Just released "The Fall Of Minneapolis" documents all the hidden evidence associated with George Floyd.

Yeah, right. Kneeling on his neck for nine minutes had nothing to do with it.

How about you and the rest of the MAGA retards volunteer to have someone kneel on your neck with the full force of bodily weight for nine minutes and see what happens.

We can then see how many of you survive and you can come back here and tell us it was no big deal.
It's sad to see a grown man cower away from the facts of an issue, calling people ugly names, and upholding error.

How Much Methamphetamine Does it Take to Overdose?

There is no fixed amount of methamphetamine that is considered “lethal” or can lead to a meth overdose. The amount of crystal meth that may lead to a crystal meth overdose may depend on the purity of the batch, the individual’s health status, how long they were left without care, previous drug abuse, and concomitant use with other drugs or alcohol.
Common Meth Overdose Symptoms and Signs:
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Convulsions
  • Mental confusion
  • Hallucinations
  • Extreme fear or panic states
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Tremor
  • Restlessness
  • Depression
  • Impaired memory and judgment
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach pain
  • Chest pain
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Abnormal muscle contractions
  • Muscle pain or weakness

Moreover, extremely high body temperature (hyperthermia) is another vital and potentially fatal effect.


The risk of experiencing a meth overdose is highest when meth is injected directly into the bloodstream.

A toxic dose of meth can cause an irregular heartbeat, heart attack, stroke and seizures. Injecting the drug can also raise the temperature of a person’s brain and body to dangerously high levels.

Even if it doesn’t kill you, a meth overdose can cause bizarre and frightening psychotic behavior. During meth psychosis, a person may hallucinate and lose complete touch with reality. Violent and self-destructive behavior is common.
Last edited:
Again with the 'go to' crutch of "the last 400 years". You want to believe he murdered Floyd because that feeds your anger. So be it, ignore the facts.
Obviously, the State, the Federal Gov't and 2 juries believed he murdered him as well. Hard to argue against the video the whole world saw of Chauvin murdering him.
It's sad to see a grown man cower away from the facts of an issue, calling people ugly names, and upholding error.

How Much Methamphetamine Does it Take to Overdose?

There is no fixed amount of methamphetamine that is considered “lethal” or can lead to a meth overdose. The amount of crystal meth that may lead to a crystal meth overdose may depend on the purity of the batch, the individual’s health status, how long they were left without care, previous drug abuse, and concomitant use with other drugs or alcohol.
Common Meth Overdose Symptoms and Signs:
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Convulsions
  • Mental confusion
  • Hallucinations
  • Extreme fear or panic states
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Tremor
  • Restlessness
  • Depression
  • Impaired memory and judgment
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach pain
  • Chest pain
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Abnormal muscle contractions
  • Muscle pain or weakness

Moreover, extremely high body temperature (hyperthermia) is another vital and potentially fatal effect.


The risk of experiencing a meth overdose is highest when meth is injected directly into the bloodstream.

A toxic dose of meth can cause an irregular heartbeat, heart attack, stroke and seizures. Injecting the drug can also raise the temperature of a person’s brain and body to dangerously high levels.

Even if it doesn’t kill you, a meth overdose can cause bizarre and frightening psychotic behavior. During meth psychosis, a person may hallucinate and lose complete touch with reality. Violent and self-destructive behavior is common.
Where was all you shithouse lawyers at when Chauvin was on trial, twice.
Obviously, the State, the Federal Gov't and 2 juries believed he murdered him as well. Hard to argue against the video the whole world saw of Chauvin murdering him.
What a shocker, Ultra Liberal Minneapolis, Democrat controlled Federal Govt and emotional juries convicted the officers. And without the evidence only now coming out, they had all they needed to convict. How many times did you see the "knee on neck" video? How many times did the jurors see it?
What a shocker, Ultra Liberal Minneapolis, Democrat controlled Federal Govt and emotional juries convicted the officers. And without the evidence only now coming out, they had all they needed to convict. How many times did you see the "knee on neck" video? How many times did the jurors see it?
What is so unbelievable to you guys is the fact he was actually convicted, you are not used to seeing that are you? Usually when a cop murders a black man he gets a medal and a promotion. Chauvin is right where he belongs, in prison. Next time move the trial down South, that is where all the ultra conservative, republican controlled Federal Gov't is and you can get the jury that you want.
Floyd was a drug addict that died from an overdose.
The amount of drugs he had in his system should have killed him......Couple that with him having Covid at the time.

And throw in a 10-minute knee at full weight and you get a dead guy.

But, in truth, the story ain't 'Floyd'.
He simply happened to be the corpse-du-jour whose time had come.
Being videod in his death struggle by a nearby bystander didn't hurt either.
And the Minneapolis police, ummm, 'fibbing' about a 'natural death' in their after-action report didn't hurt either.

But still, Floyd wasn't the story.

