yet another crime. I'm going to guess that he would likely be alive today had he been at a real job doing something more productive. The bottom line, though, is that we're all better off with one fewer George Floyd type in the world. If Chauvin actually did kill that dangerous criminal, we're all better off for it.
I'm with you on there being exceptions to a police officer's legal right to execute a black man on the street.

But still, as I've told you people dozens of times now, I'm completely in favour of street executions as long as it's confined to America!
I'm with you on there being exceptions to a police officer's legal right to execute a black man on the street.

But still, as I've told you people dozens of times now, I'm completely in favour of street executions as long as it's confined to America!
So you must be for all the weekend shootings in Chicago where black thugs execute black thugs. I'm with-ya.
George Floyd & Derek Chauvin knew each other a long time before Floyd's murder. There was bad blood between them.

Chauvin used the excuse of arresting Floyd to commit murder.
They never would have met had Floyd been a productive member of society. He chose his path and made his bed. He gets to take full responsibility for the consequences of the choices he made.
They never would have met had Floyd been a productive member of society. He chose his path and made his bed. He gets to take full responsibility for the consequences of the choices he made.

So you're against America being a "free" country? That a person doesn't have a right to life unless they meet your standard of being a "Productive Member of Society"?

You're an anti-American fascist!
There was little doubt that Chauvin was completely intent on murdering him.

This helps explain Chauvin's determination, but America wasn't quite ready to allow police officers to be executioners too.

Time has passed and the country's culture has most likely ripened to a point where police murder of a black man on camera can be found acceptable by America's justice system.

It deserves another test run by the police but perhaps with a bit more caution and a few more manufactured justifications.
You stupid fucking Canadian. The police were doing what they were trained to do.
I have no ax to grind with you if you are in favour of allowing police to perform executions on the street. As I've already said, the conditions that must be met can be adjusted at any time.

If Chauvin cleared the bar then that *standard should be set as the new law that determines guilt or innocence.

* not to apply to Canada.
It was not an execution, you twit.
Like I've been saying for years, George Floyd was a manufactured crisis with the FBI, BLM and Democrat leaders fully involved in the propaganda campaign. Lots of very telling video of George Floyd and many others closely involved with the case. Educate yourself.

A police officer kneeled on the throat of a black man who passed a counterfeit 20 dollar bill for nine minutes and killed him.

The end.

There, I just spared everyone two hours of their life watching a propaganda film.

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