Just released "The Fall Of Minneapolis" documents all the hidden evidence associated with George Floyd.

So you're against America being a "free" country? That a person doesn't have a right to life unless they meet your standard of being a "Productive Member of Society"?

You're an anti-American fascist!
I believe I have the right to life and have the right to end a life if that life has the goal of ending mine. You are aware that Floyd held a pregnant woman at gunpoint, aren't you?
I absolutely agree the police need better training.

George Floyd did not deserve to die.
I did not say whether he deserved to die or not. I am simply asking you whether we can agree that he was a shit-bag fuck-brain. He was in prison, had a long rap sheet, and had enough drug in his system at the time of death to kill 10 elephants. He can't pay child support, but he can buy dope.

So, can we agree? Floyd is a sack of pig shit.
Derek Chauvin should be released immediately then he should sue everyone involved with his false imprisonment for every, single dime he can get. Follow all of that up by prosecuting and arresting his false accusers. Bearing false witness and false imprisonment are very serious crimes.

what many libs forget is that Chauvin was not doing anything illegal (at least that's according to my info). I can't watch this OP video right now because there is no CC on it. But if that choke hold was bad, yeh, work to make it illegal, but don't convict cops who use a legal procedure.

It does look bad, though, being on his neck that long.
What can America do when jurors can no longer be trusted?

Has America's entire justice system now become totally dependent on the opinions of the media?
Can the situation be saved?

Is it really down to a point where justice is dependent on who has the biggest guns and who can kill most efficiently?

You've certainly disqualified the existing system of trial by jury!
Jurors didn't hear all of the facts that have recently come to the surface. Give Chauvin another trial and he'll likely be acquitted.
That's not why he was pinned to the street and choked to death.

This is classic TardLogic.
The dude was frying his brain on drugs. That made him a threat to all. He was also resisting arrest. Cops have been trained to take down such animals.
It was shocking how much of the case was ignored by the media. This was a public trial of vengeance. Jurors knew not to oppose the mob
This was the culmination of what Obama began with his bizarre foray into the trivial "Cambridge Police vs Prof. Gates" incident ten years earlier. As a result of the George Floyd production, BLM exploded into a global billion dollar extortion racket and our country and our police departments were seriously damaged.
Like I've been saying for years, George Floyd was a manufactured crisis with the FBI, BLM and Democrat leaders fully involved in the propaganda campaign. Lots of very telling video of George Floyd and many others closely involved with the case. Educate yourself.

Yea our lying eyes deceived us, that wasn't Derek Chauvin on Floyd's neck it was body double stand in.
The dude was frying his brain on drugs. That made him a threat to all. He was also resisting arrest. Cops have been trained to take down such animals.
Floyd was a dead man walking, his pitiful life ended trying to pass a fake 20 dollar bill to buy more Fentanyl.
Yea our lying eyes deceived us, that wasn't Derek Chauvin on Floyd's neck it was body double stand in.
You are selectively ignoring the truth so you can see what you want to see. If Chauvin had wanted to kill Floyd in that way, he would have been dead within 30 seconds. The "Knee on Neck" restraint was taught in Minneapolis and other police departments. Chauvin was wrong to keep there that long and the other officers should have intervened, but that should have been no more than involuntary manslaughter with no charges for the other officers.
You are selectively ignoring the truth so you can see what you want to see. If Chauvin had wanted to kill Floyd in that way, he would have been dead within 30 seconds. The "Knee on Neck" restraint was taught in Minneapolis and other police departments. Chauvin was wrong to keep there that long and the other officers should have intervened, but that should have been no more than involuntary manslaughter with no charges for the other officers.
Please give me a break with the excuses, he murdered the man and 2 juries of his peers saw it the same way. Folks like you think the police have a license to kill when it comes to black folks. I guess it is hard to imagine it being any other way after it has gone on for over 400yrs.
A police officer kneeled on the throat of a black man who passed a counterfeit 20 dollar bill for nine minutes and killed him.

The end.

There, I just spared everyone two hours of their life watching a propaganda film.
Ah what a good minion, ignore factual evidence and just gorge on what is fed to you by your Democrat masters. You did the same with "2000 Mules". Good boy!
Please give me a break with the excuses, he murdered the man and 2 juries of his peers saw it the same way. Folks like you think the police have a license to kill when it comes to black folks. I guess it is hard to imagine it being any other way after it has gone on for over 400yrs.
Again with the 'go to' crutch of "the last 400 years". You want to believe he murdered Floyd because that feeds your anger. So be it, ignore the facts.

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