Police misbehavior was the story.
And how society had finally got sick of it.
Boy, were they sick of it.
We have the least educated whites here trying to understand an autopsy report. It's like expecting monkeys to read Shakespeare.... 😄

No physical damage to the wind pipe doesn't rule out subdural neck compression resulting in cardiac arrest, which is what the autopsy found as the cause of death. For the Bingos in the audience that means if someone crushed your windpipe with a barbell that would likely result in physical damage but if someone merely nelt on your windpipe it can still restrict the oxygen you're getting without the physical trauma to your throat.
Your hero was a fuck up, and an innocent guy is in jail over it.
What is so unbelievable to you guys is the fact he was actually convicted, you are not used to seeing that are you? Usually when a cop murders a black man he gets a medal and a promotion. Chauvin is right where he belongs, in prison. Next time move the trial down South, that is where all the ultra conservative, republican controlled Federal Gov't is and you can get the jury that you want.
Fuck you, the Charleston cop that shot the black guy in the back. Was rightfully prosecuted. Chauvin was a clown show, Floyd died from his bad decisions, not Chauvin's.
Like I've been saying for years, George Floyd was a manufactured crisis with the FBI, BLM and Democrat leaders fully involved in the propaganda campaign. Lots of very telling video of George Floyd and many others closely involved with the case. Educate yourself.

So? That movie isn't gonna get his ass outa prison.
I'm going to guess that he would likely be alive today had he been at a real job doing something more productive.
Yeah, if only he had been a cardiac surgeon.....he'd likely be alive.
Or, if only he had been a computer programmer?
If only wishes were fishes....we'd all eat forever.

He chose his path and made his bed. He gets to take full responsibility for the consequences of the choices he made.
Floyd passed a fake bill he may or may not have known was fake.
Ashley Babbit charged at police through a purpose-built police barricade that her co-conspirators and fellow attackers had just violently breached. "He she gets to take full responsibility for the consequences of the choices he she made"

STFU you pos satantic leftist scum bring that shit me me motherfucker scum.
You fuck ..... goats

Would MAGA still be MAGA if they had adequate educations, no vulgarity, or hostility, or victimhood?
I honestly don't know.
Like I've been saying for years, George Floyd was a manufactured crisis with the FBI, BLM and Democrat leaders fully involved in the propaganda campaign. Lots of very telling video of George Floyd and many others closely involved with the case. Educate yourself.

Everything is "manufactured". Why? Because to get change, you need to have something people can respond to.

Rosa Parks wasn't the first person stay seated. But she had the right skin color to make it a big issue.

"The Other Rosa Parks: Now 73, Claudette Colvin Was First to Refuse Giving Up Seat on Montgomery Bus"

Rosa Parks was in the NAACP from 1943. She was a secretary for the NAACP too. It's not like she was just some random person who got angry and refused to stand for white people.

The NAACP believed that Parks' situation was the best to go through the courts. It was "manufactured", Parks did what she did because she was in the NAACP, it ended up in the courts because she was too.
There was little doubt that Chauvin was completely intent on murdering him.

This helps explain Chauvin's determination, but America wasn't quite ready to allow police officers to be executioners too.

Time has passed and the country's culture has most likely ripened to a point where police murder of a black man on camera can be found acceptable by America's justice system.

It deserves another test run by the police but perhaps with a bit more caution and a few more manufactured justifications.

F OFF foreign whack job.
If you can get wide support for that then police murder has gained political correctness in America, by the political right.

Supposing we consider the right on this board to be representative of the right in the country.

Maybe the time has come for Americans to turn a blind eye to police executions being carried out in public?

The situation in America now almost demands it!

Maybe the time has come for Americans
To stop funding your weak worthless insignificant country.
What is so unbelievable to you guys is the fact he was actually convicted, you are not used to seeing that are you? Usually when a cop murders a black man he gets a medal and a promotion. Chauvin is right where he belongs, in prison. Next time move the trial down South, that is where all the ultra conservative, republican controlled Federal Gov't is and you can get the jury that you want.
There have certainly been cases where a cop got away with murdering a Black man. This was not one of those cases. As I have stated, I believe Chauvin is guilty of excessive force and involuntary manslaughter and should have had a sentence that matched that charge. Murder was the sentence the Democrats and their woke mob wanted. Totally unjustified.
To think the Democrats and the Media essentially canonized this tragic figure of a man. I'm waiting for the Jefferson Memorial to be torn down to make room for the Floyd Memorial.

Yes....tragic.....imagine him as a child, and all the things that went into destroying him...
Yeah, if only he had been a cardiac surgeon.....he'd likely be alive.
Or, if only he had been a computer programmer?
If only wishes were fishes....we'd all eat forever.


Floyd passed a fake bill he may or may not have known was fake.
Ashley Babbit charged at police through a purpose-built police barricade that her co-conspirators and fellow attackers had just violently breached. "He she gets to take full responsibility for the consequences of the choices he she made"

Would MAGA still be MAGA if they had adequate educations, no vulgarity, or hostility, or victimhood?
I honestly don't know.
Face it. The world is better off without that gorilla terrorizing his neighborhood.
STFU you pos satantic leftist scum bring that shit me me motherfucker scum.
I believe I have the right to life and have the right to end a life if that life has the goal of ending mine. You are aware that Floyd held a pregnant woman at gunpoint, aren't you?

That happened years before he was murdered by Chauvin.

Everyone has a Constitutional right to due process of law. It's not the job of the police to execute people.

Floyd was very much under the control of the police when Chauvin murdered him. There is no justification for it.

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